From d71165b0af756472ebe91023680fcacf4ba3a4d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: src48597962 <>
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2023 12:45:49 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=88=A0=E9=99=A4=20'alitest.js'?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
alitest.js | 13802 ---------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 13802 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 alitest.js
diff --git a/alitest.js b/alitest.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fecbce2a..00000000
--- a/alitest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13802 +0,0 @@
-// ==UserScript==
-// @name 阿里云盘助手
-// @namespace
-// @version 2.0.7
-// @author 罗根大人
-// @description 支持生成文件下载链接、修改文件后缀,支持第三方播放器Artplayer(突破视频2分钟限制,长按倍速,选集,历史播放)
-// @license MIT
-// @icon!!6000000000236-73-tps-64-64.ico
-// @match*
-// @require
-// @require data:application/javascript,window.Vue%3DVue%3B
-// @require
-// @require
-// @require
-// @require
-// @require
-// @resource element-plus/dist/index.css
-// @grant GM_getResourceText
-// @grant unsafeWindow
-// ==/UserScript==
-(t=>{const e=document.createElement("style");e.dataset.source="vite-plugin-monkey",e.innerText=t,document.head.appendChild(e)})(".breadcrumb-item--tV9dn[data-v-d7b389fc]{font-size:12px}.card[data-v-d200ca3c]{margin-bottom:10px}.player[data-v-00879d36]{display:flex;height:100%;align-items:center;justify-content:center;flex-direction:column}.notice[data-v-5d43769b]{color:#6592f9;font-size:10pt}.notice1[data-v-5d43769b]{margin:2px 0 0;color:#e6a23c;font-size:8pt}");
-var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
-var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
-var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => {
- __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
- return value;
-(function(elementPlus, $2, axios2, vue, Hls2, Artplayer2) {
- "use strict";
- var monkeyWindow = window;
- var unsafeWindow = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => {
- return monkeyWindow.unsafeWindow;
- })();
- let hideShow = function() {
- let t2 = $2(".aDrive-notice");
- t2.length && "function" == typeof t2.remove ? t2.remove() : "function" == typeof t2.removeNode && t2.removeNode(true);
- };
- let showError$1 = function(msg, timeout) {
- let jq = $2;
- hideShow();
- var element = jq(".aDrive div");
- var elementhtml = '
- if (element.length) {
- element.append(elementhtml);
- } else {
- jq(document.body).append('");
- }
- var hide = hideShow;
- setTimeout(function() {
- hide();
- }, timeout || 3e3);
- };
- let showSuccess = function(msg, timeout) {
- let jq = $2;
- hideShow();
- let element = jq(".aDrive div");
- let elementhtml = '';
- if (element.length) {
- element.append(elementhtml);
- } else {
- jq(document.body).append('
- }
- var hide = hideShow;
- setTimeout(function() {
- hide();
- }, timeout || 3e3);
- };
- let showDiv = function(title2, app) {
- function format(s2, c) {
- return s2.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function(m, p) {
- return c[p];
- });
- }
- let html2 = '
- html2 = format(html2, {
- title: title2
- });
- html2 += "
- $2("body").append(html2);
- app.mount(
- (() => {
- const app2 = document.createElement("div");
- $2(".ant-modal-body").append(app2);
- return app2;
- })()
- );
- $2(".ant-modal-Link .icon-wrapper--3dbbo").one("click", function() {
- $2(".ant-modal-Link").remove();
- app.unmount();
- });
- $2(".ant-modal-Link .ant-modal-wrap").on("click", function(event) {
- if ($2(".ant-modal-content").length === 0) {
- $2(".ant-modal-Link").remove();
- app.unmount();
- }
- });
- };
- class Store {
- constructor() {
- this.prefix = "LGZS_";
- }
- getAliyun(key2 = "") {
- let item = localStorage.getItem(key2);
- if (!item) {
- return "";
- }
- try {
- return JSON.parse(item);
- } catch (e) {
- return item;
- }
- }
- getItem(key2 = "") {
- return this.getAliyun(this.prefix + key2);
- }
- setItem(key2 = "", value) {
- localStorage.setItem(this.prefix + key2, value instanceof Object ? JSON.stringify(value) : value);
- }
- removeItem(key2) {
- if (key2 == null || key2 == "") {
- return;
- }
- localStorage.removeItem(this.prefix + key2);
- }
- }
- const store = new Store();
- const getDownloadUrl = (data) =>"/v2/file/get_download_url", data);
- const search = (data) =>"/adrive/v3/file/search", data);
- const videoUpdate = (data) =>"/adrive/v2/video/update", data);
- const deviceLogout = () =>"/users/v1/users/device_logout", {});
- const homeWidgets = () =>"/apps/v1/users/home/widgets", { "context": { "recentUsed": { "limit": 20 }, "recentSaved": { "limit": 1 } } });
- const shareVideoInfo = (fileId, share_id, shareToken) => axios2({
- method: "post",
- url: "/v2/file/get_share_link_video_preview_play_info",
- data: {
- category: "live_transcoding",
- file_id: fileId,
- get_preview_url: true,
- share_id,
- template_id: "",
- get_subtitle_info: true
- },
- headers: {
- "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
- "x-share-token": shareToken
- }
- });
- const videoPreviewPlayInfo = (data) =>"/v2/file/get_video_preview_play_info", data);
- const shareLinkDownloadUrl = (data, shareToken) => axios2({
- method: "post",
- url: "/v2/file/get_share_link_download_url",
- data: {
- },
- headers: {
- "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
- "x-share-token": shareToken
- }
- });
- const createSessionUrl = (data, signature2, deviceId) => axios2({
- method: "post",
- url: "/users/v1/users/device/create_session",
- data: {
- },
- headers: {
- "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
- "x-canary": "client=web,app=adrive,version=v3.17.0",
- "_token": false,
- "x-signature": signature2,
- "x-device-id": deviceId
- }
- });
- var exports$2 = {};
- function isSurrogatePair$1(msg, i2) {
- if ((msg.charCodeAt(i2) & 64512) !== 55296) {
- return false;
- }
- if (i2 < 0 || i2 + 1 >= msg.length) {
- return false;
- }
- return (msg.charCodeAt(i2 + 1) & 64512) === 56320;
- }
- function toArray$1(msg, enc) {
- if (Array.isArray(msg))
- return msg.slice();
- if (!msg)
- return [];
- var res = [];
- if (typeof msg === "string") {
- if (!enc) {
- var p = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++) {
- var c = msg.charCodeAt(i2);
- if (c < 128) {
- res[p++] = c;
- } else if (c < 2048) {
- res[p++] = c >> 6 | 192;
- res[p++] = c & 63 | 128;
- } else if (isSurrogatePair$1(msg, i2)) {
- c = 65536 + ((c & 1023) << 10) + (msg.charCodeAt(++i2) & 1023);
- res[p++] = c >> 18 | 240;
- res[p++] = c >> 12 & 63 | 128;
- res[p++] = c >> 6 & 63 | 128;
- res[p++] = c & 63 | 128;
- } else {
- res[p++] = c >> 12 | 224;
- res[p++] = c >> 6 & 63 | 128;
- res[p++] = c & 63 | 128;
- }
- }
- } else if (enc === "hex") {
- msg = msg.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/ig, "");
- if (msg.length % 2 !== 0)
- msg = "0" + msg;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2 += 2)
- res.push(parseInt(msg[i2] + msg[i2 + 1], 16));
- }
- } else {
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++)
- res[i2] = msg[i2] | 0;
- }
- return res;
- }
- exports$2.toArray = toArray$1;
- function toHex$2(msg) {
- var res = "";
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++)
- res += zero2$1(msg[i2].toString(16));
- return res;
- }
- exports$2.toHex = toHex$2;
- function htonl$1(w) {
- var res = w >>> 24 | w >>> 8 & 65280 | w << 8 & 16711680 | (w & 255) << 24;
- return res >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.htonl = htonl$1;
- function toHex32$1(msg, endian) {
- var res = "";
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++) {
- var w = msg[i2];
- if (endian === "little")
- w = htonl$1(w);
- res += zero8$1(w.toString(16));
- }
- return res;
- }
- exports$2.toHex32 = toHex32$1;
- function zero2$1(word) {
- if (word.length === 1)
- return "0" + word;
- else
- return word;
- }
- exports$2.zero2 = zero2$1;
- function zero8$1(word) {
- if (word.length === 7)
- return "0" + word;
- else if (word.length === 6)
- return "00" + word;
- else if (word.length === 5)
- return "000" + word;
- else if (word.length === 4)
- return "0000" + word;
- else if (word.length === 3)
- return "00000" + word;
- else if (word.length === 2)
- return "000000" + word;
- else if (word.length === 1)
- return "0000000" + word;
- else
- return word;
- }
- exports$2.zero8 = zero8$1;
- function join32$1(msg, start2, end, endian) {
- var len2 = end - start2;
- var res = new Array(len2 / 4);
- for (var i2 = 0, k = start2; i2 < res.length; i2++, k += 4) {
- var w;
- if (endian === "big")
- w = msg[k] << 24 | msg[k + 1] << 16 | msg[k + 2] << 8 | msg[k + 3];
- else
- w = msg[k + 3] << 24 | msg[k + 2] << 16 | msg[k + 1] << 8 | msg[k];
- res[i2] = w >>> 0;
- }
- return res;
- }
- exports$2.join32 = join32$1;
- function split32$1(msg, endian) {
- var res = new Array(msg.length * 4);
- for (var i2 = 0, k = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++, k += 4) {
- var m = msg[i2];
- if (endian === "big") {
- res[k] = m >>> 24;
- res[k + 1] = m >>> 16 & 255;
- res[k + 2] = m >>> 8 & 255;
- res[k + 3] = m & 255;
- } else {
- res[k + 3] = m >>> 24;
- res[k + 2] = m >>> 16 & 255;
- res[k + 1] = m >>> 8 & 255;
- res[k] = m & 255;
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- exports$2.split32 = split32$1;
- function rotr32$3(w, b) {
- return w >>> b | w << 32 - b;
- }
- exports$2.rotr32 = rotr32$3;
- function rotl32$3(w, b) {
- return w << b | w >>> 32 - b;
- }
- exports$2.rotl32 = rotl32$3;
- function sum32$5(a, b) {
- return a + b >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.sum32 = sum32$5;
- function sum32_3$2(a, b, c) {
- return a + b + c >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.sum32_3 = sum32_3$2;
- function sum32_4$4(a, b, c, d) {
- return a + b + c + d >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.sum32_4 = sum32_4$4;
- function sum32_5$4(a, b, c, d, e) {
- return a + b + c + d + e >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.sum32_5 = sum32_5$4;
- function sum64$2(buf, pos, ah, al) {
- var bh = buf[pos];
- var bl = buf[pos + 1];
- var lo = al + bl >>> 0;
- var hi = (lo < al ? 1 : 0) + ah + bh;
- buf[pos] = hi >>> 0;
- buf[pos + 1] = lo;
- }
- exports$2.sum64 = sum64$2;
- function sum64_hi$2(ah, al, bh, bl) {
- var lo = al + bl >>> 0;
- var hi = (lo < al ? 1 : 0) + ah + bh;
- return hi >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.sum64_hi = sum64_hi$2;
- function sum64_lo$2(ah, al, bh, bl) {
- var lo = al + bl;
- return lo >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.sum64_lo = sum64_lo$2;
- function sum64_4_hi$2(ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl, dh, dl) {
- var carry = 0;
- var lo = al;
- lo = lo + bl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < al ? 1 : 0;
- lo = lo + cl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < cl ? 1 : 0;
- lo = lo + dl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < dl ? 1 : 0;
- var hi = ah + bh + ch + dh + carry;
- return hi >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.sum64_4_hi = sum64_4_hi$2;
- function sum64_4_lo$2(ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl, dh, dl) {
- var lo = al + bl + cl + dl;
- return lo >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.sum64_4_lo = sum64_4_lo$2;
- function sum64_5_hi$2(ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl, dh, dl, eh, el) {
- var carry = 0;
- var lo = al;
- lo = lo + bl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < al ? 1 : 0;
- lo = lo + cl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < cl ? 1 : 0;
- lo = lo + dl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < dl ? 1 : 0;
- lo = lo + el >>> 0;
- carry += lo < el ? 1 : 0;
- var hi = ah + bh + ch + dh + eh + carry;
- return hi >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.sum64_5_hi = sum64_5_hi$2;
- function sum64_5_lo$2(ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl, dh, dl, eh, el) {
- var lo = al + bl + cl + dl + el;
- return lo >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.sum64_5_lo = sum64_5_lo$2;
- function rotr64_hi$2(ah, al, num) {
- var r2 = al << 32 - num | ah >>> num;
- return r2 >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.rotr64_hi = rotr64_hi$2;
- function rotr64_lo$2(ah, al, num) {
- var r2 = ah << 32 - num | al >>> num;
- return r2 >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.rotr64_lo = rotr64_lo$2;
- function shr64_hi$2(ah, al, num) {
- return ah >>> num;
- }
- exports$2.shr64_hi = shr64_hi$2;
- function shr64_lo$2(ah, al, num) {
- var r2 = ah << 32 - num | al >>> num;
- return r2 >>> 0;
- }
- exports$2.shr64_lo = shr64_lo$2;
- exports$2.inherits = function(subClass, superClass) {
- var F = function() {
- };
- F.prototype = superClass.prototype;
- subClass.prototype = new F();
- subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
- };
- const utils$n = {
- ...exports$2
- };
- function BlockHash$5() {
- this.pending = null;
- this.pendingTotal = 0;
- this.blockSize = this.constructor.blockSize;
- this.outSize = this.constructor.outSize;
- this.hmacStrength = this.constructor.hmacStrength;
- this.padLength = this.constructor.padLength / 8;
- this.endian = "big";
- this._delta8 = this.blockSize / 8;
- this._delta32 = this.blockSize / 32;
- }
- BlockHash$5.prototype.update = function update(msg, enc) {
- msg = utils$n.toArray(msg, enc);
- if (!this.pending)
- this.pending = msg;
- else
- this.pending = this.pending.concat(msg);
- this.pendingTotal += msg.length;
- if (this.pending.length >= this._delta8) {
- msg = this.pending;
- var r2 = msg.length % this._delta8;
- this.pending = msg.slice(msg.length - r2, msg.length);
- if (this.pending.length === 0)
- this.pending = null;
- msg = utils$n.join32(msg, 0, msg.length - r2, this.endian);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2 += this._delta32)
- this._update(msg, i2, i2 + this._delta32);
- }
- return this;
- };
- BlockHash$5.prototype.digest = function digest(enc) {
- this.update(this._pad());
- return this._digest(enc);
- };
- BlockHash$5.prototype._pad = function pad() {
- var len2 = this.pendingTotal;
- var bytes = this._delta8;
- var k = bytes - (len2 + this.padLength) % bytes;
- var res = new Array(k + this.padLength);
- res[0] = 128;
- for (var i2 = 1; i2 < k; i2++)
- res[i2] = 0;
- len2 <<= 3;
- if (this.endian === "big") {
- for (var t2 = 8; t2 < this.padLength; t2++)
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 24 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 16 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 8 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 & 255;
- } else {
- res[i2++] = len2 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 8 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 16 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 24 & 255;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- for (t2 = 8; t2 < this.padLength; t2++)
- res[i2++] = 0;
- }
- return res;
- };
- var rotr32$2 = utils$n.rotr32;
- var exports$1 = {};
- function ft_1$2(s2, x, y, z) {
- if (s2 === 0)
- return ch32$3(x, y, z);
- if (s2 === 1 || s2 === 3)
- return p32$1(x, y, z);
- if (s2 === 2)
- return maj32$3(x, y, z);
- }
- exports$1.ft_1 = ft_1$2;
- function ch32$3(x, y, z) {
- return x & y ^ ~x & z;
- }
- exports$1.ch32 = ch32$3;
- function maj32$3(x, y, z) {
- return x & y ^ x & z ^ y & z;
- }
- exports$1.maj32 = maj32$3;
- function p32$1(x, y, z) {
- return x ^ y ^ z;
- }
- exports$1.p32 = p32$1;
- function s0_256$3(x) {
- return rotr32$2(x, 2) ^ rotr32$2(x, 13) ^ rotr32$2(x, 22);
- }
- exports$1.s0_256 = s0_256$3;
- function s1_256$3(x) {
- return rotr32$2(x, 6) ^ rotr32$2(x, 11) ^ rotr32$2(x, 25);
- }
- exports$1.s1_256 = s1_256$3;
- function g0_256$3(x) {
- return rotr32$2(x, 7) ^ rotr32$2(x, 18) ^ x >>> 3;
- }
- exports$1.g0_256 = g0_256$3;
- function g1_256$3(x) {
- return rotr32$2(x, 17) ^ rotr32$2(x, 19) ^ x >>> 10;
- }
- exports$1.g1_256 = g1_256$3;
- const shaCommon$2 = {
- ...exports$1
- };
- var sum32$4 = utils$n.sum32;
- var sum32_4$3 = utils$n.sum32_4;
- var sum32_5$3 = utils$n.sum32_5;
- var ch32$2 = shaCommon$2.ch32;
- var maj32$2 = shaCommon$2.maj32;
- var s0_256$2 = shaCommon$2.s0_256;
- var s1_256$2 = shaCommon$2.s1_256;
- var g0_256$2 = shaCommon$2.g0_256;
- var g1_256$2 = shaCommon$2.g1_256;
- var sha256_K$1 = [
- 1116352408,
- 1899447441,
- 3049323471,
- 3921009573,
- 961987163,
- 1508970993,
- 2453635748,
- 2870763221,
- 3624381080,
- 310598401,
- 607225278,
- 1426881987,
- 1925078388,
- 2162078206,
- 2614888103,
- 3248222580,
- 3835390401,
- 4022224774,
- 264347078,
- 604807628,
- 770255983,
- 1249150122,
- 1555081692,
- 1996064986,
- 2554220882,
- 2821834349,
- 2952996808,
- 3210313671,
- 3336571891,
- 3584528711,
- 113926993,
- 338241895,
- 666307205,
- 773529912,
- 1294757372,
- 1396182291,
- 1695183700,
- 1986661051,
- 2177026350,
- 2456956037,
- 2730485921,
- 2820302411,
- 3259730800,
- 3345764771,
- 3516065817,
- 3600352804,
- 4094571909,
- 275423344,
- 430227734,
- 506948616,
- 659060556,
- 883997877,
- 958139571,
- 1322822218,
- 1537002063,
- 1747873779,
- 1955562222,
- 2024104815,
- 2227730452,
- 2361852424,
- 2428436474,
- 2756734187,
- 3204031479,
- 3329325298
- ];
- function SHA256$2() {
- if (!(this instanceof SHA256$2))
- return new SHA256$2();
- BlockHash$;
- this.h = [
- 1779033703,
- 3144134277,
- 1013904242,
- 2773480762,
- 1359893119,
- 2600822924,
- 528734635,
- 1541459225
- ];
- this.k = sha256_K$1;
- this.W = new Array(64);
- }
- utils$n.inherits(SHA256$2, BlockHash$5);
- SHA256$2.blockSize = 512;
- SHA256$2.outSize = 256;
- SHA256$2.hmacStrength = 192;
- SHA256$2.padLength = 64;
- SHA256$2.prototype._update = function _update(msg, start2) {
- var W = this.W;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++)
- W[i2] = msg[start2 + i2];
- for (; i2 < W.length; i2++)
- W[i2] = sum32_4$3(g1_256$2(W[i2 - 2]), W[i2 - 7], g0_256$2(W[i2 - 15]), W[i2 - 16]);
- var a = this.h[0];
- var b = this.h[1];
- var c = this.h[2];
- var d = this.h[3];
- var e = this.h[4];
- var f2 = this.h[5];
- var g = this.h[6];
- var h = this.h[7];
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < W.length; i2++) {
- var T1 = sum32_5$3(h, s1_256$2(e), ch32$2(e, f2, g), this.k[i2], W[i2]);
- var T2 = sum32$4(s0_256$2(a), maj32$2(a, b, c));
- h = g;
- g = f2;
- f2 = e;
- e = sum32$4(d, T1);
- d = c;
- c = b;
- b = a;
- a = sum32$4(T1, T2);
- }
- this.h[0] = sum32$4(this.h[0], a);
- this.h[1] = sum32$4(this.h[1], b);
- this.h[2] = sum32$4(this.h[2], c);
- this.h[3] = sum32$4(this.h[3], d);
- this.h[4] = sum32$4(this.h[4], e);
- this.h[5] = sum32$4(this.h[5], f2);
- this.h[6] = sum32$4(this.h[6], g);
- this.h[7] = sum32$4(this.h[7], h);
- };
- SHA256$2.prototype._digest = function digest(enc) {
- if (enc === "hex")
- return utils$n.toHex32(this.h, "big");
- else
- return utils$n.split32(this.h, "big");
- };
- function safeAdd(x, y) {
- var lsw = (x & 65535) + (y & 65535);
- var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16);
- return msw << 16 | lsw & 65535;
- }
- function bitRotateLeft(num, cnt) {
- return num << cnt | num >>> 32 - cnt;
- }
- function md5cmn(q, a, b, x, s2, t2) {
- return safeAdd(bitRotateLeft(safeAdd(safeAdd(a, q), safeAdd(x, t2)), s2), b);
- }
- function md5ff(a, b, c, d, x, s2, t2) {
- return md5cmn(b & c | ~b & d, a, b, x, s2, t2);
- }
- function md5gg(a, b, c, d, x, s2, t2) {
- return md5cmn(b & d | c & ~d, a, b, x, s2, t2);
- }
- function md5hh(a, b, c, d, x, s2, t2) {
- return md5cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s2, t2);
- }
- function md5ii(a, b, c, d, x, s2, t2) {
- return md5cmn(c ^ (b | ~d), a, b, x, s2, t2);
- }
- function binlMD5(x, len2) {
- x[len2 >> 5] |= 128 << len2 % 32;
- x[(len2 + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = len2;
- var i2;
- var olda;
- var oldb;
- var oldc;
- var oldd;
- var a = 1732584193;
- var b = -271733879;
- var c = -1732584194;
- var d = 271733878;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < x.length; i2 += 16) {
- olda = a;
- oldb = b;
- oldc = c;
- oldd = d;
- a = md5ff(a, b, c, d, x[i2], 7, -680876936);
- d = md5ff(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 1], 12, -389564586);
- c = md5ff(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 2], 17, 606105819);
- b = md5ff(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 3], 22, -1044525330);
- a = md5ff(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 4], 7, -176418897);
- d = md5ff(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 5], 12, 1200080426);
- c = md5ff(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 6], 17, -1473231341);
- b = md5ff(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 7], 22, -45705983);
- a = md5ff(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 8], 7, 1770035416);
- d = md5ff(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 9], 12, -1958414417);
- c = md5ff(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 10], 17, -42063);
- b = md5ff(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 11], 22, -1990404162);
- a = md5ff(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 12], 7, 1804603682);
- d = md5ff(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 13], 12, -40341101);
- c = md5ff(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 14], 17, -1502002290);
- b = md5ff(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 15], 22, 1236535329);
- a = md5gg(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 1], 5, -165796510);
- d = md5gg(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 6], 9, -1069501632);
- c = md5gg(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 11], 14, 643717713);
- b = md5gg(b, c, d, a, x[i2], 20, -373897302);
- a = md5gg(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 5], 5, -701558691);
- d = md5gg(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 10], 9, 38016083);
- c = md5gg(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 15], 14, -660478335);
- b = md5gg(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 4], 20, -405537848);
- a = md5gg(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 9], 5, 568446438);
- d = md5gg(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 14], 9, -1019803690);
- c = md5gg(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 3], 14, -187363961);
- b = md5gg(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 8], 20, 1163531501);
- a = md5gg(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 13], 5, -1444681467);
- d = md5gg(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 2], 9, -51403784);
- c = md5gg(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 7], 14, 1735328473);
- b = md5gg(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 12], 20, -1926607734);
- a = md5hh(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 5], 4, -378558);
- d = md5hh(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 8], 11, -2022574463);
- c = md5hh(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 11], 16, 1839030562);
- b = md5hh(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 14], 23, -35309556);
- a = md5hh(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 1], 4, -1530992060);
- d = md5hh(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 4], 11, 1272893353);
- c = md5hh(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 7], 16, -155497632);
- b = md5hh(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 10], 23, -1094730640);
- a = md5hh(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 13], 4, 681279174);
- d = md5hh(d, a, b, c, x[i2], 11, -358537222);
- c = md5hh(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 3], 16, -722521979);
- b = md5hh(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 6], 23, 76029189);
- a = md5hh(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 9], 4, -640364487);
- d = md5hh(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 12], 11, -421815835);
- c = md5hh(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 15], 16, 530742520);
- b = md5hh(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 2], 23, -995338651);
- a = md5ii(a, b, c, d, x[i2], 6, -198630844);
- d = md5ii(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 7], 10, 1126891415);
- c = md5ii(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 14], 15, -1416354905);
- b = md5ii(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 5], 21, -57434055);
- a = md5ii(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 12], 6, 1700485571);
- d = md5ii(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 3], 10, -1894986606);
- c = md5ii(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 10], 15, -1051523);
- b = md5ii(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 1], 21, -2054922799);
- a = md5ii(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 8], 6, 1873313359);
- d = md5ii(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 15], 10, -30611744);
- c = md5ii(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 6], 15, -1560198380);
- b = md5ii(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 13], 21, 1309151649);
- a = md5ii(a, b, c, d, x[i2 + 4], 6, -145523070);
- d = md5ii(d, a, b, c, x[i2 + 11], 10, -1120210379);
- c = md5ii(c, d, a, b, x[i2 + 2], 15, 718787259);
- b = md5ii(b, c, d, a, x[i2 + 9], 21, -343485551);
- a = safeAdd(a, olda);
- b = safeAdd(b, oldb);
- c = safeAdd(c, oldc);
- d = safeAdd(d, oldd);
- }
- return [a, b, c, d];
- }
- function binl2rstr(input) {
- var i2;
- var output = "";
- var length32 = input.length * 32;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < length32; i2 += 8) {
- output += String.fromCharCode(input[i2 >> 5] >>> i2 % 32 & 255);
- }
- return output;
- }
- function rstr2binl(input) {
- var i2;
- var output = [];
- output[(input.length >> 2) - 1] = void 0;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < output.length; i2 += 1) {
- output[i2] = 0;
- }
- var length8 = input.length * 8;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < length8; i2 += 8) {
- output[i2 >> 5] |= (input.charCodeAt(i2 / 8) & 255) << i2 % 32;
- }
- return output;
- }
- function rstrMD5(s2) {
- return binl2rstr(binlMD5(rstr2binl(s2), s2.length * 8));
- }
- function rstrHMACMD5(key2, data) {
- var i2;
- var bkey = rstr2binl(key2);
- var ipad = [];
- var opad = [];
- var hash2;
- ipad[15] = opad[15] = void 0;
- if (bkey.length > 16) {
- bkey = binlMD5(bkey, key2.length * 8);
- }
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2 += 1) {
- ipad[i2] = bkey[i2] ^ 909522486;
- opad[i2] = bkey[i2] ^ 1549556828;
- }
- hash2 = binlMD5(ipad.concat(rstr2binl(data)), 512 + data.length * 8);
- return binl2rstr(binlMD5(opad.concat(hash2), 512 + 128));
- }
- function rstr2hex(input) {
- var hexTab = "0123456789abcdef";
- var output = "";
- var x;
- var i2;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < input.length; i2 += 1) {
- x = input.charCodeAt(i2);
- output += hexTab.charAt(x >>> 4 & 15) + hexTab.charAt(x & 15);
- }
- return output;
- }
- function str2rstrUTF8(input) {
- return unescape(encodeURIComponent(input));
- }
- function rawMD5(s2) {
- return rstrMD5(str2rstrUTF8(s2));
- }
- function hexMD5(s2) {
- return rstr2hex(rawMD5(s2));
- }
- function rawHMACMD5(k, d) {
- return rstrHMACMD5(str2rstrUTF8(k), str2rstrUTF8(d));
- }
- function hexHMACMD5(k, d) {
- return rstr2hex(rawHMACMD5(k, d));
- }
- function md5(string, key2, raw) {
- if (!key2) {
- if (!raw) {
- return hexMD5(string);
- }
- return rawMD5(string);
- }
- if (!raw) {
- return hexHMACMD5(key2, string);
- }
- return rawHMACMD5(key2, string);
- }
- function copy(obj) {
- var newobj = obj.constructor === Array ? [] : {};
- if (typeof obj !== "object") {
- return;
- }
- for (var i2 in obj) {
- newobj[i2] = typeof obj[i2] === "object" ? copy(obj[i2]) : obj[i2];
- }
- return newobj;
- }
- class User {
- constructor() {
- console.log(md5("adsda12312"));
- this.is_login = false;
- this.vip_status = 0;
- this.mid = "";
- this.uname = "";
- this.has_init = false;
- = {
- id: "",
- order: "",
- order_by: "",
- // 当前路径文件夹名称
- folderName: "",
- items: []
- };
- = {
- id: "",
- // 时长
- duration: "",
- // 播放的时长
- play_cursor: "",
- // 视频名称
- name: "",
- thumbnail: "",
- // 0 首页自己的视频 1分享的视频
- type: -1,
- //当前视频所在的文件夹名称
- folderName: "",
- //跳转地址
- href: ""
- };
- }
- getVideoPage() {
- return;
- }
- //保存当前播放器设置
- saveVideoPlayerSet(art) {
- let playerSet = {
- // 全屏
- fullscreen: art.fullscreen,
- //网页全屏
- fullscreenWeb: art.fullscreenWeb,
- // 播放速度
- playbackRate: art.playbackRate,
- // 清晰度
- qualityHtml: art.qualityHtml
- };
- store.setItem("playerSet", playerSet);
- }
- // 获取播放器设置页面
- getVideoPlayerSet() {
- let playerSet = store.getItem("playerSet");
- if (playerSet == "") {
- playerSet = {};
- }
- return playerSet;
- }
- // 保存视频信息
- saveVideoInfo(id, name2, progress, folderName, href, share2, play_cursor) {
- let videoInfo = {
- "category": "video",
- "name": name2,
- "progress": progress,
- "id": id,
- "folderName": folderName,
- "href": href,
- "share": share2,
- "play_cursor": play_cursor
- };
- let list = store.getItem("historyVideo");
- if (list == "") {
- list = [];
- }
- let newList = [videoInfo];
- list.forEach(function(item, index) {
- if ( !== id && newList.length <= 5) {
- newList.push(item);
- }
- });
- store.setItem("historyVideo", newList);
- }
- clearSession() {
- store.removeItem("LG_session");
- store.removeItem("LG_session_Ref");
- store.removeItem("x-device-id");
- store.removeItem("x-signature");
- }
- clearAll() {
- user.clearSession();
- user.clearVideoHistory();
- }
- clearVideoHistory() {
- store.removeItem("historyVideo");
- }
- //获取视频历史列表
- getVideoLookList() {
- let historyVideo = store.getItem("historyVideo");
- if (historyVideo == "") {
- historyVideo = [];
- }
- return historyVideo;
- }
- getDeviceId() {
- return store.getItem("x-device-id");
- }
- getSignature() {
- return store.getItem("x-signature");
- }
- getPage() {
- var page =;
- if (!page.items) {
- page.items = [];
- }
- return page;
- }
- getAria2Set() {
- let aria2Set = store.getItem("Aria2Set");
- if (aria2Set == "") {
- aria2Set = {
- link: "http://localhost:6800/jsonrpc",
- path: "D:/aliyundriveDownloads",
- token: "",
- dirCreate: false
- };
- }
- return aria2Set;
- }
- getVideoSet() {
- let videoSet = store.getItem("VideoSet");
- if (videoSet == "") {
- videoSet = {
- quality: null
- };
- }
- return videoSet;
- }
- setVideoSet(videoSet) {
- store.setItem("VideoSet", videoSet);
- }
- setAria2Set(aria2Set) {
- store.setItem("Aria2Set", aria2Set);
- }
- refSession() {
- let now = new Date().getTime();
- let time = store.getItem("LG_session") || 0;
- let token = user.getToken();
- if (token == null) {
- showError$1("获取当前凭证失败,请刷新或重新登录");
- return;
- } else if (!user.isExpires(token)) {
- showError$1("Token已失效,请刷新或重新登录");
- return;
- }
- let d = user.getDeviceId();
- let s2 = user.getSignature();
- if (now - time > 18e4 && token.user_id || d == "" || s2 == "") {
- store.setItem("LG_session", now);
- store.setItem("LG_session_Ref", "true");
- } else {
- console.log("未到刷新时间或者时机");
- return;
- }
- user.session(token, function(a, b) {
- store.setItem("LG_session", new Date().getTime());
- store.removeItem("LG_session_Ref");
- });
- }
- session(token, callback) {
- if (token == null) {
- showError$1("刷新Session失败,token为空,请刷新或重新登录");
- return {};
- }
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let deviceId = store.getAliyun("__ETAG__CNA__ID__");
- if (deviceId == "") {
- deviceId = token.user_id.split("").reverse().join("").substring(0, 20);
- }
- let userId = token.user_id;
- unsafeWindow.luoGenSession(function(key2, pubStr, signature2, nd) {
- deviceId = nd;
- console.log("你好,罗根!");
- createSessionUrl({
- "deviceName": "罗根浏览器",
- "modelName": "Windows网页版",
- "pubKey": pubStr
- }, signature2, deviceId).then((res) => {
- if (! {
- user.clearSession();
- showError$1("设备超限,请下线其他设备,在刷新页面");
- elementPlus.ElMessageBox.alert("请点击左下角退出登陆那个菜单,点击登陆设备管理,下线其他设备。然后刷新页面", "设备超限", {
- confirmButtonText: "好的",
- callback: (action) => {
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- store.setItem("x-device-id", deviceId);
- store.setItem("x-signature", signature2);
- resolve({
- deviceId,
- signature: signature2
- });
- callback && callback(pubStr, signature2);
- }).catch((e) => {
- console.error("出现异常了...", e);
- user.clearSession();
- elementPlus.ElMessageBox.alert(e + "", "刷新session失败", {
- confirmButtonText: "刷新试一试",
- callback: (action) => {
- location.href = location.href;
- }
- });
- reject(e);
- });
- }, window.atob("NWRkZTRlMWJkZjllNDk2NmIzODdiYTU4ZjRiM2ZkYzM="), deviceId, userId);
- });
- }
- /**
- * 是否在首页
- */
- home() {
- return location.href.indexOf("com/drive") > 0;
- }
- // 没过期返回true 过期 false
- isExpires(item) {
- if (item == null || !item.expire_time) {
- return false;
- }
- let time = Date.parse(item.expire_time) -;
- return time > 0;
- }
- getShareToken() {
- return store.getAliyun("shareToken");
- }
- getToken() {
- let token = localStorage.getItem(`token`);
- if (token != null) {
- return JSON.parse(token);
- }
- return token;
- }
- // 获取当前页面上所有的文件
- getAllFileList() {
- let fileList2 = this.getPage().items;
- if (fileList2.length === 0) {
- console.error("获取文件列表失败");
- return [];
- }
- return copy(fileList2);
- }
- // 获取已选择的文件
- selectedFileList() {
- let jq = $2;
- let selectedFileList = [], fileList2 = this.getAllFileList();
- if (fileList2.length === 0) {
- console.error("获取文件列表失败");
- return [];
- }
- let node = "";
- if (jq(".tbody--3Y4Fn").length) {
- node = jq(".tbody--3Y4Fn");
- } else if (jq(".outer-wrapper--25yYA").length) {
- node = jq(".outer-wrapper--25yYA");
- }
- node.each(function(index) {
- var $this = jq(node[index]);
- if ($this.attr("data-is-selected") === "true") {
- let data_index = $this.closest("[data-index]").attr("data-index");
- data_index && selectedFileList.push(fileList2[data_index]);
- }
- });
- return copy(selectedFileList);
- }
- }
- const user = new User();
- function handler$2(res) {
- let data =;
- let response = res.response;
- let page = user.getPage();
- let items = [];
- if ( === data.parent_file_id && page.order === data.order_direction && page.order_by === data.order_by) {
- items = response.items;
- } else {
- = data.parent_file_id;
- page.order = data.order_direction;
- page.order_by = data.order_by;
- page.items = response.items;
- }
- let folderName = $2(".breadcrumb-item-link--M-p4b:last").text();
- page.folderName = folderName;
- if (items.length > 0) {
- if (!page.items) {
- page.items = [];
- }
- page.items = page.items.concat(response.items);
- }
- console.log(`已加载${page.items.length}个文件`);
- showSuccess(`已加载${page.items.length}个文件`);
- }
- const fileList = () => {
- http.onResponse(function(res, url) {
- let config = res.config;
- try {
- = JSON.parse(;
- } catch (error) {
- = {};
- }
- let response = {
- response: res.response,
- data:
- };
- if (url.indexOf("/file/list") > 0 || url.indexOf("/file/search") > 0) {
- handler$2(response);
- }
- });
- };
- function title(html2) {
- let name2 = html2.split(" ")[1];
- let css = "display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-items:center;";
- let htmlDiv = ``;
- return htmlDiv;
- }
- function artplayPluginQuality(option) {
- return (art) => {
- let def = option[option.length - 1];
- let loc = user.getVideoPlayerSet().quality;
- var storageQuality;
- if (loc) {
- let quality2 = option.find((item) => item.html === loc);
- if (quality2) {
- quality2["default"] = true;
- storageQuality = quality2.html;
- }
- }
- if (!storageQuality) {
- storageQuality = def.html;
- def["default"] = true;
- }
- let index = option.findIndex(function(item, index2) {
- return item.html === storageQuality;
- });
- var quality = {
- name: "quality",
- position: "right",
- html: title(storageQuality) || "Quality",
- selector: option,
- index: 2,
- onSelect: function(item) {
- art.switchQuality(item.url, item.html);
- console.log(item.html);
- console.log(item.url);
- art.qualityHtml = item.html;
- return title(item.html);
- }
- };
- art.quality_ = quality;
- art.controls.add(quality);
- if (storageQuality) {
- const quality2 = option[index];
- if (quality2) {
- art.url = quality2.url;
- art.qualityHtml = quality2.html;
- } else {
- art.url = option[0].url;
- art.qualityHtml = option[0].html;
- }
- } else {
- art.url = option[0].url;
- art.qualityHtml = option[0].html;
- }
- };
- }
- var cur = `
- function html(item, def) {
- let htmlDiv = `
- ${def ? cur : ""}
- `;
- return htmlDiv;
- }
- function selector(call) {
- let items = user.getPage().items;
- if (items.length == 0 || $2("#videoHistory").length > 0) {
- return (art) => {
- };
- }
- let fileList2 = items;
- let id = user.getVideoPage().id;
- var videoList = fileList2.filter(function(item, index) {
- return item.category === "video";
- }), fileIndex = videoList.findIndex(function(item, index) {
- return item.file_id === id;
- });
- if (!(fileIndex > -1 && videoList.length > 1))
- return () => {
- };
- console.log("视频数量为::" + videoList.length);
- return (art) => {
- let option = [];
- videoList.forEach((it, index) => {
- option.push({
- default: index == fileIndex,
- index,
- file: it,
- html: html(it, index == fileIndex)
- });
- });
- let svg = '';
- if (fileIndex + 1 < videoList.length) {
- art.controls.add({
- name: "next_selector",
- position: "left",
- html: `` + svg + "",
- tooltip: videoList[fileIndex + 1].name,
- style: {
- marginRight: "10px"
- },
- click: function() {
- let item = videoList[fileIndex + 1];
- call && call(item);
- }
- });
- }
- art.videoList = option;
- art.controls.add({
- name: "selector",
- position: "right",
- index: 1,
- html: "选集",
- click: function() {
- if (art.fullscreen) {
- art.fullscreen = false;
- } else if (art.fullscreenWeb) {
- art.fullscreen = false;
- }
- call && call();
- }
- });
- };
- }
- function subtitle(click) {
- return (art) => {
- art.controls.add({
- name: "subtitle",
- position: "right",
- html: "字幕",
- index: 2,
- style: {
- marginLeft: "10px"
- },
- click: function() {
- if (art.fullscreen) {
- art.fullscreen = false;
- } else if (art.fullscreenWeb) {
- art.fullscreen = false;
- }
- click && click();
- }
- });
- };
- }
- var doubleSpeed = function(art) {
- = "倍速播放 x3";
- art.playbackRate = 3;
- };
- function hotkey() {
- return (art) => {
- var rightCount = 0;
- var playbackRate = null;
- var rightInterval = null;
- var logKey = false;
- document.onkeyup = function(event) {
- if (event.code === "ArrowRight") {
- if (rightCount === 1) {
- art.currentTime = art.currentTime + 5;
- }
- logKey = false;
- if (rightInterval) {
- window.clearInterval(rightInterval);
- }
- rightInterval = null;
- rightCount = 0;
- if (playbackRate) {
- art.playbackRate = playbackRate;
- playbackRate = null;
- }
- }
- };
- document.onkeydown = function(event) {
- if (event.code === "ArrowRight") {
- rightCount += 1;
- if (!playbackRate) {
- playbackRate = art.playbackRate;
- }
- if (!rightInterval) {
- rightInterval = setInterval(function() {
- if (rightCount > 100) {
- rightCount = 2;
- }
- if (rightCount > 1 && !logKey) {
- doubleSpeed(art);
- logKey = true;
- }
- }, 100);
- }
- } else if (event.code === "ArrowLeft") {
- art.currentTime = art.currentTime - 5;
- } else if (event.code === "ArrowUp") {
- art.volume = art.volume + 0.01;
- } else if (event.code === "ArrowDown") {
- art.volume = art.volume - 0.01;
- } else if (event.code === "Space") {
- art.toggle();
- } else if (event.code === "Enter") {
- art.fullscreen = !art.fullscreen;
- }
- };
- };
- }
- function saveCloud(art) {
- let token = user.getToken();
- if (token == null) {
- return;
- }
- let v = user.getVideoPage();
- videoUpdate({
- drive_id: token.default_drive_id,
- duration: art.duration,
- file_id:,
- play_cursor: art.currentTime
- }).then((res) => {
- });
- }
- function saveExit() {
- return (art) => {
- art.on("ready", () => {
- let v = user.getVideoPage();
- if (v.play_cursor) {
- = v.play_cursor;
- } else {
- let list = user.getVideoLookList();
- let index = list.findIndex((item) => {
- return ==;
- });
- if (index != -1) {
- = list[index].play_cursor;
- }
- }
- let plset = user.getVideoPlayerSet();
- if (plset.fullscreen) {
- art.fullscreen = true;
- }
- if (plset.fullscreenWeb) {
- art.fullscreenWeb = true;
- }
- if (plset.playbackRate) {
- art.playbackRate = plset.playbackRate;
- }
- });
- art.on("destroy", () => {
- let v = user.getVideoPage();
- if (v.type == 0) {
- saveCloud(art);
- }
- user.saveVideoPlayerSet(art);
- let currentTime = art.currentTime;
- let progress = parseInt(currentTime / art.duration * 100);
- art.hls.destroy();
- let items = user.getPage().items;
- let index = items.findIndex((it) => {
- return it.file_id ==;
- });
- if (index != -1) {
- if (!items[index].user_meta) {
- items[index].user_meta = "{}";
- }
- let meta = JSON.parse(items[index].user_meta);
- meta.play_cursor = currentTime;
- items[index].user_meta = JSON.stringify(meta);
- }
- let folderName;
- let href = v.href;
- if (v.type == 1) {
- folderName = "来自分享";
- } else {
- folderName = v.folderName;
- }
- user.saveVideoInfo(,, progress, folderName, href, v.type == 1, currentTime);
- });
- };
- }
- const SubTitle_vue_vue_type_style_index_0_scoped_d7b389fc_lang = "";
- const _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
- const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
- for (const [key2, val] of props) {
- target[key2] = val;
- }
- return target;
- };
- const _withScopeId$1 = (n) => (vue.pushScopeId("data-v-d7b389fc"), n = n(), vue.popScopeId(), n);
- const _hoisted_1$4 = { class: "bread-container--npII5" };
- const _hoisted_2$3 = {
- class: "breadcrumb-wrap--2iqqe",
- "data-align": "left"
- };
- const _hoisted_3$3 = {
- class: "breadcrumb--2FqFQ",
- "data-calc": "true"
- };
- const _hoisted_4$3 = ["data-label", "onClick", "data-key"];
- const _hoisted_5$3 = {
- class: "breadcrumb-item-link--M-p4b",
- "data-spm-anchor-id": "0.0.0.i5.54a06c75zaT9h6"
- };
