You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1541 lines
78 KiB
1541 lines
78 KiB
// 本代码仅用于个人学习,请勿用于其他作用,下载后请24小时内删除,代码虽然是公开学习的,但请尊重作者,应留下说明
// 获取一级数据
function getYiData(jkdata) {
let fllists;
let vodlists;
let error = {};
let api_name = || "";
let api_type = jkdata.type || "";
let api_url = jkdata.url || "";
let api_ua = || "MOBILE_UA";
api_ua = api_ua == "MOBILE_UA" ? MOBILE_UA : api_ua == "PC_UA" ? PC_UA : api_ua;
let headers = { 'User-Agent': api_ua };
let vodhost, classurl, listurl, detailurl, listnode, extdata;
let fold = getMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$fold', "0");//是否展开小分类筛选
let cate_id = getMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$分类', '');
let fl = storage0.getMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$flCache') || {};
if(cate_id=="tj" && MY_PAGE>1){
return {
fllists: [],
vodlists: [],
error: {}
if (api_type == "v1") {
let date = new Date();
let mm = date.getMonth() + 1;
let dd = date.getDate();
let key = (mm < 10 ? "0" + mm : mm) + "" + (dd < 10 ? "0" + dd : dd);
classurl = api_url + "/types";
listurl = api_url + '?key=' + key + '&type=${fl.cateId}&page=' + MY_PAGE;
detailurl = api_url + '/detail?&key=' + key + '&vod_id=';
listnode = "";
} else if (api_type == "app") {
classurl = api_url + "nav";
listurl = api_url + 'video?tid=${fl.cateId}&pg=' + MY_PAGE;
detailurl = api_url + 'video_detail?id=';
listnode = "json.list";
} else if (api_type == "v2") {
classurl = api_url + "nav";
listurl = api_url + 'video?tid=${fl.cateId}&pg=' + MY_PAGE;
detailurl = api_url + 'video_detail?id=';
listnode = "";
} else if (api_type == "iptv") {
classurl = api_url + "?ac=flitter";
listurl = api_url + '?ac=list&class=${fl.cateId}&page=' + MY_PAGE;
detailurl = api_url + '?ac=detail&ids=';
listnode = "";
} else if (api_type == "cms") {
api_url = api_url.replace('?ac=list','');
classurl = api_url + "?ac=list";
listurl = api_url + '?ac=videolist&t=${fl.cateId}&pg=' + MY_PAGE;
detailurl = api_url + '?ac=videolist&ids=';
listnode = "json.list";
} else if (/XBPQ|XPath|XYQ/.test(api_type)) {
extdata = extDataCache(jkdata);
if ($.type(extdata) == 'object') {
if (api_type == "XBPQ") {
let host = extdata["主页url"] || '';
classurl = extdata["分类"];
extdata["分类url"] = extdata["分类url"] ? extdata["分类url"].split(';;')[0].split('[')[0] : "";
listurl = extdata["分类url"] ? /^http/.test(extdata["分类url"]) ? extdata["分类url"] : host + extdata["分类url"] : "";
} else if (api_type == "XPath") {
let host = extdata["homeUrl"] || '';
classurl = host;
extdata["cateUrl"] = extdata["cateUrl"] ? extdata["cateUrl"].split(';;')[0].split('[')[0] : "";
listurl = extdata["cateUrl"] ? /^http/.test(extdata["cateUrl"]) ? extdata["cateUrl"] : host + extdata["cateUrl"] : "";
} else if (api_type == "XYQ") {
if (extdata["请求头参数"]) {
if (extdata["请求头参数"].includes('#') || extdata["请求头参数"].includes('$')) {
extdata["请求头参数"].split('#').forEach(v => {
headers[v.split('$')[0]] = v.split('$')[1];
} else {
headers["User-Agent"] = extdata["请求头参数"] || headers["User-Agent"];
headers["User-Agent"] = (headers["User-Agent"] == "电脑" || headers["User-Agent"] == "PC_UA") ? PC_UA : MOBILE_UA;
let host = extdata["首页推荐链接"] || '';
classurl = host;
extdata["分类链接"] = extdata["分类链接"].includes('firstPage=')&&MY_PAGE==1?extdata["分类链接"].split('firstPage=')[1].split(']')[0]:extdata["分类链接"].split('[')[0];
listurl = extdata["分类链接"] ? /^http/.test(extdata["分类链接"]) ? extdata["分类链接"] : host + extdata["分类链接"] : "";
vodhost = getHome(listurl);
} else if (api_type == 'hipy_t3') {
let apifile = getDrpyFile(jkdata);
//let env = $.require(config.依赖.match(/http(s)?:\/\/.*\//)[0] + 'SrcJyDrpy.js');
let env = GM.defineModule("SrcJuDrpy", config.依赖.match(/http(s)?:\/\/.*\//)[0] + "SrcJyDrpy.js", false);
var drpy = env.createOrGetEnvironment(api_name, apifile);
let rule = drpy.getRule();
classurl = rule.homeUrl ||;
listurl = rule.filter_url ||;
} else if (api_type == "hipy_t4") {
classurl = api_url + "&extend=" + jkdata.ext + "&filter=true";
listurl = api_url + "&t={cate_id}&ac=detail&pg="+MY_PAGE+"&extend="+jkdata.ext+"&ext={flb64}";
//listnode = "json.list";
} else {
log(api_type + '>api类型错误');
return {
fllists: [],
vodlists: [],
error: {}
if (MY_PAGE == 1) {
if (classurl) {
MY_URL = classurl;
let 推荐 = [];
let 分类 = [];
let 筛选;
let cate_exclude = ['主页', '求片/留言'];
const Color = "#3399cc";
let classCache = storage0.getMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$classCache');
if (classCache) {
推荐 = classCache.推荐;
分类 = classCache.分类;
筛选 = classCache.筛选;
} else {
try {
if (api_type == "hipy_t4"){
let home = JSON.parse(getHtml(classurl, headers));
let typelist = home['class'] || [];
分类.push(v.type_name + '$' + v.type_id);
筛选 = home['filters'];
let homeVod = home['list'] || [];
推荐.push({ "vod_url": it.vod_id, "vod_name": it.vod_name, "vod_desc": it.vod_remarks, "vod_pic": it.vod_pic });
}else if (api_type == "hipy_t3") {
let home = JSON.parse(drpy.home());
let typelist = home['class'] || [];
分类.push(v.type_name + '$' + v.type_id);
筛选 = home['filters'];
let homeVod = JSON.parse(drpy.homeVod()).list || [];
推荐.push({ "vod_url": it.vod_id, "vod_name": it.vod_name, "vod_desc": it.vod_remarks, "vod_pic": it.vod_pic });
} else if (api_type == "XYQ") {
if (extdata['是否开启获取首页数据'] && extdata['首页列表数组规则']) {
let gethtml = getHtml(classurl, headers);
let 首页列表数组 = pdfa(gethtml, extdata['首页列表数组规则']);
首页列表数组.forEach(it => {
pdfa(it, extdata['首页片单列表数组规则']).forEach(v => {
if (extdata['首页片单是否Jsoup写法'] == "1") {
let vodid = pd(v, extdata['首页片单链接'] || extdata['分类片单链接'], vodhost);
let vodname = pdfh(v, extdata['首页片单标题'] || extdata['分类片单标题']);
let vodpic = pdfh(v, extdata['首页片单图片'] || extdata['分类片单图片']);
let voddesc = pdfh(v, extdata['首页片单副标题'] || extdata['分类片单副标题']);
if (vodid && vodname) {
推荐.push({ "vod_url": vodid, "vod_name": vodname, "vod_desc": voddesc, "vod_pic": vodpic });
let typenames = extdata['分类名称'] ? extdata['分类名称'].split('&') : [];
let typeids = extdata['分类名称替换词'] ? extdata['分类名称替换词'].split('&') : [];
for (let i in typeids) {
if (cate_exclude.indexOf(typenames[i]) == -1) {
