You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
1.2 KiB

let parse = {
"链接": "",
"主页": function () {
let d = [];
let html = request(MY_URL);
var Label_set = pdfa(html, '#js_content&&.mult.sow')
Label_set.forEach((data) => {
title: pdfh(data, 'h2&&Text'),
col_type: "rich_text"
var item = pdfa(data, '.mult-warp.siw&&li.r1c3');
item = item.length ? item : pdfa(data, '.mult-warp.siw&&li.r1c2');
item.forEach((datas) => {
title: pdfh(datas, '.card-title&&Text'),
desc: pdfh(datas, '.card-text&&Text'),
url: 'hiker://empty#immersiveTheme##autoCache##noHistory#?url=' + pd(datas, 'a&&href') + '@rule=js:$.require("hiker://page/details")',
pic_url: (item.length/3) % 1 === 0 ? pd(datas, 'img&&data-src').replace('-300x400.jpg', '') : pd(datas, 'img&&data-src'),
col_type: (item.length/3) % 1 === 0 ? "movie_3_marquee" : "movie_2",
extra: {
name: pdfh(datas, '.card-title&&Text')
return d;