- const _hoisted_6$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "breadcrumb-item-separator--r1w8a" }, "›", -1));
- const _hoisted_7$3 = {
- key: 0,
- class: "list--13IBL"
- };
- const _hoisted_8$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "placeholder---npkN" }, [
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("img", {
- src: "!!6000000003616-2-tps-224-224.png",
- alt: "empty folder"
- }),
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "文件夹为空")
- ], -1));
- const _hoisted_9$3 = [
- _hoisted_8$3
- ];
- const _hoisted_10$3 = ["onClick"];
- const _hoisted_11$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("img", {
- alt: "folder",
- class: "file-icon--3CoKG fileicon--vNn4M",
- draggable: "false",
- src: "!!6000000003238-2-tps-230-180.png"
- }, null, -1));
- const _hoisted_12$3 = ["title", "onClick"];
- const _hoisted_13$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("img", {
- alt: "others",
- class: "file-icon--3CoKG fileicon--vNn4M",
- draggable: "false",
- src: "!!6000000003334-2-tps-140-140.png"
- }, null, -1));
- const _sfc_main$5 = {
- __name: "SubTitle",
- emits: ["selectSubTitle"],
- setup(__props, { expose, emit }) {
- const data = vue.ref([]);
- const path = vue.ref([]);
- vue.onMounted(() => {
- getFileList("root", "全部文件");
- });
- function selectFile(fileInfo) {
- elementPlus.ElMessageBox.confirm(
- `确认加载《${}》字幕文件吗?`,
- "字幕选择",
- {
- confirmButtonText: "确认",
- cancelButtonText: "取消"
- }
- ).then(() => {
- emit("selectSubTitle", fileInfo);
- });
- }
- function getFileList(parent_file_id, name2) {
- if (path.value.length != 0) {
- let last = path.value[path.value.length - 1];
- if ( == parent_file_id) {
- return;
- }
- let index = path.value.findIndex((item, index2) => {
- return === parent_file_id;
- });
- if (index != -1) {
- path.value = path.value.splice(0, index);
- }
- }
- path.value.push({
- id: parent_file_id,
- name: name2
- });
- let token = user.getToken();
- if (token == "" || token == null) {
- showError$1("登录凭证失效,请重新登录重试");
- return;
- }
- if (token.default_drive_id == null || token.default_drive_id == "") {
- showError$1("设备id为空,请刷新重试");
- console.log(token.default_drive_id);
- return;
- }
- search({
- "drive_id": token.default_drive_id,
- "query": `parent_file_id = "${parent_file_id}" and (type = "folder" or file_extension in ["srt", "ass", "vtt"])`,
- "order_by": "type ASC,updated_at DESC",
- "limit": 20,
- "image_thumbnail_process": "image/resize,w_256/format,jpeg",
- "image_url_process": "image/resize,w_1920/format,jpeg/interlace,1",
- "video_thumbnail_process": "video/snapshot,t_1000,f_jpg,ar_auto,w_256"
- }).then((res) => {
- data.value.length = 0;
- data.value =;
- }).catch((e) => {
- console.log(e);
- if (e && e + "" == "AxiosError: Request failed with status code 429") {
- showError$1("您操作的太快了! 请稍候点击下方按钮,刷新尝试");
- } else {
- showError$1(e + "");
- }
- });
- }
- expose({
- getFileList
- });
- return (_ctx, _cache) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", null, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$4, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$3, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$3, [
- (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(path.value, (item, index) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: index,
- class: "breadcrumb-item--tV9dn",
- "data-label":,
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(($event) => getFileList(,, ["stop"]),
- "data-key":,
- "data-hide": "false",
- "data-more": "false"
- }, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$3, vue.toDisplayString(, 1),
- _hoisted_6$3
- ], 8, _hoisted_4$3);
- }), 128))
- ])
- ])
- ]),
- data.value.length == 0 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_7$3, _hoisted_9$3)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(data.value, (item, index) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { key: index }, [
- item.type == "folder" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: 0,
- class: "item--18Z6t",
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(($event) => getFileList(item.file_id,, ["stop"])
- }, [
- _hoisted_11$3,
- vue.createElementVNode("span", null, vue.toDisplayString(, 1)
- ], 8, _hoisted_10$3)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- item.type == "file" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: 1,
- class: "item--18Z6t",
- title:,
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(($event) => selectFile(item), ["stop"])
- }, [
- _hoisted_13$3,
- vue.createElementVNode("span", null, vue.toDisplayString(, 1)
- ], 8, _hoisted_12$3)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)
- ]);
- }), 128))
- ]);
- };
- }
- };
- const SubTitle = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$5, [["__scopeId", "data-v-d7b389fc"]]);
- const Selector_vue_vue_type_style_index_0_scoped_d200ca3c_lang = "";
- const _hoisted_1$3 = ["data-def"];
- const _sfc_main$4 = {
- __name: "Selector",
- emits: ["next"],
- setup(__props, { expose, emit }) {
- const videoList = vue.ref([]);
- const card = vue.ref();
- vue.onMounted(() => {
- });
- function nextVideo(index) {
- videoList.value.forEach((it, ix) => {
- if (ix == index) {
- it.default = true;
- } else {
- it.default = false;
- }
- });
- emit("next", videoList.value[index]);
- }
- function loadingList(vList) {
- console.log(vList);
- videoList.value = vList;
- scrollToData();
- }
- function scrollToData() {
- let target = $2('div[data-def="true"]');
- if (target.length == 0) {
- setTimeout(scrollToData, 200);
- return;
- }
- card.value.setScrollTop(target[0].offsetTop);
- }
- expose({
- loadingList
- });
- return (_ctx, _cache) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElScrollbar), {
- class: "GoodList",
- ref_key: "card",
- ref: card
- }, {
- default: vue.withCtx(() => [
- (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(videoList.value, (item, index) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- "data-def": item.default,
- class: "card",
- key: index
- }, [
- vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElTooltip), {
- content:,
- placement: "left-start",
- effect: "light",
- "hide-after": "10",
- "show-after": "100"
- }, {
- default: vue.withCtx(() => [
- vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElCard), {
- shadow: item.default ? "always" : "hover",
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(($event) => nextVideo(index), ["stop"])
- }, {
- default: vue.withCtx(() => [
- vue.createElementVNode("p", {
- style: vue.normalizeStyle(item.default ? "color:#23ade5" : "")
- }, vue.toDisplayString(, 5)
- ]),
- _: 2
- }, 1032, ["shadow", "onClick"])
- ]),
- _: 2
- }, 1032, ["content"])
- ], 8, _hoisted_1$3);
- }), 128))
- ]),
- _: 1
- }, 512);
- };
- }
- };
- const Selector = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$4, [["__scopeId", "data-v-d200ca3c"]]);
- const VideoPage_vue_vue_type_style_index_0_scoped_00879d36_lang = "";
- const _sfc_main$3 = {
- __name: "VideoPage",
- setup(__props) {
- const artRef = vue.ref();
- const subtitleRef = vue.ref();
- const selectorRef = vue.ref();
- const table = vue.ref(false);
- const showSelector = vue.ref(false);
- const retry = vue.reactive({
- error: false,
- text: "",
- title: "",
- loading: false
- });
- const transcoding = {
- UHD: "4K 超清",
- QHD: "2K 超清",
- FHD: "1080 全高清",
- HD: "720 高清",
- SD: "540 标清",
- LD: "360 流畅"
- };
- var options = {};
- let instance;
- vue.onMounted(() => {
- getVideoInfo(artp);
- });
- function getOption(video) {
- let play_info = video.video_preview_play_info;
- let task_list = play_info.live_transcoding_task_list;
- var option = [];
- task_list.forEach(function(item, index) {
- let name2 = transcoding[item.template_id];
- if (!name2) {
- return;
- }
- if (item.url != "") {
- option.push({
- html: name2,
- url: item.url || item.preview_url
- });
- }
- });
- return option;
- }
- function nextVideo(item) {
- showSelector.value = false;
- if (item.file) {
- item = item.file;
- }
- instance.destroy(false);
- let vInfo = user.getVideoPage();
- = item.file_id;
- if (!item.user_meta) {
- item.user_meta = "{}";
- }
- let meta = JSON.parse(item.user_meta);
- vInfo.duration = meta.duration;
- vInfo.play_cursor = meta.play_cursor;
- =;
- vInfo.thumbnail = item.thumbnail;
- getVideoInfo(artp);
- }
- function artp(video) {
- var option = getOption(video);
- instance = new Artplayer2({
- container: artRef.value,
- settings: [
- {
- html: "画中画",
- icon: '',
- switch: false,
- tooltip: "Close",
- onSwitch: function(item, $dom, event) {
-, $dom, event);
- const nextState = !item.switch;
- instance.pip = nextState;
- item.tooltip = nextState ? "Open" : "Close";
- return nextState;
- }
- }
- ],
- plugins: [
- // 清晰度
- artplayPluginQuality(option),
- // 上下集
- selector(function(item) {
- if (item == null) {
- instance.pause();
- showSelector.value = true;
- return;
- }
- nextVideo(item);
- }),
- //快捷键
- hotkey(),
- // 字幕插件
- subtitle(openSubTitle),
- // 偏好设置
- saveExit()
- ],
- ...options
- });
- instance.on("error", function(e) {
- console.log(e);
- });
- instance.on("ready", () => {
- console.log(instance.qualityHtml);
- });
- instance.on("destroy", () => {
- });
- }
- function getExt(url) {
- if (url.includes("?")) {
- return getExt(url.split("?")[0]);
- }
- if (url.includes("#")) {
- return getExt(url.split("#")[0]);
- }
- return url.trim().toLowerCase().split(".").pop();
- }
- function selectSubTitle(fileInfo) {
- console.log(fileInfo.url);
- table.value = false;
- instance.subtitle.switch(fileInfo.url, {
- type: getExt(
- });
- }
- function openSubTitle() {
- instance.pause();
- table.value = true;
- }
- function retryClick() {
- retry.loading = true;
- getVideoInfo(artp);
- }
- var hlsErrorHandler = function(event, data, art) {
- if (art.hls.error == -1) {
- console.log("在处理了");
- return;
- }
- var errorType = data.type;
- var errorDetails = data.details;
- var errorFatal = data.fatal;
- console.log(errorType);
- console.log(errorDetails);
- console.log(errorFatal);
- if (art.hls.error) {
- art.hls.error += 1;
- } else {
- art.hls.error = 1;
- }
- if (data.details == "fragLoadError" && (errorFatal || art.hls.error >= 4)) {
- art.hls.error = -1;
- retry403(art);
- } else if (errorType == "networkError" && errorFatal) {
- elementPlus.ElNotification({
- title: "网络错误",
- message: "请检查网络配置后,刷新页面",
- type: "error"
- });
- }
- };
- function m3u8Hls(video, url, art) {
- art.hls = new Hls2();
- art.hls.loadSource(url);
- art.hls.attachMedia(video);
- video.addEventListener("loadstart", function(e) {
- console.log("提示视频的元数据已加载" + video.src);
- if (art.hlsCurrentTime403) {
- video.currentTime = art.hlsCurrentTime403;
- }
- });
- art.hls.on(Hls2.Events.ERROR, function(e, d) {
- hlsErrorHandler(e, d, art);
- });
- }
- function retry403(art) {
- getVideoInfo(function(data) {
- let option = getOption(data);
- let index = option.findIndex(function(item2, index2) {
- return item2.html === art.qualityHtml;
- });
- if (index == -1) {
- index = option.length - 1;
- }
- let item = option[index];
- item["default"] = true;
- art.quality_.selector = option;
- art.hlsCurrentTime403 = art.currentTime;
- art.hls.destroy();
- art.hls.error = 0;
- art.hls = new Hls2();
- art.hls.loadSource(item.url);
- art.hls.attachMedia(;
- art.hls.on(Hls2.Events.ERROR, function(e, d) {
- hlsErrorHandler(e, d, art);
- });
- });
- }
- function showSelectorOpen() {
- selectorRef.value.loadingList(instance.videoList);
- }
- function closeSelector() {
- }
- function getVideoInfo(call) {
- let token = user.getToken();
- if (token == null) {
- elementPlus.ElMessageBox.alert("当前登录凭证获取为空,请刷新或重新登录", {
- confirmButtonText: "获取凭证失败",
- callback: (action) => {
- location.href = location.href;
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- let videoInfo = user.getVideoPage();
- let req;
- if (videoInfo.type == 0) {
- req = videoPreviewPlayInfo({
- category: "live_transcoding",
- drive_id: token.default_drive_id,
- file_id:,
- template_id: "FHD|HD|SD|LD",
- url_expire_sec: 14400,
- get_subtitle_info: true
- });
- } else if (videoInfo.type == 1) {
- let shareToken = user.getShareToken();
- if (!user.isExpires(shareToken)) {
- elementPlus.ElMessageBox.alert("很抱歉,当前页面太久没活动了,请点击刷新后再来观看吧", "分享凭证失效", {
- confirmButtonText: "刷新",
- callback: (action) => {
- location.href = location.href;
- }
- });
- }
- req = shareVideoInfo(, shareToken.share_id, shareToken.share_token);
- }
- req.then((res) => {
- retry.error = false;
- options = {
- id:,
- poster: videoInfo.thumbnail,
- title:,
- type: "m3u8",
- customType: {
- m3u8: m3u8Hls
- },
- subtitleOffset: true,
- flip: true,
- setting: true,
- playbackRate: true,
- aspectRatio: true,
- fullscreen: true,
- fullscreenWeb: true,
- miniProgressBar: true,
- autoplay: true,
- screenshot: true,
- hotkey: false,
- airplay: true,
- theme: "#23ade5",
- volume: 1,
- contextmenu: [],
- icons: {
- state: `
- indicator: `
- }
- };
- if (videoInfo.type == 0) {
- $2(".text--2KGvI").text(;
- } else if (videoInfo.type == 1) {
- $2(".header-file-name--CN_fq").text(;
- }
- call && call(;
- }).catch((e) => {
- if (instance) {
- instance.pause();
- instance.destroy(false);
- }
- console.log(e);
- if (e && e + "" == "AxiosError: Request failed with status code 429") {
- retry.text = "请稍候点击下方按钮,刷新尝试";
- retry.title = "您操作的太快了";
- } else {
- retry.title = "接口问题";
- retry.text = e + "";
- }
- retry.error = true;
- }).finally(() => {
- retry.loading = false;
- });
- }
- vue.onUnmounted(() => {
- if (instance) {
- instance.destroy(false);
- }
- console.log("视频页面销毁");
- });
- return (_ctx, _cache) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, [
- vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElDrawer), {
- modelValue: table.value,
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => table.value = $event),
- title: "请选择字幕文件",
- direction: "rtl",
- size: "25%"
- }, {
- default: vue.withCtx(() => [
- vue.createVNode(SubTitle, {
- onSelectSubTitle: selectSubTitle,
- ref_key: "subtitleRef",
- ref: subtitleRef
- }, null, 512)
- ]),
- _: 1
- }, 8, ["modelValue"]),
- vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElDrawer), {
- modelValue: showSelector.value,
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => showSelector.value = $event),
- title: "选集",
- direction: "rtl",
- size: "20%",
- onOpen: showSelectorOpen,
- onClose: closeSelector
- }, {
- default: vue.withCtx(() => [
- vue.createVNode(Selector, {
- videoList: _ctx.videoList,
- ref_key: "selectorRef",
- ref: selectorRef,
- onNext: nextVideo
- }, null, 8, ["videoList"])
- ]),
- _: 1
- }, 8, ["modelValue"]),
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "player",
- ref_key: "artRef",
- ref: artRef
- }, null, 512), [
- [vue.vShow, !retry.error]
- ]),
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElResult), {
- title: retry.title,
- "sub-title": retry.text
- }, {
- extra: vue.withCtx(() => [
- vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElButton), {
- type: "primary",
- loading: retry.loading,
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(retryClick, ["stop"])
- }, {
- default: vue.withCtx(() => [
- vue.createTextVNode("刷新")
- ]),
- _: 1
- }, 8, ["loading", "onClick"])
- ]),
- _: 1
- }, 8, ["title", "sub-title"]), [
- [vue.vShow, retry.error]
- ])
- ], 64);
- };
- }
- };
- const VideoPage = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$3, [["__scopeId", "data-v-00879d36"]]);
- var interval;
- function initVideoPlayer(videoFile) {
- let node = $2(".video-previewer--1vo5c");
- if (node.length <= 0) {
- if (interval == null) {
- interval = setInterval(function() {
- initVideoPlayer(videoFile);
- }, 200);
- }
- return;
- } else {
- clearInterval(interval);
- interval = null;
- }
- let vInfo = user.getVideoPage();
- = videoFile.file_id;
- if (videoFile.user_meta) {
- try {
- let meta = JSON.parse(videoFile.user_meta);
- if (meta.duration) {
- vInfo.duration = meta.duration;
- }
- if (meta.play_cursor) {
- vInfo.play_cursor = meta.play_cursor;
- }
- } catch (error) {
- console.error(error);
- }
- }
- =;
- vInfo.thumbnail = videoFile.thumbnail;
- vInfo.folderName = user.getPage().folderName;
- vInfo.type = 0;
- vInfo.href = location.href;
- var app = vue.createApp(VideoPage);
- app.mount(
- (() => {
- console.log("我创建了1");
- const app2 = $2(``)[0];
- node.replaceWith(app2);
- return app2;
- })()
- );
- $2(".header-left--3QcN-").on("click", function() {
- app.unmount();
- });
- }
- function homeVideo(videoFile) {
- if (interval != null) {
- clearInterval(interval);
- }
- initVideoPlayer(videoFile);
- }
- function shareVideo$1(videoFile) {
- let node = $2(".video-previewer--1ESTK");
- if (node.length <= 0) {
- if (interval == null) {
- interval = setInterval(function() {
- shareVideo$1(videoFile);
- }, 200);
- }
- return;
- } else {
- clearInterval(interval);
- interval = null;
- }
- let it = user.getPage().items;
- let index = it.findIndex((item) => {
- return item.file_id == videoFile.file_id;
- });
- console.log(index);
- if (index == -1) {
- elementPlus.ElMessageBox.alert("手速太快啦,请回到文件列表中,随便点击排序,看到已加载多少文件时,在进来吧", "操作页面过快", {
- confirmButtonText: "去排序",
- callback: (action) => {
- location.href = location.href;
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- let v = it[index];
- v.user_meta = "{}";
- let vInfo = user.getVideoPage();
- let list = user.getVideoLookList();
- index = list.findIndex((item) => {
- return == videoFile.file_id;
- });
- if (index != -1) {
- vInfo.play_cursor = list[index].play_cursor;
- }
- = v.file_id;
- =;
- vInfo.thumbnail = v.thumbnail;
- vInfo.type = 1;
- vInfo.folderName = "来自分享";
- vInfo.href = location.href;
- var app = vue.createApp(VideoPage);
- app.mount(
- (() => {
- const app2 = $2(``)[0];
- node.replaceWith(app2);
- return app2;
- })()
- );
- $2(".header-icon--bJn--").on("click", function() {
- app.unmount();
- });
- }
- function handler$1(res) {
- let response = res.response;
- if (response.category && response.category === "video") {
- homeVideo(response);
- }
- }
- const fileGet = () => {
- http.onResponse(function(res, url) {
- let config = res.config;
- try {
- = JSON.parse(;
- } catch (error) {
- = {};
- }
- let response = {
- response: res.response,
- data:
- };
- if (url.endsWith("/file/get")) {
- handler$1(response);
- }
- });
- };
- function handler(res) {
- let response = res.response;
- let shareToken = user.getShareToken();
- if (!user.isExpires(shareToken) || shareToken.share_id != response.share_id) {
- showError("当前页面已过期,请刷新重试");
- return;
- }
- shareVideo$1(response);
- }
- const shareVideo = () => {
- http.onResponse(function(res, url) {
- let config = res.config;
- try {
- = JSON.parse(;
- } catch (error) {
- = {};
- }
- let response = {
- response: res.response,
- data:
- };
- if (url.indexOf("get_video_preview_play_info_by_share") > 0) {
- handler(response);
- }
- });
- };
- const fileUpdate = () => {
- http.onRequest(function(req) {
- if (req.url.endsWith("v3/file/update")) {
- let reqbody = JSON.parse([0]);
- let name2 =;
- let i2 = name2.lastIndexOf(".");
- if (i2 === -1) {
- return;
- }
- let newName = name2.substring(0, i2);
- if (newName.lastIndexOf(".") !== -1) {
- = newName;
-[0] = JSON.stringify(reqbody);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- const logout = () => {
- http.onRequest(function(req) {
- if (req.url.endsWith("/users/v1/users/device_logout")) {
- deviceLogout();
- console.log("sadasd");
- }
- });
- };
- const xhrHandler = () => {
- fileList();
- fileGet();
- shareVideo();
- fileUpdate();
- logout();
- };
- class XMLHttp {
- constructor() {
- __publicField(this, "request", function(param) {
- });
- __publicField(this, "response", function(param) {
- });
- __publicField(this, "onRequest", function(cal) {
- this.requestListen.push(cal);
- });
- __publicField(this, "onResponse", function(cal) {
- this.responseListen.push(cal);
- });
- this.responseListen = [];
- this.requestListen = [];
- }
- }
- function initXMLHttpRequest(http2) {
- let open =;
- = function(...args) {
- let send = this.send;
- let _this = this;
- let post_data = [];
- this.send = function( {
- post_data = data;
- let dataBody = {
- url: args[1],
- method: args[0],
- headers: {},
- data
- };
- if (_this._header_) {
- dataBody.headers = _this._header_;
- }
- if (_this._header_ && _this._header_["fileId"]) {
- return send.apply(_this, data);
- }
- http2.request(dataBody);
- return send.apply(_this, data);
- };
- this.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
- if (this.readyState === 4) {
- let config = {
- url: args[1],
- status: this.status,
- method: args[0],
- data: post_data
- };
- let res = this.response;
- if (_this._header_ && _this._header_["fileId"]) {
- return;
- }
- if (typeof res == "string") {
- try {
- res = JSON.parse(this.response);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log("解析出问题了, ", e);
- return;
- }
- }
- http2.response({ config, response: res });
- }
- }, false);
- return open.apply(this, args);
- };
- }
- const http = new XMLHttp();
- function listen() {
- xhrHandler();
- http.request = function(req) {
- if (this.requestListen.length > 0) {
- this.requestListen.forEach((i2) => {
- i2(req);
- });
- }
- };
- http.response = function(res) {
- if (this.responseListen.length > 0) {
- let config = res.config;
- this.responseListen.forEach((i2) => {
- i2(res, config.url);
- });
- }
- };
- initXMLHttpRequest(http);
- }
- /*! Element Plus Icons Vue v2.0.10 */
- var export_helper_default = (sfc, props) => {
- let target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
- for (let [key2, val] of props)
- target[key2] = val;
- return target;
- };
- var refresh_vue_vue_type_script_lang_default = {
- name: "Refresh"
- };
- var _hoisted_1217 = {
- viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024",
- xmlns: ""
- }, _hoisted_2217 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("path", {
- fill: "currentColor",
- d: "M771.776 794.88A384 384 0 0 1 128 512h64a320 320 0 0 0 555.712 216.448H654.72a32 32 0 1 1 0-64h149.056a32 32 0 0 1 32 32v148.928a32 32 0 1 1-64 0v-50.56zM276.288 295.616h92.992a32 32 0 0 1 0 64H220.16a32 32 0 0 1-32-32V178.56a32 32 0 0 1 64 0v50.56A384 384 0 0 1 896.128 512h-64a320 320 0 0 0-555.776-216.384z"
- }, null, -1), _hoisted_3216 = [
- _hoisted_2217
- ];
- function _sfc_render217(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_1217, _hoisted_3216);
- }
- var refresh_default = /* @__PURE__ */ export_helper_default(refresh_vue_vue_type_script_lang_default, [["render", _sfc_render217], ["__file", "refresh.vue"]]);
- const cssLoader = (e) => {
- const t2 = GM_getResourceText(e), o = document.createElement("style");
- return o.innerText = t2, document.head.append(o), t2;
- };
- cssLoader("element-plus/dist/index.css");
- const _hoisted_1$2 = {
- key: 0,
- class: "ant-modal-root",
- id: "aria2-set-box"
- };
- const _hoisted_2$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "ant-modal-mask" }, null, -1);
- const _hoisted_3$2 = {
- tabindex: "-1",
- class: "ant-modal-wrap",
- role: "dialog"
- };
- const _hoisted_4$2 = {
- role: "document",
- class: "ant-modal modal-wrapper--2yJKO",
- style: { "width": "340px", "transform-origin": "-14px 195px" }
- };
- const _hoisted_5$2 = { class: "ant-modal-content" };
- const _hoisted_6$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "ant-modal-header" }, [
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "ant-modal-title" }, " Aria2设置 ")
- ], -1);
- const _hoisted_7$2 = { class: "ant-modal-body" };
- const _hoisted_8$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", {
- "data-role": "icon",
- "data-render-as": "svg",
- "data-icon-type": "PDSClose",
- class: "close-icon--33bP0 icon--d-ejA"
- }, [
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024" }, [
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("use", { "xlink:href": "#PDSClose" })
- ])
- ], -1);
- const _hoisted_9$2 = [
- _hoisted_8$2
- ];
- const _hoisted_10$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", null, " 推送链接: ", -1);
- const _hoisted_11$2 = { class: "content-wrapper--1_WJv" };
- const _hoisted_12$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", null, " 推送路径: ", -1);
- const _hoisted_13$2 = { class: "content-wrapper--1_WJv" };
- const _hoisted_14$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", null, " RPC密钥: ", -1);
- const _hoisted_15$2 = { class: "content-wrapper--1_WJv" };
- const _hoisted_16$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", null, " 其他: ", -1);
- const _hoisted_17$2 = { class: "content-wrapper--1_WJv" };
- const _hoisted_18$1 = { class: "ant-input ant-input-borderless input--3oFR6" };
- const _hoisted_19$1 = { class: "ant-modal-footer" };
- const _hoisted_20$1 = { class: "footer--3Q0je" };
- const _hoisted_21$1 = ["onClick"];
- const _sfc_main$2 = {
- __name: "Aria2Set",
- setup(__props, { expose }) {
- const data = vue.reactive({
- isShowAria2Set: false,
- pushBtonText: "Aria2 推送",
- aria2Model: user.getAria2Set()
- });
- function saveAria2() {
- user.setAria2Set(data.aria2Model);
- data.isShowAria2Set = false;
- showSuccess("Aria2配置保存成功");
- }
- function aria2Push(fileList2, call) {
- if (data.pushBtonText == "正在推送") {
- return;
- }
- let folderName = "";
- if (data.aria2Model.dirCreate) {
- let dir = $2(".breadcrumb--2FqFQ[data-calc=true] > .breadcrumb-item--tV9dn > .breadcrumb-item-link--M-p4b");
- folderName = "/阿里云盘";
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < dir.length; i2++) {
- folderName += "/" + dir[i2].innerText;
- }
- }
- let sendDownLoad = [];
- fileList2.forEach(function(item, index) {
- sendDownLoad.push({
- id: "",
- jsonrpc: "2.0",
- method: "aria2.addUri",
- params: [
- "token:" + data.aria2Model.token,
- [item.url],
- {
- out:,
- dir: data.aria2Model.path + folderName,
- referer: "",
- "user-agent": navigator.userAgent
- }
- ]
- });
- });
- let text = data.pushBtonText;
- data.pushBtonText = "正在推送";
- $2.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url:,
- data: JSON.stringify(sendDownLoad),
- crossDomain: true,
- processData: false,
- contentType: "application/json",
- success: function(result) {
- showSuccess("Aria2推送成功");
- data.pushBtonText = text;
- call(true);
- },
- error: function(error) {
- showError$1("Aria2 推送失败,请检查配置,或刷新后重试");
- data.pushBtonText = text;
- call(flase);
- }
- });
- }
- function show() {
- data.isShowAria2Set = true;
- }
- function hide() {
- data.isShowAria2Set = false;
- }
- expose({
- aria2Push,
- show,
- hide
- });
- return (_ctx, _cache) => {
- return data.isShowAria2Set ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$2, [
- _hoisted_2$2,
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$2, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$2, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$2, [
- _hoisted_6$2,
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$2, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "icon-wrapper--3dbbo",
- id: "aria2-set-icon",
- onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = vue.withModifiers(($event) => data.isShowAria2Set = false, ["stop"]))
- }, _hoisted_9$2),
- _hoisted_10$2,
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11$2, [
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- id: "aria2-link",
- class: "ant-input ant-input-borderless input--3oFR6",
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => = $event),
- type: "text"
- }, null, 512), [
- [vue.vModelText,]
- ])
- ]),
- _hoisted_12$2,
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_13$2, [
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- id: "aria2-path",
- class: "ant-input ant-input-borderless input--3oFR6",
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => data.aria2Model.path = $event),
- type: "text"
- }, null, 512), [
- [vue.vModelText, data.aria2Model.path]
- ])
- ]),
- _hoisted_14$2,
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_15$2, [
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- id: "aria2-token",
- class: "ant-input ant-input-borderless input--3oFR6",
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => data.aria2Model.token = $event),
- type: "text"
- }, null, 512), [
- [vue.vModelText, data.aria2Model.token]
- ])
- ]),
- _hoisted_16$2,
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_17$2, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_18$1, [
- vue.createTextVNode(" 不创建对应目录: "),
- vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElSwitch), {
- modelValue: data.aria2Model.dirCreate,
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => data.aria2Model.dirCreate = $event)
- }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
- ])
- ])
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_19$1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_20$1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("button", {
- id: "aria2-set-save",
- class: "button--2Aa4u primary--3AJe5 small---B8mi",
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(saveAria2, ["stop"])
- }, " 确定 ", 8, _hoisted_21$1)
- ])
- ])
- ])
- ])
- ])
- ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true);
- };
- }
- };
- const DwoloadPage_vue_vue_type_style_index_0_scoped_5d43769b_lang = "";
- const _withScopeId = (n) => (vue.pushScopeId("data-v-5d43769b"), n = n(), vue.popScopeId(), n);
- const _hoisted_1$1 = { key: 0 };
- const _hoisted_2$1 = { key: 1 };
- const _hoisted_3$1 = { key: 0 };
- const _hoisted_4$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("p", { class: "notice1" }, "1. 因阿里云盘接口限制,短期大量请求会出现接口请求频繁,可以先选择需要下载的文件,在点击显示链接按钮。 ", -1));
- const _hoisted_5$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("p", { class: "notice1" }, "2. 接口请求频繁,也可尝试点击下载,不过文件名需要重新命名 ", -1));
- const _hoisted_6$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("p", { class: "notice1" }, "3. 在点击刷新按钮时,不要连续点击,可等几秒在点一次尝试获取 ", -1));
- const _hoisted_7$1 = [
- _hoisted_4$1,
- _hoisted_5$1,
- _hoisted_6$1
- ];
- const _hoisted_8$1 = { class: "notice" };
- const _hoisted_9$1 = {
- class: "item-list",
- style: { "padding": "20px", "height": "410px", "overflow-y": "auto" }
- };
- const _hoisted_10$1 = { key: 0 };
- const _hoisted_11$1 = { key: 1 };
- const _hoisted_12$1 = { style: { "margin": "10px 0px", "overflow": "hidden", "white-space": "nowrap", "text-overflow": "ellipsis" } };
- const _hoisted_13$1 = { class: "footer--1r-ur" };
- const _hoisted_14$1 = { class: "buttons--nBPeo" };
- const _hoisted_15$1 = ["onClick"];
- const _hoisted_16$1 = ["onClick"];
- const _hoisted_17$1 = ["onClick"];
- const _sfc_main$1 = {
- __name: "DwoloadPage",
- setup(__props) {
- let list = user.selectedFileList();
- if (list.length == 0) {
- list = user.getAllFileList();
- }
- const fileList2 = vue.reactive(list);
- const aria2SetRef = vue.ref();
- const data = vue.reactive({
- pushBtonText: "Aria2 推送"
- });
- const home2 = vue.ref(user.home());
- const laterLoad = vue.ref(getCount() != 0 && list == 0);
- function getCount() {
- let text = $2(".left-wrapper--zzDY4").text();
- if (!text) {
- return 0;
- }
- var reg = /\d+/g;
- var num = text.match(reg);
- if (num.length == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- return num[0];
- }
- function group(array, subGroupLength) {
- var index = 0;
- var newArray = [];
- while (index < array.length) {
- newArray.push(array.slice(index, index += subGroupLength));
- }
- return newArray;
- }
- var shareToken;
- const shareTokenV = vue.reactive(user.getShareToken());
- vue.onMounted(async () => {
- if (!user.home()) {
- shareToken = user.getShareToken();
- if (!user.isExpires(shareToken)) {
- showError$1("当前页面已过期,请刷新重试");
- return;
- }
- }
- var groupedCountries = group(fileList2, 1);
- for (const index in groupedCountries) {
- await loadingUrl(groupedCountries[index]);
- }
- function loadingUrl(array) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let length = array.length;
- let initLength = 0;
- array.forEach((item) => {
- if (item.type == "file") {
- getFileUrl(item, function() {
- initLength += 1;
- if (initLength == length) {
- resolve();
- }
- });
- } else {
- initLength += 1;
- if (initLength == length) {
- resolve();
- }
- }
- });
- });
- }
- });
- function showSet() {
- }
- function IDMPush() {
- var content = "", referer = "", userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
- fileList2.forEach(function(item, index) {
- if (item.url != "" && item.url != null) {
- content += ["<", item.url, "referer: " + referer, "User-Agent: " + userAgent, ">"].join("\r\n") + "\r\n";
- }
- });
- var a = document.createElement("a");
- var blob = new Blob([content]);
- var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- a.href = url;
- = "IDM导出文件_阿里云盘.ef2";
- window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
- }
- function aria2Push() {
- if (data.pushBtonText == "正在推送") {
- return;
- }
- var text = data.pushBtonText;
- data.pushBtonText = "正在推送";
- aria2SetRef.value.aria2Push(fileList2, (res) => {
- data.pushBtonText = text;
- });
- }
- function getFileUrl(item, call) {
- item.loading = true;
- item.text = "正在获取下载地址中";
- let showDnload;
- if (item.share_id) {
- showDnload = shareLinkDownloadUrl({
- file_id: item.file_id,
- share_id: item.share_id
- }, shareToken.share_token).then((response) => {
- item.error = false;
- item.text =;
- item.url =;
- });
- } else {
- showDnload = getDownloadUrl({
- expire_sec: 14400,
- drive_id: item.drive_id,
- file_id: item.file_id
- }).then((response) => {
- item.error = false;
- item.text =;
- item.url =;
- });
- }
- showDnload.catch((e) => {
- if (e && e + "" == "AxiosError: Request failed with status code 429") {
- item.error = true;
- item.text = "接口请求频繁,请稍后点击文件旁边的刷新按钮,重新获取 (也可点击我尝试跳转下载)";
- } else {
- item.text = "刷新失败,错误异常:" + e;
- }
- }).finally(() => {
- item.loading = false;
- call && call();
- });
- }
- vue.onUnmounted(() => {
- console.log("文件下载窗口关闭");
- });
- return (_ctx, _cache) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, [
- vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$2, {
- ref_key: "aria2SetRef",
- ref: aria2SetRef
- }, null, 512),
- laterLoad.value ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$1, [
- vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElResult), {
- icon: "error",
- title: "获取文件失败",
- "sub-title": "请回到文件列表中,随便点击排序,看到已加载多少文件时,在回到这里吧"
- })
- ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- !laterLoad.value ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$1, [
- fileList2.length > 0 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$1, _hoisted_7$1)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_8$1, " 共加载了" + vue.toDisplayString(fileList2.length) + "个文件", 1),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_9$1, [
- (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(fileList2, (item, index) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { key: index }, [
- item.type == "folder" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_10$1, vue.toDisplayString(index + 1) + ". " + vue.toDisplayString(, 1)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- item.type == "file" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_11$1, [
- vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(index + 1) + ". " + vue.toDisplayString( + " ", 1),
- vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElButton), {
- type: "primary",
- icon: vue.unref(refresh_default),
- loading: item.loading,
- circle: "",
- size: "small",
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(($event) => getFileUrl(item), ["stop"])
- }, null, 8, ["icon", "loading", "onClick"])
- ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_12$1, [
- item.type == "folder" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElLink), {
- key: 0,
- type: "primary",
- href: home2.value ? "/drive/folder/" + item.file_id : "/s/" + shareTokenV.share_id + "/folder/" + item.file_id
- }, {
- default: vue.withCtx(() => [
- vue.createTextVNode("点击进入文件夹")
- ]),
- _: 2
- }, 1032, ["href"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- item.type == "file" && !item.error ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElLink), {
- key: 1,
- type: "primary",
- href: item.url,
- target: "_blank"
- }, {
- default: vue.withCtx(() => [
- vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(item.text), 1)
- ]),
- _: 2
- }, 1032, ["href"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- item.type == "file" && item.error ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElLink), {
- key: 2,
- type: "danger",
- href: item.url,
- target: "_blank"
- }, {
- default: vue.withCtx(() => [
- vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(item.text), 1)
- ]),
- _: 2
- }, 1032, ["href"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)
- ])
- ]);
- }), 128))
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_13$1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_14$1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("button", {
- class: "button--2Aa4u primary--3AJe5 small---B8mi appreciation",
- onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = vue.withModifiers(($event) => vue.unref(monkeyWindow).open("", "_blank"), ["stop"]))
- }, "👍 点个赞"),
- vue.createElementVNode("button", {
- class: "button--2Aa4u primary--3AJe5 small---B8mi aria2-download",
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(IDMPush, ["stop"])
- }, "IDM 导出文件", 8, _hoisted_15$1),
- vue.createElementVNode("button", {
- class: "button--2Aa4u primary--3AJe5 small---B8mi aria2-download",
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(aria2Push, ["stop"])
- }, vue.toDisplayString(data.pushBtonText), 9, _hoisted_16$1),
- vue.createElementVNode("button", {
- class: "button--2Aa4u primary--3AJe5 aria2-set",
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(showSet, ["stop"]),
- style: { "margin-left": "0", "width": "auto", "border": "0 solid transparent" }
- }, "⚙️", 8, _hoisted_17$1)
- ])
- ])
- ])
- ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)
- ], 64);
- };
- }
- };
- const DwoloadPage = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1, [["__scopeId", "data-v-5d43769b"]]);
- const _hoisted_1 = { style: { "padding-bottom": "10px" } };
- const _hoisted_2 = { style: { "height": "410px", "overflow-y": "auto" } };
- const _hoisted_3 = {
- key: 0,
- align: "center",
- width: "100%",
- color: "#1890ff",
- size: "1/"
- };
- const _hoisted_4 = { style: { "padding-bottom": "13px" } };
- const _hoisted_5 = ["onClick"];
- const _hoisted_6 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("a", null, "清空本地历史", -1);
- const _hoisted_7 = [
- _hoisted_6
- ];
- const _hoisted_8 = {
- "data-index": "0",
- class: "tr-wrapper--3qYK2",
- style: { "height": "52px", "width": "100%" }
- };
- const _hoisted_9 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "padding-element-horizontal--39l8Q",
- style: { "width": "32px" }
- }, null, -1);
- const _hoisted_10 = {
- class: "drop-wrapper--1I5zO",
- "data-drop-target": "false"
- };
- const _hoisted_11 = {
- "data-is-dragging": "false",
- class: "drag-wrapper--2Z_J-",
- draggable: "true"
- };
- const _hoisted_12 = {
- class: "tr--5N-1q tr--3Ypim",
- "data-is-selected": "false",
- "data-clickable": "true",
- "data-has-checkbox": "true",
- style: { "cursor": "pointer" }
- };
- const _hoisted_13 = ["onClick"];
- const _hoisted_14 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", {
- "data-role": "icon",
- "data-render-as": "svg",
- "data-icon-type": "PDSMore",
- class: "ant-dropdown-trigger icon--d-ejA"
- }, [
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("svg", {
- t: "1676180557921",
- class: "icon",
- viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024",
- version: "1.1",
- xmlns: "",
- "p-id": "3478",
- width: "16",
- height: "16"
- }, [
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("path", {
- d: "M374.6 636.5c4.4 0 8.5-1.2 12.1-3.3l171.7-100c8-3.6 13.6-11.9 13.6-21.5 0-8.8-4.8-16.6-11.9-20.7l-167.8-97.8c-4.3-5-10.7-8.1-17.7-8.1-13.1 0-23.6 10.7-23.6 23.8v1.3l-0.3 0.2 0.4 199.8c-0.1 0.8-0.1 1.6-0.1 2.5 0 13.2 10.6 23.8 23.6 23.8z",
- fill: "#4D4D4D",
- "p-id": "3479"
- }),
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("path", {
- d: "M64.7 586.3a32.2 32.1 0 1 0 64.4 0 32.2 32.1 0 1 0-64.4 0Z",
- fill: "#4D4D4D",
- "p-id": "3480"
- }),
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("path", {
- d: "M960 398.3c0.1-1.6 0.2-3.2 0.2-4.8 0-35-28.5-63.3-63.6-63.3-11.7 0-22.7 3.2-32.2 8.7l-0.5-0.3-31.5 18.2v-64.7c-0.1-73.1-59.9-133-133.1-133H197.4c-73.1 0-133 59.8-133 133v165.8h0.2c0 17.7 14.4 32.1 32.2 32.1s32.2-14.4 32.2-32.1h0.2V287c0-35.2 28.8-64 64-64h510.2c35.2 0 64 28.8 64 64v448.9c0 35.2-28.8 64-64 64H193.3c-35.2 0-64-28.8-64-64v-21.4c0-17.7-14.4-32.1-32.2-32.1-17.8 0-32.2 14.4-32.2 32.1h-0.4v15.3c0 73.2 59.9 133 133 133h501.9c73.2 0 133-59.8 133-133v-64.1l33.1 19.1 0.1-0.1c9.2 5.1 19.8 8 31 8 35.1 0 63.6-28.4 63.6-63.3 0-1.6-0.1-3.2-0.2-4.8V398.3z m-63.6 205.1c-0.3 7.8-6.9 14.1-15 14.1-2.7 0-5.3-0.7-7.5-2l-41.5-23.7V430.1l40.9-23.2c2.3-1.5 5.1-2.3 8.1-2.3 8.3 0 15 6.6 15 14.6v184.2z",
- fill: "#4D4D4D",
- "p-id": "3481"
- })
- ])
- ], -1);
- const _hoisted_15 = [
- _hoisted_14
- ];
- const _hoisted_16 = ["onClick"];
- const _hoisted_17 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "cover--2UinW file-cover--37ssA",
- "data-size": "XXS",
- "data-thumbnail": "normal"
- }, [
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "is-loaded--31jGX thumbnail-wrapper--3fR8n" }, [
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "thumbnail--2LF21 fill-mode-cover--OFezO size-xxs--2rm_b" }, [
- /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("img", {
- alt: "video",
- class: "fileicon--2Klqk fileicon--vNn4M",
- draggable: "false",
- src: "!!6000000001792-2-tps-80-80.png"
- })
- ])
- ])
- ], -1);
- const _hoisted_18 = ["title"];
- const _hoisted_19 = ["onClick"];
- const _hoisted_20 = { class: "text-secondary--38-Of" };
- const _hoisted_21 = {
- class: "td--GiK_C td--3QAAr",
- "data-col-key": "size",