分类.push(typenames[i] + '$' + typeids[i]);
if ($.type(extdata['筛选数据']) == "string" && extdata['筛选数据'] == "ext") {
let 筛选循环 = ["子分类", "类型", "地区", "年份", "语言", "排序"];
let 筛选循环id = ["cateId", "class", "area", "year", "lang", "by"];
筛选循环.forEach((it, id) => {
if (extdata['筛选' + it + '名称'] && extdata['筛选' + it + '替换词']) {
extdata['筛选' + it + '替换词'] = extdata['筛选' + it + '替换词'] == "*" ? extdata['筛选' + it + '名称'] : extdata['筛选' + it + '替换词'];
let catenames = extdata['筛选' + it + '名称'].split('||');
let cateids = extdata['筛选' + it + '替换词'].split('||');
if (it == "排序") {
for (let i = 0; i < typeids.length; i++) {
catenames = catenames.concat(catenames);
cateids = cateids.concat(cateids);
cateids.forEach((x, i) => {
let value = [];
let names = catenames[i].split('&');
let ids = cateids[i].split('&');
for (let j in names) {
value.push({ n: names[j], v: ids[j] });
if (value.length > 0) {
if (it != "排序") {
value.unshift({ n: "全部", v: "" });
筛选 = 筛选 || {};
筛选[typeids[i]] = 筛选[typeids[i]] || [];
筛选[typeids[i]].push({ "key": 筛选循环id[id], "name": it, "value": value });
} else if (api_type == "XPath") {
let gethtml = getHtml(classurl, headers);
let typenames = xpathArray(gethtml, extdata['cateNode'] + extdata['cateName']);
let typeids = xpathArray(gethtml, extdata['cateNode'] + extdata['cateId']);
if (extdata['cateIdR']) {
typeids = => {
return x.match(extdata['cateIdR'])[1];
for (let i in typeids) {
if (cate_exclude.indexOf(typenames[i]) == -1) {
分类.push(typenames[i] + '$' + typeids[i]);
} else if (api_type == "XBPQ") {
if (extdata["分类"].indexOf('$') > -1) {
分类 = extdata["分类"].split('#');
} else if (extdata["分类"].indexOf('&') > -1 && extdata["分类值"]) {
let typenames = extdata["分类"].split('&');
let typeids = extdata["分类值"].split('&');
for (let i in typeids) {
if (cate_exclude.indexOf(typenames[i]) == -1) {
分类.push(typenames[i] + '$' + typeids[i]);
筛选 = extdata["筛选"];
} else {
let gethtml = getHtml(classurl, headers);
if (api_type == "v1") {
let typehtml = JSON.parse(gethtml);
let typelist = ||;
| => {
分类.push(it.type_name + '$' + it.type_id);
} else if (/app|v2/.test(api_type)) {
let typehtml = JSON.parse(gethtml);
let typelist = typehtml.list ||;
typelist.forEach(it => {
分类.push(it.type_name + '$' + it.type_id);
let gettjhtml = getHtml(jkdata.url+'index_video?token=', headers);
let tjlist = JSON.parse(gettjhtml).list;
推荐.push({ "vod_url": detailurl + v.vod_id, "vod_name": v.vod_name, "vod_desc": v.vod_remarks, "vod_pic": v.vod_pic });
} else if (api_type == "iptv") {
let type_dict = {
comic: '动漫',
movie: '电影',
tvplay: '电视剧',
tvshow: '综艺',
movie_4k: '4k',
hanguoju: '韩剧',
oumeiju: '欧美剧',
tiyu: '体育'
let typelist = JSON.parse(gethtml);
typelist.forEach((it) => {
if (type_dict[it]) {
分类.push(type_dict[it] + '$' + it);
} else if (api_type == "cms") {
if (/<\?xml/.test(gethtml)) {
let typelist = pdfa(gethtml, 'class&&ty');
if (jkdata.categories) {
for (var i = 0; i < typelist.length; i++) {
if (jkdata.categories.indexOf(String(xpath(typelist[i], `//ty/text()`)).trim()) == -1) {
typelist.splice(i, 1);
i = i - 1;
typelist.forEach((it) => {
分类.push(String(xpath(it, `//ty/text()`)).trim() + '$' + String(xpath(it, `//ty/@id`)).trim());
} else {
let typehtml = dealJson(gethtml);
let typelist = typehtml["class"] || [];
if (jkdata.categories) {
for (var i = 0; i < typelist.length; i++) {
if (jkdata.categories.indexOf(typelist[i].type_name) == -1 && typelist[i].type_pid!=0) {
typelist.splice(i, 1);
i = i - 1;
typelist.forEach((it) => {
if(it.type_name && it.type_id){
分类.push(it.type_name + '$' + it.type_id);
}else if (it.type_pid==0) {
let value = [];
typelist.forEach((itit) => {
if (itit.type_pid == it.type_id) {
value.push({ n: itit.type_name, v: itit.type_id });
if (value.length > 0) {
筛选 = 筛选 || {};
筛选[it.type_id] = [{ "key": "cateId", "name": it.type_name, "value": value }];
} catch (e) {
error.fl = 1;
log(api_name + '>获取分类数据异常>' + e.message + " 错误行#" + e.lineNumber);
if (分类.length > 0) {
storage0.putMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$classCache', { 分类: 分类, 筛选: 筛选, 推荐: 推荐 });
if (分类.length > 0) {
fllists = [];
try {
cate_id = getMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$分类', 推荐.length > 0 ? 'tj' : 分类[0].split('$')[1]);
if ($.type(筛选)=='object' && api_type != 'cms' && cate_id != 'tj') {
title: fold === '1' ? '““””<b><span style="color: #F54343">∨</span></b>' : '““””<b><span style="color:' + Color + '">∧</span></b>',
url: $('#noLoading#').lazyRule((fold) => {
putMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$fold', fold === '1' ? '0' : '1');
return "hiker://empty";
}, fold),
col_type: 'scroll_button',
putMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$分类', cate_id);
if (推荐.length > 0) {
if (cate_id == 'tj') {
vodlists = 推荐;//当前分类为推荐,取推荐列表
title: cate_id == 'tj' ? '““””<b><span style="color:' + Color + '">' + '推荐' + '</span></b>' : '推荐',
url: $('#noLoading#').lazyRule(() => {
putMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$分类', 'tj');
return "hiker://empty";
col_type: 'scroll_button'
分类.forEach((it, i) => {
let itname = it.split('$')[0];
let itid = it.split('$')[1];
title: cate_id == itid ? '““””<b><span style="color:' + Color + '">' + itname + '</span></b>' : itname,
url: $('#noLoading#').lazyRule((itid) => {
putMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$分类', itid);
return "hiker://empty";
}, itid),
col_type: 'scroll_button'
col_type: "blank_block"
if (筛选 && (fold == '1' || api_type == 'cms')) {
Object.entries(筛选).forEach(([key, value]) => {
//console.log(`Key: ${key}, Value: ${value}`);
if (key == cate_id) {
value.forEach(it => {
if (it.value.length > 0) {
fl[it.key] = fl[it.key] || it.value[0].v;
it.value.forEach((itit) => {
title: fl[it.key] == itit.v ? '““””<b><span style="color:' + Color + '">' + itit.n + '</span></b>' : itit.n,
url: $('#noLoading#').lazyRule((flkey, itid) => {
let fl = storage0.getMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$flCache') || {};
fl[flkey] = itid;
storage0.putMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$flCache', fl);
