@ -2,157 +2,7 @@ |
function SRCSet() { |
function xml2json(xml, tab) { |
var X = { |
toObj: function(xml) { |
var o = {}; |
if (xml.nodeType==1) { // element node ..
if (xml.attributes.length) // element with attributes ..
for (var i=0; i<xml.attributes.length; i++) |
o["@"+xml.attributes[i].nodeName] = (xml.attributes[i].nodeValue||"").toString(); |
if (xml.firstChild) { // element has child nodes ..
var textChild=0, cdataChild=0, hasElementChild=false; |
for (var n=xml.firstChild; n; n=n.nextSibling) { |
if (n.nodeType==1) hasElementChild = true; |
else if (n.nodeType==3 && n.nodeValue.match(/[^ \f\n\r\t\v]/)) textChild++; // non-whitespace text
else if (n.nodeType==4) cdataChild++; // cdata section node
} |
if (hasElementChild) { |
if (textChild < 2 && cdataChild < 2) { // structured element with evtl. a single text or/and cdata node ..
X.removeWhite(xml); |
for (var n=xml.firstChild; n; n=n.nextSibling) { |
if (n.nodeType == 3) // text node
o["#text"] = X.escape(n.nodeValue); |
else if (n.nodeType == 4) // cdata node
o["#cdata"] = X.escape(n.nodeValue); |
else if (o[n.nodeName]) { // multiple occurence of element ..
if (o[n.nodeName] instanceof Array) |
o[n.nodeName][o[n.nodeName].length] = X.toObj(n); |
else |
o[n.nodeName] = [o[n.nodeName], X.toObj(n)]; |
} |
else // first occurence of element..
o[n.nodeName] = X.toObj(n); |
} |
} |
else { // mixed content
if (!xml.attributes.length) |
o = X.escape(X.innerXml(xml)); |
else |
o["#text"] = X.escape(X.innerXml(xml)); |
} |
} |
else if (textChild) { // pure text
if (!xml.attributes.length) |
o = X.escape(X.innerXml(xml)); |
else |
o["#text"] = X.escape(X.innerXml(xml)); |
} |
else if (cdataChild) { // cdata
if (cdataChild > 1) |
o = X.escape(X.innerXml(xml)); |
else |
for (var n=xml.firstChild; n; n=n.nextSibling) |
o["#cdata"] = X.escape(n.nodeValue); |
} |
} |
if (!xml.attributes.length && !xml.firstChild) o = null; |
} |
else if (xml.nodeType==9) { // document.node
o = X.toObj(xml.documentElement); |
} |
else |
log("unhandled node type: " + xml.nodeType); |
return o; |
}, |
toJson: function(o, name, ind) { |
var json = name ? ("\""+name+"\"") : ""; |
if (o instanceof Array) { |
for (var i=0,n=o.length; i<n; i++) |
o[i] = X.toJson(o[i], "", ind+"\t"); |
json += (name?":[":"[") + (o.length > 1 ? ("\n"+ind+"\t"+o.join(",\n"+ind+"\t")+"\n"+ind) : o.join("")) + "]"; |
} |
else if (o == null) |
json += (name&&":") + "null"; |
else if (typeof(o) == "object") { |
var arr = []; |
for (var m in o) |
arr[arr.length] = X.toJson(o[m], m, ind+"\t"); |
json += (name?":{":"{") + (arr.length > 1 ? ("\n"+ind+"\t"+arr.join(",\n"+ind+"\t")+"\n"+ind) : arr.join("")) + "}"; |
} |
else if (typeof(o) == "string") |
json += (name&&":") + "\"" + o.toString() + "\""; |
else |
json += (name&&":") + o.toString(); |
return json; |
}, |
innerXml: function(node) { |
var s = "" |
if ("innerHTML" in node) |
s = node.innerHTML; |
else { |
var asXml = function(n) { |
var s = ""; |
if (n.nodeType == 1) { |
s += "<" + n.nodeName; |
for (var i=0; i<n.attributes.length;i++) |
s += " " + n.attributes[i].nodeName + "=\"" + (n.attributes[i].nodeValue||"").toString() + "\""; |
if (n.firstChild) { |
s += ">"; |
for (var c=n.firstChild; c; c=c.nextSibling) |
s += asXml(c); |
s += "</"+n.nodeName+">"; |
} |
else |
s += "/>"; |
} |
else if (n.nodeType == 3) |
s += n.nodeValue; |
else if (n.nodeType == 4) |
s += "<![CDATA[" + n.nodeValue + "]]>"; |
return s; |
}; |
for (var c=node.firstChild; c; c=c.nextSibling) |
s += asXml(c); |
} |
return s; |
}, |
escape: function(txt) { |
return txt.replace(/[\\]/g, "\\\\") |
.replace(/[\"]/g, '\\"') |
.replace(/[\n]/g, '\\n') |
.replace(/[\r]/g, '\\r'); |
}, |
removeWhite: function(e) { |
e.normalize(); |
for (var n = e.firstChild; n; ) { |
if (n.nodeType == 3) { // text node
if (!n.nodeValue.match(/[^ \f\n\r\t\v]/)) { // pure whitespace text node
var nxt = n.nextSibling; |
e.removeChild(n); |
n = nxt; |
} |
else |
n = n.nextSibling; |
} |
else if (n.nodeType == 1) { // element node
X.removeWhite(n); |
n = n.nextSibling; |
} |
else // any other node
n = n.nextSibling; |
} |
return e; |
} |
}; |
if (xml.nodeType == 9) // document node
xml = xml.documentElement; |
var json = X.toJson(X.toObj(X.removeWhite(xml)), xml.nodeName, "\t"); |
return "{\n" + tab + (tab ? json.replace(/\t/g, tab) : json.replace(/\t|\n/g, "")) + "\n}"; |
} |
let xmlhtml = request('http://f2dcj6.com/sapi?ac=videolist&pg=1&t=3'); |
log(xmlhtml); |
let jsonhtml = xml2json(xmlhtml,' '); |
log(jsonhtml); |