- style: { "width": "160px", "flex": "0 0 auto" }
- };
- const _hoisted_22 = { class: "text-secondary--38-Of" };
- const _hoisted_23 = ["href"];
- const _hoisted_24 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "padding-element-horizontal--39l8Q",
- style: { "width": "32px" }
- }, null, -1);
- const _sfc_main = {
- __name: "VideoHistoryPage",
- setup(__props) {
- let locList = vue.ref(user.getVideoLookList());
- let clodList = vue.ref([]);
- let listData = vue.ref([
- {
- key: "本地历史",
- list: locList
- },
- {
- key: "云端历史",
- list: clodList
- }
- ]);
- vue.onMounted(() => {
- videoHistoryList(listFuction);
- });
- function listFuction(data) {
- if (data.length != 0) {
- clodList.value = data;
- }
- }
- function clearHistory() {
- user.clearVideoHistory();
- }
- function playInfo(videoItem) {
- if (videoItem.share) {
- location.href = videoItem.href;
- return;
- }
- let vInfo = user.getVideoPage();
- =;
- vInfo.play_cursor = videoItem.play_cursor;
- =;
- vInfo.thumbnail = "";
- vInfo.folderName = videoItem.folderName;
- vInfo.type = 0;
- vInfo.href = videoItem.href;
- let html2 = ``;
- $2("#root").append(html2);
- var app = vue.createApp(VideoPage);
- app.mount(
- (() => {
- const app2 = $2(``)[0];
- $2(".previewer--3q5IV").replaceWith(app2);
- $2(".ant-modal-Link .icon-wrapper--3dbbo").click();
- return app2;
- })()
- );
- $2("#header-close").one("click", function() {
- app.unmount();
- $2("#videoHistory").remove();
- });
- }
- let videoHistoryList = function(callback) {
- homeWidgets().then((res) => {
- if ( && {
- let videoList =, index) {
- return item.category === "video";
- });
- videoList = => {
- let href = "";
- if (item.compilationId) {
- let i2 = item.compilationId.indexOf("_");
- let compilationId = item.compilationId.substring(i2 + 1, item.compilationId.length);
- href = "" + compilationId;
- }
- return {
- "category": "video",
- "name":,
- "progress": item.progressPercentage,
- "id": item.fileId,
- "folderName": item.fromSourceDescription,
- "href": href,
- "share": false,
- "play_cursor": item.playCursor
- };
- });
- callback && callback(videoList);
- return;
- }
- callback && callback([]);
- }).catch((err) => {
- callback && callback([]);
- });
- };
- vue.onUnmounted(() => {
- console.log("历史页面销毁");
- });
- return (_ctx, _cache) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", null, [
- vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_1, " 最近观看了" + vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(locList).length + vue.unref(clodList).length) + "个视频", 1),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [
- (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(vue.unref(listData), (data, i1) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { key: i1 }, [
- data.key == "云端历史" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("hr", _hoisted_3)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- vue.createElementVNode("h1", _hoisted_4, vue.toDisplayString(data.key), 1),
- data.key == "本地历史" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("p", {
- key: 1,
- class: "text-secondary--38-Of clearHistory",
- style: { "padding-bottom": "13px" },
- onClick: vue.withModifiers(clearHistory, ["stop"])
- }, _hoisted_7, 8, _hoisted_5)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(data.list, (item, index) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- style: { "height": "52px", "width": "100%" },
- key: index
- }, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8, [
- _hoisted_9,
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_12, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- onClick: ($event) => playInfo(item),
- class: "checkbox--3xYhn checkbox-container--TNndw",
- role: "checkbox",
- "aria-checked": "false",
- "data-checked": "false",
- "data-partial": "false",
- "data-disabled": "false",
- "data-no-padding": "false"
- }, _hoisted_15, 8, _hoisted_13),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "td--GiK_C td--3QAAr history_video",
- compilationid: "",
- "data-col-key": "name",
- style: { "flex": "1 1 0%", "min-width": "160px" },
- onClick: ($event) => playInfo(item)
- }, [
- _hoisted_17,
- vue.createElementVNode("p", {
- class: "text-primary--3DHOJ",
- title:
- }, vue.toDisplayString(, 9, _hoisted_18)
- ], 8, _hoisted_16),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- compilationid: "",
- class: "history_video td--GiK_C td--3QAAr",
- "data-col-key": "updated_at",
- style: { "width": "200px", "flex": "0 0 auto" },
- onClick: ($event) => playInfo(item)
- }, [
- vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_20, "已观看" + vue.toDisplayString(item.progress) + "%", 1)
- ], 8, _hoisted_19),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_21, [
- vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_22, [
- vue.createElementVNode("a", {
- href: item.href
- }, vue.toDisplayString(item.folderName), 9, _hoisted_23)
- ])
- ])
- ])
- ])
- ]),
- _hoisted_24
- ])
- ]);
- }), 128))
- ]);
- }), 128))
- ])
- ]);
- };
- }
- };
- let showDownloadHomePage = function() {
- let app = vue.createApp(DwoloadPage);
- showDiv("文件下载", app);
- };
- function initMenuButton(menuName) {
- if ($2(".button-download-aliyun").length !== 0) {
- $2(".button-download-aliyun").remove();
- $2(".history-video").remove();
- }
- var css = "#root header:eq(0)";
- if (menuName === "密码箱") {
- css = ".actions--2qvID:eq(0)";
- }
- if ($2(css).length > 0) {
- var html2 = "";
- html2 += '';
- html2 += '显示链接
- $2(css).append(html2);
- $2(".button-download-aliyun").on("click", showDownloadHomePage);
- $2(".history-video").on("click", () => {
- let app = vue.createApp(_sfc_main);
- showDiv(`
- 最近再看
`, app);
- });
- } else {
- setTimeout(function() {
- initMenuButton(menuName);
- }, 1e3);
- }
- }
- const home = (menuName) => {
- initMenuButton(menuName);
- };
- let shareId = function() {
- var url = location.href;
- var match = url.match(/aliyundrive\.com\/s\/([a-zA-Z\d]+)/);
- return match ? match[1] : null;
- };
- let showDownloadSharePage = function() {
- let shareToken = user.getShareToken();
- if (!user.isExpires(shareToken)) {
- showError$1("当前页面已过期,请刷新重试");
- return;
- } else if (shareId() != shareToken.share_id) {
- location.reload();
- return;
- }
- let app = vue.createApp(DwoloadPage);
- showDiv("文件下载", app);
- };
- function initShareButton() {
- if ($2(".button-download-aliyun").length !== 0) {
- $2(".button-download-aliyun").remove();
- }
- if ($2("#root [class^=banner] [class^=right]").length !== 0 && $2(".button--fep7l").length == 0) {
- var html2 = "";
- html2 += '';
- $2("#root [class^=banner] [class^=right]").prepend(html2);
- $2(".button-download-aliyun").on("click", showDownloadSharePage);
- } else {
- setTimeout(initShareButton, 1e3);
- }
- }
- const share = () => {
- initShareButton();
- };
- var globalMenuName;
- function showHomeUi(menuName) {
- globalMenuName = menuName;
- console.log(globalMenuName);
- if (menuName === "文件" || menuName === "收藏夹" || menuName === "密码箱") {
- setTimeout(function() {
- home(menuName);
- }, 200);
- }
- }
- function initHomeUi() {
- let menu = $2(".nav-menu--1wQUw");
- if (menu.length !== 0) {
- $2(".nav-menu-item--2oDIG").on("click", function(e) {
- showHomeUi(e.currentTarget.textContent);
- });
- setInterval(function() {
- let node = $2(".is-active--BX1xN:eq(0)");
- if (node.length > 0) {
- if (node.text() !== globalMenuName) {
- showHomeUi(node.text());
- }
- }
- }, 700);
- setTimeout(function() {
- let node = $2(".is-active--BX1xN:eq(0)");
- if (node.length > 0) {
- showHomeUi(node.text());
- }
- }, 300);
- } else {
- setTimeout(initHomeUi, 500);
- }
- }
- const ui = () => {
- if (user.home()) {
- initHomeUi();
- } else {
- share();
- }
- };
- var sessionLoadding = false;
- var listenArray = new Array();
- let interceptRequest = function() {
- axios2.interceptors.request.use(async function(config) {
- let token = user.getToken();
- if (token == null) {
- showError$1("当前登录凭证获取为空,请刷新或重新登录");
- throw "token 为空了";
- } else if (!user.isExpires(token)) {
- showError$1("Token已失效,请刷新或重新登录");
- throw "Token已失效,请刷新或重新登录";
- }
- let isToken = config.headers._token;
- config.headers["authorization"] = "".concat(token.token_type || "", " ").concat(token.access_token || "");
- config.headers["fileId"] = token.user_id;
- if (isToken != null && isToken == false) {
- delete config.headers._token;
- return config;
- }
- let session_ref = store.getItem("LG_session_Ref");
- if (session_ref != "" && session_ref == "true") {
- await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- function check() {
- if (store.getItem("LG_session_Ref") == "") {
- resolve();
- } else {
- setTimeout(check, 200);
- }
- }
- check();
- });
- }
- if (sessionLoadding) {
- await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- listenArray.push(function() {
- resolve();
- });
- });
- }
- let d = user.getDeviceId();
- let s2 = user.getSignature();
- if (d == "" || s2 == "") {
- sessionLoadding = true;
- let rest = await user.session(token, function() {
- });
- if (rest.deviceId) {
- d = rest.deviceId;
- }
- if (rest.signature) {
- s2 = rest.signature;
- }
- }
- sessionLoadding = false;
- if (listenArray.length > 0) {
- listenArray.forEach((i2) => {
- i2 && i2();
- });
- listenArray = new Array();
- }
- config.headers["x-device-id"] = d;
- config.headers["x-signature"] = s2;
- return config;
- }, function(error) {
- console.log("出现异常", error);
- return Promise.reject(error);
- });
- axios2.interceptors.response.use(function(response) {
- return response;
- }, function(error) {
- let repsonse = error.response;
- if (repsonse && repsonse.status == 401 && == "UserDeviceOffline") {
- user.clearSession();
- showError$1("当前设备已失效,请刷新重试");
- elementPlus.ElMessageBox.alert("请确认是否有下线设备操作,当前设备已失效", "刷新session失败", {
- confirmButtonText: "刷新试一试",
- callback: (action) => {
- location.href = location.href;
- }
- });
- }
- if (repsonse && repsonse.status == 400 && == "not found device info") {
- user.clearSession();
- showError$1("当前设备已失效,请刷新重试");
- elementPlus.ElMessageBox.alert("请确认是否有下线设备操作,当前设备已失效", "设备失效", {
- confirmButtonText: "刷新试一试",
- callback: (action) => {
- location.href = location.href;
- }
- });
- }
- console.error("错误信息:",;
- return Promise.reject(error);
- });
- };
- const apiConfig = () => {
- axios2.defaults.baseURL = "";
- interceptRequest();
- };
- var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
- function getAugmentedNamespace(n) {
- if (n.__esModule)
- return n;
- var f2 = n.default;
- if (typeof f2 == "function") {
- var a = function a2() {
- if (this instanceof a2) {
- var args = [null];
- args.push.apply(args, arguments);
- var Ctor = Function.bind.apply(f2, args);
- return new Ctor();
- }
- return f2.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- a.prototype = f2.prototype;
- } else
- a = {};
- Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", { value: true });
- Object.keys(n).forEach(function(k) {
- var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, k);
- Object.defineProperty(a, k, d.get ? d : {
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- return n[k];
- }
- });
- });
- return a;
- }
- const errors = {
- IMPOSSIBLE_CASE: "Impossible case. Please create issue.",
- TWEAK_ADD: "The tweak was out of range or the resulted private key is invalid",
- TWEAK_MUL: "The tweak was out of range or equal to zero",
- CONTEXT_RANDOMIZE_UNKNOW: "Unknow error on context randomization",
- SECKEY_INVALID: "Private Key is invalid",
- PUBKEY_PARSE: "Public Key could not be parsed",
- PUBKEY_SERIALIZE: "Public Key serialization error",
- PUBKEY_COMBINE: "The sum of the public keys is not valid",
- SIG_PARSE: "Signature could not be parsed",
- SIGN: "The nonce generation function failed, or the private key was invalid",
- RECOVER: "Public key could not be recover",
- ECDH: "Scalar was invalid (zero or overflow)"
- };
- function assert$g(cond, msg) {
- if (!cond)
- throw new Error(msg);
- }
- function isUint8Array(name2, value, length) {
- assert$g(value instanceof Uint8Array, `Expected ${name2} to be an Uint8Array`);
- if (length !== void 0) {
- if (Array.isArray(length)) {
- const numbers = length.join(", ");
- const msg = `Expected ${name2} to be an Uint8Array with length [${numbers}]`;
- assert$g(length.includes(value.length), msg);
- } else {
- const msg = `Expected ${name2} to be an Uint8Array with length ${length}`;
- assert$g(value.length === length, msg);
- }
- }
- }
- function isCompressed(value) {
- assert$g(toTypeString(value) === "Boolean", "Expected compressed to be a Boolean");
- }
- function getAssertedOutput(output = (len2) => new Uint8Array(len2), length) {
- if (typeof output === "function")
- output = output(length);
- isUint8Array("output", output, length);
- return output;
- }
- function toTypeString(value) {
- return, -1);
- }
- var lib = (secp256k12) => {
- return {
- contextRandomize(seed) {
- assert$g(
- seed === null || seed instanceof Uint8Array,
- "Expected seed to be an Uint8Array or null"
- );
- if (seed !== null)
- isUint8Array("seed", seed, 32);
- switch (secp256k12.contextRandomize(seed)) {
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.CONTEXT_RANDOMIZE_UNKNOW);
- }
- },
- privateKeyVerify(seckey) {
- isUint8Array("private key", seckey, 32);
- return secp256k12.privateKeyVerify(seckey) === 0;
- },
- privateKeyNegate(seckey) {
- isUint8Array("private key", seckey, 32);
- switch (secp256k12.privateKeyNegate(seckey)) {
- case 0:
- return seckey;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.IMPOSSIBLE_CASE);
- }
- },
- privateKeyTweakAdd(seckey, tweak) {
- isUint8Array("private key", seckey, 32);
- isUint8Array("tweak", tweak, 32);
- switch (secp256k12.privateKeyTweakAdd(seckey, tweak)) {
- case 0:
- return seckey;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.TWEAK_ADD);
- }
- },
- privateKeyTweakMul(seckey, tweak) {
- isUint8Array("private key", seckey, 32);
- isUint8Array("tweak", tweak, 32);
- switch (secp256k12.privateKeyTweakMul(seckey, tweak)) {
- case 0:
- return seckey;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.TWEAK_MUL);
- }
- },
- publicKeyVerify(pubkey) {
- isUint8Array("public key", pubkey, [33, 65]);
- return secp256k12.publicKeyVerify(pubkey) === 0;
- },
- publicKeyCreate(seckey, compressed = true, output) {
- isUint8Array("private key", seckey, 32);
- isCompressed(compressed);
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, compressed ? 33 : 65);
- switch (secp256k12.publicKeyCreate(output, seckey)) {
- case 0:
- return output;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.SECKEY_INVALID);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_SERIALIZE);
- }
- },
- publicKeyConvert(pubkey, compressed = true, output) {
- isUint8Array("public key", pubkey, [33, 65]);
- isCompressed(compressed);
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, compressed ? 33 : 65);
- switch (secp256k12.publicKeyConvert(output, pubkey)) {
- case 0:
- return output;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_PARSE);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_SERIALIZE);
- }
- },
- publicKeyNegate(pubkey, compressed = true, output) {
- isUint8Array("public key", pubkey, [33, 65]);
- isCompressed(compressed);
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, compressed ? 33 : 65);
- switch (secp256k12.publicKeyNegate(output, pubkey)) {
- case 0:
- return output;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_PARSE);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.IMPOSSIBLE_CASE);
- case 3:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_SERIALIZE);
- }
- },
- publicKeyCombine(pubkeys, compressed = true, output) {
- assert$g(Array.isArray(pubkeys), "Expected public keys to be an Array");
- assert$g(pubkeys.length > 0, "Expected public keys array will have more than zero items");
- for (const pubkey of pubkeys) {
- isUint8Array("public key", pubkey, [33, 65]);
- }
- isCompressed(compressed);
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, compressed ? 33 : 65);
- switch (secp256k12.publicKeyCombine(output, pubkeys)) {
- case 0:
- return output;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_PARSE);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_COMBINE);
- case 3:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_SERIALIZE);
- }
- },
- publicKeyTweakAdd(pubkey, tweak, compressed = true, output) {
- isUint8Array("public key", pubkey, [33, 65]);
- isUint8Array("tweak", tweak, 32);
- isCompressed(compressed);
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, compressed ? 33 : 65);
- switch (secp256k12.publicKeyTweakAdd(output, pubkey, tweak)) {
- case 0:
- return output;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_PARSE);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.TWEAK_ADD);
- }
- },
- publicKeyTweakMul(pubkey, tweak, compressed = true, output) {
- isUint8Array("public key", pubkey, [33, 65]);
- isUint8Array("tweak", tweak, 32);
- isCompressed(compressed);
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, compressed ? 33 : 65);
- switch (secp256k12.publicKeyTweakMul(output, pubkey, tweak)) {
- case 0:
- return output;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_PARSE);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.TWEAK_MUL);
- }
- },
- signatureNormalize(sig) {
- isUint8Array("signature", sig, 64);
- switch (secp256k12.signatureNormalize(sig)) {
- case 0:
- return sig;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.SIG_PARSE);
- }
- },
- signatureExport(sig, output) {
- isUint8Array("signature", sig, 64);
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, 72);
- const obj = { output, outputlen: 72 };
- switch (secp256k12.signatureExport(obj, sig)) {
- case 0:
- return output.slice(0, obj.outputlen);
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.SIG_PARSE);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.IMPOSSIBLE_CASE);
- }
- },
- signatureImport(sig, output) {
- isUint8Array("signature", sig);
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, 64);
- switch (secp256k12.signatureImport(output, sig)) {
- case 0:
- return output;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.SIG_PARSE);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.IMPOSSIBLE_CASE);
- }
- },
- ecdsaSign(msg32, seckey, options = {}, output) {
- isUint8Array("message", msg32, 32);
- isUint8Array("private key", seckey, 32);
- assert$g(toTypeString(options) === "Object", "Expected options to be an Object");
- if ( !== void 0)
- isUint8Array("",;
- if (options.noncefn !== void 0)
- assert$g(toTypeString(options.noncefn) === "Function", "Expected options.noncefn to be a Function");
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, 64);
- const obj = { signature: output, recid: null };
- switch (secp256k12.ecdsaSign(obj, msg32, seckey,, options.noncefn)) {
- case 0:
- return obj;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.SIGN);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.IMPOSSIBLE_CASE);
- }
- },
- ecdsaVerify(sig, msg32, pubkey) {
- isUint8Array("signature", sig, 64);
- isUint8Array("message", msg32, 32);
- isUint8Array("public key", pubkey, [33, 65]);
- switch (secp256k12.ecdsaVerify(sig, msg32, pubkey)) {
- case 0:
- return true;
- case 3:
- return false;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.SIG_PARSE);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_PARSE);
- }
- },
- ecdsaRecover(sig, recid, msg32, compressed = true, output) {
- isUint8Array("signature", sig, 64);
- assert$g(
- toTypeString(recid) === "Number" && recid >= 0 && recid <= 3,
- "Expected recovery id to be a Number within interval [0, 3]"
- );
- isUint8Array("message", msg32, 32);
- isCompressed(compressed);
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, compressed ? 33 : 65);
- switch (secp256k12.ecdsaRecover(output, sig, recid, msg32)) {
- case 0:
- return output;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.SIG_PARSE);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.RECOVER);
- case 3:
- throw new Error(errors.IMPOSSIBLE_CASE);
- }
- },
- ecdh(pubkey, seckey, options = {}, output) {
- isUint8Array("public key", pubkey, [33, 65]);
- isUint8Array("private key", seckey, 32);
- assert$g(toTypeString(options) === "Object", "Expected options to be an Object");
- if ( !== void 0)
- isUint8Array("",;
- if (options.hashfn !== void 0) {
- assert$g(toTypeString(options.hashfn) === "Function", "Expected options.hashfn to be a Function");
- if (options.xbuf !== void 0)
- isUint8Array("options.xbuf", options.xbuf, 32);
- if (options.ybuf !== void 0)
- isUint8Array("options.ybuf", options.ybuf, 32);
- isUint8Array("output", output);
- } else {
- output = getAssertedOutput(output, 32);
- }
- switch (secp256k12.ecdh(output, pubkey, seckey,, options.hashfn, options.xbuf, options.ybuf)) {
- case 0:
- return output;
- case 1:
- throw new Error(errors.PUBKEY_PARSE);
- case 2:
- throw new Error(errors.ECDH);
- }
- }
- };
- };
- var elliptic$2 = {};
- const name = "elliptic";
- const version = "6.5.4";
- const description = "EC cryptography";
- const main = "lib/elliptic.js";
- const files = [
- "lib"
- ];
- const scripts = {
- lint: "eslint lib test",
- "lint:fix": "npm run lint -- --fix",
- unit: "istanbul test _mocha --reporter=spec test/index.js",
- test: "npm run lint && npm run unit",
- version: "grunt dist && git add dist/"
- };
- const repository = {
- type: "git",
- url: ""
- };
- const keywords = [
- "EC",
- "Elliptic",
- "curve",
- "Cryptography"
- ];
- const author = "Fedor Indutny ";
- const license = "MIT";
- const bugs = {
- url: ""
- };
- const homepage = "";
- const devDependencies = {
- brfs: "^2.0.2",
- coveralls: "^3.1.0",
- eslint: "^7.6.0",
- grunt: "^1.2.1",
- "grunt-browserify": "^5.3.0",
- "grunt-cli": "^1.3.2",
- "grunt-contrib-connect": "^3.0.0",
- "grunt-contrib-copy": "^1.0.0",
- "grunt-contrib-uglify": "^5.0.0",
- "grunt-mocha-istanbul": "^5.0.2",
- "grunt-saucelabs": "^9.0.1",
- istanbul: "^0.4.5",
- mocha: "^8.0.1"
- };
- const dependencies = {
- "bn.js": "^4.11.9",
- brorand: "^1.1.0",
- "hash.js": "^1.0.0",
- "hmac-drbg": "^1.0.1",
- inherits: "^2.0.4",
- "minimalistic-assert": "^1.0.1",
- "minimalistic-crypto-utils": "^1.0.1"
- };
- const require$$0$1 = {
- name,
- version,
- description,
- main,
- files,
- scripts,
- repository,
- keywords,
- author,
- license,
- bugs,
- homepage,
- devDependencies,
- dependencies
- };
- var utils$m = {};
- var bnExports = {};
- var bn = {
- get exports() {
- return bnExports;
- },
- set exports(v) {
- bnExports = v;
- }
- };
- const __viteBrowserExternal = {};
- const __viteBrowserExternal$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
- __proto__: null,
- default: __viteBrowserExternal
- }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
- const require$$0 = /* @__PURE__ */ getAugmentedNamespace(__viteBrowserExternal$1);
- (function(module) {
- (function(module2, exports) {
- function assert2(val, msg) {
- if (!val)
- throw new Error(msg || "Assertion failed");
- }
- function inherits2(ctor, superCtor) {
- ctor.super_ = superCtor;
- var TempCtor = function() {
- };
- TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype;
- ctor.prototype = new TempCtor();
- ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor;
- }
- function BN2(number, base2, endian) {
- if (BN2.isBN(number)) {
- return number;
- }
- this.negative = 0;
- this.words = null;
- this.length = 0;
- = null;
- if (number !== null) {
- if (base2 === "le" || base2 === "be") {
- endian = base2;
- base2 = 10;
- }
- this._init(number || 0, base2 || 10, endian || "be");
- }
- }
- if (typeof module2 === "object") {
- module2.exports = BN2;
- } else {
- exports.BN = BN2;
- }
- BN2.BN = BN2;
- BN2.wordSize = 26;
- var Buffer3;
- try {
- if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.Buffer !== "undefined") {
- Buffer3 = window.Buffer;
- } else {
- Buffer3 = require$$0.Buffer;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- }
- BN2.isBN = function isBN(num) {
- if (num instanceof BN2) {
- return true;
- }
- return num !== null && typeof num === "object" && num.constructor.wordSize === BN2.wordSize && Array.isArray(num.words);
- };
- BN2.max = function max(left, right) {
- if (left.cmp(right) > 0)
- return left;
- return right;
- };
- BN2.min = function min(left, right) {
- if (left.cmp(right) < 0)
- return left;
- return right;
- };
- BN2.prototype._init = function init(number, base2, endian) {
- if (typeof number === "number") {
- return this._initNumber(number, base2, endian);
- }
- if (typeof number === "object") {
- return this._initArray(number, base2, endian);
- }
- if (base2 === "hex") {
- base2 = 16;
- }
- assert2(base2 === (base2 | 0) && base2 >= 2 && base2 <= 36);
- number = number.toString().replace(/\s+/g, "");
- var start2 = 0;
- if (number[0] === "-") {
- start2++;
- this.negative = 1;
- }
- if (start2 < number.length) {
- if (base2 === 16) {
- this._parseHex(number, start2, endian);
- } else {
- this._parseBase(number, base2, start2);
- if (endian === "le") {
- this._initArray(this.toArray(), base2, endian);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- BN2.prototype._initNumber = function _initNumber(number, base2, endian) {
- if (number < 0) {
- this.negative = 1;
- number = -number;
- }
- if (number < 67108864) {
- this.words = [number & 67108863];
- this.length = 1;
- } else if (number < 4503599627370496) {
- this.words = [
- number & 67108863,
- number / 67108864 & 67108863
- ];
- this.length = 2;
- } else {
- assert2(number < 9007199254740992);
- this.words = [
- number & 67108863,
- number / 67108864 & 67108863,
- 1
- ];
- this.length = 3;
- }
- if (endian !== "le")
- return;
- this._initArray(this.toArray(), base2, endian);
- };
- BN2.prototype._initArray = function _initArray(number, base2, endian) {
- assert2(typeof number.length === "number");
- if (number.length <= 0) {
- this.words = [0];
- this.length = 1;
- return this;
- }
- this.length = Math.ceil(number.length / 3);
- this.words = new Array(this.length);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = 0;
- }
- var j, w;
- var off = 0;
- if (endian === "be") {
- for (i2 = number.length - 1, j = 0; i2 >= 0; i2 -= 3) {
- w = number[i2] | number[i2 - 1] << 8 | number[i2 - 2] << 16;
- this.words[j] |= w << off & 67108863;
- this.words[j + 1] = w >>> 26 - off & 67108863;
- off += 24;
- if (off >= 26) {
- off -= 26;
- j++;
- }
- }
- } else if (endian === "le") {
- for (i2 = 0, j = 0; i2 < number.length; i2 += 3) {
- w = number[i2] | number[i2 + 1] << 8 | number[i2 + 2] << 16;
- this.words[j] |= w << off & 67108863;
- this.words[j + 1] = w >>> 26 - off & 67108863;
- off += 24;
- if (off >= 26) {
- off -= 26;
- j++;
- }
- }
- }
- return this.strip();
- };
- function parseHex4Bits(string, index) {
- var c = string.charCodeAt(index);
- if (c >= 65 && c <= 70) {
- return c - 55;
- } else if (c >= 97 && c <= 102) {
- return c - 87;
- } else {
- return c - 48 & 15;
- }
- }
- function parseHexByte(string, lowerBound, index) {
- var r2 = parseHex4Bits(string, index);
- if (index - 1 >= lowerBound) {
- r2 |= parseHex4Bits(string, index - 1) << 4;
- }
- return r2;
- }
- BN2.prototype._parseHex = function _parseHex(number, start2, endian) {
- this.length = Math.ceil((number.length - start2) / 6);
- this.words = new Array(this.length);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = 0;
- }
- var off = 0;
- var j = 0;
- var w;
- if (endian === "be") {
- for (i2 = number.length - 1; i2 >= start2; i2 -= 2) {
- w = parseHexByte(number, start2, i2) << off;
- this.words[j] |= w & 67108863;
- if (off >= 18) {
- off -= 18;
- j += 1;
- this.words[j] |= w >>> 26;
- } else {
- off += 8;
- }
- }
- } else {
- var parseLength = number.length - start2;
- for (i2 = parseLength % 2 === 0 ? start2 + 1 : start2; i2 < number.length; i2 += 2) {
- w = parseHexByte(number, start2, i2) << off;
- this.words[j] |= w & 67108863;
- if (off >= 18) {
- off -= 18;
- j += 1;
- this.words[j] |= w >>> 26;
- } else {
- off += 8;
- }
- }
- }
- this.strip();
- };
- function parseBase(str, start2, end, mul) {
- var r2 = 0;
- var len2 = Math.min(str.length, end);
- for (var i2 = start2; i2 < len2; i2++) {
- var c = str.charCodeAt(i2) - 48;
- r2 *= mul;
- if (c >= 49) {
- r2 += c - 49 + 10;
- } else if (c >= 17) {
- r2 += c - 17 + 10;
- } else {
- r2 += c;
- }
- }
- return r2;
- }
- BN2.prototype._parseBase = function _parseBase(number, base2, start2) {
- this.words = [0];
- this.length = 1;
- for (var limbLen = 0, limbPow = 1; limbPow <= 67108863; limbPow *= base2) {
- limbLen++;
- }
- limbLen--;
- limbPow = limbPow / base2 | 0;
- var total = number.length - start2;
- var mod = total % limbLen;
- var end = Math.min(total, total - mod) + start2;
- var word = 0;
- for (var i2 = start2; i2 < end; i2 += limbLen) {
- word = parseBase(number, i2, i2 + limbLen, base2);
- this.imuln(limbPow);
- if (this.words[0] + word < 67108864) {
- this.words[0] += word;
- } else {
- this._iaddn(word);
- }
- }
- if (mod !== 0) {
- var pow = 1;
- word = parseBase(number, i2, number.length, base2);
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < mod; i2++) {
- pow *= base2;
- }
- this.imuln(pow);
- if (this.words[0] + word < 67108864) {
- this.words[0] += word;
- } else {
- this._iaddn(word);
- }
- }
- this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.copy = function copy2(dest) {
- dest.words = new Array(this.length);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
- dest.words[i2] = this.words[i2];
- }
- dest.length = this.length;
- dest.negative = this.negative;
- =;
- };
- BN2.prototype.clone = function clone() {
- var r2 = new BN2(null);
- this.copy(r2);
- return r2;
- };
- BN2.prototype._expand = function _expand(size) {
- while (this.length < size) {
- this.words[this.length++] = 0;
- }
- return this;
- };
- BN2.prototype.strip = function strip() {
- while (this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0) {
- this.length--;
- }
- return this._normSign();
- };
- BN2.prototype._normSign = function _normSign() {
- if (this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0) {
- this.negative = 0;
- }
- return this;
- };
- BN2.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {
- return ( ? "";
- };
- var zeros = [
- "",
- "0",
- "00",
- "000",
- "0000",
- "00000",
- "000000",
- "0000000",
- "00000000",
- "000000000",
- "0000000000",
- "00000000000",
- "000000000000",
- "0000000000000",
- "00000000000000",
- "000000000000000",
- "0000000000000000",
- "00000000000000000",
- "000000000000000000",
- "0000000000000000000",
- "00000000000000000000",
- "000000000000000000000",
- "0000000000000000000000",
- "00000000000000000000000",
- "000000000000000000000000",
- "0000000000000000000000000"
- ];
- var groupSizes = [
- 0,
- 0,
- 25,
- 16,
- 12,
- 11,
- 10,
- 9,
- 8,
- 8,
- 7,
- 7,
- 7,
- 7,
- 6,
- 6,
- 6,
- 6,
- 6,
- 6,
- 6,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5,
- 5
- ];
- var groupBases = [
- 0,
- 0,
- 33554432,
- 43046721,
- 16777216,
- 48828125,
- 60466176,
- 40353607,
- 16777216,
- 43046721,
- 1e7,
- 19487171,
- 35831808,
- 62748517,
- 7529536,
- 11390625,
- 16777216,
- 24137569,
- 34012224,
- 47045881,
- 64e6,
- 4084101,
- 5153632,
- 6436343,
- 7962624,
- 9765625,
- 11881376,
- 14348907,
- 17210368,
- 20511149,
- 243e5,
- 28629151,
- 33554432,
- 39135393,
- 45435424,
- 52521875,
- 60466176
- ];
- BN2.prototype.toString = function toString2(base2, padding) {
- base2 = base2 || 10;
- padding = padding | 0 || 1;
- var out;
- if (base2 === 16 || base2 === "hex") {
- out = "";
- var off = 0;
- var carry = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
- var w = this.words[i2];
- var word = ((w << off | carry) & 16777215).toString(16);
- carry = w >>> 24 - off & 16777215;
- if (carry !== 0 || i2 !== this.length - 1) {
- out = zeros[6 - word.length] + word + out;
- } else {
- out = word + out;
- }
- off += 2;
- if (off >= 26) {
- off -= 26;
- i2--;
- }
- }
- if (carry !== 0) {
- out = carry.toString(16) + out;
- }
- while (out.length % padding !== 0) {
- out = "0" + out;
- }
- if (this.negative !== 0) {
- out = "-" + out;
- }
- return out;
- }
- if (base2 === (base2 | 0) && base2 >= 2 && base2 <= 36) {
- var groupSize = groupSizes[base2];
- var groupBase = groupBases[base2];
- out = "";
- var c = this.clone();
- c.negative = 0;
- while (!c.isZero()) {
- var r2 = c.modn(groupBase).toString(base2);
- c = c.idivn(groupBase);
- if (!c.isZero()) {
- out = zeros[groupSize - r2.length] + r2 + out;
- } else {
- out = r2 + out;
- }
- }
- if (this.isZero()) {
- out = "0" + out;
- }
- while (out.length % padding !== 0) {
- out = "0" + out;
- }
- if (this.negative !== 0) {
- out = "-" + out;
- }
- return out;
- }
- assert2(false, "Base should be between 2 and 36");
- };
- BN2.prototype.toNumber = function toNumber() {
- var ret = this.words[0];
- if (this.length === 2) {
- ret += this.words[1] * 67108864;
- } else if (this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1) {
- ret += 4503599627370496 + this.words[1] * 67108864;
- } else if (this.length > 2) {
- assert2(false, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits");
- }
- return this.negative !== 0 ? -ret : ret;
- };
- BN2.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
- return this.toString(16);
- };
- BN2.prototype.toBuffer = function toBuffer(endian, length) {
- assert2(typeof Buffer3 !== "undefined");
- return this.toArrayLike(Buffer3, endian, length);
- };
- BN2.prototype.toArray = function toArray2(endian, length) {
- return this.toArrayLike(Array, endian, length);
- };
- BN2.prototype.toArrayLike = function toArrayLike(ArrayType, endian, length) {
- var byteLength2 = this.byteLength();
- var reqLength = length || Math.max(1, byteLength2);
- assert2(byteLength2 <= reqLength, "byte array longer than desired length");
- assert2(reqLength > 0, "Requested array length <= 0");
- this.strip();
- var littleEndian = endian === "le";
- var res = new ArrayType(reqLength);
- var b, i2;
- var q = this.clone();
- if (!littleEndian) {
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < reqLength - byteLength2; i2++) {
- res[i2] = 0;
- }
- for (i2 = 0; !q.isZero(); i2++) {
- b = q.andln(255);
- q.iushrn(8);
- res[reqLength - i2 - 1] = b;
- }
- } else {
- for (i2 = 0; !q.isZero(); i2++) {
- b = q.andln(255);
- q.iushrn(8);
- res[i2] = b;
- }
- for (; i2 < reqLength; i2++) {
- res[i2] = 0;
- }
- }
- return res;
- };
- if (Math.clz32) {
- BN2.prototype._countBits = function _countBits(w) {
- return 32 - Math.clz32(w);
- };
- } else {
- BN2.prototype._countBits = function _countBits(w) {
- var t2 = w;
- var r2 = 0;
- if (t2 >= 4096) {
- r2 += 13;
- t2 >>>= 13;
- }
- if (t2 >= 64) {
- r2 += 7;
- t2 >>>= 7;
- }
- if (t2 >= 8) {
- r2 += 4;
- t2 >>>= 4;
- }
- if (t2 >= 2) {
- r2 += 2;
- t2 >>>= 2;
- }
- return r2 + t2;
- };
- }
- BN2.prototype._zeroBits = function _zeroBits(w) {
- if (w === 0)
- return 26;
- var t2 = w;
- var r2 = 0;
- if ((t2 & 8191) === 0) {
- r2 += 13;
- t2 >>>= 13;
- }
- if ((t2 & 127) === 0) {
- r2 += 7;
- t2 >>>= 7;
- }
- if ((t2 & 15) === 0) {
- r2 += 4;
- t2 >>>= 4;
- }
- if ((t2 & 3) === 0) {
- r2 += 2;
- t2 >>>= 2;
- }
- if ((t2 & 1) === 0) {
- r2++;
- }
- return r2;
- };
- BN2.prototype.bitLength = function bitLength() {
- var w = this.words[this.length - 1];
- var hi = this._countBits(w);
- return (this.length - 1) * 26 + hi;
- };
- function toBitArray(num) {
- var w = new Array(num.bitLength());
- for (var bit = 0; bit < w.length; bit++) {
- var off = bit / 26 | 0;
- var wbit = bit % 26;
- w[bit] = (num.words[off] & 1 << wbit) >>> wbit;
- }
- return w;
- }
- BN2.prototype.zeroBits = function zeroBits() {
- if (this.isZero())
- return 0;
- var r2 = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
- var b = this._zeroBits(this.words[i2]);
- r2 += b;
- if (b !== 26)
- break;
- }
- return r2;
- };
- BN2.prototype.byteLength = function byteLength2() {
- return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8);
- };
- BN2.prototype.toTwos = function toTwos(width) {
- if (this.negative !== 0) {
- return this.abs().inotn(width).iaddn(1);
- }
- return this.clone();
- };
- BN2.prototype.fromTwos = function fromTwos(width) {
- if (this.testn(width - 1)) {
- return this.notn(width).iaddn(1).ineg();
- }
- return this.clone();
- };
- BN2.prototype.isNeg = function isNeg() {
- return this.negative !== 0;
- };
- BN2.prototype.neg = function neg() {
- return this.clone().ineg();
- };
- BN2.prototype.ineg = function ineg() {
- if (!this.isZero()) {
- this.negative ^= 1;
- }
- return this;
- };
- BN2.prototype.iuor = function iuor(num) {
- while (this.length < num.length) {
- this.words[this.length++] = 0;
- }
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < num.length; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = this.words[i2] | num.words[i2];
- }
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.ior = function ior(num) {
- assert2((this.negative | num.negative) === 0);
- return this.iuor(num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.or = function or(num) {
- if (this.length > num.length)
- return this.clone().ior(num);
- return num.clone().ior(this);
- };
- BN2.prototype.uor = function uor(num) {
- if (this.length > num.length)
- return this.clone().iuor(num);
- return num.clone().iuor(this);
- };
- BN2.prototype.iuand = function iuand(num) {
- var b;
- if (this.length > num.length) {
- b = num;
- } else {
- b = this;
- }
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < b.length; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = this.words[i2] & num.words[i2];
- }
- this.length = b.length;
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.iand = function iand(num) {
- assert2((this.negative | num.negative) === 0);
- return this.iuand(num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.and = function and(num) {
- if (this.length > num.length)
- return this.clone().iand(num);
- return num.clone().iand(this);
- };
- BN2.prototype.uand = function uand(num) {
- if (this.length > num.length)
- return this.clone().iuand(num);
- return num.clone().iuand(this);
- };
- BN2.prototype.iuxor = function iuxor(num) {
- var a;
- var b;
- if (this.length > num.length) {
- a = this;
- b = num;
- } else {
- a = num;
- b = this;
- }
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < b.length; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = a.words[i2] ^ b.words[i2];
- }
- if (this !== a) {
- for (; i2 < a.length; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = a.words[i2];
- }
- }
- this.length = a.length;
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.ixor = function ixor(num) {
- assert2((this.negative | num.negative) === 0);
- return this.iuxor(num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.xor = function xor(num) {
- if (this.length > num.length)
- return this.clone().ixor(num);
- return num.clone().ixor(this);
- };
- BN2.prototype.uxor = function uxor(num) {
- if (this.length > num.length)
- return this.clone().iuxor(num);
- return num.clone().iuxor(this);
- };
- BN2.prototype.inotn = function inotn(width) {
- assert2(typeof width === "number" && width >= 0);
- var bytesNeeded = Math.ceil(width / 26) | 0;
- var bitsLeft = width % 26;
- this._expand(bytesNeeded);
- if (bitsLeft > 0) {
- bytesNeeded--;
- }
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < bytesNeeded; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = ~this.words[i2] & 67108863;
- }
- if (bitsLeft > 0) {
- this.words[i2] = ~this.words[i2] & 67108863 >> 26 - bitsLeft;
- }
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.notn = function notn(width) {
- return this.clone().inotn(width);
- };
- BN2.prototype.setn = function setn(bit, val) {
- assert2(typeof bit === "number" && bit >= 0);
- var off = bit / 26 | 0;
- var wbit = bit % 26;
- this._expand(off + 1);
- if (val) {
- this.words[off] = this.words[off] | 1 << wbit;
- } else {
- this.words[off] = this.words[off] & ~(1 << wbit);
- }
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.iadd = function iadd(num) {
- var r2;
- if (this.negative !== 0 && num.negative === 0) {
- this.negative = 0;
- r2 = this.isub(num);
- this.negative ^= 1;
- return this._normSign();
- } else if (this.negative === 0 && num.negative !== 0) {
- num.negative = 0;
- r2 = this.isub(num);
- num.negative = 1;
- return r2._normSign();
- }
- var a, b;
- if (this.length > num.length) {
- a = this;
- b = num;
- } else {
- a = num;
- b = this;
- }
- var carry = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < b.length; i2++) {
- r2 = (a.words[i2] | 0) + (b.words[i2] | 0) + carry;
- this.words[i2] = r2 & 67108863;
- carry = r2 >>> 26;
- }
- for (; carry !== 0 && i2 < a.length; i2++) {
- r2 = (a.words[i2] | 0) + carry;
- this.words[i2] = r2 & 67108863;
- carry = r2 >>> 26;
- }
- this.length = a.length;
- if (carry !== 0) {
- this.words[this.length] = carry;
- this.length++;
- } else if (a !== this) {
- for (; i2 < a.length; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = a.words[i2];
- }
- }
- return this;
- };
- BN2.prototype.add = function add(num) {
- var res;
- if (num.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0) {
- num.negative = 0;
- res = this.sub(num);
- num.negative ^= 1;
- return res;
- } else if (num.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0) {
- this.negative = 0;
- res = num.sub(this);
- this.negative = 1;
- return res;
- }
- if (this.length > num.length)
- return this.clone().iadd(num);
- return num.clone().iadd(this);
- };
- BN2.prototype.isub = function isub(num) {
- if (num.negative !== 0) {
- num.negative = 0;
- var r2 = this.iadd(num);
- num.negative = 1;
- return r2._normSign();
- } else if (this.negative !== 0) {
- this.negative = 0;
- this.iadd(num);
- this.negative = 1;
- return this._normSign();
- }
- var cmp = this.cmp(num);
- if (cmp === 0) {
- this.negative = 0;
- this.length = 1;
- this.words[0] = 0;
- return this;
- }
- var a, b;
- if (cmp > 0) {
- a = this;
- b = num;
- } else {
- a = num;
- b = this;