return "hiker://empty";
}, it.key, itit.v),
col_type: 'scroll_button'
col_type: "blank_block"
storage0.putMyVar('SrcJu_dianbo$flCache', fl);
} catch (e) {
error.fl = 1;
log(api_name + '>生成分类数据异常>' + e.message + " 错误行#" + e.lineNumber);
if (listurl && cate_id!="tj" && !error.fl) {
try {
fl.cateId = fl.cateId || cate_id;
if (api_type == 'hipy_t4'){
MY_URL = listurl.replace('{cate_id}', fl.cateId).replace('{flb64}', base64Encode(JSON.stringify(fl)));
} else if (api_type == "XYQ") {
fl.catePg = MY_PAGE;
let execStrs = getExecStrs(listurl);
execStrs.forEach(k => {
if (!fl[k]) {
listurl = listurl.replace('/' + k + '/{' + k + '}', '');
listurl = listurl.replace('{catePg}', MY_PAGE).replace(/{/g, '${fl.').replace(/}/g, ' || ""}');
eval(`listurl = \`${listurl}\`;`);
MY_URL = listurl;
} else if (api_type == "XPath") {
fl.catePg = MY_PAGE;
let execStrs = getExecStrs(listurl);
execStrs.forEach(k => {
if (!fl[k]) {
listurl = listurl.replace('/' + k + '/{' + k + '}', '');
listurl = listurl.replace('{catePg}', MY_PAGE).replace(/{/g, '${fl.').replace(/}/g, ' || ""}');
eval(`listurl = \`${listurl}\`;`);
MY_URL = listurl;
} else if (api_type == "XBPQ") {
fl.catePg = MY_PAGE;
let execStrs = getExecStrs(listurl);
execStrs.forEach(k => {
if (!fl[k]) {
listurl = listurl.replace('/' + k + '/{' + k + '}', '');
listurl = listurl.replace('{catePg}', extdata["起始页"] ? MY_PAGE > extdata["起始页"] ? MY_PAGE : extdata["起始页"] : MY_PAGE).replace(/{/g, '${fl.').replace(/}/g, ' || ""}');
eval(`listurl = \`${listurl}\`;`);
MY_URL = listurl;
} else {
eval(`listurl = \`${listurl}\`;`);
MY_URL = listurl;
vodlists = [];
let vod_name, vod_pic, vod_url, vod_desc;
if (api_type=="hipy_t4") {
let vodlist = JSON.parse(getHtml(MY_URL, headers)).list || [];
vodlists.push({ "vod_url": it.vod_id.toString(), "vod_name": it.vod_name, "vod_desc": it.vod_remarks, "vod_pic": it.vod_pic });
}else if (api_type=="hipy_t3") {
let vodlist = JSON.parse(drpy.category(fl.cateId, MY_PAGE, true, fl)).list || [];
vodlists.push({ "vod_url": it.vod_id.toString(), "vod_name": it.vod_name, "vod_desc": it.vod_remarks, "vod_pic": it.vod_pic });
}else if (api_type == "XYQ") {
let gethtml = getHtml(MY_URL, headers);
if (extdata['分类片单是否Jsoup写法'] == "1" && extdata['分类列表数组规则']) {
pdfa(gethtml, extdata['分类列表数组规则']).forEach(it => {
let vodname = pdfh(it, extdata['分类片单标题']);
let vodid = pd(it, extdata['分类片单链接'], vodhost);
let vodimg = pdfh(it, extdata['分类片单图片']);
let voddesc = pdfh(it, extdata['分类片单副标题']);
if (vodname && vodid) {
let arr = { "vod_url": vodid, "vod_name": vodname, "vod_desc": voddesc, "vod_pic": vodimg };
} else if (api_type == "XPath") {
let gethtml = getHtml(MY_URL, headers);
let vodnames = xpathArray(gethtml, extdata["homeVodNode"] + extdata["homeVodName"]);
let vodids = xpathArray(gethtml, extdata["homeVodNode"] + extdata["homeVodId"]);
let vodimgs = xpathArray(gethtml, extdata["homeVodNode"] + extdata["homeVodImg"]);
let vodmarks = xpathArray(gethtml, extdata["homeVodNode"] + extdata["homeVodMark"]);
for (let i in vodids) {
if (vodids[i] && vodnames[i]) {
let arr = { "vod_url": vodhost + vodids[i], "vod_name": vodnames[i], "vod_desc": vodmarks[i], "vod_pic": vodimgs[i] };
} else if (api_type == "XBPQ") {
let gethtml = getHtml(MY_URL, headers);
extdata["二次截取"] = extdata["二次截取"] || (gethtml.indexOf(`<ul class="stui-vodlist`) > -1 ? `<ul class="stui-vodlist&&</ul>` : gethtml.indexOf(`<ul class="myui-vodlist`) > -1 ? `<ul class="myui-vodlist&&</ul>` : "");
if (extdata["二次截取"]) {
gethtml = gethtml.split(extdata["二次截取"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["二次截取"].split('&&')[1])[0];
extdata["链接"] = extdata["链接"] || `href="&&"`;
extdata["标题"] = extdata["标题"] || `title="&&"`;
extdata["数组"] = extdata["数组"] || `<a &&</a>`;
let vodlist = gethtml.match(new RegExp(extdata["数组"].split('[')[0].replace('&&', '((?:.|[\r\n])*?)'), 'g')) || [];
vodlist.forEach(item => {
if (!extdata["图片"]) {
if (item.indexOf('original=') > -1) {
extdata["图片"] = `original="&&"`;
} else if (item.indexOf('<img src=') > -1) {
extdata["图片"] = `<img src="&&"`;
if (extdata["图片"] && item.indexOf(extdata["图片"].split("&&")[0]) > -1) {
vod_url = getBetweenStr(item, extdata["链接"]);
vod_url = /^http/.test(vod_url) ? vod_url : vodhost + vod_url;
vod_name = getBetweenStr(item, extdata["标题"]);
vod_pic = "";
try {
vod_pic = getBetweenStr(item, extdata["图片"]);
} catch (e) { }
vod_desc = "";
try {
vod_desc = getBetweenStr(item, extdata["副标题"]);
} catch (e) { }
let arr = { "vod_url": vod_url, "vod_name": vod_name, "vod_desc": vod_desc, "vod_pic": vod_pic };
} else {
let gethtml = getHtml(MY_URL, headers);
let json;
if (api_type=="cms" && /<\?xml/.test(gethtml)) {
gethtml = gethtml.replace(/<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>|<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>/g, '');
let xmllist = [];
let videos = pdfa(gethtml, 'list&&video');
for (let i in videos) {
let id = String(xpath(videos[i], `//video/id/text()`)).trim();
let name = String(xpath(videos[i], `//video/name/text()`)).trim();
let pic = String(xpath(videos[i], `//video/pic/text()`)).trim();
let note = String(xpath(videos[i], `//video/note/text()`)).trim();
let arr = { "vod_id": id, "vod_name": name, "vod_remarks": note, "vod_pic": pic };
let plays = xpathArray(videos[i], `//video/dl/dd/text()`);
if (plays.length == 1) {
let play = plays[0];
if (play.indexOf('$') == -1 && play.indexOf('m3u8') > -1) {
arr['play'] = play.trim();
json = { "list": xmllist };
} else if (!/{|}/.test(gethtml) && gethtml != "") {
let decfile = globalMap0.getMyVar('gmParams').datapath + "appdec.js";
let Juyingdec = fetch(decfile);
if (Juyingdec != "") {
json = JSON.parse(xgdec(gethtml));
} else {
json = JSON.parse(gethtml);
let vodlist = [];
try {
vodlist = eval(listnode) || json.list || || || [];
} catch (e) {
vodlist = json.list || || || [];
vodlist.forEach(it => {
if (api_type == 'cms' && it.vod_play_url) {
if (it.vod_play_url.indexOf('$') == -1 && it.vod_play_url.indexOf('m3u8') > -1) {
it['play'] = it.vod_play_url;