- }
- var carry = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < b.length; i2++) {
- r2 = (a.words[i2] | 0) - (b.words[i2] | 0) + carry;
- carry = r2 >> 26;
- this.words[i2] = r2 & 67108863;
- }
- for (; carry !== 0 && i2 < a.length; i2++) {
- r2 = (a.words[i2] | 0) + carry;
- carry = r2 >> 26;
- this.words[i2] = r2 & 67108863;
- }
- if (carry === 0 && i2 < a.length && a !== this) {
- for (; i2 < a.length; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = a.words[i2];
- }
- }
- this.length = Math.max(this.length, i2);
- if (a !== this) {
- this.negative = 1;
- }
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.sub = function sub(num) {
- return this.clone().isub(num);
- };
- function smallMulTo(self2, num, out) {
- out.negative = num.negative ^ self2.negative;
- var len2 = self2.length + num.length | 0;
- out.length = len2;
- len2 = len2 - 1 | 0;
- var a = self2.words[0] | 0;
- var b = num.words[0] | 0;
- var r2 = a * b;
- var lo = r2 & 67108863;
- var carry = r2 / 67108864 | 0;
- out.words[0] = lo;
- for (var k = 1; k < len2; k++) {
- var ncarry = carry >>> 26;
- var rword = carry & 67108863;
- var maxJ = Math.min(k, num.length - 1);
- for (var j = Math.max(0, k - self2.length + 1); j <= maxJ; j++) {
- var i2 = k - j | 0;
- a = self2.words[i2] | 0;
- b = num.words[j] | 0;
- r2 = a * b + rword;
- ncarry += r2 / 67108864 | 0;
- rword = r2 & 67108863;
- }
- out.words[k] = rword | 0;
- carry = ncarry | 0;
- }
- if (carry !== 0) {
- out.words[k] = carry | 0;
- } else {
- out.length--;
- }
- return out.strip();
- }
- var comb10MulTo = function comb10MulTo2(self2, num, out) {
- var a = self2.words;
- var b = num.words;
- var o = out.words;
- var c = 0;
- var lo;
- var mid;
- var hi;
- var a0 = a[0] | 0;
- var al0 = a0 & 8191;
- var ah0 = a0 >>> 13;
- var a1 = a[1] | 0;
- var al1 = a1 & 8191;
- var ah1 = a1 >>> 13;
- var a2 = a[2] | 0;
- var al2 = a2 & 8191;
- var ah2 = a2 >>> 13;
- var a3 = a[3] | 0;
- var al3 = a3 & 8191;
- var ah3 = a3 >>> 13;
- var a4 = a[4] | 0;
- var al4 = a4 & 8191;
- var ah4 = a4 >>> 13;
- var a5 = a[5] | 0;
- var al5 = a5 & 8191;
- var ah5 = a5 >>> 13;
- var a6 = a[6] | 0;
- var al6 = a6 & 8191;
- var ah6 = a6 >>> 13;
- var a7 = a[7] | 0;
- var al7 = a7 & 8191;
- var ah7 = a7 >>> 13;
- var a8 = a[8] | 0;
- var al8 = a8 & 8191;
- var ah8 = a8 >>> 13;
- var a9 = a[9] | 0;
- var al9 = a9 & 8191;
- var ah9 = a9 >>> 13;
- var b0 = b[0] | 0;
- var bl0 = b0 & 8191;
- var bh0 = b0 >>> 13;
- var b1 = b[1] | 0;
- var bl1 = b1 & 8191;
- var bh1 = b1 >>> 13;
- var b2 = b[2] | 0;
- var bl2 = b2 & 8191;
- var bh2 = b2 >>> 13;
- var b3 = b[3] | 0;
- var bl3 = b3 & 8191;
- var bh3 = b3 >>> 13;
- var b4 = b[4] | 0;
- var bl4 = b4 & 8191;
- var bh4 = b4 >>> 13;
- var b5 = b[5] | 0;
- var bl5 = b5 & 8191;
- var bh5 = b5 >>> 13;
- var b6 = b[6] | 0;
- var bl6 = b6 & 8191;
- var bh6 = b6 >>> 13;
- var b7 = b[7] | 0;
- var bl7 = b7 & 8191;
- var bh7 = b7 >>> 13;
- var b8 = b[8] | 0;
- var bl8 = b8 & 8191;
- var bh8 = b8 >>> 13;
- var b9 = b[9] | 0;
- var bl9 = b9 & 8191;
- var bh9 = b9 >>> 13;
- out.negative = self2.negative ^ num.negative;
- out.length = 19;
- lo = Math.imul(al0, bl0);
- mid = Math.imul(al0, bh0);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah0, bl0) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah0, bh0);
- var w0 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w0 >>> 26) | 0;
- w0 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al1, bl0);
- mid = Math.imul(al1, bh0);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah1, bl0) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah1, bh0);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al0, bl1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al0, bh1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah0, bl1) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah0, bh1) | 0;
- var w1 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w1 >>> 26) | 0;
- w1 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al2, bl0);
- mid = Math.imul(al2, bh0);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah2, bl0) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah2, bh0);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al1, bl1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al1, bh1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah1, bl1) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah1, bh1) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al0, bl2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al0, bh2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah0, bl2) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah0, bh2) | 0;
- var w2 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w2 >>> 26) | 0;
- w2 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al3, bl0);
- mid = Math.imul(al3, bh0);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah3, bl0) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah3, bh0);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al2, bl1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al2, bh1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah2, bl1) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah2, bh1) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al1, bl2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al1, bh2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah1, bl2) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah1, bh2) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al0, bl3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al0, bh3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah0, bl3) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah0, bh3) | 0;
- var w3 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w3 >>> 26) | 0;
- w3 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al4, bl0);
- mid = Math.imul(al4, bh0);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah4, bl0) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah4, bh0);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al3, bl1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al3, bh1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah3, bl1) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah3, bh1) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al2, bl2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al2, bh2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah2, bl2) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah2, bh2) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al1, bl3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al1, bh3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah1, bl3) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah1, bh3) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al0, bl4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al0, bh4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah0, bl4) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah0, bh4) | 0;
- var w4 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w4 >>> 26) | 0;
- w4 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al5, bl0);
- mid = Math.imul(al5, bh0);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah5, bl0) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah5, bh0);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al4, bl1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al4, bh1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah4, bl1) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah4, bh1) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al3, bl2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al3, bh2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah3, bl2) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah3, bh2) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al2, bl3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al2, bh3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah2, bl3) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah2, bh3) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al1, bl4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al1, bh4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah1, bl4) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah1, bh4) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al0, bl5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al0, bh5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah0, bl5) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah0, bh5) | 0;
- var w5 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w5 >>> 26) | 0;
- w5 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al6, bl0);
- mid = Math.imul(al6, bh0);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah6, bl0) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah6, bh0);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al5, bl1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al5, bh1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah5, bl1) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah5, bh1) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al4, bl2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al4, bh2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah4, bl2) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah4, bh2) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al3, bl3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al3, bh3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah3, bl3) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah3, bh3) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al2, bl4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al2, bh4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah2, bl4) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah2, bh4) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al1, bl5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al1, bh5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah1, bl5) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah1, bh5) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al0, bl6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al0, bh6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah0, bl6) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah0, bh6) | 0;
- var w6 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w6 >>> 26) | 0;
- w6 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al7, bl0);
- mid = Math.imul(al7, bh0);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah7, bl0) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah7, bh0);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al6, bl1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al6, bh1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah6, bl1) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah6, bh1) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al5, bl2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al5, bh2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah5, bl2) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah5, bh2) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al4, bl3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al4, bh3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah4, bl3) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah4, bh3) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al3, bl4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al3, bh4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah3, bl4) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah3, bh4) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al2, bl5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al2, bh5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah2, bl5) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah2, bh5) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al1, bl6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al1, bh6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah1, bl6) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah1, bh6) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al0, bl7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al0, bh7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah0, bl7) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah0, bh7) | 0;
- var w7 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w7 >>> 26) | 0;
- w7 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al8, bl0);
- mid = Math.imul(al8, bh0);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah8, bl0) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah8, bh0);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al7, bl1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al7, bh1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah7, bl1) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah7, bh1) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al6, bl2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al6, bh2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah6, bl2) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah6, bh2) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al5, bl3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al5, bh3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah5, bl3) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah5, bh3) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al4, bl4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al4, bh4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah4, bl4) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah4, bh4) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al3, bl5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al3, bh5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah3, bl5) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah3, bh5) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al2, bl6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al2, bh6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah2, bl6) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah2, bh6) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al1, bl7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al1, bh7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah1, bl7) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah1, bh7) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al0, bl8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al0, bh8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah0, bl8) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah0, bh8) | 0;
- var w8 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w8 >>> 26) | 0;
- w8 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al9, bl0);
- mid = Math.imul(al9, bh0);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah9, bl0) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah9, bh0);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al8, bl1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al8, bh1) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah8, bl1) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah8, bh1) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al7, bl2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al7, bh2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah7, bl2) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah7, bh2) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al6, bl3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al6, bh3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah6, bl3) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah6, bh3) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al5, bl4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al5, bh4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah5, bl4) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah5, bh4) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al4, bl5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al4, bh5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah4, bl5) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah4, bh5) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al3, bl6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al3, bh6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah3, bl6) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah3, bh6) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al2, bl7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al2, bh7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah2, bl7) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah2, bh7) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al1, bl8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al1, bh8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah1, bl8) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah1, bh8) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al0, bl9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al0, bh9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah0, bl9) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah0, bh9) | 0;
- var w9 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w9 >>> 26) | 0;
- w9 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al9, bl1);
- mid = Math.imul(al9, bh1);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah9, bl1) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah9, bh1);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al8, bl2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al8, bh2) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah8, bl2) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah8, bh2) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al7, bl3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al7, bh3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah7, bl3) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah7, bh3) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al6, bl4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al6, bh4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah6, bl4) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah6, bh4) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al5, bl5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al5, bh5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah5, bl5) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah5, bh5) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al4, bl6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al4, bh6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah4, bl6) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah4, bh6) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al3, bl7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al3, bh7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah3, bl7) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah3, bh7) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al2, bl8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al2, bh8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah2, bl8) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah2, bh8) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al1, bl9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al1, bh9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah1, bl9) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah1, bh9) | 0;
- var w10 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w10 >>> 26) | 0;
- w10 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al9, bl2);
- mid = Math.imul(al9, bh2);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah9, bl2) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah9, bh2);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al8, bl3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al8, bh3) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah8, bl3) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah8, bh3) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al7, bl4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al7, bh4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah7, bl4) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah7, bh4) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al6, bl5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al6, bh5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah6, bl5) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah6, bh5) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al5, bl6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al5, bh6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah5, bl6) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah5, bh6) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al4, bl7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al4, bh7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah4, bl7) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah4, bh7) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al3, bl8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al3, bh8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah3, bl8) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah3, bh8) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al2, bl9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al2, bh9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah2, bl9) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah2, bh9) | 0;
- var w11 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w11 >>> 26) | 0;
- w11 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al9, bl3);
- mid = Math.imul(al9, bh3);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah9, bl3) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah9, bh3);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al8, bl4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al8, bh4) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah8, bl4) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah8, bh4) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al7, bl5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al7, bh5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah7, bl5) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah7, bh5) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al6, bl6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al6, bh6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah6, bl6) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah6, bh6) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al5, bl7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al5, bh7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah5, bl7) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah5, bh7) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al4, bl8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al4, bh8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah4, bl8) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah4, bh8) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al3, bl9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al3, bh9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah3, bl9) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah3, bh9) | 0;
- var w12 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w12 >>> 26) | 0;
- w12 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al9, bl4);
- mid = Math.imul(al9, bh4);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah9, bl4) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah9, bh4);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al8, bl5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al8, bh5) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah8, bl5) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah8, bh5) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al7, bl6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al7, bh6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah7, bl6) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah7, bh6) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al6, bl7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al6, bh7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah6, bl7) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah6, bh7) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al5, bl8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al5, bh8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah5, bl8) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah5, bh8) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al4, bl9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al4, bh9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah4, bl9) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah4, bh9) | 0;
- var w13 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w13 >>> 26) | 0;
- w13 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al9, bl5);
- mid = Math.imul(al9, bh5);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah9, bl5) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah9, bh5);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al8, bl6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al8, bh6) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah8, bl6) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah8, bh6) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al7, bl7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al7, bh7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah7, bl7) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah7, bh7) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al6, bl8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al6, bh8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah6, bl8) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah6, bh8) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al5, bl9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al5, bh9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah5, bl9) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah5, bh9) | 0;
- var w14 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w14 >>> 26) | 0;
- w14 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al9, bl6);
- mid = Math.imul(al9, bh6);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah9, bl6) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah9, bh6);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al8, bl7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al8, bh7) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah8, bl7) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah8, bh7) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al7, bl8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al7, bh8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah7, bl8) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah7, bh8) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al6, bl9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al6, bh9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah6, bl9) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah6, bh9) | 0;
- var w15 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w15 >>> 26) | 0;
- w15 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al9, bl7);
- mid = Math.imul(al9, bh7);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah9, bl7) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah9, bh7);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al8, bl8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al8, bh8) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah8, bl8) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah8, bh8) | 0;
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al7, bl9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al7, bh9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah7, bl9) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah7, bh9) | 0;
- var w16 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w16 >>> 26) | 0;
- w16 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al9, bl8);
- mid = Math.imul(al9, bh8);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah9, bl8) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah9, bh8);
- lo = lo + Math.imul(al8, bl9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(al8, bh9) | 0;
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah8, bl9) | 0;
- hi = hi + Math.imul(ah8, bh9) | 0;
- var w17 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w17 >>> 26) | 0;
- w17 &= 67108863;
- lo = Math.imul(al9, bl9);
- mid = Math.imul(al9, bh9);
- mid = mid + Math.imul(ah9, bl9) | 0;
- hi = Math.imul(ah9, bh9);
- var w18 = (c + lo | 0) + ((mid & 8191) << 13) | 0;
- c = (hi + (mid >>> 13) | 0) + (w18 >>> 26) | 0;
- w18 &= 67108863;
- o[0] = w0;
- o[1] = w1;
- o[2] = w2;
- o[3] = w3;
- o[4] = w4;
- o[5] = w5;
- o[6] = w6;
- o[7] = w7;
- o[8] = w8;
- o[9] = w9;
- o[10] = w10;
- o[11] = w11;
- o[12] = w12;
- o[13] = w13;
- o[14] = w14;
- o[15] = w15;
- o[16] = w16;
- o[17] = w17;
- o[18] = w18;
- if (c !== 0) {
- o[19] = c;
- out.length++;
- }
- return out;
- };
- if (!Math.imul) {
- comb10MulTo = smallMulTo;
- }
- function bigMulTo(self2, num, out) {
- out.negative = num.negative ^ self2.negative;
- out.length = self2.length + num.length;
- var carry = 0;
- var hncarry = 0;
- for (var k = 0; k < out.length - 1; k++) {
- var ncarry = hncarry;
- hncarry = 0;
- var rword = carry & 67108863;
- var maxJ = Math.min(k, num.length - 1);
- for (var j = Math.max(0, k - self2.length + 1); j <= maxJ; j++) {
- var i2 = k - j;
- var a = self2.words[i2] | 0;
- var b = num.words[j] | 0;
- var r2 = a * b;
- var lo = r2 & 67108863;
- ncarry = ncarry + (r2 / 67108864 | 0) | 0;
- lo = lo + rword | 0;
- rword = lo & 67108863;
- ncarry = ncarry + (lo >>> 26) | 0;
- hncarry += ncarry >>> 26;
- ncarry &= 67108863;
- }
- out.words[k] = rword;
- carry = ncarry;
- ncarry = hncarry;
- }
- if (carry !== 0) {
- out.words[k] = carry;
- } else {
- out.length--;
- }
- return out.strip();
- }
- function jumboMulTo(self2, num, out) {
- var fftm = new FFTM();
- return fftm.mulp(self2, num, out);
- }
- BN2.prototype.mulTo = function mulTo(num, out) {
- var res;
- var len2 = this.length + num.length;
- if (this.length === 10 && num.length === 10) {
- res = comb10MulTo(this, num, out);
- } else if (len2 < 63) {
- res = smallMulTo(this, num, out);
- } else if (len2 < 1024) {
- res = bigMulTo(this, num, out);
- } else {
- res = jumboMulTo(this, num, out);
- }
- return res;
- };
- function FFTM(x, y) {
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- }
- FFTM.prototype.makeRBT = function makeRBT(N) {
- var t2 = new Array(N);
- var l = BN2.prototype._countBits(N) - 1;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < N; i2++) {
- t2[i2] = this.revBin(i2, l, N);
- }
- return t2;
- };
- FFTM.prototype.revBin = function revBin(x, l, N) {
- if (x === 0 || x === N - 1)
- return x;
- var rb = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < l; i2++) {
- rb |= (x & 1) << l - i2 - 1;
- x >>= 1;
- }
- return rb;
- };
- FFTM.prototype.permute = function permute(rbt, rws, iws, rtws, itws, N) {
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < N; i2++) {
- rtws[i2] = rws[rbt[i2]];
- itws[i2] = iws[rbt[i2]];
- }
- };
- FFTM.prototype.transform = function transform(rws, iws, rtws, itws, N, rbt) {
- this.permute(rbt, rws, iws, rtws, itws, N);
- for (var s2 = 1; s2 < N; s2 <<= 1) {
- var l = s2 << 1;
- var rtwdf = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / l);
- var itwdf = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / l);
- for (var p = 0; p < N; p += l) {
- var rtwdf_ = rtwdf;
- var itwdf_ = itwdf;
- for (var j = 0; j < s2; j++) {
- var re = rtws[p + j];
- var ie = itws[p + j];
- var ro = rtws[p + j + s2];
- var io = itws[p + j + s2];
- var rx = rtwdf_ * ro - itwdf_ * io;
- io = rtwdf_ * io + itwdf_ * ro;
- ro = rx;
- rtws[p + j] = re + ro;
- itws[p + j] = ie + io;
- rtws[p + j + s2] = re - ro;
- itws[p + j + s2] = ie - io;
- if (j !== l) {
- rx = rtwdf * rtwdf_ - itwdf * itwdf_;
- itwdf_ = rtwdf * itwdf_ + itwdf * rtwdf_;
- rtwdf_ = rx;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- FFTM.prototype.guessLen13b = function guessLen13b(n, m) {
- var N = Math.max(m, n) | 1;
- var odd = N & 1;
- var i2 = 0;
- for (N = N / 2 | 0; N; N = N >>> 1) {
- i2++;
- }
- return 1 << i2 + 1 + odd;
- };
- FFTM.prototype.conjugate = function conjugate(rws, iws, N) {
- if (N <= 1)
- return;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < N / 2; i2++) {
- var t2 = rws[i2];
- rws[i2] = rws[N - i2 - 1];
- rws[N - i2 - 1] = t2;
- t2 = iws[i2];
- iws[i2] = -iws[N - i2 - 1];
- iws[N - i2 - 1] = -t2;
- }
- };
- FFTM.prototype.normalize13b = function normalize13b(ws, N) {
- var carry = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < N / 2; i2++) {
- var w = Math.round(ws[2 * i2 + 1] / N) * 8192 + Math.round(ws[2 * i2] / N) + carry;
- ws[i2] = w & 67108863;
- if (w < 67108864) {
- carry = 0;
- } else {
- carry = w / 67108864 | 0;
- }
- }
- return ws;
- };
- FFTM.prototype.convert13b = function convert13b(ws, len2, rws, N) {
- var carry = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2++) {
- carry = carry + (ws[i2] | 0);
- rws[2 * i2] = carry & 8191;
- carry = carry >>> 13;
- rws[2 * i2 + 1] = carry & 8191;
- carry = carry >>> 13;
- }
- for (i2 = 2 * len2; i2 < N; ++i2) {
- rws[i2] = 0;
- }
- assert2(carry === 0);
- assert2((carry & ~8191) === 0);
- };
- FFTM.prototype.stub = function stub(N) {
- var ph = new Array(N);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < N; i2++) {
- ph[i2] = 0;
- }
- return ph;
- };
- FFTM.prototype.mulp = function mulp(x, y, out) {
- var N = 2 * this.guessLen13b(x.length, y.length);
- var rbt = this.makeRBT(N);
- var _ = this.stub(N);
- var rws = new Array(N);
- var rwst = new Array(N);
- var iwst = new Array(N);
- var nrws = new Array(N);
- var nrwst = new Array(N);
- var niwst = new Array(N);
- var rmws = out.words;
- rmws.length = N;
- this.convert13b(x.words, x.length, rws, N);
- this.convert13b(y.words, y.length, nrws, N);
- this.transform(rws, _, rwst, iwst, N, rbt);
- this.transform(nrws, _, nrwst, niwst, N, rbt);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < N; i2++) {
- var rx = rwst[i2] * nrwst[i2] - iwst[i2] * niwst[i2];
- iwst[i2] = rwst[i2] * niwst[i2] + iwst[i2] * nrwst[i2];
- rwst[i2] = rx;
- }
- this.conjugate(rwst, iwst, N);
- this.transform(rwst, iwst, rmws, _, N, rbt);
- this.conjugate(rmws, _, N);
- this.normalize13b(rmws, N);
- out.negative = x.negative ^ y.negative;
- out.length = x.length + y.length;
- return out.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.mul = function mul(num) {
- var out = new BN2(null);
- out.words = new Array(this.length + num.length);
- return this.mulTo(num, out);
- };
- BN2.prototype.mulf = function mulf(num) {
- var out = new BN2(null);
- out.words = new Array(this.length + num.length);
- return jumboMulTo(this, num, out);
- };
- BN2.prototype.imul = function imul(num) {
- return this.clone().mulTo(num, this);
- };
- BN2.prototype.imuln = function imuln(num) {
- assert2(typeof num === "number");
- assert2(num < 67108864);
- var carry = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
- var w = (this.words[i2] | 0) * num;
- var lo = (w & 67108863) + (carry & 67108863);
- carry >>= 26;
- carry += w / 67108864 | 0;
- carry += lo >>> 26;
- this.words[i2] = lo & 67108863;
- }
- if (carry !== 0) {
- this.words[i2] = carry;
- this.length++;
- }
- return this;
- };
- BN2.prototype.muln = function muln(num) {
- return this.clone().imuln(num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.sqr = function sqr() {
- return this.mul(this);
- };
- BN2.prototype.isqr = function isqr() {
- return this.imul(this.clone());
- };
- BN2.prototype.pow = function pow(num) {
- var w = toBitArray(num);
- if (w.length === 0)
- return new BN2(1);
- var res = this;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < w.length; i2++, res = res.sqr()) {
- if (w[i2] !== 0)
- break;
- }
- if (++i2 < w.length) {
- for (var q = res.sqr(); i2 < w.length; i2++, q = q.sqr()) {
- if (w[i2] === 0)
- continue;
- res = res.mul(q);
- }
- }
- return res;
- };
- BN2.prototype.iushln = function iushln(bits) {
- assert2(typeof bits === "number" && bits >= 0);
- var r2 = bits % 26;
- var s2 = (bits - r2) / 26;
- var carryMask = 67108863 >>> 26 - r2 << 26 - r2;
- var i2;
- if (r2 !== 0) {
- var carry = 0;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
- var newCarry = this.words[i2] & carryMask;
- var c = (this.words[i2] | 0) - newCarry << r2;
- this.words[i2] = c | carry;
- carry = newCarry >>> 26 - r2;
- }
- if (carry) {
- this.words[i2] = carry;
- this.length++;
- }
- }
- if (s2 !== 0) {
- for (i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
- this.words[i2 + s2] = this.words[i2];
- }
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < s2; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = 0;
- }
- this.length += s2;
- }
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.ishln = function ishln(bits) {
- assert2(this.negative === 0);
- return this.iushln(bits);
- };
- BN2.prototype.iushrn = function iushrn(bits, hint, extended) {
- assert2(typeof bits === "number" && bits >= 0);
- var h;
- if (hint) {
- h = (hint - hint % 26) / 26;
- } else {
- h = 0;
- }
- var r2 = bits % 26;
- var s2 = Math.min((bits - r2) / 26, this.length);
- var mask = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> r2 << r2;
- var maskedWords = extended;
- h -= s2;
- h = Math.max(0, h);
- if (maskedWords) {
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < s2; i2++) {
- maskedWords.words[i2] = this.words[i2];
- }
- maskedWords.length = s2;
- }
- if (s2 === 0)
- ;
- else if (this.length > s2) {
- this.length -= s2;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] = this.words[i2 + s2];
- }
- } else {
- this.words[0] = 0;
- this.length = 1;
- }
- var carry = 0;
- for (i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0 && (carry !== 0 || i2 >= h); i2--) {
- var word = this.words[i2] | 0;
- this.words[i2] = carry << 26 - r2 | word >>> r2;
- carry = word & mask;
- }
- if (maskedWords && carry !== 0) {
- maskedWords.words[maskedWords.length++] = carry;
- }
- if (this.length === 0) {
- this.words[0] = 0;
- this.length = 1;
- }
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.ishrn = function ishrn(bits, hint, extended) {
- assert2(this.negative === 0);
- return this.iushrn(bits, hint, extended);
- };
- BN2.prototype.shln = function shln(bits) {
- return this.clone().ishln(bits);
- };
- BN2.prototype.ushln = function ushln(bits) {
- return this.clone().iushln(bits);
- };
- BN2.prototype.shrn = function shrn(bits) {
- return this.clone().ishrn(bits);
- };
- BN2.prototype.ushrn = function ushrn(bits) {
- return this.clone().iushrn(bits);
- };
- BN2.prototype.testn = function testn(bit) {
- assert2(typeof bit === "number" && bit >= 0);
- var r2 = bit % 26;
- var s2 = (bit - r2) / 26;
- var q = 1 << r2;
- if (this.length <= s2)
- return false;
- var w = this.words[s2];
- return !!(w & q);
- };
- BN2.prototype.imaskn = function imaskn(bits) {
- assert2(typeof bits === "number" && bits >= 0);
- var r2 = bits % 26;
- var s2 = (bits - r2) / 26;
- assert2(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers");
- if (this.length <= s2) {
- return this;
- }
- if (r2 !== 0) {
- s2++;
- }
- this.length = Math.min(s2, this.length);
- if (r2 !== 0) {
- var mask = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> r2 << r2;
- this.words[this.length - 1] &= mask;
- }
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.maskn = function maskn(bits) {
- return this.clone().imaskn(bits);
- };
- BN2.prototype.iaddn = function iaddn(num) {
- assert2(typeof num === "number");
- assert2(num < 67108864);
- if (num < 0)
- return this.isubn(-num);
- if (this.negative !== 0) {
- if (this.length === 1 && (this.words[0] | 0) < num) {
- this.words[0] = num - (this.words[0] | 0);
- this.negative = 0;
- return this;
- }
- this.negative = 0;
- this.isubn(num);
- this.negative = 1;
- return this;
- }
- return this._iaddn(num);
- };
- BN2.prototype._iaddn = function _iaddn(num) {
- this.words[0] += num;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length && this.words[i2] >= 67108864; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] -= 67108864;
- if (i2 === this.length - 1) {
- this.words[i2 + 1] = 1;
- } else {
- this.words[i2 + 1]++;
- }
- }
- this.length = Math.max(this.length, i2 + 1);
- return this;
- };
- BN2.prototype.isubn = function isubn(num) {
- assert2(typeof num === "number");
- assert2(num < 67108864);
- if (num < 0)
- return this.iaddn(-num);
- if (this.negative !== 0) {
- this.negative = 0;
- this.iaddn(num);
- this.negative = 1;
- return this;
- }
- this.words[0] -= num;
- if (this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0) {
- this.words[0] = -this.words[0];
- this.negative = 1;
- } else {
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length && this.words[i2] < 0; i2++) {
- this.words[i2] += 67108864;
- this.words[i2 + 1] -= 1;
- }
- }
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.addn = function addn(num) {
- return this.clone().iaddn(num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.subn = function subn(num) {
- return this.clone().isubn(num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.iabs = function iabs() {
- this.negative = 0;
- return this;
- };
- BN2.prototype.abs = function abs() {
- return this.clone().iabs();
- };
- BN2.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function _ishlnsubmul(num, mul, shift) {
- var len2 = num.length + shift;
- var i2;
- this._expand(len2);
- var w;
- var carry = 0;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < num.length; i2++) {
- w = (this.words[i2 + shift] | 0) + carry;
- var right = (num.words[i2] | 0) * mul;
- w -= right & 67108863;
- carry = (w >> 26) - (right / 67108864 | 0);
- this.words[i2 + shift] = w & 67108863;
- }
- for (; i2 < this.length - shift; i2++) {
- w = (this.words[i2 + shift] | 0) + carry;
- carry = w >> 26;
- this.words[i2 + shift] = w & 67108863;
- }
- if (carry === 0)
- return this.strip();
- assert2(carry === -1);
- carry = 0;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
- w = -(this.words[i2] | 0) + carry;
- carry = w >> 26;
- this.words[i2] = w & 67108863;
- }
- this.negative = 1;
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype._wordDiv = function _wordDiv(num, mode) {
- var shift = this.length - num.length;
- var a = this.clone();
- var b = num;
- var bhi = b.words[b.length - 1] | 0;
- var bhiBits = this._countBits(bhi);
- shift = 26 - bhiBits;
- if (shift !== 0) {
- b = b.ushln(shift);
- a.iushln(shift);
- bhi = b.words[b.length - 1] | 0;
- }
- var m = a.length - b.length;
- var q;
- if (mode !== "mod") {
- q = new BN2(null);
- q.length = m + 1;
- q.words = new Array(q.length);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < q.length; i2++) {
- q.words[i2] = 0;
- }
- }
- var diff = a.clone()._ishlnsubmul(b, 1, m);
- if (diff.negative === 0) {
- a = diff;
- if (q) {
- q.words[m] = 1;
- }
- }
- for (var j = m - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
- var qj = (a.words[b.length + j] | 0) * 67108864 + (a.words[b.length + j - 1] | 0);
- qj = Math.min(qj / bhi | 0, 67108863);
- a._ishlnsubmul(b, qj, j);
- while (a.negative !== 0) {
- qj--;
- a.negative = 0;
- a._ishlnsubmul(b, 1, j);
- if (!a.isZero()) {
- a.negative ^= 1;
- }
- }
- if (q) {
- q.words[j] = qj;
- }
- }
- if (q) {
- q.strip();
- }
- a.strip();
- if (mode !== "div" && shift !== 0) {
- a.iushrn(shift);
- }
- return {
- div: q || null,
- mod: a
- };
- };
- BN2.prototype.divmod = function divmod(num, mode, positive) {
- assert2(!num.isZero());
- if (this.isZero()) {
- return {
- div: new BN2(0),
- mod: new BN2(0)
- };
- }
- var div, mod, res;
- if (this.negative !== 0 && num.negative === 0) {
- res = this.neg().divmod(num, mode);
- if (mode !== "mod") {
- div = res.div.neg();
- }
- if (mode !== "div") {
- mod = res.mod.neg();
- if (positive && mod.negative !== 0) {
- mod.iadd(num);
- }
- }
- return {
- div,
- mod
- };
- }
- if (this.negative === 0 && num.negative !== 0) {
- res = this.divmod(num.neg(), mode);
- if (mode !== "mod") {
- div = res.div.neg();
- }
- return {
- div,
- mod: res.mod
- };
- }
- if ((this.negative & num.negative) !== 0) {
- res = this.neg().divmod(num.neg(), mode);
- if (mode !== "div") {
- mod = res.mod.neg();
- if (positive && mod.negative !== 0) {
- mod.isub(num);
- }
- }
- return {
- div: res.div,
- mod
- };
- }
- if (num.length > this.length || this.cmp(num) < 0) {
- return {
- div: new BN2(0),
- mod: this
- };
- }
- if (num.length === 1) {
- if (mode === "div") {
- return {
- div: this.divn(num.words[0]),
- mod: null
- };
- }
- if (mode === "mod") {
- return {
- div: null,
- mod: new BN2(this.modn(num.words[0]))
- };
- }
- return {
- div: this.divn(num.words[0]),
- mod: new BN2(this.modn(num.words[0]))
- };
- }
- return this._wordDiv(num, mode);
- };
- BN2.prototype.div = function div(num) {
- return this.divmod(num, "div", false).div;
- };
- BN2.prototype.mod = function mod(num) {
- return this.divmod(num, "mod", false).mod;
- };
- BN2.prototype.umod = function umod(num) {
- return this.divmod(num, "mod", true).mod;
- };
- BN2.prototype.divRound = function divRound(num) {
- var dm = this.divmod(num);
- if (dm.mod.isZero())
- return dm.div;
- var mod = dm.div.negative !== 0 ? dm.mod.isub(num) : dm.mod;
- var half = num.ushrn(1);
- var r2 = num.andln(1);
- var cmp = mod.cmp(half);
- if (cmp < 0 || r2 === 1 && cmp === 0)
- return dm.div;
- return dm.div.negative !== 0 ? dm.div.isubn(1) : dm.div.iaddn(1);
- };
- BN2.prototype.modn = function modn(num) {
- assert2(num <= 67108863);
- var p = (1 << 26) % num;
- var acc = 0;
- for (var i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
- acc = (p * acc + (this.words[i2] | 0)) % num;
- }
- return acc;
- };
- BN2.prototype.idivn = function idivn(num) {
- assert2(num <= 67108863);
- var carry = 0;
- for (var i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
- var w = (this.words[i2] | 0) + carry * 67108864;
- this.words[i2] = w / num | 0;
- carry = w % num;
- }
- return this.strip();
- };
- BN2.prototype.divn = function divn(num) {
- return this.clone().idivn(num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.egcd = function egcd(p) {
- assert2(p.negative === 0);
- assert2(!p.isZero());
- var x = this;
- var y = p.clone();
- if (x.negative !== 0) {
- x = x.umod(p);
- } else {
- x = x.clone();
- }
- var A = new BN2(1);
- var B = new BN2(0);
- var C = new BN2(0);
- var D = new BN2(1);
- var g = 0;
- while (x.isEven() && y.isEven()) {
- x.iushrn(1);
- y.iushrn(1);
- ++g;
- }
- var yp = y.clone();
- var xp = x.clone();
- while (!x.isZero()) {
- for (var i2 = 0, im = 1; (x.words[0] & im) === 0 && i2 < 26; ++i2, im <<= 1)
- ;
- if (i2 > 0) {
- x.iushrn(i2);
- while (i2-- > 0) {
- if (A.isOdd() || B.isOdd()) {
- A.iadd(yp);
- B.isub(xp);
- }
- A.iushrn(1);
- B.iushrn(1);
- }
- }
- for (var j = 0, jm = 1; (y.words[0] & jm) === 0 && j < 26; ++j, jm <<= 1)
- ;
- if (j > 0) {
- y.iushrn(j);
- while (j-- > 0) {
- if (C.isOdd() || D.isOdd()) {
- C.iadd(yp);
- D.isub(xp);
- }
- C.iushrn(1);
- D.iushrn(1);
- }
- }
- if (x.cmp(y) >= 0) {
- x.isub(y);
- A.isub(C);
- B.isub(D);
- } else {
- y.isub(x);
- C.isub(A);
- D.isub(B);
- }
- }
- return {
- a: C,
- b: D,
- gcd: y.iushln(g)
- };
- };
- BN2.prototype._invmp = function _invmp(p) {
- assert2(p.negative === 0);
- assert2(!p.isZero());
- var a = this;
- var b = p.clone();
- if (a.negative !== 0) {
- a = a.umod(p);
- } else {
- a = a.clone();
- }
- var x1 = new BN2(1);
- var x2 = new BN2(0);
- var delta = b.clone();
- while (a.cmpn(1) > 0 && b.cmpn(1) > 0) {
- for (var i2 = 0, im = 1; (a.words[0] & im) === 0 && i2 < 26; ++i2, im <<= 1)
- ;
- if (i2 > 0) {
- a.iushrn(i2);
- while (i2-- > 0) {
- if (x1.isOdd()) {
- x1.iadd(delta);
- }
- x1.iushrn(1);
- }
- }
- for (var j = 0, jm = 1; (b.words[0] & jm) === 0 && j < 26; ++j, jm <<= 1)
- ;
- if (j > 0) {
- b.iushrn(j);
- while (j-- > 0) {
- if (x2.isOdd()) {
- x2.iadd(delta);
- }
- x2.iushrn(1);
- }
- }
- if (a.cmp(b) >= 0) {
- a.isub(b);
- x1.isub(x2);
- } else {
- b.isub(a);
- x2.isub(x1);
- }
- }
- var res;
- if (a.cmpn(1) === 0) {
- res = x1;
- } else {
- res = x2;
- }
- if (res.cmpn(0) < 0) {
- res.iadd(p);
- }
- return res;
- };
- BN2.prototype.gcd = function gcd(num) {
- if (this.isZero())
- return num.abs();
- if (num.isZero())
- return this.abs();
- var a = this.clone();
- var b = num.clone();
- a.negative = 0;
- b.negative = 0;
- for (var shift = 0; a.isEven() && b.isEven(); shift++) {
- a.iushrn(1);
- b.iushrn(1);
- }
- do {
- while (a.isEven()) {
- a.iushrn(1);
- }
- while (b.isEven()) {
- b.iushrn(1);
- }
- var r2 = a.cmp(b);
- if (r2 < 0) {
- var t2 = a;
- a = b;
- b = t2;
- } else if (r2 === 0 || b.cmpn(1) === 0) {
- break;
- }
- a.isub(b);
- } while (true);
- return b.iushln(shift);
- };
- BN2.prototype.invm = function invm(num) {
- return this.egcd(num).a.umod(num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.isEven = function isEven() {
- return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0;
- };
- BN2.prototype.isOdd = function isOdd() {
- return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1;
- };
- BN2.prototype.andln = function andln(num) {
- return this.words[0] & num;
- };
- BN2.prototype.bincn = function bincn(bit) {
- assert2(typeof bit === "number");
- var r2 = bit % 26;
- var s2 = (bit - r2) / 26;
- var q = 1 << r2;
- if (this.length <= s2) {
- this._expand(s2 + 1);
- this.words[s2] |= q;
- return this;
- }
- var carry = q;
- for (var i2 = s2; carry !== 0 && i2 < this.length; i2++) {
- var w = this.words[i2] | 0;
- w += carry;
- carry = w >>> 26;
- w &= 67108863;
- this.words[i2] = w;
- }
- if (carry !== 0) {
- this.words[i2] = carry;
- this.length++;
- }
- return this;
- };
- BN2.prototype.isZero = function isZero() {
- return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0;
- };
- BN2.prototype.cmpn = function cmpn(num) {
- var negative = num < 0;
- if (this.negative !== 0 && !negative)
- return -1;
- if (this.negative === 0 && negative)
- return 1;
- this.strip();
- var res;
- if (this.length > 1) {
- res = 1;
- } else {
- if (negative) {
- num = -num;
- }
- assert2(num <= 67108863, "Number is too big");
- var w = this.words[0] | 0;
- res = w === num ? 0 : w < num ? -1 : 1;
- }
- if (this.negative !== 0)
- return -res | 0;
- return res;
- };
- BN2.prototype.cmp = function cmp(num) {
- if (this.negative !== 0 && num.negative === 0)
- return -1;
- if (this.negative === 0 && num.negative !== 0)
- return 1;
- var res = this.ucmp(num);
- if (this.negative !== 0)
- return -res | 0;
- return res;
- };
- BN2.prototype.ucmp = function ucmp(num) {
- if (this.length > num.length)
- return 1;
- if (this.length < num.length)
- return -1;
- var res = 0;
- for (var i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
- var a = this.words[i2] | 0;
- var b = num.words[i2] | 0;
- if (a === b)
- continue;
- if (a < b) {
- res = -1;
- } else if (a > b) {
- res = 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- return res;
- };
- BN2.prototype.gtn = function gtn(num) {
- return this.cmpn(num) === 1;
- };
- = function gt(num) {
- return this.cmp(num) === 1;
- };
- BN2.prototype.gten = function gten(num) {
- return this.cmpn(num) >= 0;
- };
- BN2.prototype.gte = function gte(num) {
- return this.cmp(num) >= 0;
- };
- BN2.prototype.ltn = function ltn(num) {
- return this.cmpn(num) === -1;
- };
- = function lt(num) {
- return this.cmp(num) === -1;
- };
- BN2.prototype.lten = function lten(num) {
- return this.cmpn(num) <= 0;
- };
- BN2.prototype.lte = function lte(num) {
- return this.cmp(num) <= 0;
- };
- BN2.prototype.eqn = function eqn(num) {
- return this.cmpn(num) === 0;
- };
- BN2.prototype.eq = function eq(num) {
- return this.cmp(num) === 0;
- };
- = function red(num) {
- return new Red(num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.toRed = function toRed(ctx) {
- assert2(!, "Already a number in reduction context");
- assert2(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives");
- return ctx.convertTo(this)._forceRed(ctx);
- };
- BN2.prototype.fromRed = function fromRed() {
- assert2(, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context");
- return;
- };
- BN2.prototype._forceRed = function _forceRed(ctx) {
- = ctx;
- return this;
- };
- BN2.prototype.forceRed = function forceRed(ctx) {
- assert2(!, "Already a number in reduction context");
- return this._forceRed(ctx);
- };
- BN2.prototype.redAdd = function redAdd(num) {
- assert2(, "redAdd works only with red numbers");
- return, num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.redIAdd = function redIAdd(num) {
- assert2(, "redIAdd works only with red numbers");
- return, num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.redSub = function redSub(num) {
- assert2(, "redSub works only with red numbers");
- return, num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.redISub = function redISub(num) {
- assert2(, "redISub works only with red numbers");
- return, num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.redShl = function redShl(num) {
- assert2(, "redShl works only with red numbers");
- return, num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.redMul = function redMul(num) {
- assert2(, "redMul works only with red numbers");
-, num);
- return, num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.redIMul = function redIMul(num) {
- assert2(, "redMul works only with red numbers");
-, num);
- return, num);
- };
- BN2.prototype.redSqr = function redSqr() {
- assert2(, "redSqr works only with red numbers");
- return;
- };
- BN2.prototype.redISqr = function redISqr() {
- assert2(, "redISqr works only with red numbers");
- return;
- };
- BN2.prototype.redSqrt = function redSqrt() {
- assert2(, "redSqrt works only with red numbers");
- return;
- };
- BN2.prototype.redInvm = function redInvm() {
- assert2(, "redInvm works only with red numbers");
- return;
- };
- BN2.prototype.redNeg = function redNeg() {
- assert2(, "redNeg works only with red numbers");
- return;
- };
- BN2.prototype.redPow = function redPow(num) {
- assert2( && !, "redPow(normalNum)");
- return, num);
- };
- var primes = {
- k256: null,
- p224: null,
- p192: null,
- p25519: null
- };
- function MPrime(name2, p) {
- = name2;
- this.p = new BN2(p, 16);
- this.n = this.p.bitLength();
- this.k = new BN2(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p);
- this.tmp = this._tmp();
- }
- MPrime.prototype._tmp = function _tmp() {
- var tmp = new BN2(null);
- tmp.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13));
- return tmp;
- };
- MPrime.prototype.ireduce = function ireduce(num) {
- var r2 = num;
- var rlen;
- do {
- this.split(r2, this.tmp);
- r2 = this.imulK(r2);
- r2 = r2.iadd(this.tmp);
- rlen = r2.bitLength();
- } while (rlen > this.n);
- var cmp = rlen < this.n ? -1 : r2.ucmp(this.p);
- if (cmp === 0) {
- r2.words[0] = 0;
- r2.length = 1;
- } else if (cmp > 0) {
- r2.isub(this.p);
- } else {
- if (r2.strip !== void 0) {
- r2.strip();
- } else {
- r2._strip();
- }
- }
- return r2;
- };
- MPrime.prototype.split = function split(input, out) {
- input.iushrn(this.n, 0, out);
- };
- MPrime.prototype.imulK = function imulK(num) {
- return num.imul(this.k);
- };
- function K256() {
- this,
- "k256",
- "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f"
- );
- }
- inherits2(K256, MPrime);
- K256.prototype.split = function split(input, output) {
- var mask = 4194303;
- var outLen = Math.min(input.length, 9);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < outLen; i2++) {
- output.words[i2] = input.words[i2];
- }
- output.length = outLen;
- if (input.length <= 9) {
- input.words[0] = 0;
- input.length = 1;
- return;
- }
- var prev = input.words[9];
- output.words[output.length++] = prev & mask;
- for (i2 = 10; i2 < input.length; i2++) {
- var next = input.words[i2] | 0;
- input.words[i2 - 10] = (next & mask) << 4 | prev >>> 22;
- prev = next;
- }
- prev >>>= 22;
- input.words[i2 - 10] = prev;
- if (prev === 0 && input.length > 10) {
- input.length -= 10;
- } else {
- input.length -= 9;
- }
- };
- K256.prototype.imulK = function imulK(num) {
- num.words[num.length] = 0;
- num.words[num.length + 1] = 0;
- num.length += 2;
- var lo = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < num.length; i2++) {
- var w = num.words[i2] | 0;
- lo += w * 977;
- num.words[i2] = lo & 67108863;
- lo = w * 64 + (lo / 67108864 | 0);
- }
- if (num.words[num.length - 1] === 0) {
- num.length--;
- if (num.words[num.length - 1] === 0) {
- num.length--;
- }
- }
- return num;
- };
- function P224() {
- this,
- "p224",
- "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001"
- );
- }
- inherits2(P224, MPrime);
- function P192() {
- this,
- "p192",
- "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff"
- );
- }
- inherits2(P192, MPrime);
- function P25519() {
- this,
- "25519",
- "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed"
- );
- }
- inherits2(P25519, MPrime);
- P25519.prototype.imulK = function imulK(num) {
- var carry = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < num.length; i2++) {
- var hi = (num.words[i2] | 0) * 19 + carry;
- var lo = hi & 67108863;
- hi >>>= 26;
- num.words[i2] = lo;
- carry = hi;
- }
- if (carry !== 0) {
- num.words[num.length++] = carry;
- }
- return num;
- };
- BN2._prime = function prime(name2) {
- if (primes[name2])
- return primes[name2];
- var prime2;
- if (name2 === "k256") {
- prime2 = new K256();
- } else if (name2 === "p224") {
- prime2 = new P224();
- } else if (name2 === "p192") {
- prime2 = new P192();
- } else if (name2 === "p25519") {
- prime2 = new P25519();
- } else {
- throw new Error("Unknown prime " + name2);
- }
- primes[name2] = prime2;
- return prime2;
- };
- function Red(m) {
- if (typeof m === "string") {
- var prime = BN2._prime(m);
- this.m = prime.p;
- = prime;
- } else {
- assert2(m.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1");
- this.m = m;
- = null;
- }
- }
- Red.prototype._verify1 = function _verify1(a) {
- assert2(a.negative === 0, "red works only with positives");
- assert2(, "red works only with red numbers");
- };
- Red.prototype._verify2 = function _verify2(a, b) {
- assert2((a.negative | b.negative) === 0, "red works only with positives");
- assert2(
- && ===,
- "red works only with red numbers"
- );
- };
- Red.prototype.imod = function imod(a) {
- if (
- return;
- return a.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this);
- };
- Red.prototype.neg = function neg(a) {
- if (a.isZero()) {
- return a.clone();
- }
- return this.m.sub(a)._forceRed(this);
- };
- Red.prototype.add = function add(a, b) {
- this._verify2(a, b);
- var res = a.add(b);
- if (res.cmp(this.m) >= 0) {
- res.isub(this.m);
- }
- return res._forceRed(this);
- };
- Red.prototype.iadd = function iadd(a, b) {
- this._verify2(a, b);
- var res = a.iadd(b);
- if (res.cmp(this.m) >= 0) {
- res.isub(this.m);
- }
- return res;
- };
- Red.prototype.sub = function sub(a, b) {
- this._verify2(a, b);
- var res = a.sub(b);
- if (res.cmpn(0) < 0) {
- res.iadd(this.m);
- }
- return res._forceRed(this);
- };
- Red.prototype.isub = function isub(a, b) {
- this._verify2(a, b);
- var res = a.isub(b);
- if (res.cmpn(0) < 0) {
- res.iadd(this.m);
- }
- return res;
- };
- Red.prototype.shl = function shl(a, num) {
- this._verify1(a);
- return this.imod(a.ushln(num));
- };
- Red.prototype.imul = function imul(a, b) {
- this._verify2(a, b);
- return this.imod(a.imul(b));
- };
- Red.prototype.mul = function mul(a, b) {
- this._verify2(a, b);
- return this.imod(a.mul(b));
- };
- Red.prototype.isqr = function isqr(a) {
- return this.imul(a, a.clone());
- };
- Red.prototype.sqr = function sqr(a) {
- return this.mul(a, a);
- };
- Red.prototype.sqrt = function sqrt(a) {
- if (a.isZero())
- return a.clone();
- var mod3 = this.m.andln(3);
- assert2(mod3 % 2 === 1);
- if (mod3 === 3) {
- var pow = this.m.add(new BN2(1)).iushrn(2);
- return this.pow(a, pow);
- }
- var q = this.m.subn(1);
- var s2 = 0;
- while (!q.isZero() && q.andln(1) === 0) {
- s2++;
- q.iushrn(1);
- }
- assert2(!q.isZero());
- var one = new BN2(1).toRed(this);
- var nOne = one.redNeg();
- var lpow = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1);
- var z = this.m.bitLength();
- z = new BN2(2 * z * z).toRed(this);
- while (this.pow(z, lpow).cmp(nOne) !== 0) {
- z.redIAdd(nOne);
- }
- var c = this.pow(z, q);
- var r2 = this.pow(a, q.addn(1).iushrn(1));
- var t2 = this.pow(a, q);
- var m = s2;
- while (t2.cmp(one) !== 0) {
- var tmp = t2;
- for (var i2 = 0; tmp.cmp(one) !== 0; i2++) {
- tmp = tmp.redSqr();
- }
- assert2(i2 < m);
- var b = this.pow(c, new BN2(1).iushln(m - i2 - 1));
- r2 = r2.redMul(b);
- c = b.redSqr();
- t2 = t2.redMul(c);
- m = i2;
- }
- return r2;
- };
- Red.prototype.invm = function invm(a) {
- var inv = a._invmp(this.m);
- if (inv.negative !== 0) {
- inv.negative = 0;
- return this.imod(inv).redNeg();
- } else {
- return this.imod(inv);
- }
- };
- Red.prototype.pow = function pow(a, num) {
- if (num.isZero())
- return new BN2(1).toRed(this);
- if (num.cmpn(1) === 0)
- return a.clone();
- var windowSize = 4;
- var wnd = new Array(1 << windowSize);
- wnd[0] = new BN2(1).toRed(this);
- wnd[1] = a;
- for (var i2 = 2; i2 < wnd.length; i2++) {
- wnd[i2] = this.mul(wnd[i2 - 1], a);
- }
- var res = wnd[0];
- var current = 0;
- var currentLen = 0;
- var start2 = num.bitLength() % 26;
- if (start2 === 0) {
- start2 = 26;
- }
- for (i2 = num.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
- var word = num.words[i2];
- for (var j = start2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
- var bit = word >> j & 1;
- if (res !== wnd[0]) {
- res = this.sqr(res);
- }
- if (bit === 0 && current === 0) {
- currentLen = 0;
- continue;
- }
- current <<= 1;
- current |= bit;
- currentLen++;
- if (currentLen !== windowSize && (i2 !== 0 || j !== 0))
- continue;
- res = this.mul(res, wnd[current]);
- currentLen = 0;
- current = 0;
- }
- start2 = 26;
- }
- return res;
- };
- Red.prototype.convertTo = function convertTo(num) {
- var r2 = num.umod(this.m);
- return r2 === num ? r2.clone() : r2;
- };
- Red.prototype.convertFrom = function convertFrom(num) {
- var res = num.clone();
- = null;
- return res;
- };
- BN2.mont = function mont2(num) {
- return new Mont(num);
- };
- function Mont(m) {
-, m);
- this.shift = this.m.bitLength();
- if (this.shift % 26 !== 0) {
- this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26;
- }
- this.r = new BN2(1).iushln(this.shift);
- this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr());
- this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m);
- this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m);
- this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r);
- this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv);
- }
- inherits2(Mont, Red);
- Mont.prototype.convertTo = function convertTo(num) {
- return this.imod(num.ushln(this.shift));
- };
- Mont.prototype.convertFrom = function convertFrom(num) {
- var r2 = this.imod(num.mul(this.rinv));
- = null;
- return r2;
- };
- Mont.prototype.imul = function imul(a, b) {
- if (a.isZero() || b.isZero()) {
- a.words[0] = 0;
- a.length = 1;
- return a;
- }
- var t2 = a.imul(b);
- var c = t2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m);
- var u = t2.isub(c).iushrn(this.shift);
- var res = u;
- if (u.cmp(this.m) >= 0) {
- res = u.isub(this.m);
- } else if (u.cmpn(0) < 0) {
- res = u.iadd(this.m);
- }
- return res._forceRed(this);
- };
- Mont.prototype.mul = function mul(a, b) {
- if (a.isZero() || b.isZero())
- return new BN2(0)._forceRed(this);
- var t2 = a.mul(b);
- var c = t2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m);
- var u = t2.isub(c).iushrn(this.shift);
- var res = u;
- if (u.cmp(this.m) >= 0) {
- res = u.isub(this.m);
- } else if (u.cmpn(0) < 0) {
- res = u.iadd(this.m);
- }
- return res._forceRed(this);
- };
- Mont.prototype.invm = function invm(a) {
- var res = this.imod(a._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2));
- return res._forceRed(this);
- };
- })(module, commonjsGlobal);
- })(bn);
- var minimalisticAssert = assert$f;
- function assert$f(val, msg) {
- if (!val)
- throw new Error(msg || "Assertion failed");
- }
- assert$f.equal = function assertEqual(l, r2, msg) {
- if (l != r2)
- throw new Error(msg || "Assertion failed: " + l + " != " + r2);
- };
- var utils$l = {};
- (function(exports) {
- var utils2 = exports;
- function toArray2(msg, enc) {
- if (Array.isArray(msg))
- return msg.slice();
- if (!msg)
- return [];
- var res = [];
- if (typeof msg !== "string") {
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++)
- res[i2] = msg[i2] | 0;
- return res;
- }
- if (enc === "hex") {
- msg = msg.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/ig, "");
- if (msg.length % 2 !== 0)
- msg = "0" + msg;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2 += 2)
- res.push(parseInt(msg[i2] + msg[i2 + 1], 16));
- } else {
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++) {
- var c = msg.charCodeAt(i2);
- var hi = c >> 8;
- var lo = c & 255;
- if (hi)
- res.push(hi, lo);
- else
- res.push(lo);
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- utils2.toArray = toArray2;
- function zero22(word) {
- if (word.length === 1)
- return "0" + word;
- else
- return word;
- }
- utils2.zero2 = zero22;
- function toHex2(msg) {
- var res = "";
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++)
- res += zero22(msg[i2].toString(16));
- return res;
- }
- utils2.toHex = toHex2;
- utils2.encode = function encode(arr, enc) {
- if (enc === "hex")
- return toHex2(arr);
- else
- return arr;
- };
- })(utils$l);
- (function(exports) {
- var utils2 = exports;
- var BN2 = bnExports;
- var minAssert = minimalisticAssert;
- var minUtils = utils$l;
- utils2.assert = minAssert;
- utils2.toArray = minUtils.toArray;
- utils2.zero2 = minUtils.zero2;
- utils2.toHex = minUtils.toHex;
- utils2.encode = minUtils.encode;
- function getNAF2(num, w, bits) {
- var naf = new Array(Math.max(num.bitLength(), bits) + 1);
- naf.fill(0);
- var ws = 1 << w + 1;
- var k = num.clone();
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < naf.length; i2++) {
- var z;
- var mod = k.andln(ws - 1);
- if (k.isOdd()) {
- if (mod > (ws >> 1) - 1)
- z = (ws >> 1) - mod;
- else
- z = mod;
- k.isubn(z);
- } else {
- z = 0;
- }
- naf[i2] = z;
- k.iushrn(1);
- }
- return naf;
- }
- utils2.getNAF = getNAF2;
- function getJSF2(k1, k2) {
- var jsf = [
- [],
- []
- ];
- k1 = k1.clone();
- k2 = k2.clone();
- var d1 = 0;
- var d2 = 0;
- var m8;
- while (k1.cmpn(-d1) > 0 || k2.cmpn(-d2) > 0) {
- var m14 = k1.andln(3) + d1 & 3;
- var m24 = k2.andln(3) + d2 & 3;
- if (m14 === 3)
- m14 = -1;
- if (m24 === 3)
- m24 = -1;
- var u1;
- if ((m14 & 1) === 0) {
- u1 = 0;
- } else {
- m8 = k1.andln(7) + d1 & 7;
- if ((m8 === 3 || m8 === 5) && m24 === 2)
- u1 = -m14;
- else
- u1 = m14;
- }
- jsf[0].push(u1);
- var u2;
- if ((m24 & 1) === 0) {
- u2 = 0;
- } else {
- m8 = k2.andln(7) + d2 & 7;
- if ((m8 === 3 || m8 === 5) && m14 === 2)
- u2 = -m24;
- else
- u2 = m24;
- }
- jsf[1].push(u2);
- if (2 * d1 === u1 + 1)
- d1 = 1 - d1;
- if (2 * d2 === u2 + 1)
- d2 = 1 - d2;
- k1.iushrn(1);
- k2.iushrn(1);
- }
- return jsf;
- }
- utils2.getJSF = getJSF2;
- function cachedProperty2(obj, name2, computer) {
- var key2 = "_" + name2;
- obj.prototype[name2] = function cachedProperty3() {
- return this[key2] !== void 0 ? this[key2] : this[key2] =;
- };
- }
- utils2.cachedProperty = cachedProperty2;
- function parseBytes2(bytes) {
- return typeof bytes === "string" ? utils2.toArray(bytes, "hex") : bytes;
- }
- utils2.parseBytes = parseBytes2;
- function intFromLE(bytes) {
- return new BN2(bytes, "hex", "le");
- }
- utils2.intFromLE = intFromLE;
- })(utils$m);
- var brorandExports = {};
- var brorand = {
- get exports() {
- return brorandExports;
- },
- set exports(v) {
- brorandExports = v;
- }
- };
- var r$1;
- brorand.exports = function rand2(len2) {
- if (!r$1)
- r$1 = new Rand(null);
- return r$1.generate(len2);
- };
- function Rand(rand2) {
- this.rand = rand2;
- }
- brorandExports.Rand = Rand;
- Rand.prototype.generate = function generate(len2) {
- return this._rand(len2);
- };
- Rand.prototype._rand = function _rand(n) {
- if (this.rand.getBytes)
- return this.rand.getBytes(n);
- var res = new Uint8Array(n);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < res.length; i2++)
- res[i2] = this.rand.getByte();
- return res;
- };
- if (typeof self === "object") {
- if (self.crypto && self.crypto.getRandomValues) {
- Rand.prototype._rand = function _rand(n) {
- var arr = new Uint8Array(n);
- self.crypto.getRandomValues(arr);
- return arr;
- };
- } else if (self.msCrypto && self.msCrypto.getRandomValues) {
- Rand.prototype._rand = function _rand(n) {
- var arr = new Uint8Array(n);
- self.msCrypto.getRandomValues(arr);
- return arr;
- };
- } else if (typeof window === "object") {
- Rand.prototype._rand = function() {
- throw new Error("Not implemented yet");
- };
- }
- } else {
- try {
- var crypto = require$$0;
- if (typeof crypto.randomBytes !== "function")
- throw new Error("Not supported");
- Rand.prototype._rand = function _rand(n) {
- return crypto.randomBytes(n);
- };
- } catch (e) {
- }
- }
- var curve = {};
- var BN$8 = bnExports;
- var utils$k = utils$m;
- var getNAF = utils$k.getNAF;
- var getJSF = utils$k.getJSF;
- var assert$e = utils$k.assert;
- function BaseCurve(type, conf) {
- this.type = type;
- this.p = new BN$8(conf.p, 16);
- = ? BN$ : BN$8.mont(this.p);
- = new BN$8(0).toRed(;
- = new BN$8(1).toRed(;
- this.two = new BN$8(2).toRed(;
- this.n = conf.n && new BN$8(conf.n, 16);
- this.g = conf.g && this.pointFromJSON(conf.g, conf.gRed);
- this._wnafT1 = new Array(4);
- this._wnafT2 = new Array(4);
- this._wnafT3 = new Array(4);
- this._wnafT4 = new Array(4);
- this._bitLength = this.n ? this.n.bitLength() : 0;
- var adjustCount = this.n && this.p.div(this.n);
- if (!adjustCount || adjustCount.cmpn(100) > 0) {
- this.redN = null;
- } else {
- this._maxwellTrick = true;
- this.redN = this.n.toRed(;
- }
- }
- var base = BaseCurve;
- BaseCurve.prototype.point = function point() {
- throw new Error("Not implemented");
- };
- BaseCurve.prototype.validate = function validate() {
- throw new Error("Not implemented");
- };
- BaseCurve.prototype._fixedNafMul = function _fixedNafMul(p, k) {
- assert$e(p.precomputed);
- var doubles = p._getDoubles();
- var naf = getNAF(k, 1, this._bitLength);
- var I = (1 << doubles.step + 1) - (doubles.step % 2 === 0 ? 2 : 1);
- I /= 3;
- var repr = [];
- var j;
- var nafW;
- for (j = 0; j < naf.length; j += doubles.step) {
- nafW = 0;
- for (var l = j + doubles.step - 1; l >= j; l--)
- nafW = (nafW << 1) + naf[l];
- repr.push(nafW);
- }
- var a = this.jpoint(null, null, null);
- var b = this.jpoint(null, null, null);
- for (var i2 = I; i2 > 0; i2--) {
- for (j = 0; j < repr.length; j++) {
- nafW = repr[j];
- if (nafW === i2)
- b = b.mixedAdd(doubles.points[j]);
- else if (nafW === -i2)
- b = b.mixedAdd(doubles.points[j].neg());
- }
- a = a.add(b);
- }
- return a.toP();
- };
- BaseCurve.prototype._wnafMul = function _wnafMul(p, k) {
- var w = 4;
- var nafPoints = p._getNAFPoints(w);
- w = nafPoints.wnd;
- var wnd = nafPoints.points;
- var naf = getNAF(k, w, this._bitLength);
- var acc = this.jpoint(null, null, null);
- for (var i2 = naf.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
- for (var l = 0; i2 >= 0 && naf[i2] === 0; i2--)
- l++;
- if (i2 >= 0)
- l++;
- acc = acc.dblp(l);
- if (i2 < 0)
- break;
- var z = naf[i2];
- assert$e(z !== 0);
- if (p.type === "affine") {
- if (z > 0)
- acc = acc.mixedAdd(wnd[z - 1 >> 1]);
- else
- acc = acc.mixedAdd(wnd[-z - 1 >> 1].neg());
- } else {
- if (z > 0)
- acc = acc.add(wnd[z - 1 >> 1]);
- else
- acc = acc.add(wnd[-z - 1 >> 1].neg());
- }
- }
- return p.type === "affine" ? acc.toP() : acc;
- };
- BaseCurve.prototype._wnafMulAdd = function _wnafMulAdd(defW, points, coeffs, len2, jacobianResult) {
- var wndWidth = this._wnafT1;
- var wnd = this._wnafT2;
- var naf = this._wnafT3;
- var max = 0;
- var i2;
- var j;
- var p;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2++) {
- p = points[i2];
- var nafPoints = p._getNAFPoints(defW);
- wndWidth[i2] = nafPoints.wnd;
- wnd[i2] = nafPoints.points;
- }
- for (i2 = len2 - 1; i2 >= 1; i2 -= 2) {
- var a = i2 - 1;
- var b = i2;
- if (wndWidth[a] !== 1 || wndWidth[b] !== 1) {
- naf[a] = getNAF(coeffs[a], wndWidth[a], this._bitLength);
- naf[b] = getNAF(coeffs[b], wndWidth[b], this._bitLength);
- max = Math.max(naf[a].length, max);
- max = Math.max(naf[b].length, max);
- continue;
- }
- var comb = [
- points[a],
- /* 1 */
- null,
- /* 3 */
- null,
- /* 5 */
- points[b]
- /* 7 */
- ];
- if (points[a].y.cmp(points[b].y) === 0) {
- comb[1] = points[a].add(points[b]);
- comb[2] = points[a].toJ().mixedAdd(points[b].neg());
- } else if (points[a].y.cmp(points[b].y.redNeg()) === 0) {
- comb[1] = points[a].toJ().mixedAdd(points[b]);
- comb[2] = points[a].add(points[b].neg());
- } else {
- comb[1] = points[a].toJ().mixedAdd(points[b]);
- comb[2] = points[a].toJ().mixedAdd(points[b].neg());
- }
- var index = [
- -3,
- /* -1 -1 */
- -1,
- /* -1 0 */
- -5,
- /* -1 1 */
- -7,
- /* 0 -1 */
- 0,
- /* 0 0 */
- 7,
- /* 0 1 */
- 5,
- /* 1 -1 */
- 1,
- /* 1 0 */
- 3
- /* 1 1 */
- ];
- var jsf = getJSF(coeffs[a], coeffs[b]);
- max = Math.max(jsf[0].length, max);
- naf[a] = new Array(max);
- naf[b] = new Array(max);
- for (j = 0; j < max; j++) {
- var ja = jsf[0][j] | 0;
- var jb = jsf[1][j] | 0;
- naf[a][j] = index[(ja + 1) * 3 + (jb + 1)];
- naf[b][j] = 0;
- wnd[a] = comb;
- }
- }
- var acc = this.jpoint(null, null, null);
- var tmp = this._wnafT4;
- for (i2 = max; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
- var k = 0;
- while (i2 >= 0) {
- var zero = true;
- for (j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
- tmp[j] = naf[j][i2] | 0;
- if (tmp[j] !== 0)
- zero = false;
- }
- if (!zero)
- break;
- k++;
- i2--;
- }
- if (i2 >= 0)
- k++;
- acc = acc.dblp(k);
- if (i2 < 0)
- break;
- for (j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
- var z = tmp[j];
- if (z === 0)
- continue;
- else if (z > 0)
- p = wnd[j][z - 1 >> 1];
- else if (z < 0)
- p = wnd[j][-z - 1 >> 1].neg();
- if (p.type === "affine")
- acc = acc.mixedAdd(p);
- else
- acc = acc.add(p);
- }
- }
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2++)
- wnd[i2] = null;
- if (jacobianResult)
- return acc;
- else
- return acc.toP();
- };
- function BasePoint(curve2, type) {
- this.curve = curve2;
- this.type = type;
- this.precomputed = null;
- }
- BaseCurve.BasePoint = BasePoint;
- BasePoint.prototype.eq = function eq() {
- throw new Error("Not implemented");
- };
- BasePoint.prototype.validate = function validate() {
- return this.curve.validate(this);
- };
- BaseCurve.prototype.decodePoint = function decodePoint(bytes, enc) {
- bytes = utils$k.toArray(bytes, enc);
- var len2 = this.p.byteLength();
- if ((bytes[0] === 4 || bytes[0] === 6 || bytes[0] === 7) && bytes.length - 1 === 2 * len2) {
- if (bytes[0] === 6)
- assert$e(bytes[bytes.length - 1] % 2 === 0);
- else if (bytes[0] === 7)
- assert$e(bytes[bytes.length - 1] % 2 === 1);
- var res = this.point(
- bytes.slice(1, 1 + len2),
- bytes.slice(1 + len2, 1 + 2 * len2)
- );
- return res;
- } else if ((bytes[0] === 2 || bytes[0] === 3) && bytes.length - 1 === len2) {
- return this.pointFromX(bytes.slice(1, 1 + len2), bytes[0] === 3);
- }
- throw new Error("Unknown point format");
- };
- BasePoint.prototype.encodeCompressed = function encodeCompressed(enc) {
- return this.encode(enc, true);
- };
- BasePoint.prototype._encode = function _encode(compact) {
- var len2 = this.curve.p.byteLength();
- var x = this.getX().toArray("be", len2);
- if (compact)
- return [this.getY().isEven() ? 2 : 3].concat(x);
- return [4].concat(x, this.getY().toArray("be", len2));
- };
- BasePoint.prototype.encode = function encode(enc, compact) {
- return utils$k.encode(this._encode(compact), enc);
- };
- BasePoint.prototype.precompute = function precompute(power) {
- if (this.precomputed)
- return this;
- var precomputed = {
- doubles: null,
- naf: null,
- beta: null
- };
- precomputed.naf = this._getNAFPoints(8);
- precomputed.doubles = this._getDoubles(4, power);
- precomputed.beta = this._getBeta();
- this.precomputed = precomputed;
- return this;
- };
- BasePoint.prototype._hasDoubles = function _hasDoubles(k) {
- if (!this.precomputed)
- return false;
- var doubles = this.precomputed.doubles;
- if (!doubles)
- return false;
- return doubles.points.length >= Math.ceil((k.bitLength() + 1) / doubles.step);
- };
- BasePoint.prototype._getDoubles = function _getDoubles(step, power) {
- if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.doubles)
- return this.precomputed.doubles;
- var doubles = [this];
- var acc = this;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < power; i2 += step) {
- for (var j = 0; j < step; j++)
- acc = acc.dbl();
- doubles.push(acc);
- }
- return {
- step,
- points: doubles
- };
- };
- BasePoint.prototype._getNAFPoints = function _getNAFPoints(wnd) {
- if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.naf)
- return this.precomputed.naf;
- var res = [this];
- var max = (1 << wnd) - 1;
- var dbl = max === 1 ? null : this.dbl();
- for (var i2 = 1; i2 < max; i2++)
- res[i2] = res[i2 - 1].add(dbl);
- return {
- wnd,
- points: res
- };
- };
- BasePoint.prototype._getBeta = function _getBeta() {
- return null;
- };
- BasePoint.prototype.dblp = function dblp(k) {
- var r2 = this;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < k; i2++)
- r2 = r2.dbl();
- return r2;
- };
- var inherits_browserExports = {};
- var inherits_browser = {
- get exports() {
- return inherits_browserExports;
- },
- set exports(v) {
- inherits_browserExports = v;
- }
- };
- if (typeof Object.create === "function") {
- inherits_browser.exports = function inherits2(ctor, superCtor) {
- if (superCtor) {
- ctor.super_ = superCtor;
- ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, {
- constructor: {
- value: ctor,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- configurable: true
- }
- });
- }
- };
- } else {
- inherits_browser.exports = function inherits2(ctor, superCtor) {
- if (superCtor) {
- ctor.super_ = superCtor;
- var TempCtor = function() {
- };
- TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype;
- ctor.prototype = new TempCtor();
- ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor;
- }
- };
- }
- var utils$j = utils$m;
- var BN$7 = bnExports;
- var inherits$3 = inherits_browserExports;
- var Base$2 = base;
- var assert$d = utils$j.assert;
- function ShortCurve(conf) {
- Base$, "short", conf);
- this.a = new BN$7(conf.a, 16).toRed(;
- this.b = new BN$7(conf.b, 16).toRed(;
- this.tinv = this.two.redInvm();
- this.zeroA = this.a.fromRed().cmpn(0) === 0;
- this.threeA = this.a.fromRed().sub(this.p).cmpn(-3) === 0;
- this.endo = this._getEndomorphism(conf);
- this._endoWnafT1 = new Array(4);
- this._endoWnafT2 = new Array(4);
- }
- inherits$3(ShortCurve, Base$2);
- var short = ShortCurve;
- ShortCurve.prototype._getEndomorphism = function _getEndomorphism(conf) {
- if (!this.zeroA || !this.g || !this.n || this.p.modn(3) !== 1)
- return;
- var beta;
- var lambda;
- if (conf.beta) {
- beta = new BN$7(conf.beta, 16).toRed(;
- } else {
- var betas = this._getEndoRoots(this.p);
- beta = betas[0].cmp(betas[1]) < 0 ? betas[0] : betas[1];
- beta = beta.toRed(;
- }
- if (conf.lambda) {
- lambda = new BN$7(conf.lambda, 16);
- } else {
- var lambdas = this._getEndoRoots(this.n);
- if (this.g.mul(lambdas[0]).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(beta)) === 0) {
- lambda = lambdas[0];
- } else {
- lambda = lambdas[1];
- assert$d(this.g.mul(lambda).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(beta)) === 0);
- }
- }
- var basis;
- if (conf.basis) {
- basis = {
- return {
- a: new BN$7(vec.a, 16),
- b: new BN$7(vec.b, 16)
- };
- });
- } else {
- basis = this._getEndoBasis(lambda);
- }
- return {
- beta,
- lambda,
- basis
- };
- };
- ShortCurve.prototype._getEndoRoots = function _getEndoRoots(num) {
- var red = num === this.p ? : BN$7.mont(num);
- var tinv = new BN$7(2).toRed(red).redInvm();
- var ntinv = tinv.redNeg();
- var s2 = new BN$7(3).toRed(red).redNeg().redSqrt().redMul(tinv);
- var l1 = ntinv.redAdd(s2).fromRed();
- var l2 = ntinv.redSub(s2).fromRed();
- return [l1, l2];
- };
- ShortCurve.prototype._getEndoBasis = function _getEndoBasis(lambda) {
- var aprxSqrt = this.n.ushrn(Math.floor(this.n.bitLength() / 2));
- var u = lambda;
- var v = this.n.clone();
- var x1 = new BN$7(1);
- var y1 = new BN$7(0);
- var x2 = new BN$7(0);
- var y2 = new BN$7(1);
- var a0;
- var b0;
- var a1;
- var b1;
- var a2;
- var b2;
- var prevR;
- var i2 = 0;
- var r2;
- var x;
- while (u.cmpn(0) !== 0) {
- var q = v.div(u);
- r2 = v.sub(q.mul(u));
- x = x2.sub(q.mul(x1));
- var y = y2.sub(q.mul(y1));
- if (!a1 && r2.cmp(aprxSqrt) < 0) {
- a0 = prevR.neg();
- b0 = x1;
- a1 = r2.neg();
- b1 = x;
- } else if (a1 && ++i2 === 2) {
- break;
- }
- prevR = r2;
- v = u;
- u = r2;
- x2 = x1;
- x1 = x;
- y2 = y1;
- y1 = y;
- }
- a2 = r2.neg();
- b2 = x;
- var len1 = a1.sqr().add(b1.sqr());
- var len2 = a2.sqr().add(b2.sqr());
- if (len2.cmp(len1) >= 0) {
- a2 = a0;
- b2 = b0;
- }
- if (a1.negative) {
- a1 = a1.neg();
- b1 = b1.neg();
- }
- if (a2.negative) {
- a2 = a2.neg();
- b2 = b2.neg();
- }
- return [
- { a: a1, b: b1 },
- { a: a2, b: b2 }
- ];
- };
- ShortCurve.prototype._endoSplit = function _endoSplit(k) {
- var basis = this.endo.basis;
- var v1 = basis[0];
- var v2 = basis[1];
- var c1 = v2.b.mul(k).divRound(this.n);
- var c2 = v1.b.neg().mul(k).divRound(this.n);
- var p1 = c1.mul(v1.a);
- var p2 = c2.mul(v2.a);
- var q1 = c1.mul(v1.b);
- var q2 = c2.mul(v2.b);
- var k1 = k.sub(p1).sub(p2);
- var k2 = q1.add(q2).neg();
- return { k1, k2 };
- };
- ShortCurve.prototype.pointFromX = function pointFromX(x, odd) {
- x = new BN$7(x, 16);
- if (!
- x = x.toRed(;
- var y2 = x.redSqr().redMul(x).redIAdd(x.redMul(this.a)).redIAdd(this.b);
- var y = y2.redSqrt();
- if (y.redSqr().redSub(y2).cmp( !== 0)
- throw new Error("invalid point");
- var isOdd = y.fromRed().isOdd();
- if (odd && !isOdd || !odd && isOdd)
- y = y.redNeg();
- return this.point(x, y);
- };
- ShortCurve.prototype.validate = function validate(point) {
- if (point.inf)
- return true;
- var x = point.x;
- var y = point.y;
- var ax = this.a.redMul(x);
- var rhs = x.redSqr().redMul(x).redIAdd(ax).redIAdd(this.b);
- return y.redSqr().redISub(rhs).cmpn(0) === 0;
- };
- ShortCurve.prototype._endoWnafMulAdd = function _endoWnafMulAdd(points, coeffs, jacobianResult) {
- var npoints = this._endoWnafT1;
- var ncoeffs = this._endoWnafT2;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < points.length; i2++) {
- var split = this._endoSplit(coeffs[i2]);
- var p = points[i2];
- var beta = p._getBeta();
- if (split.k1.negative) {
- split.k1.ineg();
- p = p.neg(true);
- }
- if (split.k2.negative) {
- split.k2.ineg();
- beta = beta.neg(true);
- }
- npoints[i2 * 2] = p;
- npoints[i2 * 2 + 1] = beta;
- ncoeffs[i2 * 2] = split.k1;
- ncoeffs[i2 * 2 + 1] = split.k2;
- }
- var res = this._wnafMulAdd(1, npoints, ncoeffs, i2 * 2, jacobianResult);
- for (var j = 0; j < i2 * 2; j++) {
- npoints[j] = null;
- ncoeffs[j] = null;
- }
- return res;
- };
- function Point$2(curve2, x, y, isRed) {
- Base$, curve2, "affine");
- if (x === null && y === null) {
- this.x = null;
- this.y = null;
- this.inf = true;
- } else {
- this.x = new BN$7(x, 16);
- this.y = new BN$7(y, 16);
- if (isRed) {
- this.x.forceRed(;
- this.y.forceRed(;
- }
- if (!
- this.x = this.x.toRed(;
- if (!