let vodurl = it.vod_id ? detailurl + it.vod_id : it.nextlink;
let vodpic = it.vod_pic || it.pic || "";
let arr = { "vod_url": vodurl, "vod_name": it.vod_name || it.title, "vod_desc": it.vod_remarks || it.state || "", "vod_pic": vodpic, "vod_play": };
} catch (e) {
error.vod = 1;
log(api_name + '>获取列表异常>' + e.message + ' 错误行#' + e.lineNumber);
return {
fllists: fllists,
vodlists: vodlists,
error: error
// 获取搜索数据
function getSsData(name, jkdata, page) {
name = name.replace(/全集.*|国语.*|粤语.*/g, '');
let api_name = || "";
let api_type = jkdata.type || "";
let api_url = jkdata.url || "";
let api_ua = || "MOBILE_UA";
api_ua = api_ua == "MOBILE_UA" ? MOBILE_UA : api_ua == "PC_UA" ? PC_UA : api_ua;
let headers = { 'User-Agent': api_ua };
let vodurlhead, ssurl, postdata, listnode, extdata;
if (api_type == "v1") {
let date = new Date();
let mm = date.getMonth() + 1;
let dd = date.getDate();
let key = (mm < 10 ? "0" + mm : mm) + "" + (dd < 10 ? "0" + dd : dd);
vodurlhead = api_url + '/detail?&key=' + key + '&vod_id=';
ssurl = api_url + '?ac=videolist&limit=10&wd=' + name + '&key=' + key;
listnode = "";
} else if (api_type == "app") {
vodurlhead = api_url + 'video_detail?id=';
ssurl = api_url + 'search?limit=10&text=' + name;
listnode = "json.list";
} else if (api_type == "v2") {
vodurlhead = api_url + 'video_detail?id=';
ssurl = api_url + 'search?limit=10&text=' + name;
listnode = "";
} else if (api_type == "iptv") {
vodurlhead = api_url + '?ac=detail&ids=';
ssurl = api_url + '?ac=list&zm=' + name + '&wd=' + name;
listnode = "";
} else if (api_type == "cms") {
vodurlhead = api_url + '?ac=videolist&ids=';
ssurl = api_url + '?ac=videolist&wd=' + name;
listnode = "json.list";
} else if (/XPath|biubiu|XBPQ|XYQ/.test(api_type)) {
extdata = extDataCache(jkdata)
if ($.type(extdata) == 'object') {
if (api_type == "XBPQ") {
extdata["搜索url"] = extdata["搜索url"] || "/index.php/ajax/suggest?mid=1&wd={wd}&limit=500";
ssurl = extdata["搜索url"].replace('{wd}', name).replace('{pg}', page);
ssurl = /^http/.test(ssurl) ? ssurl : extdata["主页url"] + ssurl;
vodurlhead = getHome(ssurl);
} else if (api_type == "XPath") {
ssurl = extdata["searchUrl"].replace('{wd}', name).replace('{pg}', page);
ssurl = /^http/.test(ssurl) ? ssurl : extdata["homeUrl"] + ssurl;
vodurlhead = getHome(ssurl);
} else if (api_type == "XYQ") {
if (extdata["搜索请求头参数"]) {
if (extdata["搜索请求头参数"].includes('#') || extdata["搜索请求头参数"].includes('$')) {
extdata["搜索请求头参数"].split('#').forEach(v => {
headers[v.split('$')[0]] = v.split('$')[1];
} else {
headers["User-Agent"] = extdata["搜索请求头参数"] || headers["User-Agent"];
headers["User-Agent"] = (headers["User-Agent"] == "电脑" || headers["User-Agent"] == "PC_UA") ? PC_UA : MOBILE_UA;
ssurl = extdata["搜索链接"].replace('{wd}', name).replace('{pg}', page);
if (extdata["POST请求数据"] != "") {
ssurl = ssurl.split(';')[0];
postdata = extdata["POST请求数据"].replace('{wd}', name).replace('{pg}', page);
vodurlhead = getHome(ssurl);
} else if (api_type=="hipy_t3" || api_type=="hipy_t4") {
vodurlhead = "";
listnode = "json.list";
} else {
return [];
function getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers) {
let html = request(ssurl, { headers: headers, timeout: timeout });
try {
if (html.indexOf('cf-wrapper') != -1) {
html = fetchCodeByWebView(ssurl, { headers: headers, 'blockRules': ['.png', '.jpg'],checkJs: $.toString((name)=>{
if(document.body.innerHTML.includes(name)) {
return 1;
},name) });
}else if (html.indexOf('检测中') != -1) {
html = request(ssurl + '&btwaf' + html.match(/btwaf(.*?)\"/)[1], { headers: headers, timeout: timeout });
} else if (/页面已拦截/.test(html)) {
html = fetchCodeByWebView(ssurl, { headers: headers, 'blockRules': ['.png', '.jpg', '.gif', '.mp3', '.mp4'], timeout: timeout });
html = pdfh(html, 'body&&pre&&Text');
} else if (/系统安全验证/.test(html)) {
log(api_name + '>' + ssurl + '>页面有验证码拦截');
function ocr(codeurl, headers) {
headers = headers || {};
let img = convertBase64Image(codeurl, headers).replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '');
let code = request('', { body: img, method: 'POST', headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html" } });
code = code.replace(/o/g, '0').replace(/u/g, '0').replace(/I/g, '1').replace(/l/g, '1').replace(/g/g, '9');
log('识别验证码:' + code);
return code;
let www = ssurl.split('/');
let home = www[0] + '//' + www[2];
let codeurl = home + (ssurl.indexOf('search-pg-1-wd-') > -1 ? '/inc/common/code.php?a=search' : '/index.php/verify/index.html?');
let cook = fetchCookie(codeurl, { headers: headers });
headers.Cookie = JSON.parse(cook || '[]').join(';');
let vcode = ocr(codeurl, headers);
fetch(home + (ssurl.indexOf('search-pg-1-wd-') > -1 ? '/inc/ajax.php?ac=code_check&type=search&code=' : html.match(/\/index.php.*?verify=/)[0]) + vcode, {
headers: headers,
method: ssurl.indexOf('search-pg-1-wd-') > -1 ? 'GET' : 'POST'
html = request(ssurl, { headers: headers, timeout: timeout });
} catch (e) { }
return html;
let lists = [];
let gethtml = "";
let ssvodurl;
try {
if (/v1|app|iptv|v2|cms|hipy_/.test(api_type)) {
let json;
json = JSON.parse(getHtml(jkdata.url+"&wd="+name+"&extend="+jkdata.ext+"&quick=false", headers));
}else if(api_type=="hipy_t3"){
let apifile = getDrpyFile(jkdata);
let env = $.require(config.依赖.match(/http(s)?:\/\/.*\//)[0] + 'SrcJyDrpy.js');
let drpy = env.createOrGetEnvironment(, apifile);
json = JSON.parse(, 0, page));
json = {};
gethtml = getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers);
if (/cms/.test(api_type)) {
if (gethtml && gethtml.indexOf(name) == -1) {
gethtml = getHtmlCode(ssurl.replace('videolist', 'list'), headers);
if (/<\?xml/.test(gethtml)) {
gethtml = gethtml.replace(/<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>|<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>/g, '');
let xmllist = [];
let videos = pdfa(gethtml, 'list&&video');
for (let i in videos) {
let id = String(xpath(videos[i], `//video/id/text()`)).trim();
let name = String(xpath(videos[i], `//video/name/text()`)).trim();
let pic = String(xpath(videos[i], `//video/pic/text()`)).trim();
let note = String(xpath(videos[i], `//video/note/text()`)).trim();
xmllist.push({ "vod_id": id, "vod_name": name, "vod_remarks": note, "vod_pic": pic })
json = { "list": xmllist };
} else {
json = JSON.parse(gethtml);
} else if (!/{|}/.test(gethtml) && gethtml != "") {
let decfile = globalMap0.getMyVar('gmParams').datapath + "appdec.js";
let Juyingdec = fetch(decfile);
if (Juyingdec != "") {
json = JSON.parse(xgdec(gethtml));
} else {
json = JSON.parse(gethtml.replace(/<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, ''));
try {
lists = eval(listnode) || json.list || || || [];
} catch (e) {
lists = json.list || || || [];
if (lists.length == 0 && api_type == "iptv") {
ssurl = ssurl.replace('&zm=' + name, '');
json = JSON.parse(getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers));
lists = || [];
lists = => {
let vodname = list.vod_name || list.title;
let vodpic = list.vod_pic || list.pic || "";
let voddesc = list.vod_remarks || list.state || "";
let vodurl = list.vod_id ? vodurlhead + list.vod_id : list.nextlink;
let vodcontent = list.vod_content || list.vod_blurb || "";
return {
vodname: vodname,
vodpic: vodpic.indexOf('ver.txt') > -1 ? "" : vodpic,
voddesc: voddesc,
vodurl: vodurl,
vodcontent: vodcontent
} else {
if (api_type == "XPath") {
if (extdata.scVodNode == "json:list") {
gethtml = getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers);
let json = JSON.parse(gethtml);
lists = json.list || [];
lists.forEach(item => {
if (extdata.scVodId) {
| = item[extdata.scVodId];
} else {
let sstype = ssurl.indexOf(';post') > -1 ? "post" : "get";
if (sstype == "post") {
let ssstr = ssurl.replace(';post', '').split('?');
postdata = ssstr[ssstr.length - 1];
if (ssstr.length > 2) {
ssstr.length = ssstr.length - 1;
ssurl = ssstr.join('?');
gethtml = request(ssurl, { headers: headers, timeout: timeout, method: 'POST', body: postdata });
} else {
gethtml = getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers);
let title = xpathArray(gethtml, extdata.scVodNode + extdata.scVodName);
let href = xpathArray(gethtml, extdata.scVodNode + extdata.scVodId);
let img = xpathArray(gethtml, extdata.scVodNode + extdata.scVodImg);
let mark = xpathArray(gethtml, extdata.scVodNode + extdata.scVodMark) || "";
for (let j in title) {
lists.push({ "id": /^http/.test(href[j]) || /\{vid}$/.test(extdata.dtUrl) ? href[j] : href[j].replace(/\/.*?\/|\.html/g, ''), "name": title[j], "pic": img[j], "desc": mark[j] })
ssvodurl = `extdata.dtUrl.replace('{vid}',`;
} else if(api_type == "biubiu"){
ssurl = extdata.url + extdata.sousuoqian + name + extdata.sousuohou;
if (extdata.ssmoshi == "0") {
gethtml = getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers);
let html = JSON.parse(gethtml);
lists = html.list || [];
} else {
let sstype = ssurl.indexOf(';post') > -1 ? "post" : "get";
if (sstype == "post") {
let ssstr = ssurl.replace(';post','').split('?');
var postcs = ssstr[ssstr.length-1];
ssstr.length = ssstr.length-1;
var gethtml = request(ssurl, { headers: headers, timeout:timeout, method: 'POST', body: postcs });
} else {
gethtml = getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers);
let sslist = gethtml.split(extdata.jiequshuzuqian.replace(/\\/g, ""));
sslist.splice(0, 1);
for (let i = 0; i < sslist.length; i++) {
sslist[i] = sslist[i].split(extdata.jiequshuzuhou.replace(/\\/g, ""))[0];
let title = sslist[i].split(extdata.biaotiqian.replace(/\\/g, ""))[1].split(extdata.biaotihou.replace(/\\/g, ""))[0];
let href = sslist[i].split(extdata.lianjieqian.replace(/\\/g, ""))[1].split(extdata.lianjiehou.replace(/\\/g, ""))[0].replace(extdata.sousuohouzhui.replace(/\\/g, ""), "");//.replace('.html','')
let img = sslist[i].split(extdata.tupianqian.replace(/\\/g, ""))[1].split(extdata.tupianhou.replace(/\\/g, ""))[0];
let mark = "";
lists.push({ "id": href, "name": title, "pic": img, "desc": mark })
if (extdata.sousuohouzhui == "/vod/") { extdata.sousuohouzhui = "/index.php/vod/detail/id/" }
ssvodurl = ``;//+'.html'
}else if (api_type=="XBPQ"){
if (extdata["搜索模式"] == "0" && extdata["搜索后缀"]) {
gethtml = getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers);
let html = JSON.parse(gethtml);
lists = html.list || [];
ssvodurl = `extdata["主页url"] + extdata["搜索后缀"] + + '.html'`;
} else {
let sstype = ssurl.indexOf(';post') > -1 ? "post" : "get";
if (sstype == "post") {
let postcs = ssurl.split(';')[2];
ssurl = ssurl.split(';')[0];
gethtml = request(ssurl, { headers: headers, timeout: timeout, method: 'POST', body: postcs });
} else {
gethtml = getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers);
if (extdata["搜索二次截取"]) {
gethtml = gethtml.split(extdata["搜索二次截取"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["搜索二次截取"].split('&&')[1])[0];
let sslist = gethtml.match(new RegExp((extdata["搜索数组"]||extdata["数组"]).replace('&&', '((?:.|[\r\n])*?)'), 'g')) || [];
for (let i = 0; i < sslist.length; i++) {
let title = getBetweenStr(sslist[i], (extdata["搜索标题"]||extdata["标题"]));//sslist[i].split(extdata["搜索标题"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["搜索标题"].split('&&')[1])[0];
let href = getBetweenStr(sslist[i], (extdata["搜索链接"]||extdata["链接"]).replace(`+\"id\":`, '').replace(`,+`, '.'));//sslist[i].split(extdata["搜索链接"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["搜索链接"].split('&&')[1])[0];
let img = getBetweenStr(sslist[i], (extdata["搜索图片"]||extdata["图片"]));//sslist[i].split(extdata["搜索图片"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["搜索图片"].split('&&')[1])[0];
let desc = getBetweenStr(sslist[i], (extdata["搜索副标题"]||extdata["副标题"]));//sslist[i].split(extdata["搜索副标题"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["搜索副标题"].split('&&')[1])[0];
lists.push({ "id": /^http/.test(href) ? href : vodurlhead + href, "name": title, "pic": img, "desc": desc })
ssvodurl = "";
}else if(api_type=="XYQ"){
if (extdata["搜索后缀"]) {
gethtml = getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers);
let html = JSON.parse(gethtml);
lists = html.list || [];