- this.y = this.y.toRed(;
- this.inf = false;
- }
- }
- inherits$3(Point$2, Base$2.BasePoint);
- ShortCurve.prototype.point = function point(x, y, isRed) {
- return new Point$2(this, x, y, isRed);
- };
- ShortCurve.prototype.pointFromJSON = function pointFromJSON(obj, red) {
- return Point$2.fromJSON(this, obj, red);
- };
- Point$2.prototype._getBeta = function _getBeta() {
- if (!this.curve.endo)
- return;
- var pre = this.precomputed;
- if (pre && pre.beta)
- return pre.beta;
- var beta = this.curve.point(this.x.redMul(this.curve.endo.beta), this.y);
- if (pre) {
- var curve2 = this.curve;
- var endoMul = function(p) {
- return curve2.point(p.x.redMul(curve2.endo.beta), p.y);
- };
- pre.beta = beta;
- beta.precomputed = {
- beta: null,
- naf: pre.naf && {
- wnd: pre.naf.wnd,
- points:
- },
- doubles: pre.doubles && {
- step: pre.doubles.step,
- points:
- }
- };
- }
- return beta;
- };
- Point$2.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
- if (!this.precomputed)
- return [this.x, this.y];
- return [this.x, this.y, this.precomputed && {
- doubles: this.precomputed.doubles && {
- step: this.precomputed.doubles.step,
- points: this.precomputed.doubles.points.slice(1)
- },
- naf: this.precomputed.naf && {
- wnd: this.precomputed.naf.wnd,
- points: this.precomputed.naf.points.slice(1)
- }
- }];
- };
- Point$2.fromJSON = function fromJSON(curve2, obj, red) {
- if (typeof obj === "string")
- obj = JSON.parse(obj);
- var res = curve2.point(obj[0], obj[1], red);
- if (!obj[2])
- return res;
- function obj2point(obj2) {
- return curve2.point(obj2[0], obj2[1], red);
- }
- var pre = obj[2];
- res.precomputed = {
- beta: null,
- doubles: pre.doubles && {
- step: pre.doubles.step,
- points: [res].concat(
- },
- naf: pre.naf && {
- wnd: pre.naf.wnd,
- points: [res].concat(
- }
- };
- return res;
- };
- Point$2.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return "";
- return "";
- };
- Point$2.prototype.isInfinity = function isInfinity() {
- return this.inf;
- };
- Point$2.prototype.add = function add(p) {
- if (this.inf)
- return p;
- if (p.inf)
- return this;
- if (this.eq(p))
- return this.dbl();
- if (this.neg().eq(p))
- return this.curve.point(null, null);
- if (this.x.cmp(p.x) === 0)
- return this.curve.point(null, null);
- var c = this.y.redSub(p.y);
- if (c.cmpn(0) !== 0)
- c = c.redMul(this.x.redSub(p.x).redInvm());
- var nx = c.redSqr().redISub(this.x).redISub(p.x);
- var ny = c.redMul(this.x.redSub(nx)).redISub(this.y);
- return this.curve.point(nx, ny);
- };
- Point$2.prototype.dbl = function dbl() {
- if (this.inf)
- return this;
- var ys1 = this.y.redAdd(this.y);
- if (ys1.cmpn(0) === 0)
- return this.curve.point(null, null);
- var a = this.curve.a;
- var x2 = this.x.redSqr();
- var dyinv = ys1.redInvm();
- var c = x2.redAdd(x2).redIAdd(x2).redIAdd(a).redMul(dyinv);
- var nx = c.redSqr().redISub(this.x.redAdd(this.x));
- var ny = c.redMul(this.x.redSub(nx)).redISub(this.y);
- return this.curve.point(nx, ny);
- };
- Point$2.prototype.getX = function getX() {
- return this.x.fromRed();
- };
- Point$2.prototype.getY = function getY() {
- return this.y.fromRed();
- };
- Point$2.prototype.mul = function mul(k) {
- k = new BN$7(k, 16);
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return this;
- else if (this._hasDoubles(k))
- return this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, k);
- else if (this.curve.endo)
- return this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd([this], [k]);
- else
- return this.curve._wnafMul(this, k);
- };
- Point$2.prototype.mulAdd = function mulAdd(k1, p2, k2) {
- var points = [this, p2];
- var coeffs = [k1, k2];
- if (this.curve.endo)
- return this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(points, coeffs);
- else
- return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, points, coeffs, 2);
- };
- Point$2.prototype.jmulAdd = function jmulAdd(k1, p2, k2) {
- var points = [this, p2];
- var coeffs = [k1, k2];
- if (this.curve.endo)
- return this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(points, coeffs, true);
- else
- return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, points, coeffs, 2, true);
- };
- Point$2.prototype.eq = function eq(p) {
- return this === p || this.inf === p.inf && (this.inf || this.x.cmp(p.x) === 0 && this.y.cmp(p.y) === 0);
- };
- Point$2.prototype.neg = function neg(_precompute) {
- if (this.inf)
- return this;
- var res = this.curve.point(this.x, this.y.redNeg());
- if (_precompute && this.precomputed) {
- var pre = this.precomputed;
- var negate = function(p) {
- return p.neg();
- };
- res.precomputed = {
- naf: pre.naf && {
- wnd: pre.naf.wnd,
- points:
- },
- doubles: pre.doubles && {
- step: pre.doubles.step,
- points:
- }
- };
- }
- return res;
- };
- Point$2.prototype.toJ = function toJ() {
- if (this.inf)
- return this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null);
- var res = this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y,;
- return res;
- };
- function JPoint(curve2, x, y, z) {
- Base$, curve2, "jacobian");
- if (x === null && y === null && z === null) {
- this.x =;
- this.y =;
- this.z = new BN$7(0);
- } else {
- this.x = new BN$7(x, 16);
- this.y = new BN$7(y, 16);
- this.z = new BN$7(z, 16);
- }
- if (!
- this.x = this.x.toRed(;
- if (!
- this.y = this.y.toRed(;
- if (!
- this.z = this.z.toRed(;
- this.zOne = this.z ===;
- }
- inherits$3(JPoint, Base$2.BasePoint);
- ShortCurve.prototype.jpoint = function jpoint(x, y, z) {
- return new JPoint(this, x, y, z);
- };
- JPoint.prototype.toP = function toP() {
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return this.curve.point(null, null);
- var zinv = this.z.redInvm();
- var zinv2 = zinv.redSqr();
- var ax = this.x.redMul(zinv2);
- var ay = this.y.redMul(zinv2).redMul(zinv);
- return this.curve.point(ax, ay);
- };
- JPoint.prototype.neg = function neg() {
- return this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y.redNeg(), this.z);
- };
- JPoint.prototype.add = function add(p) {
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return p;
- if (p.isInfinity())
- return this;
- var pz2 = p.z.redSqr();
- var z2 = this.z.redSqr();
- var u1 = this.x.redMul(pz2);
- var u2 = p.x.redMul(z2);
- var s1 = this.y.redMul(pz2.redMul(p.z));
- var s2 = p.y.redMul(z2.redMul(this.z));
- var h = u1.redSub(u2);
- var r2 = s1.redSub(s2);
- if (h.cmpn(0) === 0) {
- if (r2.cmpn(0) !== 0)
- return this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null);
- else
- return this.dbl();
- }
- var h2 = h.redSqr();
- var h3 = h2.redMul(h);
- var v = u1.redMul(h2);
- var nx = r2.redSqr().redIAdd(h3).redISub(v).redISub(v);
- var ny = r2.redMul(v.redISub(nx)).redISub(s1.redMul(h3));
- var nz = this.z.redMul(p.z).redMul(h);
- return this.curve.jpoint(nx, ny, nz);
- };
- JPoint.prototype.mixedAdd = function mixedAdd(p) {
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return p.toJ();
- if (p.isInfinity())
- return this;
- var z2 = this.z.redSqr();
- var u1 = this.x;
- var u2 = p.x.redMul(z2);
- var s1 = this.y;
- var s2 = p.y.redMul(z2).redMul(this.z);
- var h = u1.redSub(u2);
- var r2 = s1.redSub(s2);
- if (h.cmpn(0) === 0) {
- if (r2.cmpn(0) !== 0)
- return this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null);
- else
- return this.dbl();
- }
- var h2 = h.redSqr();
- var h3 = h2.redMul(h);
- var v = u1.redMul(h2);
- var nx = r2.redSqr().redIAdd(h3).redISub(v).redISub(v);
- var ny = r2.redMul(v.redISub(nx)).redISub(s1.redMul(h3));
- var nz = this.z.redMul(h);
- return this.curve.jpoint(nx, ny, nz);
- };
- JPoint.prototype.dblp = function dblp(pow) {
- if (pow === 0)
- return this;
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return this;
- if (!pow)
- return this.dbl();
- var i2;
- if (this.curve.zeroA || this.curve.threeA) {
- var r2 = this;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < pow; i2++)
- r2 = r2.dbl();
- return r2;
- }
- var a = this.curve.a;
- var tinv = this.curve.tinv;
- var jx = this.x;
- var jy = this.y;
- var jz = this.z;
- var jz4 = jz.redSqr().redSqr();
- var jyd = jy.redAdd(jy);
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < pow; i2++) {
- var jx2 = jx.redSqr();
- var jyd2 = jyd.redSqr();
- var jyd4 = jyd2.redSqr();
- var c = jx2.redAdd(jx2).redIAdd(jx2).redIAdd(a.redMul(jz4));
- var t1 = jx.redMul(jyd2);
- var nx = c.redSqr().redISub(t1.redAdd(t1));
- var t2 = t1.redISub(nx);
- var dny = c.redMul(t2);
- dny = dny.redIAdd(dny).redISub(jyd4);
- var nz = jyd.redMul(jz);
- if (i2 + 1 < pow)
- jz4 = jz4.redMul(jyd4);
- jx = nx;
- jz = nz;
- jyd = dny;
- }
- return this.curve.jpoint(jx, jyd.redMul(tinv), jz);
- };
- JPoint.prototype.dbl = function dbl() {
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return this;
- if (this.curve.zeroA)
- return this._zeroDbl();
- else if (this.curve.threeA)
- return this._threeDbl();
- else
- return this._dbl();
- };
- JPoint.prototype._zeroDbl = function _zeroDbl() {
- var nx;
- var ny;
- var nz;
- if (this.zOne) {
- var xx = this.x.redSqr();
- var yy = this.y.redSqr();
- var yyyy = yy.redSqr();
- var s2 = this.x.redAdd(yy).redSqr().redISub(xx).redISub(yyyy);
- s2 = s2.redIAdd(s2);
- var m = xx.redAdd(xx).redIAdd(xx);
- var t2 = m.redSqr().redISub(s2).redISub(s2);
- var yyyy8 = yyyy.redIAdd(yyyy);
- yyyy8 = yyyy8.redIAdd(yyyy8);
- yyyy8 = yyyy8.redIAdd(yyyy8);
- nx = t2;
- ny = m.redMul(s2.redISub(t2)).redISub(yyyy8);
- nz = this.y.redAdd(this.y);
- } else {
- var a = this.x.redSqr();
- var b = this.y.redSqr();
- var c = b.redSqr();
- var d = this.x.redAdd(b).redSqr().redISub(a).redISub(c);
- d = d.redIAdd(d);
- var e = a.redAdd(a).redIAdd(a);
- var f2 = e.redSqr();
- var c8 = c.redIAdd(c);
- c8 = c8.redIAdd(c8);
- c8 = c8.redIAdd(c8);
- nx = f2.redISub(d).redISub(d);
- ny = e.redMul(d.redISub(nx)).redISub(c8);
- nz = this.y.redMul(this.z);
- nz = nz.redIAdd(nz);
- }
- return this.curve.jpoint(nx, ny, nz);
- };
- JPoint.prototype._threeDbl = function _threeDbl() {
- var nx;
- var ny;
- var nz;
- if (this.zOne) {
- var xx = this.x.redSqr();
- var yy = this.y.redSqr();
- var yyyy = yy.redSqr();
- var s2 = this.x.redAdd(yy).redSqr().redISub(xx).redISub(yyyy);
- s2 = s2.redIAdd(s2);
- var m = xx.redAdd(xx).redIAdd(xx).redIAdd(this.curve.a);
- var t2 = m.redSqr().redISub(s2).redISub(s2);
- nx = t2;
- var yyyy8 = yyyy.redIAdd(yyyy);
- yyyy8 = yyyy8.redIAdd(yyyy8);
- yyyy8 = yyyy8.redIAdd(yyyy8);
- ny = m.redMul(s2.redISub(t2)).redISub(yyyy8);
- nz = this.y.redAdd(this.y);
- } else {
- var delta = this.z.redSqr();
- var gamma = this.y.redSqr();
- var beta = this.x.redMul(gamma);
- var alpha = this.x.redSub(delta).redMul(this.x.redAdd(delta));
- alpha = alpha.redAdd(alpha).redIAdd(alpha);
- var beta4 = beta.redIAdd(beta);
- beta4 = beta4.redIAdd(beta4);
- var beta8 = beta4.redAdd(beta4);
- nx = alpha.redSqr().redISub(beta8);
- nz = this.y.redAdd(this.z).redSqr().redISub(gamma).redISub(delta);
- var ggamma8 = gamma.redSqr();
- ggamma8 = ggamma8.redIAdd(ggamma8);
- ggamma8 = ggamma8.redIAdd(ggamma8);
- ggamma8 = ggamma8.redIAdd(ggamma8);
- ny = alpha.redMul(beta4.redISub(nx)).redISub(ggamma8);
- }
- return this.curve.jpoint(nx, ny, nz);
- };
- JPoint.prototype._dbl = function _dbl() {
- var a = this.curve.a;
- var jx = this.x;
- var jy = this.y;
- var jz = this.z;
- var jz4 = jz.redSqr().redSqr();
- var jx2 = jx.redSqr();
- var jy2 = jy.redSqr();
- var c = jx2.redAdd(jx2).redIAdd(jx2).redIAdd(a.redMul(jz4));
- var jxd4 = jx.redAdd(jx);
- jxd4 = jxd4.redIAdd(jxd4);
- var t1 = jxd4.redMul(jy2);
- var nx = c.redSqr().redISub(t1.redAdd(t1));
- var t2 = t1.redISub(nx);
- var jyd8 = jy2.redSqr();
- jyd8 = jyd8.redIAdd(jyd8);
- jyd8 = jyd8.redIAdd(jyd8);
- jyd8 = jyd8.redIAdd(jyd8);
- var ny = c.redMul(t2).redISub(jyd8);
- var nz = jy.redAdd(jy).redMul(jz);
- return this.curve.jpoint(nx, ny, nz);
- };
- JPoint.prototype.trpl = function trpl() {
- if (!this.curve.zeroA)
- return this.dbl().add(this);
- var xx = this.x.redSqr();
- var yy = this.y.redSqr();
- var zz = this.z.redSqr();
- var yyyy = yy.redSqr();
- var m = xx.redAdd(xx).redIAdd(xx);
- var mm = m.redSqr();
- var e = this.x.redAdd(yy).redSqr().redISub(xx).redISub(yyyy);
- e = e.redIAdd(e);
- e = e.redAdd(e).redIAdd(e);
- e = e.redISub(mm);
- var ee = e.redSqr();
- var t2 = yyyy.redIAdd(yyyy);
- t2 = t2.redIAdd(t2);
- t2 = t2.redIAdd(t2);
- t2 = t2.redIAdd(t2);
- var u = m.redIAdd(e).redSqr().redISub(mm).redISub(ee).redISub(t2);
- var yyu4 = yy.redMul(u);
- yyu4 = yyu4.redIAdd(yyu4);
- yyu4 = yyu4.redIAdd(yyu4);
- var nx = this.x.redMul(ee).redISub(yyu4);
- nx = nx.redIAdd(nx);
- nx = nx.redIAdd(nx);
- var ny = this.y.redMul(u.redMul(t2.redISub(u)).redISub(e.redMul(ee)));
- ny = ny.redIAdd(ny);
- ny = ny.redIAdd(ny);
- ny = ny.redIAdd(ny);
- var nz = this.z.redAdd(e).redSqr().redISub(zz).redISub(ee);
- return this.curve.jpoint(nx, ny, nz);
- };
- JPoint.prototype.mul = function mul(k, kbase) {
- k = new BN$7(k, kbase);
- return this.curve._wnafMul(this, k);
- };
- JPoint.prototype.eq = function eq(p) {
- if (p.type === "affine")
- return this.eq(p.toJ());
- if (this === p)
- return true;
- var z2 = this.z.redSqr();
- var pz2 = p.z.redSqr();
- if (this.x.redMul(pz2).redISub(p.x.redMul(z2)).cmpn(0) !== 0)
- return false;
- var z3 = z2.redMul(this.z);
- var pz3 = pz2.redMul(p.z);
- return this.y.redMul(pz3).redISub(p.y.redMul(z3)).cmpn(0) === 0;
- };
- JPoint.prototype.eqXToP = function eqXToP(x) {
- var zs = this.z.redSqr();
- var rx = x.toRed(;
- if (this.x.cmp(rx) === 0)
- return true;
- var xc = x.clone();
- var t2 = this.curve.redN.redMul(zs);
- for (; ; ) {
- xc.iadd(this.curve.n);
- if (xc.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0)
- return false;
- rx.redIAdd(t2);
- if (this.x.cmp(rx) === 0)
- return true;
- }
- };
- JPoint.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return "";
- return "";
- };
- JPoint.prototype.isInfinity = function isInfinity() {
- return this.z.cmpn(0) === 0;
- };
- var BN$6 = bnExports;
- var inherits$2 = inherits_browserExports;
- var Base$1 = base;
- var utils$i = utils$m;
- function MontCurve(conf) {
- Base$, "mont", conf);
- this.a = new BN$6(conf.a, 16).toRed(;
- this.b = new BN$6(conf.b, 16).toRed(;
- this.i4 = new BN$6(4).toRed(;
- this.two = new BN$6(2).toRed(;
- this.a24 = this.i4.redMul(this.a.redAdd(this.two));
- }
- inherits$2(MontCurve, Base$1);
- var mont = MontCurve;
- MontCurve.prototype.validate = function validate(point) {
- var x = point.normalize().x;
- var x2 = x.redSqr();
- var rhs = x2.redMul(x).redAdd(x2.redMul(this.a)).redAdd(x);
- var y = rhs.redSqrt();
- return y.redSqr().cmp(rhs) === 0;
- };
- function Point$1(curve2, x, z) {
- Base$, curve2, "projective");
- if (x === null && z === null) {
- this.x =;
- this.z =;
- } else {
- this.x = new BN$6(x, 16);
- this.z = new BN$6(z, 16);
- if (!
- this.x = this.x.toRed(;
- if (!
- this.z = this.z.toRed(;
- }
- }
- inherits$2(Point$1, Base$1.BasePoint);
- MontCurve.prototype.decodePoint = function decodePoint(bytes, enc) {
- return this.point(utils$i.toArray(bytes, enc), 1);
- };
- MontCurve.prototype.point = function point(x, z) {
- return new Point$1(this, x, z);
- };
- MontCurve.prototype.pointFromJSON = function pointFromJSON(obj) {
- return Point$1.fromJSON(this, obj);
- };
- Point$1.prototype.precompute = function precompute() {
- };
- Point$1.prototype._encode = function _encode() {
- return this.getX().toArray("be", this.curve.p.byteLength());
- };
- Point$1.fromJSON = function fromJSON(curve2, obj) {
- return new Point$1(curve2, obj[0], obj[1] ||;
- };
- Point$1.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return "";
- return "";
- };
- Point$1.prototype.isInfinity = function isInfinity() {
- return this.z.cmpn(0) === 0;
- };
- Point$1.prototype.dbl = function dbl() {
- var a = this.x.redAdd(this.z);
- var aa = a.redSqr();
- var b = this.x.redSub(this.z);
- var bb = b.redSqr();
- var c = aa.redSub(bb);
- var nx = aa.redMul(bb);
- var nz = c.redMul(bb.redAdd(this.curve.a24.redMul(c)));
- return this.curve.point(nx, nz);
- };
- Point$1.prototype.add = function add() {
- throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve");
- };
- Point$1.prototype.diffAdd = function diffAdd(p, diff) {
- var a = this.x.redAdd(this.z);
- var b = this.x.redSub(this.z);
- var c = p.x.redAdd(p.z);
- var d = p.x.redSub(p.z);
- var da = d.redMul(a);
- var cb = c.redMul(b);
- var nx = diff.z.redMul(da.redAdd(cb).redSqr());
- var nz = diff.x.redMul(da.redISub(cb).redSqr());
- return this.curve.point(nx, nz);
- };
- Point$1.prototype.mul = function mul(k) {
- var t2 = k.clone();
- var a = this;
- var b = this.curve.point(null, null);
- var c = this;
- for (var bits = []; t2.cmpn(0) !== 0; t2.iushrn(1))
- bits.push(t2.andln(1));
- for (var i2 = bits.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
- if (bits[i2] === 0) {
- a = a.diffAdd(b, c);
- b = b.dbl();
- } else {
- b = a.diffAdd(b, c);
- a = a.dbl();
- }
- }
- return b;
- };
- Point$1.prototype.mulAdd = function mulAdd() {
- throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve");
- };
- Point$1.prototype.jumlAdd = function jumlAdd() {
- throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve");
- };
- Point$1.prototype.eq = function eq(other) {
- return this.getX().cmp(other.getX()) === 0;
- };
- Point$1.prototype.normalize = function normalize() {
- this.x = this.x.redMul(this.z.redInvm());
- this.z =;
- return this;
- };
- Point$1.prototype.getX = function getX() {
- this.normalize();
- return this.x.fromRed();
- };
- var utils$h = utils$m;
- var BN$5 = bnExports;
- var inherits$1 = inherits_browserExports;
- var Base = base;
- var assert$c = utils$h.assert;
- function EdwardsCurve(conf) {
- this.twisted = (conf.a | 0) !== 1;
- this.mOneA = this.twisted && (conf.a | 0) === -1;
- this.extended = this.mOneA;
-, "edwards", conf);
- this.a = new BN$5(conf.a, 16).umod(;
- this.a = this.a.toRed(;
- this.c = new BN$5(conf.c, 16).toRed(;
- this.c2 = this.c.redSqr();
- this.d = new BN$5(conf.d, 16).toRed(;
- this.dd = this.d.redAdd(this.d);
- assert$c(!this.twisted || this.c.fromRed().cmpn(1) === 0);
- this.oneC = (conf.c | 0) === 1;
- }
- inherits$1(EdwardsCurve, Base);
- var edwards = EdwardsCurve;
- EdwardsCurve.prototype._mulA = function _mulA(num) {
- if (this.mOneA)
- return num.redNeg();
- else
- return this.a.redMul(num);
- };
- EdwardsCurve.prototype._mulC = function _mulC(num) {
- if (this.oneC)
- return num;
- else
- return this.c.redMul(num);
- };
- EdwardsCurve.prototype.jpoint = function jpoint(x, y, z, t2) {
- return this.point(x, y, z, t2);
- };
- EdwardsCurve.prototype.pointFromX = function pointFromX(x, odd) {
- x = new BN$5(x, 16);
- if (!
- x = x.toRed(;
- var x2 = x.redSqr();
- var rhs = this.c2.redSub(this.a.redMul(x2));
- var lhs =;
- var y2 = rhs.redMul(lhs.redInvm());
- var y = y2.redSqrt();
- if (y.redSqr().redSub(y2).cmp( !== 0)
- throw new Error("invalid point");
- var isOdd = y.fromRed().isOdd();
- if (odd && !isOdd || !odd && isOdd)
- y = y.redNeg();
- return this.point(x, y);
- };
- EdwardsCurve.prototype.pointFromY = function pointFromY(y, odd) {
- y = new BN$5(y, 16);
- if (!
- y = y.toRed(;
- var y2 = y.redSqr();
- var lhs = y2.redSub(this.c2);
- var rhs = y2.redMul(this.d).redMul(this.c2).redSub(this.a);
- var x2 = lhs.redMul(rhs.redInvm());
- if (x2.cmp( === 0) {
- if (odd)
- throw new Error("invalid point");
- else
- return this.point(, y);
- }
- var x = x2.redSqrt();
- if (x.redSqr().redSub(x2).cmp( !== 0)
- throw new Error("invalid point");
- if (x.fromRed().isOdd() !== odd)
- x = x.redNeg();
- return this.point(x, y);
- };
- EdwardsCurve.prototype.validate = function validate(point) {
- if (point.isInfinity())
- return true;
- point.normalize();
- var x2 = point.x.redSqr();
- var y2 = point.y.redSqr();
- var lhs = x2.redMul(this.a).redAdd(y2);
- var rhs = this.c2.redMul(;
- return lhs.cmp(rhs) === 0;
- };
- function Point(curve2, x, y, z, t2) {
-, curve2, "projective");
- if (x === null && y === null && z === null) {
- this.x =;
- this.y =;
- this.z =;
- this.t =;
- this.zOne = true;
- } else {
- this.x = new BN$5(x, 16);
- this.y = new BN$5(y, 16);
- this.z = z ? new BN$5(z, 16) :;
- this.t = t2 && new BN$5(t2, 16);
- if (!
- this.x = this.x.toRed(;
- if (!
- this.y = this.y.toRed(;
- if (!
- this.z = this.z.toRed(;
- if (this.t && !
- this.t = this.t.toRed(;
- this.zOne = this.z ===;
- if (this.curve.extended && !this.t) {
- this.t = this.x.redMul(this.y);
- if (!this.zOne)
- this.t = this.t.redMul(this.z.redInvm());
- }
- }
- }
- inherits$1(Point, Base.BasePoint);
- EdwardsCurve.prototype.pointFromJSON = function pointFromJSON(obj) {
- return Point.fromJSON(this, obj);
- };
- EdwardsCurve.prototype.point = function point(x, y, z, t2) {
- return new Point(this, x, y, z, t2);
- };
- Point.fromJSON = function fromJSON(curve2, obj) {
- return new Point(curve2, obj[0], obj[1], obj[2]);
- };
- Point.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return "";
- return "";
- };
- Point.prototype.isInfinity = function isInfinity() {
- return this.x.cmpn(0) === 0 && (this.y.cmp(this.z) === 0 || this.zOne && this.y.cmp(this.curve.c) === 0);
- };
- Point.prototype._extDbl = function _extDbl() {
- var a = this.x.redSqr();
- var b = this.y.redSqr();
- var c = this.z.redSqr();
- c = c.redIAdd(c);
- var d = this.curve._mulA(a);
- var e = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr().redISub(a).redISub(b);
- var g = d.redAdd(b);
- var f2 = g.redSub(c);
- var h = d.redSub(b);
- var nx = e.redMul(f2);
- var ny = g.redMul(h);
- var nt = e.redMul(h);
- var nz = f2.redMul(g);
- return this.curve.point(nx, ny, nz, nt);
- };
- Point.prototype._projDbl = function _projDbl() {
- var b = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr();
- var c = this.x.redSqr();
- var d = this.y.redSqr();
- var nx;
- var ny;
- var nz;
- var e;
- var h;
- var j;
- if (this.curve.twisted) {
- e = this.curve._mulA(c);
- var f2 = e.redAdd(d);
- if (this.zOne) {
- nx = b.redSub(c).redSub(d).redMul(f2.redSub(this.curve.two));
- ny = f2.redMul(e.redSub(d));
- nz = f2.redSqr().redSub(f2).redSub(f2);
- } else {
- h = this.z.redSqr();
- j = f2.redSub(h).redISub(h);
- nx = b.redSub(c).redISub(d).redMul(j);
- ny = f2.redMul(e.redSub(d));
- nz = f2.redMul(j);
- }
- } else {
- e = c.redAdd(d);
- h = this.curve._mulC(this.z).redSqr();
- j = e.redSub(h).redSub(h);
- nx = this.curve._mulC(b.redISub(e)).redMul(j);
- ny = this.curve._mulC(e).redMul(c.redISub(d));
- nz = e.redMul(j);
- }
- return this.curve.point(nx, ny, nz);
- };
- Point.prototype.dbl = function dbl() {
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return this;
- if (this.curve.extended)
- return this._extDbl();
- else
- return this._projDbl();
- };
- Point.prototype._extAdd = function _extAdd(p) {
- var a = this.y.redSub(this.x).redMul(p.y.redSub(p.x));
- var b = this.y.redAdd(this.x).redMul(p.y.redAdd(p.x));
- var c = this.t.redMul(this.curve.dd).redMul(p.t);
- var d = this.z.redMul(p.z.redAdd(p.z));
- var e = b.redSub(a);
- var f2 = d.redSub(c);
- var g = d.redAdd(c);
- var h = b.redAdd(a);
- var nx = e.redMul(f2);
- var ny = g.redMul(h);
- var nt = e.redMul(h);
- var nz = f2.redMul(g);
- return this.curve.point(nx, ny, nz, nt);
- };
- Point.prototype._projAdd = function _projAdd(p) {
- var a = this.z.redMul(p.z);
- var b = a.redSqr();
- var c = this.x.redMul(p.x);
- var d = this.y.redMul(p.y);
- var e = this.curve.d.redMul(c).redMul(d);
- var f2 = b.redSub(e);
- var g = b.redAdd(e);
- var tmp = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redMul(p.x.redAdd(p.y)).redISub(c).redISub(d);
- var nx = a.redMul(f2).redMul(tmp);
- var ny;
- var nz;
- if (this.curve.twisted) {
- ny = a.redMul(g).redMul(d.redSub(this.curve._mulA(c)));
- nz = f2.redMul(g);
- } else {
- ny = a.redMul(g).redMul(d.redSub(c));
- nz = this.curve._mulC(f2).redMul(g);
- }
- return this.curve.point(nx, ny, nz);
- };
- Point.prototype.add = function add(p) {
- if (this.isInfinity())
- return p;
- if (p.isInfinity())
- return this;
- if (this.curve.extended)
- return this._extAdd(p);
- else
- return this._projAdd(p);
- };
- Point.prototype.mul = function mul(k) {
- if (this._hasDoubles(k))
- return this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, k);
- else
- return this.curve._wnafMul(this, k);
- };
- Point.prototype.mulAdd = function mulAdd(k1, p, k2) {
- return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [this, p], [k1, k2], 2, false);
- };
- Point.prototype.jmulAdd = function jmulAdd(k1, p, k2) {
- return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [this, p], [k1, k2], 2, true);
- };
- Point.prototype.normalize = function normalize() {
- if (this.zOne)
- return this;
- var zi = this.z.redInvm();
- this.x = this.x.redMul(zi);
- this.y = this.y.redMul(zi);
- if (this.t)
- this.t = this.t.redMul(zi);
- this.z =;
- this.zOne = true;
- return this;
- };
- Point.prototype.neg = function neg() {
- return this.curve.point(
- this.x.redNeg(),
- this.y,
- this.z,
- this.t && this.t.redNeg()
- );
- };
- Point.prototype.getX = function getX() {
- this.normalize();
- return this.x.fromRed();
- };
- Point.prototype.getY = function getY() {
- this.normalize();
- return this.y.fromRed();
- };
- Point.prototype.eq = function eq(other) {
- return this === other || this.getX().cmp(other.getX()) === 0 && this.getY().cmp(other.getY()) === 0;
- };
- Point.prototype.eqXToP = function eqXToP(x) {
- var rx = x.toRed(;
- if (this.x.cmp(rx) === 0)
- return true;
- var xc = x.clone();
- var t2 = this.curve.redN.redMul(this.z);
- for (; ; ) {
- xc.iadd(this.curve.n);
- if (xc.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0)
- return false;
- rx.redIAdd(t2);
- if (this.x.cmp(rx) === 0)
- return true;
- }
- };
- Point.prototype.toP = Point.prototype.normalize;
- Point.prototype.mixedAdd = Point.prototype.add;
- (function(exports) {
- var curve2 = exports;
- curve2.base = base;
- curve2.short = short;
- curve2.mont = mont;
- curve2.edwards = edwards;
- })(curve);
- var curves$2 = {};
- var hash$2 = {};
- var utils$g = {};
- var assert$b = minimalisticAssert;
- var inherits = inherits_browserExports;
- utils$g.inherits = inherits;
- function isSurrogatePair(msg, i2) {
- if ((msg.charCodeAt(i2) & 64512) !== 55296) {
- return false;
- }
- if (i2 < 0 || i2 + 1 >= msg.length) {
- return false;
- }
- return (msg.charCodeAt(i2 + 1) & 64512) === 56320;
- }
- function toArray(msg, enc) {
- if (Array.isArray(msg))
- return msg.slice();
- if (!msg)
- return [];
- var res = [];
- if (typeof msg === "string") {
- if (!enc) {
- var p = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++) {
- var c = msg.charCodeAt(i2);
- if (c < 128) {
- res[p++] = c;
- } else if (c < 2048) {
- res[p++] = c >> 6 | 192;
- res[p++] = c & 63 | 128;
- } else if (isSurrogatePair(msg, i2)) {
- c = 65536 + ((c & 1023) << 10) + (msg.charCodeAt(++i2) & 1023);
- res[p++] = c >> 18 | 240;
- res[p++] = c >> 12 & 63 | 128;
- res[p++] = c >> 6 & 63 | 128;
- res[p++] = c & 63 | 128;
- } else {
- res[p++] = c >> 12 | 224;
- res[p++] = c >> 6 & 63 | 128;
- res[p++] = c & 63 | 128;
- }
- }
- } else if (enc === "hex") {
- msg = msg.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/ig, "");
- if (msg.length % 2 !== 0)
- msg = "0" + msg;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2 += 2)
- res.push(parseInt(msg[i2] + msg[i2 + 1], 16));
- }
- } else {
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++)
- res[i2] = msg[i2] | 0;
- }
- return res;
- }
- utils$g.toArray = toArray;
- function toHex$1(msg) {
- var res = "";
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++)
- res += zero2(msg[i2].toString(16));
- return res;
- }
- utils$g.toHex = toHex$1;
- function htonl(w) {
- var res = w >>> 24 | w >>> 8 & 65280 | w << 8 & 16711680 | (w & 255) << 24;
- return res >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.htonl = htonl;
- function toHex32(msg, endian) {
- var res = "";
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++) {
- var w = msg[i2];
- if (endian === "little")
- w = htonl(w);
- res += zero8(w.toString(16));
- }
- return res;
- }
- utils$g.toHex32 = toHex32;
- function zero2(word) {
- if (word.length === 1)
- return "0" + word;
- else
- return word;
- }
- utils$g.zero2 = zero2;
- function zero8(word) {
- if (word.length === 7)
- return "0" + word;
- else if (word.length === 6)
- return "00" + word;
- else if (word.length === 5)
- return "000" + word;
- else if (word.length === 4)
- return "0000" + word;
- else if (word.length === 3)
- return "00000" + word;
- else if (word.length === 2)
- return "000000" + word;
- else if (word.length === 1)
- return "0000000" + word;
- else
- return word;
- }
- utils$g.zero8 = zero8;
- function join32(msg, start2, end, endian) {
- var len2 = end - start2;
- assert$b(len2 % 4 === 0);
- var res = new Array(len2 / 4);
- for (var i2 = 0, k = start2; i2 < res.length; i2++, k += 4) {
- var w;
- if (endian === "big")
- w = msg[k] << 24 | msg[k + 1] << 16 | msg[k + 2] << 8 | msg[k + 3];
- else
- w = msg[k + 3] << 24 | msg[k + 2] << 16 | msg[k + 1] << 8 | msg[k];
- res[i2] = w >>> 0;
- }
- return res;
- }
- utils$g.join32 = join32;
- function split32(msg, endian) {
- var res = new Array(msg.length * 4);
- for (var i2 = 0, k = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2++, k += 4) {
- var m = msg[i2];
- if (endian === "big") {
- res[k] = m >>> 24;
- res[k + 1] = m >>> 16 & 255;
- res[k + 2] = m >>> 8 & 255;
- res[k + 3] = m & 255;
- } else {
- res[k + 3] = m >>> 24;
- res[k + 2] = m >>> 16 & 255;
- res[k + 1] = m >>> 8 & 255;
- res[k] = m & 255;
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- utils$g.split32 = split32;
- function rotr32$1(w, b) {
- return w >>> b | w << 32 - b;
- }
- utils$g.rotr32 = rotr32$1;
- function rotl32$2(w, b) {
- return w << b | w >>> 32 - b;
- }
- utils$g.rotl32 = rotl32$2;
- function sum32$3(a, b) {
- return a + b >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.sum32 = sum32$3;
- function sum32_3$1(a, b, c) {
- return a + b + c >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.sum32_3 = sum32_3$1;
- function sum32_4$2(a, b, c, d) {
- return a + b + c + d >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.sum32_4 = sum32_4$2;
- function sum32_5$2(a, b, c, d, e) {
- return a + b + c + d + e >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.sum32_5 = sum32_5$2;
- function sum64$1(buf, pos, ah, al) {
- var bh = buf[pos];
- var bl = buf[pos + 1];
- var lo = al + bl >>> 0;
- var hi = (lo < al ? 1 : 0) + ah + bh;
- buf[pos] = hi >>> 0;
- buf[pos + 1] = lo;
- }
- utils$g.sum64 = sum64$1;
- function sum64_hi$1(ah, al, bh, bl) {
- var lo = al + bl >>> 0;
- var hi = (lo < al ? 1 : 0) + ah + bh;
- return hi >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.sum64_hi = sum64_hi$1;
- function sum64_lo$1(ah, al, bh, bl) {
- var lo = al + bl;
- return lo >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.sum64_lo = sum64_lo$1;
- function sum64_4_hi$1(ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl, dh, dl) {
- var carry = 0;
- var lo = al;
- lo = lo + bl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < al ? 1 : 0;
- lo = lo + cl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < cl ? 1 : 0;
- lo = lo + dl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < dl ? 1 : 0;
- var hi = ah + bh + ch + dh + carry;
- return hi >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.sum64_4_hi = sum64_4_hi$1;
- function sum64_4_lo$1(ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl, dh, dl) {
- var lo = al + bl + cl + dl;
- return lo >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.sum64_4_lo = sum64_4_lo$1;
- function sum64_5_hi$1(ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl, dh, dl, eh, el) {
- var carry = 0;
- var lo = al;
- lo = lo + bl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < al ? 1 : 0;
- lo = lo + cl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < cl ? 1 : 0;
- lo = lo + dl >>> 0;
- carry += lo < dl ? 1 : 0;
- lo = lo + el >>> 0;
- carry += lo < el ? 1 : 0;
- var hi = ah + bh + ch + dh + eh + carry;
- return hi >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.sum64_5_hi = sum64_5_hi$1;
- function sum64_5_lo$1(ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl, dh, dl, eh, el) {
- var lo = al + bl + cl + dl + el;
- return lo >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.sum64_5_lo = sum64_5_lo$1;
- function rotr64_hi$1(ah, al, num) {
- var r2 = al << 32 - num | ah >>> num;
- return r2 >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.rotr64_hi = rotr64_hi$1;
- function rotr64_lo$1(ah, al, num) {
- var r2 = ah << 32 - num | al >>> num;
- return r2 >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.rotr64_lo = rotr64_lo$1;
- function shr64_hi$1(ah, al, num) {
- return ah >>> num;
- }
- utils$g.shr64_hi = shr64_hi$1;
- function shr64_lo$1(ah, al, num) {
- var r2 = ah << 32 - num | al >>> num;
- return r2 >>> 0;
- }
- utils$g.shr64_lo = shr64_lo$1;
- var common$5 = {};
- var utils$f = utils$g;
- var assert$a = minimalisticAssert;
- function BlockHash$4() {
- this.pending = null;
- this.pendingTotal = 0;
- this.blockSize = this.constructor.blockSize;
- this.outSize = this.constructor.outSize;
- this.hmacStrength = this.constructor.hmacStrength;
- this.padLength = this.constructor.padLength / 8;
- this.endian = "big";
- this._delta8 = this.blockSize / 8;
- this._delta32 = this.blockSize / 32;
- }
- common$5.BlockHash = BlockHash$4;
- BlockHash$4.prototype.update = function update(msg, enc) {
- msg = utils$f.toArray(msg, enc);
- if (!this.pending)
- this.pending = msg;
- else
- this.pending = this.pending.concat(msg);
- this.pendingTotal += msg.length;
- if (this.pending.length >= this._delta8) {
- msg = this.pending;
- var r2 = msg.length % this._delta8;
- this.pending = msg.slice(msg.length - r2, msg.length);
- if (this.pending.length === 0)
- this.pending = null;
- msg = utils$f.join32(msg, 0, msg.length - r2, this.endian);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < msg.length; i2 += this._delta32)
- this._update(msg, i2, i2 + this._delta32);
- }
- return this;
- };
- BlockHash$4.prototype.digest = function digest(enc) {
- this.update(this._pad());
- assert$a(this.pending === null);
- return this._digest(enc);
- };
- BlockHash$4.prototype._pad = function pad() {
- var len2 = this.pendingTotal;
- var bytes = this._delta8;
- var k = bytes - (len2 + this.padLength) % bytes;
- var res = new Array(k + this.padLength);
- res[0] = 128;
- for (var i2 = 1; i2 < k; i2++)
- res[i2] = 0;
- len2 <<= 3;
- if (this.endian === "big") {
- for (var t2 = 8; t2 < this.padLength; t2++)
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 24 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 16 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 8 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 & 255;
- } else {