ssvodurl = `extdata["主页url"] + extdata["搜索后缀"] + + '.html'`;
} else {*/
if (postdata) {
gethtml = request(ssurl, { headers: headers, timeout: timeout, method: 'POST', body: postdata });
} else {
gethtml = getHtmlCode(ssurl, headers);
let sslist = pdfa(gethtml, extdata["搜索列表数组规则"]);
for (let i = 0; i < sslist.length; i++) {
let title,href,img,desc;
title = pdfh(sslist[i], extdata["搜索片单标题"]);
href = (extdata["搜索片单链接加前缀"]||"")+pdfh(sslist[i], extdata["搜索片单链接"])+(extdata["搜索片单链接加后缀"]||"");
img = pdfh(sslist[i], extdata["搜索片单图片"]);
desc = pdfh(sslist[i], extdata["搜索片单副标题"]);
lists.push({ "id": href, "name": title, "pic": img, "desc": desc });
ssvodurl = "";
lists = => {
let vodname =;
let vodpic = list.pic || "";
let voddesc = list.desc || "";
let vodurl = ssvodurl ? eval(ssvodurl) :;
return {
vodname: vodname,
vodpic: vodpic,
voddesc: voddesc,
vodurl: vodurl
} catch (e) {
log( + ' 搜索数据报错>' + e.message + " 错误行#" + e.lineNumber);
let searchs = [];
if (lists.length > 0) {
try {
lists.forEach((list) => {
let vodpic = list.vodpic ? list.vodpic.replace(/http.*\/tu\.php\?tu=|\/img\.php\?url=| |\/tu\.php\?tu=/g, '') : "hiker://files/cache/src/404.jpg";
if (/^\/\//.test(vodpic)) {
vodpic = "https:" + vodpic;
vodpic = getHome(list.vodurl) + vodpic;
if (list.vodname.includes(name)) {
vodname: list.vodname,
voddesc: list.voddesc,
vodcontent: list.vodcontent,
vodpic: vodpic,
vodurl: list.vodurl
} catch (e) {
log( + ' 输出结果报错>' + e.message + " 错误行#" + e.lineNumber);
return searchs;
// 获取二级数据
function getErData(jkdata) {
let api_type = jkdata.type;
let api_ua = || "MOBILE_UA";
api_ua = api_ua == "MOBILE_UA" ? MOBILE_UA : api_ua == "PC_UA" ? PC_UA : api_ua;
let headers = { 'User-Agent': api_ua };
let html, isxml, extdata, detailtype;
if (/v1|app|v2|iptv|cms/.test(api_type)) {
try {
let gethtml = getHtml(MY_URL, headers);
if (/cms/.test(api_type) && /<\?xml/.test(gethtml)) {
html = gethtml;
isxml = 1;
} else {
html = JSON.parse(gethtml.replace(/<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, ''));
isxml = 0;
} catch (e) {
} else if (/XPath|biubiu|XBPQ|XYQ/.test(api_type)) {
extdata = extDataCache(jkdata)
if (api_type == "XYQ") {
if (extdata["请求头参数"]) {
if (extdata["请求头参数"].includes('#') || extdata["请求头参数"].includes('$')) {
extdata["请求头参数"].split('#').forEach(v => {
headers[v.split('$')[0]] = v.split('$')[1];
} else {
headers["User-Agent"] = extdata["请求头参数"] || headers["User-Agent"];
headers["User-Agent"] = (headers["User-Agent"] == "电脑" || headers["User-Agent"] == "PC_UA") ? PC_UA : MOBILE_UA;
html = getHtml(MY_URL, headers);
} else if (api_type=="hipy_t3") {
let apifile = getDrpyFile(jkdata);
let env = $.require(config.依赖.match(/http(s)?:\/\/.*\//)[0] + 'SrcJyDrpy.js');
var drpy = env.createOrGetEnvironment(, apifile);
html = drpy.detail(MY_PARAMS.url);
detailtype = drpy.getRule('类型') || ('[书]')?"小说":"");
html = '{}';
} else if (api_type=="hipy_t4") {
html = getHtml(jkdata.url+"&extend="+jkdata.ext+"&ac=detail&ids="+MY_PARAMS.url, headers);
detailtype = JSON.parse(html).type || ('[书]')?"小说":"");
} else {
html = getHtml(MY_URL, headers);
let pic = '';
let details1 = '';
let details2 = '';
let desc = '...';
let tabs = [];
let lists = [];
let flags = [];//线路标识
let parse_api = [];//自带解析
let sniffer = [];//嗅探词
if (html) {
let arts = [];
let conts = [];
let actor, area, year, remarks, pubdate;
if (/v1|app|v2|cms/.test(api_type)) {
let json = {};
if (/cms/.test(api_type)) {
if (isxml == 1) {
html = html.replace(/<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>|<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>/g, '');
arts = xpathArray(html, `//video/dl/dt/@name`);
if (arts.length == 0) {
arts = xpathArray(html, `//video/dl/dd/@flag`);
conts = xpathArray(html, `//video/dl/dd/text()`);
json.vod_actor = String(xpath(html, `//video/actor/text()`)).trim().replace(/·/g, '·') || "";
json.vod_area = String(xpath(html, `//video/area/text()`)).trim();
json.vod_year = String(xpath(html, `//video/year/text()`)).trim();
json.vod_remarks = String(xpath(html, `//video/note/text()`)).trim() || "";
json.vod_pubdate = String(xpath(html, `//video/type/text()`)).trim() || "";
json.vod_pic = xpath(html, `//video/pic/text()`);
json.vod_blurb = String(xpath(html.replace('<p>', '').replace('</p>', ''), `//video/des/text()`));
} else {
try {
json = html.list[0];
} catch (e) {
json =[0];
if (json.vod_play_from && json.vod_play_url) {
arts = json.vod_play_from.split('$$$');
conts = json.vod_play_url.split('$$$');
} else if (html.from && {
arts = html.from;
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
let cont = [];
let plays =[i];
for (let j = 0; j < plays.length; j++) {
cont.push(plays[j][0] + "$" + plays[j][1])
tabs = => {
return it.replace(/[\r\ \n\t]/g, "");
lists = => {
let lines = it.split('#');
lines =, i) => {
if (itit.indexOf('$') == -1) {
let ii = parseInt(i) + 1;
itit = ii + '$' + itit;
return itit;
return lines;
} else {
if ($.type( == "array") {
json =[0];
} else {
json =;
if (json && json.vod_info) {
json = json.vod_info;
arts = json.vod_play_list || json.vod_url_with_player || [];
arts.forEach(it => {
let linename = ||;
if (linename) {
let flag = it.code || it.player_info.from || "";
try {
let parse1 = it.parse_api || it.player_info.parse || "";
let parse2 = it.extra_parse_api || it.player_info.parse2 || "";
if (parse1) {
parse_api.push(parse1.replace(/\.\./g, '.').replace(/。\./g, '.'));
if (parse2) {
parse_api.push(parse2.replace(/\.\./g, '.').replace(/。\./g, '.'));
} catch (e) { }
conts = json.vod_play_list || json.vod_url_with_player || [];
conts.forEach(it => {
if (it.url) {
let single = it.url || "";
if (single) { lists.push(single.split('#')) };
} else {
let single = it.urls || [];
if (single.length > 0) {
let si = [];
for (let j = 0; j < single.length; j++) {
si.push(single[j].name + "$" + single[j].url);
if (arts.length == 0 && json.vod_play_from && json.vod_play_url) {
tabs = json.vod_play_from.split('$$$');
conts = json.vod_play_url.split('$$$');
lists = => {
let lines = it.split('#');
lines =, i) => {
if (itit.indexOf('$') == -1) {
let ii = parseInt(i) + 1;
itit = ii + '$' + itit;
return itit;
return lines;
api_type = "cms";
actor = json.vod_actor;
area = json.vod_area;
year = json.vod_year;
remarks = json.vod_remarks || "";
pubdate = json.vod_pubdate || json.vod_class || "";
pic = json.vod_pic && json.vod_pic.indexOf('ver.txt') == -1 ? json.vod_pic : '';
desc = json.vod_content || json.vod_blurb;
} else if (/iptv/.test(api_type)) {
actor =",");
area = html.area.join(",");
year = html.pubtime;
remarks = html.trunk || "";
pubdate = html.type.join(",") || "";
pic = html.img_url;
desc = html.intro;
tabs = html.videolist;
conts = html.videolist;
let single = conts[i]||[];
let si = [];
for (let j = 0; j < single.length; j++) {
parse_api = single[j].url.split('=')[0]+"=";
} else if (api_type == "XPath") {
try {
actor = String(xpathArray(html, extdata.dtActor).join(',')).replace(/[\r\ \n]/g, "");
area = String(xpath(html, extdata.dtArea)).replace(/[\r\ \n]/g, "");
year = String(xpath(html, extdata.dtYear)).replace(/[\r\ \n]/g, "");
remarks = String(xpathArray(html, extdata.dtCate).join(',')).replace(/[\r\ \n]/g, "");
pubdate = String(xpathArray(html, extdata.dtMark).join(',')).replace(/[\r\ \n]/g, "");
desc = String(xpath(html, extdata.dtDesc));
pic = String(xpath(html, extdata.dtImg)).replace(/[\r\ \n]/g, "");
} catch (e) {
log('xpath获取海报信息失败>' + e.message + " 错误行#" + e.lineNumber);
try {
tabs = xpathArray(html, extdata.dtFromNode + (extdata.dtFromName.indexOf('concat(') > -1 ? '/text()' : extdata.dtFromName));
} catch (e) {
log('xpath获取线路失败>' + e.message);
try {
for (let i = 1; i < tabs.length + 1; i++) {
let contname = xpathArray(html, extdata.dtUrlNode + '[' + i + ']' + extdata.dtUrlSubNode + extdata.dtUrlName);
let conturl = xpathArray(html, extdata.dtUrlNode + '[' + i + ']' + extdata.dtUrlSubNode + (extdata.dtUrlId == "@href" ? '/' + extdata.dtUrlId : extdata.dtUrlId));
let cont = [];
for (let j = 0; j < contname.length; j++) {
let playUrl;
if (extdata.dtUrlIdR) {
playUrl = conturl[j].match(extdata.dtUrlIdR)[1];
} else {
playUrl = conturl[j];
cont.push(contname[j] + "$" + extdata.playUrl.replace('{playUrl}', playUrl))
} catch (e) {
log('xpath获取选集列表失败>' + e.message);
} else if (api_type == "biubiu") {
let getsm = "";
try {
getsm = "获取播放地址数组bfjiequshuzuqian";
let bflist = html.split(extdata.bfjiequshuzuqian.replace(/\\/g, ""));
bflist.splice(0, 1);
for (let i = 0; i < bflist.length; i++) {
tabs.push('播放源' + (i + 1));
bflist[i] = bflist[i].split(extdata.bfjiequshuzuhou.replace(/\\/g, ""))[0];
let bfline = pdfa(bflist[i], "body&&a");
let cont = [];
for (let j = 0; j < bfline.length; j++) {
let contname = pdfh(bfline[j], "a&&Text");
let conturl = pd(bfline[j], "a&&href");
cont.push(contname + "$" + conturl)
getsm = "获取备注zhuangtaiqian";
remarks = pdfh(html.split(extdata.zhuangtaiqian.replace(/\\/g, ""))[1].split(extdata.zhuangtaihou.replace(/\\/g, ""))[0], "Text").split('/')[0] || "biubiu数据存在错误";
getsm = "获取主演zhuyanqian";
actor = pdfh(html.split(extdata.zhuyanqian.replace(/\\/g, ""))[1].split(extdata.zhuyanhou.replace(/\\/g, ""))[0], "Text");
getsm = "获取更新zhuangtaiqian";
pubdate = pdfh(html.split(extdata.zhuangtaiqian.replace(/\\/g, ""))[1].split(extdata.zhuangtaihou.replace(/\\/g, ""))[0], "Text").split('/')[1] || "";
getsm = "获取剧情简介juqingqian";
desc = pdfh(html.split(extdata.juqingqian.replace(/\\/g, ""))[1].split(extdata.juqinghou.replace(/\\/g, ""))[0], "Text");
} catch (e) {
log(getsm + '失败>' + e.message + " 错误行#" + e.lineNumber)
} else if (api_type == "XBPQ") {
try {
let arthtml = html;
if (extdata["线路二次截取"]) {
arthtml = arthtml.split(extdata["线路二次截取"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["线路二次截取"].split('&&')[1])[0];
extdata["线路数组"] = extdata["线路数组"].split('[')[0];
let artlist = arthtml.match(new RegExp(extdata["线路数组"].replace('&&', '((?:.|[\r\n])*?)'), 'g')) || [];
if (extdata["线路标题"].includes('+')) {
extdata["线路标题"] = extdata["线路标题"].split('+')[1];
for (let i = 0; i < artlist.length; i++) {
let arttitle = artlist[i].split(extdata["线路数组"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["线路数组"].split('&&')[1])[0].split(extdata["线路标题"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["线路标题"].split('&&')[1])[0];
tabs.push(arttitle.replace(/<\/?.+?\/?>/g, ''));
let conthtml = html;
if (extdata["播放二次截取"]) {
conthtml = conthtml.split(extdata["播放二次截取"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["播放二次截取"].split('&&')[1])[0];
let contlist = conthtml.match(new RegExp(extdata["播放数组"].replace('&&', '((?:.|[\r\n])*?)'), 'g')) || [];
for (let i = 0; i < contlist.length; i++) {
let bfline = extdata["播放列表"] ? (contlist[i].match(new RegExp(extdata["播放列表"].replace('&&', '((?:.|[\r\n])*?)'), 'g')) || []) : pdfa(contlist[i], "body&&a");
let cont = [];
for (let j = 0; j < bfline.length; j++) {
let contname = extdata["播放标题"] ? bfline[j].split(extdata["播放标题"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["播放标题"].split('&&')[1])[0] : pdfh(bfline[j], "a&&Text");
let conturl = extdata["播放链接"] ? bfline[j].split(extdata["播放链接"].split('&&')[0])[1].split(extdata["播放链接"].split('&&')[1])[0] : pd(bfline[j], "a&&href");
cont.push(contname + "$" + conturl)
actor = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["主演"]);
remarks = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["影片状态"]);
pubdate = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["影片类型"]);
year = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["影片年代"]);
area = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["影片地区"]);
extdata["简介"] = extdata["简介"] && extdata["简介"].includes('+') ? extdata["简介"].split('+')[1] : extdata["简介"];
desc = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["简介"]);
sniffer = extdata["嗅探词"] ? extdata["嗅探词"].split('#') : sniffer;
} catch (e) {
log('失败>' + e.message + " 错误行#" + e.lineNumber)
} else if (api_type == "XYQ") {
try {
if (extdata["详情是否Jsoup写法"] == "1") {
remarks = pdfh(html, extdata["类型详情"]);
year = pdfh(html, extdata["年代详情"]);
area = pdfh(html, extdata["地区详情"]);
actor = pdfh(html, extdata["演员详情"]);