- res[i2++] = len2 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 8 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 16 & 255;
- res[i2++] = len2 >>> 24 & 255;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- res[i2++] = 0;
- for (t2 = 8; t2 < this.padLength; t2++)
- res[i2++] = 0;
- }
- return res;
- };
- var sha = {};
- var common$4 = {};
- var utils$e = utils$g;
- var rotr32 = utils$e.rotr32;
- function ft_1$1(s2, x, y, z) {
- if (s2 === 0)
- return ch32$1(x, y, z);
- if (s2 === 1 || s2 === 3)
- return p32(x, y, z);
- if (s2 === 2)
- return maj32$1(x, y, z);
- }
- common$4.ft_1 = ft_1$1;
- function ch32$1(x, y, z) {
- return x & y ^ ~x & z;
- }
- common$4.ch32 = ch32$1;
- function maj32$1(x, y, z) {
- return x & y ^ x & z ^ y & z;
- }
- common$4.maj32 = maj32$1;
- function p32(x, y, z) {
- return x ^ y ^ z;
- }
- common$4.p32 = p32;
- function s0_256$1(x) {
- return rotr32(x, 2) ^ rotr32(x, 13) ^ rotr32(x, 22);
- }
- common$4.s0_256 = s0_256$1;
- function s1_256$1(x) {
- return rotr32(x, 6) ^ rotr32(x, 11) ^ rotr32(x, 25);
- }
- common$4.s1_256 = s1_256$1;
- function g0_256$1(x) {
- return rotr32(x, 7) ^ rotr32(x, 18) ^ x >>> 3;
- }
- common$4.g0_256 = g0_256$1;
- function g1_256$1(x) {
- return rotr32(x, 17) ^ rotr32(x, 19) ^ x >>> 10;
- }
- common$4.g1_256 = g1_256$1;
- var utils$d = utils$g;
- var common$3 = common$5;
- var shaCommon$1 = common$4;
- var rotl32$1 = utils$d.rotl32;
- var sum32$2 = utils$d.sum32;
- var sum32_5$1 = utils$d.sum32_5;
- var ft_1 = shaCommon$1.ft_1;
- var BlockHash$3 = common$3.BlockHash;
- var sha1_K = [
- 1518500249,
- 1859775393,
- 2400959708,
- 3395469782
- ];
- function SHA1() {
- if (!(this instanceof SHA1))
- return new SHA1();
- BlockHash$;
- this.h = [
- 1732584193,
- 4023233417,
- 2562383102,
- 271733878,
- 3285377520
- ];
- this.W = new Array(80);
- }
- utils$d.inherits(SHA1, BlockHash$3);
- var _1 = SHA1;
- SHA1.blockSize = 512;
- SHA1.outSize = 160;
- SHA1.hmacStrength = 80;
- SHA1.padLength = 64;
- SHA1.prototype._update = function _update(msg, start2) {
- var W = this.W;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++)
- W[i2] = msg[start2 + i2];
- for (; i2 < W.length; i2++)
- W[i2] = rotl32$1(W[i2 - 3] ^ W[i2 - 8] ^ W[i2 - 14] ^ W[i2 - 16], 1);
- var a = this.h[0];
- var b = this.h[1];
- var c = this.h[2];
- var d = this.h[3];
- var e = this.h[4];
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < W.length; i2++) {
- var s2 = ~~(i2 / 20);
- var t2 = sum32_5$1(rotl32$1(a, 5), ft_1(s2, b, c, d), e, W[i2], sha1_K[s2]);
- e = d;
- d = c;
- c = rotl32$1(b, 30);
- b = a;
- a = t2;
- }
- this.h[0] = sum32$2(this.h[0], a);
- this.h[1] = sum32$2(this.h[1], b);
- this.h[2] = sum32$2(this.h[2], c);
- this.h[3] = sum32$2(this.h[3], d);
- this.h[4] = sum32$2(this.h[4], e);
- };
- SHA1.prototype._digest = function digest(enc) {
- if (enc === "hex")
- return utils$d.toHex32(this.h, "big");
- else
- return utils$d.split32(this.h, "big");
- };
- var utils$c = utils$g;
- var common$2 = common$5;
- var shaCommon = common$4;
- var assert$9 = minimalisticAssert;
- var sum32$1 = utils$c.sum32;
- var sum32_4$1 = utils$c.sum32_4;
- var sum32_5 = utils$c.sum32_5;
- var ch32 = shaCommon.ch32;
- var maj32 = shaCommon.maj32;
- var s0_256 = shaCommon.s0_256;
- var s1_256 = shaCommon.s1_256;
- var g0_256 = shaCommon.g0_256;
- var g1_256 = shaCommon.g1_256;
- var BlockHash$2 = common$2.BlockHash;
- var sha256_K = [
- 1116352408,
- 1899447441,
- 3049323471,
- 3921009573,
- 961987163,
- 1508970993,
- 2453635748,
- 2870763221,
- 3624381080,
- 310598401,
- 607225278,
- 1426881987,
- 1925078388,
- 2162078206,
- 2614888103,
- 3248222580,
- 3835390401,
- 4022224774,
- 264347078,
- 604807628,
- 770255983,
- 1249150122,
- 1555081692,
- 1996064986,
- 2554220882,
- 2821834349,
- 2952996808,
- 3210313671,
- 3336571891,
- 3584528711,
- 113926993,
- 338241895,
- 666307205,
- 773529912,
- 1294757372,
- 1396182291,
- 1695183700,
- 1986661051,
- 2177026350,
- 2456956037,
- 2730485921,
- 2820302411,
- 3259730800,
- 3345764771,
- 3516065817,
- 3600352804,
- 4094571909,
- 275423344,
- 430227734,
- 506948616,
- 659060556,
- 883997877,
- 958139571,
- 1322822218,
- 1537002063,
- 1747873779,
- 1955562222,
- 2024104815,
- 2227730452,
- 2361852424,
- 2428436474,
- 2756734187,
- 3204031479,
- 3329325298
- ];
- function SHA256$1() {
- if (!(this instanceof SHA256$1))
- return new SHA256$1();
- BlockHash$;
- this.h = [
- 1779033703,
- 3144134277,
- 1013904242,
- 2773480762,
- 1359893119,
- 2600822924,
- 528734635,
- 1541459225
- ];
- this.k = sha256_K;
- this.W = new Array(64);
- }
- utils$c.inherits(SHA256$1, BlockHash$2);
- var _256 = SHA256$1;
- SHA256$1.blockSize = 512;
- SHA256$1.outSize = 256;
- SHA256$1.hmacStrength = 192;
- SHA256$1.padLength = 64;
- SHA256$1.prototype._update = function _update(msg, start2) {
- var W = this.W;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++)
- W[i2] = msg[start2 + i2];
- for (; i2 < W.length; i2++)
- W[i2] = sum32_4$1(g1_256(W[i2 - 2]), W[i2 - 7], g0_256(W[i2 - 15]), W[i2 - 16]);
- var a = this.h[0];
- var b = this.h[1];
- var c = this.h[2];
- var d = this.h[3];
- var e = this.h[4];
- var f2 = this.h[5];
- var g = this.h[6];
- var h = this.h[7];
- assert$9(this.k.length === W.length);
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < W.length; i2++) {
- var T1 = sum32_5(h, s1_256(e), ch32(e, f2, g), this.k[i2], W[i2]);
- var T2 = sum32$1(s0_256(a), maj32(a, b, c));
- h = g;
- g = f2;
- f2 = e;
- e = sum32$1(d, T1);
- d = c;
- c = b;
- b = a;
- a = sum32$1(T1, T2);
- }
- this.h[0] = sum32$1(this.h[0], a);
- this.h[1] = sum32$1(this.h[1], b);
- this.h[2] = sum32$1(this.h[2], c);
- this.h[3] = sum32$1(this.h[3], d);
- this.h[4] = sum32$1(this.h[4], e);
- this.h[5] = sum32$1(this.h[5], f2);
- this.h[6] = sum32$1(this.h[6], g);
- this.h[7] = sum32$1(this.h[7], h);
- };
- SHA256$1.prototype._digest = function digest(enc) {
- if (enc === "hex")
- return utils$c.toHex32(this.h, "big");
- else
- return utils$c.split32(this.h, "big");
- };
- var utils$b = utils$g;
- var SHA256 = _256;
- function SHA224() {
- if (!(this instanceof SHA224))
- return new SHA224();
- this.h = [
- 3238371032,
- 914150663,
- 812702999,
- 4144912697,
- 4290775857,
- 1750603025,
- 1694076839,
- 3204075428
- ];
- }
- utils$b.inherits(SHA224, SHA256);
- var _224 = SHA224;
- SHA224.blockSize = 512;
- SHA224.outSize = 224;
- SHA224.hmacStrength = 192;
- SHA224.padLength = 64;
- SHA224.prototype._digest = function digest(enc) {
- if (enc === "hex")
- return utils$b.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 7), "big");
- else
- return utils$b.split32(this.h.slice(0, 7), "big");
- };
- var utils$a = utils$g;
- var common$1 = common$5;
- var assert$8 = minimalisticAssert;
- var rotr64_hi = utils$a.rotr64_hi;
- var rotr64_lo = utils$a.rotr64_lo;
- var shr64_hi = utils$a.shr64_hi;
- var shr64_lo = utils$a.shr64_lo;
- var sum64 = utils$a.sum64;
- var sum64_hi = utils$a.sum64_hi;
- var sum64_lo = utils$a.sum64_lo;
- var sum64_4_hi = utils$a.sum64_4_hi;
- var sum64_4_lo = utils$a.sum64_4_lo;
- var sum64_5_hi = utils$a.sum64_5_hi;
- var sum64_5_lo = utils$a.sum64_5_lo;
- var BlockHash$1 = common$1.BlockHash;
- var sha512_K = [
- 1116352408,
- 3609767458,
- 1899447441,
- 602891725,
- 3049323471,
- 3964484399,
- 3921009573,
- 2173295548,
- 961987163,
- 4081628472,
- 1508970993,
- 3053834265,
- 2453635748,
- 2937671579,
- 2870763221,
- 3664609560,
- 3624381080,
- 2734883394,
- 310598401,
- 1164996542,
- 607225278,
- 1323610764,
- 1426881987,
- 3590304994,
- 1925078388,
- 4068182383,
- 2162078206,
- 991336113,
- 2614888103,
- 633803317,
- 3248222580,
- 3479774868,
- 3835390401,
- 2666613458,
- 4022224774,
- 944711139,
- 264347078,
- 2341262773,
- 604807628,
- 2007800933,
- 770255983,
- 1495990901,
- 1249150122,
- 1856431235,
- 1555081692,
- 3175218132,
- 1996064986,
- 2198950837,
- 2554220882,
- 3999719339,
- 2821834349,
- 766784016,
- 2952996808,
- 2566594879,
- 3210313671,
- 3203337956,
- 3336571891,
- 1034457026,
- 3584528711,
- 2466948901,
- 113926993,
- 3758326383,
- 338241895,
- 168717936,
- 666307205,
- 1188179964,
- 773529912,
- 1546045734,
- 1294757372,
- 1522805485,
- 1396182291,
- 2643833823,
- 1695183700,
- 2343527390,
- 1986661051,
- 1014477480,
- 2177026350,
- 1206759142,
- 2456956037,
- 344077627,
- 2730485921,
- 1290863460,
- 2820302411,
- 3158454273,
- 3259730800,
- 3505952657,
- 3345764771,
- 106217008,
- 3516065817,
- 3606008344,
- 3600352804,
- 1432725776,
- 4094571909,
- 1467031594,
- 275423344,
- 851169720,
- 430227734,
- 3100823752,
- 506948616,
- 1363258195,
- 659060556,
- 3750685593,
- 883997877,
- 3785050280,
- 958139571,
- 3318307427,
- 1322822218,
- 3812723403,
- 1537002063,
- 2003034995,
- 1747873779,
- 3602036899,
- 1955562222,
- 1575990012,
- 2024104815,
- 1125592928,
- 2227730452,
- 2716904306,
- 2361852424,
- 442776044,
- 2428436474,
- 593698344,
- 2756734187,
- 3733110249,
- 3204031479,
- 2999351573,
- 3329325298,
- 3815920427,
- 3391569614,
- 3928383900,
- 3515267271,
- 566280711,
- 3940187606,
- 3454069534,
- 4118630271,
- 4000239992,
- 116418474,
- 1914138554,
- 174292421,
- 2731055270,
- 289380356,
- 3203993006,
- 460393269,
- 320620315,
- 685471733,
- 587496836,
- 852142971,
- 1086792851,
- 1017036298,
- 365543100,
- 1126000580,
- 2618297676,
- 1288033470,
- 3409855158,
- 1501505948,
- 4234509866,
- 1607167915,
- 987167468,
- 1816402316,
- 1246189591
- ];
- function SHA512$1() {
- if (!(this instanceof SHA512$1))
- return new SHA512$1();
- BlockHash$;
- this.h = [
- 1779033703,
- 4089235720,
- 3144134277,
- 2227873595,
- 1013904242,
- 4271175723,
- 2773480762,
- 1595750129,
- 1359893119,
- 2917565137,
- 2600822924,
- 725511199,
- 528734635,
- 4215389547,
- 1541459225,
- 327033209
- ];
- this.k = sha512_K;
- this.W = new Array(160);
- }
- utils$a.inherits(SHA512$1, BlockHash$1);
- var _512 = SHA512$1;
- SHA512$1.blockSize = 1024;
- SHA512$1.outSize = 512;
- SHA512$1.hmacStrength = 192;
- SHA512$1.padLength = 128;
- SHA512$1.prototype._prepareBlock = function _prepareBlock(msg, start2) {
- var W = this.W;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < 32; i2++)
- W[i2] = msg[start2 + i2];
- for (; i2 < W.length; i2 += 2) {
- var c0_hi = g1_512_hi(W[i2 - 4], W[i2 - 3]);
- var c0_lo = g1_512_lo(W[i2 - 4], W[i2 - 3]);
- var c1_hi = W[i2 - 14];
- var c1_lo = W[i2 - 13];
- var c2_hi = g0_512_hi(W[i2 - 30], W[i2 - 29]);
- var c2_lo = g0_512_lo(W[i2 - 30], W[i2 - 29]);
- var c3_hi = W[i2 - 32];
- var c3_lo = W[i2 - 31];
- W[i2] = sum64_4_hi(
- c0_hi,
- c0_lo,
- c1_hi,
- c1_lo,
- c2_hi,
- c2_lo,
- c3_hi,
- c3_lo
- );
- W[i2 + 1] = sum64_4_lo(
- c0_hi,
- c0_lo,
- c1_hi,
- c1_lo,
- c2_hi,
- c2_lo,
- c3_hi,
- c3_lo
- );
- }
- };
- SHA512$1.prototype._update = function _update(msg, start2) {
- this._prepareBlock(msg, start2);
- var W = this.W;
- var ah = this.h[0];
- var al = this.h[1];
- var bh = this.h[2];
- var bl = this.h[3];
- var ch = this.h[4];
- var cl = this.h[5];
- var dh = this.h[6];
- var dl = this.h[7];
- var eh = this.h[8];
- var el = this.h[9];
- var fh = this.h[10];
- var fl = this.h[11];
- var gh = this.h[12];
- var gl = this.h[13];
- var hh = this.h[14];
- var hl = this.h[15];
- assert$8(this.k.length === W.length);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < W.length; i2 += 2) {
- var c0_hi = hh;
- var c0_lo = hl;
- var c1_hi = s1_512_hi(eh, el);
- var c1_lo = s1_512_lo(eh, el);
- var c2_hi = ch64_hi(eh, el, fh, fl, gh);
- var c2_lo = ch64_lo(eh, el, fh, fl, gh, gl);
- var c3_hi = this.k[i2];
- var c3_lo = this.k[i2 + 1];
- var c4_hi = W[i2];
- var c4_lo = W[i2 + 1];
- var T1_hi = sum64_5_hi(
- c0_hi,
- c0_lo,
- c1_hi,
- c1_lo,
- c2_hi,
- c2_lo,
- c3_hi,
- c3_lo,
- c4_hi,
- c4_lo
- );
- var T1_lo = sum64_5_lo(
- c0_hi,
- c0_lo,
- c1_hi,
- c1_lo,
- c2_hi,
- c2_lo,
- c3_hi,
- c3_lo,
- c4_hi,
- c4_lo
- );
- c0_hi = s0_512_hi(ah, al);
- c0_lo = s0_512_lo(ah, al);
- c1_hi = maj64_hi(ah, al, bh, bl, ch);
- c1_lo = maj64_lo(ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl);
- var T2_hi = sum64_hi(c0_hi, c0_lo, c1_hi, c1_lo);
- var T2_lo = sum64_lo(c0_hi, c0_lo, c1_hi, c1_lo);
- hh = gh;
- hl = gl;
- gh = fh;
- gl = fl;
- fh = eh;
- fl = el;
- eh = sum64_hi(dh, dl, T1_hi, T1_lo);
- el = sum64_lo(dl, dl, T1_hi, T1_lo);
- dh = ch;
- dl = cl;
- ch = bh;
- cl = bl;
- bh = ah;
- bl = al;
- ah = sum64_hi(T1_hi, T1_lo, T2_hi, T2_lo);
- al = sum64_lo(T1_hi, T1_lo, T2_hi, T2_lo);
- }
- sum64(this.h, 0, ah, al);
- sum64(this.h, 2, bh, bl);
- sum64(this.h, 4, ch, cl);
- sum64(this.h, 6, dh, dl);
- sum64(this.h, 8, eh, el);
- sum64(this.h, 10, fh, fl);
- sum64(this.h, 12, gh, gl);
- sum64(this.h, 14, hh, hl);
- };
- SHA512$1.prototype._digest = function digest(enc) {
- if (enc === "hex")
- return utils$a.toHex32(this.h, "big");
- else
- return utils$a.split32(this.h, "big");
- };
- function ch64_hi(xh, xl, yh, yl, zh) {
- var r2 = xh & yh ^ ~xh & zh;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function ch64_lo(xh, xl, yh, yl, zh, zl) {
- var r2 = xl & yl ^ ~xl & zl;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function maj64_hi(xh, xl, yh, yl, zh) {
- var r2 = xh & yh ^ xh & zh ^ yh & zh;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function maj64_lo(xh, xl, yh, yl, zh, zl) {
- var r2 = xl & yl ^ xl & zl ^ yl & zl;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function s0_512_hi(xh, xl) {
- var c0_hi = rotr64_hi(xh, xl, 28);
- var c1_hi = rotr64_hi(xl, xh, 2);
- var c2_hi = rotr64_hi(xl, xh, 7);
- var r2 = c0_hi ^ c1_hi ^ c2_hi;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function s0_512_lo(xh, xl) {
- var c0_lo = rotr64_lo(xh, xl, 28);
- var c1_lo = rotr64_lo(xl, xh, 2);
- var c2_lo = rotr64_lo(xl, xh, 7);
- var r2 = c0_lo ^ c1_lo ^ c2_lo;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function s1_512_hi(xh, xl) {
- var c0_hi = rotr64_hi(xh, xl, 14);
- var c1_hi = rotr64_hi(xh, xl, 18);
- var c2_hi = rotr64_hi(xl, xh, 9);
- var r2 = c0_hi ^ c1_hi ^ c2_hi;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function s1_512_lo(xh, xl) {
- var c0_lo = rotr64_lo(xh, xl, 14);
- var c1_lo = rotr64_lo(xh, xl, 18);
- var c2_lo = rotr64_lo(xl, xh, 9);
- var r2 = c0_lo ^ c1_lo ^ c2_lo;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function g0_512_hi(xh, xl) {
- var c0_hi = rotr64_hi(xh, xl, 1);
- var c1_hi = rotr64_hi(xh, xl, 8);
- var c2_hi = shr64_hi(xh, xl, 7);
- var r2 = c0_hi ^ c1_hi ^ c2_hi;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function g0_512_lo(xh, xl) {
- var c0_lo = rotr64_lo(xh, xl, 1);
- var c1_lo = rotr64_lo(xh, xl, 8);
- var c2_lo = shr64_lo(xh, xl, 7);
- var r2 = c0_lo ^ c1_lo ^ c2_lo;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function g1_512_hi(xh, xl) {
- var c0_hi = rotr64_hi(xh, xl, 19);
- var c1_hi = rotr64_hi(xl, xh, 29);
- var c2_hi = shr64_hi(xh, xl, 6);
- var r2 = c0_hi ^ c1_hi ^ c2_hi;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- function g1_512_lo(xh, xl) {
- var c0_lo = rotr64_lo(xh, xl, 19);
- var c1_lo = rotr64_lo(xl, xh, 29);
- var c2_lo = shr64_lo(xh, xl, 6);
- var r2 = c0_lo ^ c1_lo ^ c2_lo;
- if (r2 < 0)
- r2 += 4294967296;
- return r2;
- }
- var utils$9 = utils$g;
- var SHA512 = _512;
- function SHA384() {
- if (!(this instanceof SHA384))
- return new SHA384();
- this.h = [
- 3418070365,
- 3238371032,
- 1654270250,
- 914150663,
- 2438529370,
- 812702999,
- 355462360,
- 4144912697,
- 1731405415,
- 4290775857,
- 2394180231,
- 1750603025,
- 3675008525,
- 1694076839,
- 1203062813,
- 3204075428
- ];
- }
- utils$9.inherits(SHA384, SHA512);
- var _384 = SHA384;
- SHA384.blockSize = 1024;
- SHA384.outSize = 384;
- SHA384.hmacStrength = 192;
- SHA384.padLength = 128;
- SHA384.prototype._digest = function digest(enc) {
- if (enc === "hex")
- return utils$9.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 12), "big");
- else
- return utils$9.split32(this.h.slice(0, 12), "big");
- };
- sha.sha1 = _1;
- sha.sha224 = _224;
- sha.sha256 = _256;
- sha.sha384 = _384;
- sha.sha512 = _512;
- var ripemd = {};
- var utils$8 = utils$g;
- var common = common$5;
- var rotl32 = utils$8.rotl32;
- var sum32 = utils$8.sum32;
- var sum32_3 = utils$8.sum32_3;
- var sum32_4 = utils$8.sum32_4;
- var BlockHash = common.BlockHash;
- function RIPEMD160() {
- if (!(this instanceof RIPEMD160))
- return new RIPEMD160();
- this.h = [1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520];
- this.endian = "little";
- }
- utils$8.inherits(RIPEMD160, BlockHash);
- ripemd.ripemd160 = RIPEMD160;
- RIPEMD160.blockSize = 512;
- RIPEMD160.outSize = 160;
- RIPEMD160.hmacStrength = 192;
- RIPEMD160.padLength = 64;
- RIPEMD160.prototype._update = function update(msg, start2) {
- var A = this.h[0];
- var B = this.h[1];
- var C = this.h[2];
- var D = this.h[3];
- var E = this.h[4];
- var Ah = A;
- var Bh = B;
- var Ch = C;
- var Dh = D;
- var Eh = E;
- for (var j = 0; j < 80; j++) {
- var T = sum32(
- rotl32(
- sum32_4(A, f(j, B, C, D), msg[r[j] + start2], K(j)),
- s[j]
- ),
- E
- );
- A = E;
- E = D;
- D = rotl32(C, 10);
- C = B;
- B = T;
- T = sum32(
- rotl32(
- sum32_4(Ah, f(79 - j, Bh, Ch, Dh), msg[rh[j] + start2], Kh(j)),
- sh[j]
- ),
- Eh
- );
- Ah = Eh;
- Eh = Dh;
- Dh = rotl32(Ch, 10);
- Ch = Bh;
- Bh = T;
- }
- T = sum32_3(this.h[1], C, Dh);
- this.h[1] = sum32_3(this.h[2], D, Eh);
- this.h[2] = sum32_3(this.h[3], E, Ah);
- this.h[3] = sum32_3(this.h[4], A, Bh);
- this.h[4] = sum32_3(this.h[0], B, Ch);
- this.h[0] = T;
- };
- RIPEMD160.prototype._digest = function digest(enc) {
- if (enc === "hex")
- return utils$8.toHex32(this.h, "little");
- else
- return utils$8.split32(this.h, "little");
- };
- function f(j, x, y, z) {
- if (j <= 15)
- return x ^ y ^ z;
- else if (j <= 31)
- return x & y | ~x & z;
- else if (j <= 47)
- return (x | ~y) ^ z;
- else if (j <= 63)
- return x & z | y & ~z;
- else
- return x ^ (y | ~z);
- }
- function K(j) {
- if (j <= 15)
- return 0;
- else if (j <= 31)
- return 1518500249;
- else if (j <= 47)
- return 1859775393;
- else if (j <= 63)
- return 2400959708;
- else
- return 2840853838;
- }
- function Kh(j) {
- if (j <= 15)
- return 1352829926;
- else if (j <= 31)
- return 1548603684;
- else if (j <= 47)
- return 1836072691;
- else if (j <= 63)
- return 2053994217;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- var r = [
- 0,
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
- 7,
- 8,
- 9,
- 10,
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 15,
- 7,
- 4,
- 13,
- 1,
- 10,
- 6,
- 15,
- 3,
- 12,
- 0,
- 9,
- 5,
- 2,
- 14,
- 11,
- 8,
- 3,
- 10,
- 14,
- 4,
- 9,
- 15,
- 8,
- 1,
- 2,
- 7,
- 0,
- 6,
- 13,
- 11,
- 5,
- 12,
- 1,
- 9,
- 11,
- 10,
- 0,
- 8,
- 12,
- 4,
- 13,
- 3,
- 7,
- 15,
- 14,
- 5,
- 6,
- 2,
- 4,
- 0,
- 5,
- 9,
- 7,
- 12,
- 2,
- 10,
- 14,
- 1,
- 3,
- 8,
- 11,
- 6,
- 15,
- 13
- ];
- var rh = [
- 5,
- 14,
- 7,
- 0,
- 9,
- 2,
- 11,
- 4,
- 13,
- 6,
- 15,
- 8,
- 1,
- 10,
- 3,
- 12,
- 6,
- 11,
- 3,
- 7,
- 0,
- 13,
- 5,
- 10,
- 14,
- 15,
- 8,
- 12,
- 4,
- 9,
- 1,
- 2,
- 15,
- 5,
- 1,
- 3,
- 7,
- 14,
- 6,
- 9,
- 11,
- 8,
- 12,
- 2,
- 10,
- 0,
- 4,
- 13,
- 8,
- 6,
- 4,
- 1,
- 3,
- 11,
- 15,
- 0,
- 5,
- 12,
- 2,
- 13,
- 9,
- 7,
- 10,
- 14,
- 12,
- 15,
- 10,
- 4,
- 1,
- 5,
- 8,
- 7,
- 6,
- 2,
- 13,
- 14,
- 0,
- 3,
- 9,
- 11
- ];
- var s = [
- 11,
- 14,
- 15,
- 12,
- 5,
- 8,
- 7,
- 9,
- 11,
- 13,
- 14,
- 15,
- 6,
- 7,
- 9,
- 8,
- 7,
- 6,
- 8,
- 13,
- 11,
- 9,
- 7,
- 15,
- 7,
- 12,
- 15,
- 9,
- 11,
- 7,
- 13,
- 12,
- 11,
- 13,
- 6,
- 7,
- 14,
- 9,
- 13,
- 15,
- 14,
- 8,
- 13,
- 6,
- 5,
- 12,
- 7,
- 5,
- 11,
- 12,
- 14,
- 15,
- 14,
- 15,
- 9,
- 8,
- 9,
- 14,
- 5,
- 6,
- 8,
- 6,
- 5,
- 12,
- 9,
- 15,
- 5,
- 11,
- 6,
- 8,
- 13,
- 12,
- 5,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 11,
- 8,
- 5,
- 6
- ];
- var sh = [
- 8,
- 9,
- 9,
- 11,
- 13,
- 15,
- 15,
- 5,
- 7,
- 7,
- 8,
- 11,
- 14,
- 14,
- 12,
- 6,
- 9,
- 13,
- 15,
- 7,
- 12,
- 8,
- 9,
- 11,
- 7,
- 7,
- 12,
- 7,
- 6,
- 15,
- 13,
- 11,
- 9,
- 7,
- 15,
- 11,
- 8,
- 6,
- 6,
- 14,
- 12,
- 13,
- 5,
- 14,
- 13,
- 13,
- 7,
- 5,
- 15,
- 5,
- 8,
- 11,
- 14,
- 14,
- 6,
- 14,
- 6,
- 9,
- 12,
- 9,
- 12,
- 5,
- 15,
- 8,
- 8,
- 5,
- 12,
- 9,
- 12,
- 5,
- 14,
- 6,
- 8,
- 13,
- 6,
- 5,
- 15,
- 13,
- 11,
- 11
- ];
- var utils$7 = utils$g;
- var assert$7 = minimalisticAssert;
- function Hmac(hash2, key2, enc) {
- if (!(this instanceof Hmac))
- return new Hmac(hash2, key2, enc);
- this.Hash = hash2;
- this.blockSize = hash2.blockSize / 8;
- this.outSize = hash2.outSize / 8;
- this.inner = null;
- this.outer = null;
- this._init(utils$7.toArray(key2, enc));
- }
- var hmac = Hmac;
- Hmac.prototype._init = function init(key2) {
- if (key2.length > this.blockSize)
- key2 = new this.Hash().update(key2).digest();
- assert$7(key2.length <= this.blockSize);
- for (var i2 = key2.length; i2 < this.blockSize; i2++)
- key2.push(0);
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < key2.length; i2++)
- key2[i2] ^= 54;
- this.inner = new this.Hash().update(key2);
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < key2.length; i2++)
- key2[i2] ^= 106;
- this.outer = new this.Hash().update(key2);
- };
- Hmac.prototype.update = function update(msg, enc) {
- this.inner.update(msg, enc);
- return this;
- };
- Hmac.prototype.digest = function digest(enc) {
- this.outer.update(this.inner.digest());
- return this.outer.digest(enc);
- };
- (function(exports) {
- var hash2 = exports;
- hash2.utils = utils$g;
- hash2.common = common$5;
- hash2.sha = sha;
- hash2.ripemd = ripemd;
- hash2.hmac = hmac;
- hash2.sha1 = hash2.sha.sha1;
- hash2.sha256 = hash2.sha.sha256;
- hash2.sha224 = hash2.sha.sha224;
- hash2.sha384 = hash2.sha.sha384;
- hash2.sha512 = hash2.sha.sha512;
- hash2.ripemd160 = hash2.ripemd.ripemd160;
- })(hash$2);
- var secp256k1;
- var hasRequiredSecp256k1;
- function requireSecp256k1() {
- if (hasRequiredSecp256k1)
- return secp256k1;
- hasRequiredSecp256k1 = 1;
- secp256k1 = {
- doubles: {
- step: 4,
- points: [
- [
- "e60fce93b59e9ec53011aabc21c23e97b2a31369b87a5ae9c44ee89e2a6dec0a",
- "f7e3507399e595929db99f34f57937101296891e44d23f0be1f32cce69616821"
- ],
- [
- "8282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172de238d8c39cabd5ac1ca10646e23fd5f51508",
- "11f8a8098557dfe45e8256e830b60ace62d613ac2f7b17bed31b6eaff6e26caf"
- ],
- [
- "175e159f728b865a72f99cc6c6fc846de0b93833fd2222ed73fce5b551e5b739",
- "d3506e0d9e3c79eba4ef97a51ff71f5eacb5955add24345c6efa6ffee9fed695"
- ],
- [
- "363d90d447b00c9c99ceac05b6262ee053441c7e55552ffe526bad8f83ff4640",
- "4e273adfc732221953b445397f3363145b9a89008199ecb62003c7f3bee9de9"
- ],
- [
- "8b4b5f165df3c2be8c6244b5b745638843e4a781a15bcd1b69f79a55dffdf80c",
- "4aad0a6f68d308b4b3fbd7813ab0da04f9e336546162ee56b3eff0c65fd4fd36"
- ],
- [
- "723cbaa6e5db996d6bf771c00bd548c7b700dbffa6c0e77bcb6115925232fcda",
- "96e867b5595cc498a921137488824d6e2660a0653779494801dc069d9eb39f5f"
- ],
- [
- "eebfa4d493bebf98ba5feec812c2d3b50947961237a919839a533eca0e7dd7fa",
- "5d9a8ca3970ef0f269ee7edaf178089d9ae4cdc3a711f712ddfd4fdae1de8999"
- ],
- [
- "100f44da696e71672791d0a09b7bde459f1215a29b3c03bfefd7835b39a48db0",
- "cdd9e13192a00b772ec8f3300c090666b7ff4a18ff5195ac0fbd5cd62bc65a09"
- ],
- [
- "e1031be262c7ed1b1dc9227a4a04c017a77f8d4464f3b3852c8acde6e534fd2d",
- "9d7061928940405e6bb6a4176597535af292dd419e1ced79a44f18f29456a00d"
- ],
- [
- "feea6cae46d55b530ac2839f143bd7ec5cf8b266a41d6af52d5e688d9094696d",
- "e57c6b6c97dce1bab06e4e12bf3ecd5c981c8957cc41442d3155debf18090088"
- ],
- [
- "da67a91d91049cdcb367be4be6ffca3cfeed657d808583de33fa978bc1ec6cb1",
- "9bacaa35481642bc41f463f7ec9780e5dec7adc508f740a17e9ea8e27a68be1d"
- ],
- [
- "53904faa0b334cdda6e000935ef22151ec08d0f7bb11069f57545ccc1a37b7c0",
- "5bc087d0bc80106d88c9eccac20d3c1c13999981e14434699dcb096b022771c8"
- ],
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- ],
- [
- "74a1ad6b5f76e39db2dd249410eac7f99e74c59cb83d2d0ed5ff1543da7703e9",
- "cc6157ef18c9c63cd6193d83631bbea0093e0968942e8c33d5737fd790e0db08"
- ],
- [
- "30682a50703375f602d416664ba19b7fc9bab42c72747463a71d0896b22f6da3",
- "553e04f6b018b4fa6c8f39e7f311d3176290d0e0f19ca73f17714d9977a22ff8"
- ],
- [
- "9e2158f0d7c0d5f26c3791efefa79597654e7a2b2464f52b1ee6c1347769ef57",
- "712fcdd1b9053f09003a3481fa7762e9ffd7c8ef35a38509e2fbf2629008373"
- ],
- [
- "176e26989a43c9cfeba4029c202538c28172e566e3c4fce7322857f3be327d66",
- "ed8cc9d04b29eb877d270b4878dc43c19aefd31f4eee09ee7b47834c1fa4b1c3"
- ],
- [
- "75d46efea3771e6e68abb89a13ad747ecf1892393dfc4f1b7004788c50374da8",
- "9852390a99507679fd0b86fd2b39a868d7efc22151346e1a3ca4726586a6bed8"
- ],
- [
- "809a20c67d64900ffb698c4c825f6d5f2310fb0451c869345b7319f645605721",
- "9e994980d9917e22b76b061927fa04143d096ccc54963e6a5ebfa5f3f8e286c1"
- ],
- [
- "1b38903a43f7f114ed4500b4eac7083fdefece1cf29c63528d563446f972c180",
- "4036edc931a60ae889353f77fd53de4a2708b26b6f5da72ad3394119daf408f9"
- ]
- ]
- }
- };
- return secp256k1;
- }
- (function(exports) {
- var curves2 = exports;
- var hash2 = hash$2;
- var curve$1 = curve;
- var utils2 = utils$m;
- var assert2 = utils2.assert;
- function PresetCurve(options) {
- if (options.type === "short")
- this.curve = new curve$1.short(options);
- else if (options.type === "edwards")
- this.curve = new curve$1.edwards(options);
- else
- this.curve = new curve$1.mont(options);
- this.g = this.curve.g;
- this.n = this.curve.n;
- this.hash = options.hash;
- assert2(this.g.validate(), "Invalid curve");
- assert2(this.g.mul(this.n).isInfinity(), "Invalid curve, G*N != O");
- }
- curves2.PresetCurve = PresetCurve;
- function defineCurve(name2, options) {
- Object.defineProperty(curves2, name2, {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- var curve2 = new PresetCurve(options);
- Object.defineProperty(curves2, name2, {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- value: curve2
- });
- return curve2;
- }
- });
- }
- defineCurve("p192", {
- type: "short",
- prime: "p192",
- p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff",
- a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff fffffffc",
- b: "64210519 e59c80e7 0fa7e9ab 72243049 feb8deec c146b9b1",
- n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 99def836 146bc9b1 b4d22831",
- hash: hash2.sha256,
- gRed: false,
- g: [
- "188da80e b03090f6 7cbf20eb 43a18800 f4ff0afd 82ff1012",
- "07192b95 ffc8da78 631011ed 6b24cdd5 73f977a1 1e794811"
- ]
- });
- defineCurve("p224", {
- type: "short",
- prime: "p224",
- p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001",
- a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe",
- b: "b4050a85 0c04b3ab f5413256 5044b0b7 d7bfd8ba 270b3943 2355ffb4",
- n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffff16a2 e0b8f03e 13dd2945 5c5c2a3d",
- hash: hash2.sha256,
- gRed: false,
- g: [
- "b70e0cbd 6bb4bf7f 321390b9 4a03c1d3 56c21122 343280d6 115c1d21",
- "bd376388 b5f723fb 4c22dfe6 cd4375a0 5a074764 44d58199 85007e34"
- ]
- });
- defineCurve("p256", {
- type: "short",
- prime: null,
- p: "ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff",
- a: "ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc",
- b: "5ac635d8 aa3a93e7 b3ebbd55 769886bc 651d06b0 cc53b0f6 3bce3c3e 27d2604b",
- n: "ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff bce6faad a7179e84 f3b9cac2 fc632551",
- hash: hash2.sha256,
- gRed: false,
- g: [
- "6b17d1f2 e12c4247 f8bce6e5 63a440f2 77037d81 2deb33a0 f4a13945 d898c296",
- "4fe342e2 fe1a7f9b 8ee7eb4a 7c0f9e16 2bce3357 6b315ece cbb64068 37bf51f5"
- ]
- });
- defineCurve("p384", {
- type: "short",
- prime: null,
- p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ffffffff",
- a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 fffffffc",
- b: "b3312fa7 e23ee7e4 988e056b e3f82d19 181d9c6e fe814112 0314088f 5013875a c656398d 8a2ed19d 2a85c8ed d3ec2aef",
- n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff c7634d81 f4372ddf 581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973",
- hash: hash2.sha384,
- gRed: false,
- g: [
- "aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74 6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38 5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7",
- "3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29 f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0 0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f"
- ]
- });
- defineCurve("p521", {
- type: "short",
- prime: null,
- p: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff",
- a: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc",
- b: "00000051 953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1 56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07 3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00",
- n: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa 51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0 3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409",
- hash: hash2.sha512,
- gRed: false,
- g: [
- "000000c6 858e06b7 0404e9cd 9e3ecb66 2395b442 9c648139 053fb521 f828af60 6b4d3dba a14b5e77 efe75928 fe1dc127 a2ffa8de 3348b3c1 856a429b f97e7e31 c2e5bd66",
- "00000118 39296a78 9a3bc004 5c8a5fb4 2c7d1bd9 98f54449 579b4468 17afbd17 273e662c 97ee7299 5ef42640 c550b901 3fad0761 353c7086 a272c240 88be9476 9fd16650"
- ]
- });
- defineCurve("curve25519", {
- type: "mont",
- prime: "p25519",
- p: "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed",
- a: "76d06",
- b: "1",
- n: "1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed",
- hash: hash2.sha256,
- gRed: false,
- g: [
- "9"
- ]
- });
- defineCurve("ed25519", {
- type: "edwards",
- prime: "p25519",
- p: "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed",
- a: "-1",
- c: "1",
- // -121665 * (121666^(-1)) (mod P)
- d: "52036cee2b6ffe73 8cc740797779e898 00700a4d4141d8ab 75eb4dca135978a3",
- n: "1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed",
- hash: hash2.sha256,
- gRed: false,
- g: [
- "216936d3cd6e53fec0a4e231fdd6dc5c692cc7609525a7b2c9562d608f25d51a",
- // 4/5
- "6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658"
- ]
- });
- var pre;
- try {
- pre = requireSecp256k1();
- } catch (e) {
- pre = void 0;
- }
- defineCurve("secp256k1", {
- type: "short",
- prime: "k256",
- p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f",
- a: "0",
- b: "7",
- n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141",
- h: "1",
- hash: hash2.sha256,
- // Precomputed endomorphism
- beta: "7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee",
- lambda: "5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72",
- basis: [
- {
- a: "3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15",
- b: "-e4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3"
- },
- {
- a: "114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8",
- b: "3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"
- }
- ],
- gRed: false,
- g: [
- "79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798",
- "483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8",
- pre
- ]
- });
- })(curves$2);
- var hash$1 = hash$2;
- var utils$6 = utils$l;
- var assert$6 = minimalisticAssert;
- function HmacDRBG$1(options) {
- if (!(this instanceof HmacDRBG$1))
- return new HmacDRBG$1(options);
- this.hash = options.hash;
- this.predResist = !!options.predResist;
- this.outLen = this.hash.outSize;
- this.minEntropy = options.minEntropy || this.hash.hmacStrength;
- this._reseed = null;
- this.reseedInterval = null;
- this.K = null;
- this.V = null;
- var entropy = utils$6.toArray(options.entropy, options.entropyEnc || "hex");
- var nonce2 = utils$6.toArray(options.nonce, options.nonceEnc || "hex");
- var pers = utils$6.toArray(options.pers, options.persEnc || "hex");
- assert$6(
- entropy.length >= this.minEntropy / 8,
- "Not enough entropy. Minimum is: " + this.minEntropy + " bits"
- );
- this._init(entropy, nonce2, pers);
- }
- var hmacDrbg = HmacDRBG$1;
- HmacDRBG$1.prototype._init = function init(entropy, nonce2, pers) {
- var seed = entropy.concat(nonce2).concat(pers);
- this.K = new Array(this.outLen / 8);
- this.V = new Array(this.outLen / 8);
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.V.length; i2++) {
- this.K[i2] = 0;
- this.V[i2] = 1;
- }
- this._update(seed);
- this._reseed = 1;
- this.reseedInterval = 281474976710656;
- };
- HmacDRBG$1.prototype._hmac = function hmac2() {
- return new hash$1.hmac(this.hash, this.K);
- };
- HmacDRBG$1.prototype._update = function update(seed) {
- var kmac = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([0]);
- if (seed)
- kmac = kmac.update(seed);
- this.K = kmac.digest();
- this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest();
- if (!seed)
- return;
- this.K = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([1]).update(seed).digest();
- this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest();
- };
- HmacDRBG$1.prototype.reseed = function reseed(entropy, entropyEnc, add, addEnc) {
- if (typeof entropyEnc !== "string") {
- addEnc = add;
- add = entropyEnc;
- entropyEnc = null;
- }
- entropy = utils$6.toArray(entropy, entropyEnc);
- add = utils$6.toArray(add, addEnc);
- assert$6(
- entropy.length >= this.minEntropy / 8,
- "Not enough entropy. Minimum is: " + this.minEntropy + " bits"
- );
- this._update(entropy.concat(add || []));
- this._reseed = 1;
- };
- HmacDRBG$1.prototype.generate = function generate(len2, enc, add, addEnc) {
- if (this._reseed > this.reseedInterval)
- throw new Error("Reseed is required");
- if (typeof enc !== "string") {
- addEnc = add;
- add = enc;
- enc = null;
- }
- if (add) {
- add = utils$6.toArray(add, addEnc || "hex");
- this._update(add);
- }
- var temp = [];
- while (temp.length < len2) {
- this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest();
- temp = temp.concat(this.V);
- }
- var res = temp.slice(0, len2);
- this._update(add);
- this._reseed++;
- return utils$6.encode(res, enc);
- };
- var BN$4 = bnExports;
- var utils$5 = utils$m;
- var assert$5 = utils$5.assert;
- function KeyPair$3(ec2, options) {
- = ec2;
- this.priv = null;
- = null;
- if (options.priv)
- this._importPrivate(options.priv, options.privEnc);
- if (
- this._importPublic(, options.pubEnc);
- }
- var key$2 = KeyPair$3;
- KeyPair$3.fromPublic = function fromPublic(ec2, pub, enc) {
- if (pub instanceof KeyPair$3)
- return pub;
- return new KeyPair$3(ec2, {
- pub,
- pubEnc: enc
- });
- };
- KeyPair$3.fromPrivate = function fromPrivate(ec2, priv, enc) {
- if (priv instanceof KeyPair$3)
- return priv;
- return new KeyPair$3(ec2, {
- priv,
- privEnc: enc
- });
- };
- KeyPair$3.prototype.validate = function validate() {
- var pub = this.getPublic();
- if (pub.isInfinity())
- return { result: false, reason: "Invalid public key" };
- if (!pub.validate())
- return { result: false, reason: "Public key is not a point" };
- if (!pub.mul(
- return { result: false, reason: "Public key * N != O" };
- return { result: true, reason: null };
- };
- KeyPair$3.prototype.getPublic = function getPublic(compact, enc) {
- if (typeof compact === "string") {
- enc = compact;
- compact = null;
- }
- if (!