desc = pdfh(html, extdata["简介详情"]);
} else {
remarks = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["类型详情"]);
year = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["年代详情"]);
area = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["地区详情"]);
actor = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["演员详情"]);
desc = getBetweenStr(html, extdata["简介详情"]);
} catch (e) {
log('xpath获取海报信息失败>' + e.message + " 错误行#" + e.lineNumber);
try {
if (extdata["线路列表数组规则"]) {
pdfa(html, extdata["线路列表数组规则"]).forEach(it => {
let linename = "";
extdata["线路标题"].split('+').forEach(v => {
let n;
if (v == "_") {
n = v;
} else {
n = pdfh(it, v);
linename = linename.concat(n);
} else {
tabs = ["线路1"];
} catch (e) {
log('XYQ获取线路失败>' + e.message);
try {
let contlist = pdfa(html, extdata["播放列表数组规则"]);
for (let i = 0; i < contlist.length; i++) {
let bfline = pdfa(contlist[i], "body&&"+extdata["选集列表数组规则"]);
let cont = [];
for (let j = 0; j < bfline.length; j++) {
let contname, conturl;
if (extdata["选集标题链接是否Jsoup写法"] == "1") {
contname = pdfh(bfline[j], extdata["选集标题"] || "a&&Text");
conturl = (extdata["选集链接加前缀"] || "") + pdfh(bfline[j], extdata["选集链接"] || "a&&href") + (extdata["选集链接加后缀"] || "");
cont.push(contname + "$" + conturl)
if (extdata["是否反转选集序列"] == "1") {
} catch (e) {
log('XYQ获取选集列表失败>' + e.message);
} else if (api_type == 'hipy_t3' || api_type == 'hipy_t4') {
let json = JSON.parse(html).list[0];
actor = json.vod_actor;
area = json.vod_area;
remarks = json.vod_remarks || json.vod_class || "";
desc = json.vod_content || "";
pic = json.vod_pic;
tabs = json.vod_play_from.split('$$$');
lists = json.vod_play_url.split('$$$').map(it => {
return it.split('#');
if (/XPath|biubiu|XBPQ|XYQ/.test(api_type) && html && (tabs.length == 0 || lists.length == 0) && getMyVar('debug', '0') == "0" && html.indexOf(MY_PARAMS.pageTitle) > -1) {
require(config.依赖.match(/http(s)?:\/\/.*\//)[0] + 'SrcAutoTmpl.js');
let data = autoerji(MY_URL, html);
details1 = data.details1
details2 = data.details2;
pic = data.pic || pic;
desc = data.desc || desc;
tabs = data.tabs;
lists = data.lists;
actor = actor ? actor.includes('主演') ? actor.replace(/\n+/g, '') : '主演:' + actor.replace(/\n+/g, '') : '';
let dqnf = "";
if (area) {
dqnf = '\n地区:' + area.replace(/\n+/g, '') + (year ? ' 年代:' + year.replace(/\n+/g, '') : '')
} else {
dqnf = year ? '\n年代:' + year.replace(/\n+/g, '') : ''
remarks = remarks || "";
pubdate = pubdate || "";
details1 = details1 ? details1 : actor.substring(0, actor.length < 10 || dqnf == "" ? actor.length : 10) + dqnf;
details2 = details2 ? details2 : remarks.replace(/\n+/g, '') + '\n' + pubdate.replace(/\n+/g, '');
details1 = details1.replace(/“/g, '“').replace(/”/g, '”').replace(/·/g, '·').replace(/…/g, '…').replace(/ |♥/g, ' ');
details2 = details2.replace(/“/g, '“').replace(/”/g, '”').replace(/·/g, '·').replace(/…/g, '…').replace(/ |♥/g, ' ');
desc = desc || '...';
desc = desc.replace(/“/g, '“').replace(/”/g, '”').replace(/·/g, '·').replace(/…/g, '…').replace(/ |♥/g, ' ');
return {
"details1": details1,
"details2": details2,
"pic": pic,
"desc": desc,
"tabs": tabs,
"lists": lists,
"flags": flags,
"parse_api": parse_api,
"sniffer": sniffer,
"detailtype": detailtype
// 获取网页源码
function getHtml(url, headers) {
headers = headers || {};
let html = request(url, { headers: headers, timeout: timeout, withStatusCode: true });
try {
let json = JSON.parse(html);
if (json.statusCode == 200) {
return json.body;
} catch (e) { }
return '';
// drpy接口缓存文件路径
function getDrpyFile(jkdata) {
@include start
@include end
if (/^hiker/.test(jkdata.url)) {
if (!fileExist(jkdata.url)) {
jkdata.url = jkdata.url.replace('/data/','/_cache/');
if (jkdata.ext && /^http/.test(jkdata.ext)) {
let content;
let ghproxy = $.require('ghproxy').getproxy();
for(let i=0;i<ghproxy.length;i++){
content = fetch(ghproxy[i]+jkdata.ext, {timeout:3000});
if (content && !content.trim().startsWith('<!DOCTYPE html>') && !content.startsWith('<html>')) {
content = fetch(jkdata.ext, { timeout: 3000 });
if (content) {
writeFile(jkdata.url, content);
if (fileExist(jkdata.url)) {
return getPath(jkdata.url);
}else if(/^file/.test(jkdata.url)){
return jkdata.url;
return '';
// extData缓存
function extDataCache(jkdata) {
if (/^hiker/.test(jkdata.url)) {
if (!fileExist(jkdata.url)) {
jkdata.url = jkdata.url.replace('/data/','/_cache/');
if (jkdata.ext && /^http/.test(jkdata.ext)) {
let content = fetch(jkdata.ext, { timeout: 3000 });
if (content) {
writeFile(jkdata.url, content);
} else if ($.type(jkdata.ext) == 'object') {
writeFile(jkdata.url, JSON.stringify(jkdata.ext));
if (fileExist(jkdata.url)) {
eval("let extdata = " + fetch(jkdata.url));
return extdata;
} else {
return '';
return '';
function getBetweenStr(str, key) {
if (!str || !key) {
return '';
const prefix = key.split('&&')[0];
const suffix = key.split('&&')[1];
const regex = new RegExp(prefix + '(.*?)' + suffix, 's'); // 's' 使 . 匹配换行符
const match = str.match(regex);
return match ? match[1].replace(/<\/?.+?\/?>/g, '') : '';
function dealJson(html) {
try {
html = html.trim();
if (!((html.startsWith('{') && html.endsWith('}')) || (html.startsWith('[') && html.endsWith(']')))) {
html = '{' + html.match(/.*?\{(.*)\}/m)[1] + '}';
} catch (e) { }
try {
html = JSON.parse(html);
} catch (e) {
return html;
function getJsonValue(obj, path) {
const parts = path.split('.');
let current = obj;
for (let part of parts) {
if (current[part]) {
current = current[part];
} else {
return undefined;
return current;
function encodeUrl(str) {
if (typeof (encodeURI) == 'function') {
return encodeURI(str)
} else {
str = (str + '').toString();
return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%2F/g, '/').replace(/%3F/g, '?').replace(/%3A/g, ':').replace(/%40/g, '@').replace(/%3D/g, '=').replace(/%3A/g, ':').replace(/%2C/g, ',').replace(/%2B/g, '+').replace(/%24/g, '$');
function getExecStrs(str) {
var reg = /\{(.+?)\}/g
var list = []
var result = null
do {
result = reg.exec(str)
result && list.push(result[1])
} while (result)
return list
} |