- =;
- if (!enc)
- return;
- return, compact);
- };
- KeyPair$3.prototype.getPrivate = function getPrivate(enc) {
- if (enc === "hex")
- return this.priv.toString(16, 2);
- else
- return this.priv;
- };
- KeyPair$3.prototype._importPrivate = function _importPrivate(key2, enc) {
- this.priv = new BN$4(key2, enc || 16);
- this.priv = this.priv.umod(;
- };
- KeyPair$3.prototype._importPublic = function _importPublic(key2, enc) {
- if (key2.x || key2.y) {
- if ( === "mont") {
- assert$5(key2.x, "Need x coordinate");
- } else if ( === "short" || === "edwards") {
- assert$5(key2.x && key2.y, "Need both x and y coordinate");
- }
- =, key2.y);
- return;
- }
- =, enc);
- };
- KeyPair$3.prototype.derive = function derive(pub) {
- if (!pub.validate()) {
- assert$5(pub.validate(), "public point not validated");
- }
- return pub.mul(this.priv).getX();
- };
- KeyPair$3.prototype.sign = function sign(msg, enc, options) {
- return, this, enc, options);
- };
- KeyPair$3.prototype.verify = function verify(msg, signature2) {
- return, signature2, this);
- };
- KeyPair$3.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {
- return "";
- };
- var BN$3 = bnExports;
- var utils$4 = utils$m;
- var assert$4 = utils$4.assert;
- function Signature$3(options, enc) {
- if (options instanceof Signature$3)
- return options;
- if (this._importDER(options, enc))
- return;
- assert$4(options.r && options.s, "Signature without r or s");
- this.r = new BN$3(options.r, 16);
- this.s = new BN$3(options.s, 16);
- if (options.recoveryParam === void 0)
- this.recoveryParam = null;
- else
- this.recoveryParam = options.recoveryParam;
- }
- var signature$1 = Signature$3;
- function Position() {
- = 0;
- }
- function getLength(buf, p) {
- var initial = buf[];
- if (!(initial & 128)) {
- return initial;
- }
- var octetLen = initial & 15;
- if (octetLen === 0 || octetLen > 4) {
- return false;
- }
- var val = 0;
- for (var i2 = 0, off =; i2 < octetLen; i2++, off++) {
- val <<= 8;
- val |= buf[off];
- val >>>= 0;
- }
- if (val <= 127) {
- return false;
- }
- = off;
- return val;
- }
- function rmPadding(buf) {
- var i2 = 0;
- var len2 = buf.length - 1;
- while (!buf[i2] && !(buf[i2 + 1] & 128) && i2 < len2) {
- i2++;
- }
- if (i2 === 0) {
- return buf;
- }
- return buf.slice(i2);
- }
- Signature$3.prototype._importDER = function _importDER(data, enc) {
- data = utils$4.toArray(data, enc);
- var p = new Position();
- if (data[] !== 48) {
- return false;
- }
- var len2 = getLength(data, p);
- if (len2 === false) {
- return false;
- }
- if (len2 + !== data.length) {
- return false;
- }
- if (data[] !== 2) {
- return false;
- }
- var rlen = getLength(data, p);
- if (rlen === false) {
- return false;
- }
- var r2 = data.slice(, rlen +;
- += rlen;
- if (data[] !== 2) {
- return false;
- }
- var slen = getLength(data, p);
- if (slen === false) {
- return false;
- }
- if (data.length !== slen + {
- return false;
- }
- var s2 = data.slice(, slen +;
- if (r2[0] === 0) {
- if (r2[1] & 128) {
- r2 = r2.slice(1);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (s2[0] === 0) {
- if (s2[1] & 128) {
- s2 = s2.slice(1);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- this.r = new BN$3(r2);
- this.s = new BN$3(s2);
- this.recoveryParam = null;
- return true;
- };
- function constructLength(arr, len2) {
- if (len2 < 128) {
- arr.push(len2);
- return;
- }
- var octets = 1 + (Math.log(len2) / Math.LN2 >>> 3);
- arr.push(octets | 128);
- while (--octets) {
- arr.push(len2 >>> (octets << 3) & 255);
- }
- arr.push(len2);
- }
- Signature$3.prototype.toDER = function toDER(enc) {
- var r2 = this.r.toArray();
- var s2 = this.s.toArray();
- if (r2[0] & 128)
- r2 = [0].concat(r2);
- if (s2[0] & 128)
- s2 = [0].concat(s2);
- r2 = rmPadding(r2);
- s2 = rmPadding(s2);
- while (!s2[0] && !(s2[1] & 128)) {
- s2 = s2.slice(1);
- }
- var arr = [2];
- constructLength(arr, r2.length);
- arr = arr.concat(r2);
- arr.push(2);
- constructLength(arr, s2.length);
- var backHalf = arr.concat(s2);
- var res = [48];
- constructLength(res, backHalf.length);
- res = res.concat(backHalf);
- return utils$4.encode(res, enc);
- };
- var BN$2 = bnExports;
- var HmacDRBG = hmacDrbg;
- var utils$3 = utils$m;
- var curves$1 = curves$2;
- var rand = brorandExports;
- var assert$3 = utils$3.assert;
- var KeyPair$2 = key$2;
- var Signature$2 = signature$1;
- function EC$1(options) {
- if (!(this instanceof EC$1))
- return new EC$1(options);
- if (typeof options === "string") {
- assert$3(
-$1, options),
- "Unknown curve " + options
- );
- options = curves$1[options];
- }
- if (options instanceof curves$1.PresetCurve)
- options = { curve: options };
- this.curve = options.curve.curve;
- this.n = this.curve.n;
- this.nh = this.n.ushrn(1);
- this.g = this.curve.g;
- this.g = options.curve.g;
- this.g.precompute(options.curve.n.bitLength() + 1);
- this.hash = options.hash || options.curve.hash;
- }
- var ec$1 = EC$1;
- EC$1.prototype.keyPair = function keyPair(options) {
- return new KeyPair$2(this, options);
- };
- EC$1.prototype.keyFromPrivate = function keyFromPrivate(priv, enc) {
- return KeyPair$2.fromPrivate(this, priv, enc);
- };
- EC$1.prototype.keyFromPublic = function keyFromPublic(pub, enc) {
- return KeyPair$2.fromPublic(this, pub, enc);
- };
- EC$1.prototype.genKeyPair = function genKeyPair(options) {
- if (!options)
- options = {};
- var drbg = new HmacDRBG({
- hash: this.hash,
- pers: options.pers,
- persEnc: options.persEnc || "utf8",
- entropy: options.entropy || rand(this.hash.hmacStrength),
- entropyEnc: options.entropy && options.entropyEnc || "utf8",
- nonce: this.n.toArray()
- });
- var bytes = this.n.byteLength();
- var ns2 = this.n.sub(new BN$2(2));
- for (; ; ) {
- var priv = new BN$2(drbg.generate(bytes));
- if (priv.cmp(ns2) > 0)
- continue;
- priv.iaddn(1);
- return this.keyFromPrivate(priv);
- }
- };
- EC$1.prototype._truncateToN = function _truncateToN(msg, truncOnly) {
- var delta = msg.byteLength() * 8 - this.n.bitLength();
- if (delta > 0)
- msg = msg.ushrn(delta);
- if (!truncOnly && msg.cmp(this.n) >= 0)
- return msg.sub(this.n);
- else
- return msg;
- };
- EC$1.prototype.sign = function sign(msg, key2, enc, options) {
- if (typeof enc === "object") {
- options = enc;
- enc = null;
- }
- if (!options)
- options = {};
- key2 = this.keyFromPrivate(key2, enc);
- msg = this._truncateToN(new BN$2(msg, 16));
- var bytes = this.n.byteLength();
- var bkey = key2.getPrivate().toArray("be", bytes);
- var nonce2 = msg.toArray("be", bytes);
- var drbg = new HmacDRBG({
- hash: this.hash,
- entropy: bkey,
- nonce: nonce2,
- pers: options.pers,
- persEnc: options.persEnc || "utf8"
- });
- var ns1 = this.n.sub(new BN$2(1));
- for (var iter = 0; ; iter++) {
- var k = options.k ? options.k(iter) : new BN$2(drbg.generate(this.n.byteLength()));
- k = this._truncateToN(k, true);
- if (k.cmpn(1) <= 0 || k.cmp(ns1) >= 0)
- continue;
- var kp = this.g.mul(k);
- if (kp.isInfinity())
- continue;
- var kpX = kp.getX();
- var r2 = kpX.umod(this.n);
- if (r2.cmpn(0) === 0)
- continue;
- var s2 = k.invm(this.n).mul(r2.mul(key2.getPrivate()).iadd(msg));
- s2 = s2.umod(this.n);
- if (s2.cmpn(0) === 0)
- continue;
- var recoveryParam = (kp.getY().isOdd() ? 1 : 0) | (kpX.cmp(r2) !== 0 ? 2 : 0);
- if (options.canonical && s2.cmp(this.nh) > 0) {
- s2 = this.n.sub(s2);
- recoveryParam ^= 1;
- }
- return new Signature$2({ r: r2, s: s2, recoveryParam });
- }
- };
- EC$1.prototype.verify = function verify(msg, signature2, key2, enc) {
- msg = this._truncateToN(new BN$2(msg, 16));
- key2 = this.keyFromPublic(key2, enc);
- signature2 = new Signature$2(signature2, "hex");
- var r2 = signature2.r;
- var s2 = signature2.s;
- if (r2.cmpn(1) < 0 || r2.cmp(this.n) >= 0)
- return false;
- if (s2.cmpn(1) < 0 || s2.cmp(this.n) >= 0)
- return false;
- var sinv = s2.invm(this.n);
- var u1 = sinv.mul(msg).umod(this.n);
- var u2 = sinv.mul(r2).umod(this.n);
- var p;
- if (!this.curve._maxwellTrick) {
- p = this.g.mulAdd(u1, key2.getPublic(), u2);
- if (p.isInfinity())
- return false;
- return p.getX().umod(this.n).cmp(r2) === 0;
- }
- p = this.g.jmulAdd(u1, key2.getPublic(), u2);
- if (p.isInfinity())
- return false;
- return p.eqXToP(r2);
- };
- EC$1.prototype.recoverPubKey = function(msg, signature2, j, enc) {
- assert$3((3 & j) === j, "The recovery param is more than two bits");
- signature2 = new Signature$2(signature2, enc);
- var n = this.n;
- var e = new BN$2(msg);
- var r2 = signature2.r;
- var s2 = signature2.s;
- var isYOdd = j & 1;
- var isSecondKey = j >> 1;
- if (r2.cmp(this.curve.p.umod(this.curve.n)) >= 0 && isSecondKey)
- throw new Error("Unable to find sencond key candinate");
- if (isSecondKey)
- r2 = this.curve.pointFromX(r2.add(this.curve.n), isYOdd);
- else
- r2 = this.curve.pointFromX(r2, isYOdd);
- var rInv = signature2.r.invm(n);
- var s1 = n.sub(e).mul(rInv).umod(n);
- var s22 = s2.mul(rInv).umod(n);
- return this.g.mulAdd(s1, r2, s22);
- };
- EC$1.prototype.getKeyRecoveryParam = function(e, signature2, Q, enc) {
- signature2 = new Signature$2(signature2, enc);
- if (signature2.recoveryParam !== null)
- return signature2.recoveryParam;
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < 4; i2++) {
- var Qprime;
- try {
- Qprime = this.recoverPubKey(e, signature2, i2);
- } catch (e2) {
- continue;
- }
- if (Qprime.eq(Q))
- return i2;
- }
- throw new Error("Unable to find valid recovery factor");
- };
- var utils$2 = utils$m;
- var assert$2 = utils$2.assert;
- var parseBytes$2 = utils$2.parseBytes;
- var cachedProperty$1 = utils$2.cachedProperty;
- function KeyPair$1(eddsa2, params) {
- this.eddsa = eddsa2;
- this._secret = parseBytes$2(params.secret);
- if (eddsa2.isPoint(
- this._pub =;
- else
- this._pubBytes = parseBytes$2(;
- }
- KeyPair$1.fromPublic = function fromPublic(eddsa2, pub) {
- if (pub instanceof KeyPair$1)
- return pub;
- return new KeyPair$1(eddsa2, { pub });
- };
- KeyPair$1.fromSecret = function fromSecret(eddsa2, secret) {
- if (secret instanceof KeyPair$1)
- return secret;
- return new KeyPair$1(eddsa2, { secret });
- };
- KeyPair$1.prototype.secret = function secret() {
- return this._secret;
- };
- cachedProperty$1(KeyPair$1, "pubBytes", function pubBytes() {
- return this.eddsa.encodePoint(;
- });
- cachedProperty$1(KeyPair$1, "pub", function pub() {
- if (this._pubBytes)
- return this.eddsa.decodePoint(this._pubBytes);
- return this.eddsa.g.mul(this.priv());
- });
- cachedProperty$1(KeyPair$1, "privBytes", function privBytes() {
- var eddsa2 = this.eddsa;
- var hash2 = this.hash();
- var lastIx = eddsa2.encodingLength - 1;
- var a = hash2.slice(0, eddsa2.encodingLength);
- a[0] &= 248;
- a[lastIx] &= 127;
- a[lastIx] |= 64;
- return a;
- });
- cachedProperty$1(KeyPair$1, "priv", function priv() {
- return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.privBytes());
- });
- cachedProperty$1(KeyPair$1, "hash", function hash2() {
- return this.eddsa.hash().update(this.secret()).digest();
- });
- cachedProperty$1(KeyPair$1, "messagePrefix", function messagePrefix() {
- return this.hash().slice(this.eddsa.encodingLength);
- });
- KeyPair$1.prototype.sign = function sign(message) {
- assert$2(this._secret, "KeyPair can only verify");
- return this.eddsa.sign(message, this);
- };
- KeyPair$1.prototype.verify = function verify(message, sig) {
- return this.eddsa.verify(message, sig, this);
- };
- KeyPair$1.prototype.getSecret = function getSecret(enc) {
- assert$2(this._secret, "KeyPair is public only");
- return utils$2.encode(this.secret(), enc);
- };
- KeyPair$1.prototype.getPublic = function getPublic(enc) {
- return utils$2.encode(this.pubBytes(), enc);
- };
- var key$1 = KeyPair$1;
- var BN$1 = bnExports;
- var utils$1 = utils$m;
- var assert$1 = utils$1.assert;
- var cachedProperty = utils$1.cachedProperty;
- var parseBytes$1 = utils$1.parseBytes;
- function Signature$1(eddsa2, sig) {
- this.eddsa = eddsa2;
- if (typeof sig !== "object")
- sig = parseBytes$1(sig);
- if (Array.isArray(sig)) {
- sig = {
- R: sig.slice(0, eddsa2.encodingLength),
- S: sig.slice(eddsa2.encodingLength)
- };
- }
- assert$1(sig.R && sig.S, "Signature without R or S");
- if (eddsa2.isPoint(sig.R))
- this._R = sig.R;
- if (sig.S instanceof BN$1)
- this._S = sig.S;
- this._Rencoded = Array.isArray(sig.R) ? sig.R : sig.Rencoded;
- this._Sencoded = Array.isArray(sig.S) ? sig.S : sig.Sencoded;
- }
- cachedProperty(Signature$1, "S", function S() {
- return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.Sencoded());
- });
- cachedProperty(Signature$1, "R", function R() {
- return this.eddsa.decodePoint(this.Rencoded());
- });
- cachedProperty(Signature$1, "Rencoded", function Rencoded() {
- return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.R());
- });
- cachedProperty(Signature$1, "Sencoded", function Sencoded() {
- return this.eddsa.encodeInt(this.S());
- });
- Signature$1.prototype.toBytes = function toBytes() {
- return this.Rencoded().concat(this.Sencoded());
- };
- Signature$1.prototype.toHex = function toHex2() {
- return utils$1.encode(this.toBytes(), "hex").toUpperCase();
- };
- var signature = Signature$1;
- var hash = hash$2;
- var curves = curves$2;
- var utils = utils$m;
- var assert = utils.assert;
- var parseBytes = utils.parseBytes;
- var KeyPair = key$1;
- var Signature = signature;
- function EDDSA(curve2) {
- assert(curve2 === "ed25519", "only tested with ed25519 so far");
- if (!(this instanceof EDDSA))
- return new EDDSA(curve2);
- curve2 = curves[curve2].curve;
- this.curve = curve2;
- this.g = curve2.g;
- this.g.precompute(curve2.n.bitLength() + 1);
- this.pointClass = curve2.point().constructor;
- this.encodingLength = Math.ceil(curve2.n.bitLength() / 8);
- this.hash = hash.sha512;
- }
- var eddsa = EDDSA;
- EDDSA.prototype.sign = function sign(message, secret) {
- message = parseBytes(message);
- var key2 = this.keyFromSecret(secret);
- var r2 = this.hashInt(key2.messagePrefix(), message);
- var R = this.g.mul(r2);
- var Rencoded = this.encodePoint(R);
- var s_ = this.hashInt(Rencoded, key2.pubBytes(), message).mul(key2.priv());
- var S = r2.add(s_).umod(this.curve.n);
- return this.makeSignature({ R, S, Rencoded });
- };
- EDDSA.prototype.verify = function verify(message, sig, pub) {
- message = parseBytes(message);
- sig = this.makeSignature(sig);
- var key2 = this.keyFromPublic(pub);
- var h = this.hashInt(sig.Rencoded(), key2.pubBytes(), message);
- var SG = this.g.mul(sig.S());
- var RplusAh = sig.R().add(;
- return RplusAh.eq(SG);
- };
- EDDSA.prototype.hashInt = function hashInt() {
- var hash2 = this.hash();
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
- hash2.update(arguments[i2]);
- return utils.intFromLE(hash2.digest()).umod(this.curve.n);
- };
- EDDSA.prototype.keyFromPublic = function keyFromPublic(pub) {
- return KeyPair.fromPublic(this, pub);
- };
- EDDSA.prototype.keyFromSecret = function keyFromSecret(secret) {
- return KeyPair.fromSecret(this, secret);
- };
- EDDSA.prototype.makeSignature = function makeSignature(sig) {
- if (sig instanceof Signature)
- return sig;
- return new Signature(this, sig);
- };
- EDDSA.prototype.encodePoint = function encodePoint(point) {
- var enc = point.getY().toArray("le", this.encodingLength);
- enc[this.encodingLength - 1] |= point.getX().isOdd() ? 128 : 0;
- return enc;
- };
- EDDSA.prototype.decodePoint = function decodePoint(bytes) {
- bytes = utils.parseBytes(bytes);
- var lastIx = bytes.length - 1;
- var normed = bytes.slice(0, lastIx).concat(bytes[lastIx] & ~128);
- var xIsOdd = (bytes[lastIx] & 128) !== 0;
- var y = utils.intFromLE(normed);
- return this.curve.pointFromY(y, xIsOdd);
- };
- EDDSA.prototype.encodeInt = function encodeInt(num) {
- return num.toArray("le", this.encodingLength);
- };
- EDDSA.prototype.decodeInt = function decodeInt(bytes) {
- return utils.intFromLE(bytes);
- };
- EDDSA.prototype.isPoint = function isPoint(val) {
- return val instanceof this.pointClass;
- };
- (function(exports) {
- var elliptic2 = exports;
- elliptic2.version = require$$0$1.version;
- elliptic2.utils = utils$m;
- elliptic2.rand = brorandExports;
- elliptic2.curve = curve;
- elliptic2.curves = curves$2;
- = ec$1;
- elliptic2.eddsa = eddsa;
- })(elliptic$2);
- const EC = elliptic$;
- const ec = new EC("secp256k1");
- const ecparams = ec.curve;
- const BN = ecparams.n.constructor;
- function loadCompressedPublicKey(first, xbuf) {
- let x = new BN(xbuf);
- if (x.cmp(ecparams.p) >= 0)
- return null;
- x = x.toRed(;
- let y = x.redSqr().redIMul(x).redIAdd(ecparams.b).redSqrt();
- if (first === 3 !== y.isOdd())
- y = y.redNeg();
- return ec.keyPair({ pub: { x, y } });
- }
- function loadUncompressedPublicKey(first, xbuf, ybuf) {
- let x = new BN(xbuf);
- let y = new BN(ybuf);
- if (x.cmp(ecparams.p) >= 0 || y.cmp(ecparams.p) >= 0)
- return null;
- x = x.toRed(;
- y = y.toRed(;
- if ((first === 6 || first === 7) && y.isOdd() !== (first === 7))
- return null;
- const x3 = x.redSqr().redIMul(x);
- if (!y.redSqr().redISub(x3.redIAdd(ecparams.b)).isZero())
- return null;
- return ec.keyPair({ pub: { x, y } });
- }
- function loadPublicKey(pubkey) {
- const first = pubkey[0];
- switch (first) {
- case 2:
- case 3:
- if (pubkey.length !== 33)
- return null;
- return loadCompressedPublicKey(first, pubkey.subarray(1, 33));
- case 4:
- case 6:
- case 7:
- if (pubkey.length !== 65)
- return null;
- return loadUncompressedPublicKey(first, pubkey.subarray(1, 33), pubkey.subarray(33, 65));
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- function savePublicKey(output, point) {
- const pubkey = point.encode(null, output.length === 33);
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < output.length; ++i2)
- output[i2] = pubkey[i2];
- }
- var elliptic$1 = {
- contextRandomize() {
- return 0;
- },
- privateKeyVerify(seckey) {
- const bn2 = new BN(seckey);
- return bn2.cmp(ecparams.n) < 0 && !bn2.isZero() ? 0 : 1;
- },
- privateKeyNegate(seckey) {
- const bn2 = new BN(seckey);
- const negate = ecparams.n.sub(bn2).umod(ecparams.n).toArrayLike(Uint8Array, "be", 32);
- seckey.set(negate);
- return 0;
- },
- privateKeyTweakAdd(seckey, tweak) {
- const bn2 = new BN(tweak);
- if (bn2.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- return 1;
- bn2.iadd(new BN(seckey));
- if (bn2.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- bn2.isub(ecparams.n);
- if (bn2.isZero())
- return 1;
- const tweaked = bn2.toArrayLike(Uint8Array, "be", 32);
- seckey.set(tweaked);
- return 0;
- },
- privateKeyTweakMul(seckey, tweak) {
- let bn2 = new BN(tweak);
- if (bn2.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0 || bn2.isZero())
- return 1;
- bn2.imul(new BN(seckey));
- if (bn2.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- bn2 = bn2.umod(ecparams.n);
- const tweaked = bn2.toArrayLike(Uint8Array, "be", 32);
- seckey.set(tweaked);
- return 0;
- },
- publicKeyVerify(pubkey) {
- const pair = loadPublicKey(pubkey);
- return pair === null ? 1 : 0;
- },
- publicKeyCreate(output, seckey) {
- const bn2 = new BN(seckey);
- if (bn2.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0 || bn2.isZero())
- return 1;
- const point = ec.keyFromPrivate(seckey).getPublic();
- savePublicKey(output, point);
- return 0;
- },
- publicKeyConvert(output, pubkey) {
- const pair = loadPublicKey(pubkey);
- if (pair === null)
- return 1;
- const point = pair.getPublic();
- savePublicKey(output, point);
- return 0;
- },
- publicKeyNegate(output, pubkey) {
- const pair = loadPublicKey(pubkey);
- if (pair === null)
- return 1;
- const point = pair.getPublic();
- point.y = point.y.redNeg();
- savePublicKey(output, point);
- return 0;
- },
- publicKeyCombine(output, pubkeys) {
- const pairs = new Array(pubkeys.length);
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < pubkeys.length; ++i2) {
- pairs[i2] = loadPublicKey(pubkeys[i2]);
- if (pairs[i2] === null)
- return 1;
- }
- let point = pairs[0].getPublic();
- for (let i2 = 1; i2 < pairs.length; ++i2)
- point = point.add(pairs[i2].pub);
- if (point.isInfinity())
- return 2;
- savePublicKey(output, point);
- return 0;
- },
- publicKeyTweakAdd(output, pubkey, tweak) {
- const pair = loadPublicKey(pubkey);
- if (pair === null)
- return 1;
- tweak = new BN(tweak);
- if (tweak.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- return 2;
- const point = pair.getPublic().add(ecparams.g.mul(tweak));
- if (point.isInfinity())
- return 2;
- savePublicKey(output, point);
- return 0;
- },
- publicKeyTweakMul(output, pubkey, tweak) {
- const pair = loadPublicKey(pubkey);
- if (pair === null)
- return 1;
- tweak = new BN(tweak);
- if (tweak.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0 || tweak.isZero())
- return 2;
- const point = pair.getPublic().mul(tweak);
- savePublicKey(output, point);
- return 0;
- },
- signatureNormalize(sig) {
- const r2 = new BN(sig.subarray(0, 32));
- const s2 = new BN(sig.subarray(32, 64));
- if (r2.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0 || s2.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- return 1;
- if (s2.cmp(ec.nh) === 1) {
- sig.set(ecparams.n.sub(s2).toArrayLike(Uint8Array, "be", 32), 32);
- }
- return 0;
- },
- // Copied 1-to-1 from
- // Adapted for Uint8Array instead Buffer
- signatureExport(obj, sig) {
- const sigR = sig.subarray(0, 32);
- const sigS = sig.subarray(32, 64);
- if (new BN(sigR).cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- return 1;
- if (new BN(sigS).cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- return 1;
- const { output } = obj;
- let r2 = output.subarray(4, 4 + 33);
- r2[0] = 0;
- r2.set(sigR, 1);
- let lenR = 33;
- let posR = 0;
- for (; lenR > 1 && r2[posR] === 0 && !(r2[posR + 1] & 128); --lenR, ++posR)
- ;
- r2 = r2.subarray(posR);
- if (r2[0] & 128)
- return 1;
- if (lenR > 1 && r2[0] === 0 && !(r2[1] & 128))
- return 1;
- let s2 = output.subarray(6 + 33, 6 + 33 + 33);
- s2[0] = 0;
- s2.set(sigS, 1);
- let lenS = 33;
- let posS = 0;
- for (; lenS > 1 && s2[posS] === 0 && !(s2[posS + 1] & 128); --lenS, ++posS)
- ;
- s2 = s2.subarray(posS);
- if (s2[0] & 128)
- return 1;
- if (lenS > 1 && s2[0] === 0 && !(s2[1] & 128))
- return 1;
- obj.outputlen = 6 + lenR + lenS;
- output[0] = 48;
- output[1] = obj.outputlen - 2;
- output[2] = 2;
- output[3] = r2.length;
- output.set(r2, 4);
- output[4 + lenR] = 2;
- output[5 + lenR] = s2.length;
- output.set(s2, 6 + lenR);
- return 0;
- },
- // Copied 1-to-1 from
- // Adapted for Uint8Array instead Buffer
- signatureImport(output, sig) {
- if (sig.length < 8)
- return 1;
- if (sig.length > 72)
- return 1;
- if (sig[0] !== 48)
- return 1;
- if (sig[1] !== sig.length - 2)
- return 1;
- if (sig[2] !== 2)
- return 1;
- const lenR = sig[3];
- if (lenR === 0)
- return 1;
- if (5 + lenR >= sig.length)
- return 1;
- if (sig[4 + lenR] !== 2)
- return 1;
- const lenS = sig[5 + lenR];
- if (lenS === 0)
- return 1;
- if (6 + lenR + lenS !== sig.length)
- return 1;
- if (sig[4] & 128)
- return 1;
- if (lenR > 1 && sig[4] === 0 && !(sig[5] & 128))
- return 1;
- if (sig[lenR + 6] & 128)
- return 1;
- if (lenS > 1 && sig[lenR + 6] === 0 && !(sig[lenR + 7] & 128))
- return 1;
- let sigR = sig.subarray(4, 4 + lenR);
- if (sigR.length === 33 && sigR[0] === 0)
- sigR = sigR.subarray(1);
- if (sigR.length > 32)
- return 1;
- let sigS = sig.subarray(6 + lenR);
- if (sigS.length === 33 && sigS[0] === 0)
- sigS = sigS.slice(1);
- if (sigS.length > 32)
- throw new Error("S length is too long");
- let r2 = new BN(sigR);
- if (r2.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- r2 = new BN(0);
- let s2 = new BN(sig.subarray(6 + lenR));
- if (s2.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- s2 = new BN(0);
- output.set(r2.toArrayLike(Uint8Array, "be", 32), 0);
- output.set(s2.toArrayLike(Uint8Array, "be", 32), 32);
- return 0;
- },
- ecdsaSign(obj, message, seckey, data, noncefn) {
- if (noncefn) {
- const _noncefn = noncefn;
- noncefn = (counter) => {
- const nonce2 = _noncefn(message, seckey, null, data, counter);
- const isValid = nonce2 instanceof Uint8Array && nonce2.length === 32;
- if (!isValid)
- throw new Error("This is the way");
- return new BN(nonce2);
- };
- }
- const d = new BN(seckey);
- if (d.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0 || d.isZero())
- return 1;
- let sig;
- try {
- sig = ec.sign(message, seckey, { canonical: true, k: noncefn, pers: data });
- } catch (err) {
- return 1;
- }
- obj.signature.set(sig.r.toArrayLike(Uint8Array, "be", 32), 0);
- obj.signature.set(sig.s.toArrayLike(Uint8Array, "be", 32), 32);
- obj.recid = sig.recoveryParam;
- return 0;
- },
- ecdsaVerify(sig, msg32, pubkey) {
- const sigObj = { r: sig.subarray(0, 32), s: sig.subarray(32, 64) };
- const sigr = new BN(sigObj.r);
- const sigs = new BN(sigObj.s);
- if (sigr.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0 || sigs.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- return 1;
- if (sigs.cmp(ec.nh) === 1 || sigr.isZero() || sigs.isZero())
- return 3;
- const pair = loadPublicKey(pubkey);
- if (pair === null)
- return 2;
- const point = pair.getPublic();
- const isValid = ec.verify(msg32, sigObj, point);
- return isValid ? 0 : 3;
- },
- ecdsaRecover(output, sig, recid, msg32) {
- const sigObj = { r: sig.slice(0, 32), s: sig.slice(32, 64) };
- const sigr = new BN(sigObj.r);
- const sigs = new BN(sigObj.s);
- if (sigr.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0 || sigs.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0)
- return 1;
- if (sigr.isZero() || sigs.isZero())
- return 2;
- let point;
- try {
- point = ec.recoverPubKey(msg32, sigObj, recid);
- } catch (err) {
- return 2;
- }
- savePublicKey(output, point);
- return 0;
- },
- ecdh(output, pubkey, seckey, data, hashfn, xbuf, ybuf) {
- const pair = loadPublicKey(pubkey);
- if (pair === null)
- return 1;
- const scalar = new BN(seckey);
- if (scalar.cmp(ecparams.n) >= 0 || scalar.isZero())
- return 2;
- const point = pair.getPublic().mul(scalar);
- if (hashfn === void 0) {
- const data2 = point.encode(null, true);
- const sha2562 = ec.hash().update(data2).digest();
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 32; ++i2)
- output[i2] = sha2562[i2];
- } else {
- if (!xbuf)
- xbuf = new Uint8Array(32);
- const x = point.getX().toArray("be", 32);
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 32; ++i2)
- xbuf[i2] = x[i2];
- if (!ybuf)
- ybuf = new Uint8Array(32);
- const y = point.getY().toArray("be", 32);
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 32; ++i2)
- ybuf[i2] = y[i2];
- const hash2 = hashfn(xbuf, ybuf, data);
- const isValid = hash2 instanceof Uint8Array && hash2.length === output.length;
- if (!isValid)
- return 2;
- output.set(hash2);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- var elliptic = lib(elliptic$1);
- var Buffer2 = {};
- var base64Js = {};
- base64Js.byteLength = byteLength;
- base64Js.toByteArray = toByteArray;
- base64Js.fromByteArray = fromByteArray;
- var lookup = [];
- var revLookup = [];
- var Arr = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? Uint8Array : Array;
- var code = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
- for (var i = 0, len = code.length; i < len; ++i) {
- lookup[i] = code[i];
- revLookup[code.charCodeAt(i)] = i;
- }
- revLookup["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62;
- revLookup["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63;
- function getLens(b64) {
- var len2 = b64.length;
- if (len2 % 4 > 0) {
- throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
- }
- var validLen = b64.indexOf("=");
- if (validLen === -1)
- validLen = len2;
- var placeHoldersLen = validLen === len2 ? 0 : 4 - validLen % 4;
- return [validLen, placeHoldersLen];
- }
- function byteLength(b64) {
- var lens = getLens(b64);
- var validLen = lens[0];
- var placeHoldersLen = lens[1];
- return (validLen + placeHoldersLen) * 3 / 4 - placeHoldersLen;
- }
- function _byteLength(b64, validLen, placeHoldersLen) {
- return (validLen + placeHoldersLen) * 3 / 4 - placeHoldersLen;
- }
- function toByteArray(b64) {
- var tmp;
- var lens = getLens(b64);
- var validLen = lens[0];
- var placeHoldersLen = lens[1];
- var arr = new Arr(_byteLength(b64, validLen, placeHoldersLen));
- var curByte = 0;
- var len2 = placeHoldersLen > 0 ? validLen - 4 : validLen;
- var i2;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2 += 4) {
- tmp = revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i2)] << 18 | revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)] << 12 | revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i2 + 2)] << 6 | revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i2 + 3)];
- arr[curByte++] = tmp >> 16 & 255;
- arr[curByte++] = tmp >> 8 & 255;
- arr[curByte++] = tmp & 255;
- }
- if (placeHoldersLen === 2) {
- tmp = revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i2)] << 2 | revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)] >> 4;
- arr[curByte++] = tmp & 255;
- }
- if (placeHoldersLen === 1) {
- tmp = revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i2)] << 10 | revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)] << 4 | revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i2 + 2)] >> 2;
- arr[curByte++] = tmp >> 8 & 255;
- arr[curByte++] = tmp & 255;
- }
- return arr;
- }
- function tripletToBase64(num) {
- return lookup[num >> 18 & 63] + lookup[num >> 12 & 63] + lookup[num >> 6 & 63] + lookup[num & 63];
- }
- function encodeChunk(uint8, start2, end) {
- var tmp;
- var output = [];
- for (var i2 = start2; i2 < end; i2 += 3) {
- tmp = (uint8[i2] << 16 & 16711680) + (uint8[i2 + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (uint8[i2 + 2] & 255);
- output.push(tripletToBase64(tmp));
- }
- return output.join("");
- }
- function fromByteArray(uint8) {
- var tmp;
- var len2 = uint8.length;
- var extraBytes = len2 % 3;
- var parts = [];
- var maxChunkLength = 16383;
- for (var i2 = 0, len22 = len2 - extraBytes; i2 < len22; i2 += maxChunkLength) {
- parts.push(encodeChunk(uint8, i2, i2 + maxChunkLength > len22 ? len22 : i2 + maxChunkLength));
- }
- if (extraBytes === 1) {
- tmp = uint8[len2 - 1];
- parts.push(
- lookup[tmp >> 2] + lookup[tmp << 4 & 63] + "=="
- );
- } else if (extraBytes === 2) {
- tmp = (uint8[len2 - 2] << 8) + uint8[len2 - 1];
- parts.push(
- lookup[tmp >> 10] + lookup[tmp >> 4 & 63] + lookup[tmp << 2 & 63] + "="
- );
- }
- return parts.join("");
- }
- var ieee754 = {};
- /*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */
- = function(buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
- var e, m;
- var eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1;
- var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1;
- var eBias = eMax >> 1;
- var nBits = -7;
- var i2 = isLE ? nBytes - 1 : 0;
- var d = isLE ? -1 : 1;
- var s2 = buffer[offset + i2];
- i2 += d;
- e = s2 & (1 << -nBits) - 1;
- s2 >>= -nBits;
- nBits += eLen;
- for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[offset + i2], i2 += d, nBits -= 8) {
- }
- m = e & (1 << -nBits) - 1;
- e >>= -nBits;
- nBits += mLen;
- for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[offset + i2], i2 += d, nBits -= 8) {
- }
- if (e === 0) {
- e = 1 - eBias;
- } else if (e === eMax) {
- return m ? NaN : (s2 ? -1 : 1) * Infinity;
- } else {
- m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen);
- e = e - eBias;
- }
- return (s2 ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen);
- };
- ieee754.write = function(buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
- var e, m, c;
- var eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1;
- var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1;
- var eBias = eMax >> 1;
- var rt = mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0;
- var i2 = isLE ? 0 : nBytes - 1;
- var d = isLE ? 1 : -1;
- var s2 = value < 0 || value === 0 && 1 / value < 0 ? 1 : 0;
- value = Math.abs(value);
- if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) {
- m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0;
- e = eMax;
- } else {
- e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2);
- if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) {
- e--;
- c *= 2;
- }
- if (e + eBias >= 1) {
- value += rt / c;
- } else {
- value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias);
- }
- if (value * c >= 2) {
- e++;
- c /= 2;
- }
- if (e + eBias >= eMax) {
- m = 0;
- e = eMax;
- } else if (e + eBias >= 1) {
- m = (value * c - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);
- e = e + eBias;
- } else {
- m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);
- e = 0;
- }
- }
- for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i2] = m & 255, i2 += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8) {
- }
- e = e << mLen | m;
- eLen += mLen;
- for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i2] = e & 255, i2 += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8) {
- }
- buffer[offset + i2 - d] |= s2 * 128;
- };
- /*!
- * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
- *
- * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh
- * @license MIT
- */
- (function(exports) {
- const base64 = base64Js;
- const ieee754$1 = ieee754;
- const customInspectSymbol = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol["for"] === "function" ? Symbol["for"]("nodejs.util.inspect.custom") : null;
- exports.Buffer = Buffer3;
- exports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer;
- exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50;
- const K_MAX_LENGTH = 2147483647;
- exports.kMaxLength = K_MAX_LENGTH;
- Buffer3.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = typedArraySupport();
- if (!Buffer3.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.error === "function") {
- console.error(
- "This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support."
- );
- }
- function typedArraySupport() {
- try {
- const arr = new Uint8Array(1);
- const proto = { foo: function() {
- return 42;
- } };
- Object.setPrototypeOf(proto, Uint8Array.prototype);
- Object.setPrototypeOf(arr, proto);
- return === 42;
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperty(Buffer3.prototype, "parent", {
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- if (!Buffer3.isBuffer(this))
- return void 0;
- return this.buffer;
- }
- });
- Object.defineProperty(Buffer3.prototype, "offset", {
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- if (!Buffer3.isBuffer(this))
- return void 0;
- return this.byteOffset;
- }
- });
- function createBuffer(length) {
- if (length > K_MAX_LENGTH) {
- throw new RangeError('The value "' + length + '" is invalid for option "size"');
- }
- const buf = new Uint8Array(length);
- Object.setPrototypeOf(buf, Buffer3.prototype);
- return buf;
- }
- function Buffer3(arg, encodingOrOffset, length) {
- if (typeof arg === "number") {
- if (typeof encodingOrOffset === "string") {
- throw new TypeError(
- 'The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number'
- );
- }
- return allocUnsafe(arg);
- }
- return from(arg, encodingOrOffset, length);
- }
- Buffer3.poolSize = 8192;
- function from(value, encodingOrOffset, length) {
- if (typeof value === "string") {
- return fromString(value, encodingOrOffset);
- }
- if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) {
- return fromArrayView(value);
- }
- if (value == null) {
- throw new TypeError(
- "The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof value
- );
- }
- if (isInstance(value, ArrayBuffer) || value && isInstance(value.buffer, ArrayBuffer)) {
- return fromArrayBuffer(value, encodingOrOffset, length);
- }
- if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== "undefined" && (isInstance(value, SharedArrayBuffer) || value && isInstance(value.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer))) {
- return fromArrayBuffer(value, encodingOrOffset, length);
- }
- if (typeof value === "number") {
- throw new TypeError(
- 'The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number'
- );
- }
- const valueOf = value.valueOf && value.valueOf();
- if (valueOf != null && valueOf !== value) {
- return Buffer3.from(valueOf, encodingOrOffset, length);
- }
- const b = fromObject(value);
- if (b)
- return b;
- if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof value[Symbol.toPrimitive] === "function") {
- return Buffer3.from(value[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), encodingOrOffset, length);
- }
- throw new TypeError(
- "The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof value
- );
- }
- Buffer3.from = function(value, encodingOrOffset, length) {
- return from(value, encodingOrOffset, length);
- };
- Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer3.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype);
- Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer3, Uint8Array);
- function assertSize(size) {
- if (typeof size !== "number") {
- throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');
- } else if (size < 0) {
- throw new RangeError('The value "' + size + '" is invalid for option "size"');
- }
- }
- function alloc(size, fill, encoding) {
- assertSize(size);
- if (size <= 0) {
- return createBuffer(size);
- }
- if (fill !== void 0) {
- return typeof encoding === "string" ? createBuffer(size).fill(fill, encoding) : createBuffer(size).fill(fill);
- }
- return createBuffer(size);
- }
- Buffer3.alloc = function(size, fill, encoding) {
- return alloc(size, fill, encoding);
- };
- function allocUnsafe(size) {
- assertSize(size);
- return createBuffer(size < 0 ? 0 : checked(size) | 0);
- }
- Buffer3.allocUnsafe = function(size) {
- return allocUnsafe(size);
- };
- Buffer3.allocUnsafeSlow = function(size) {
- return allocUnsafe(size);
- };
- function fromString(string, encoding) {
- if (typeof encoding !== "string" || encoding === "") {
- encoding = "utf8";
- }
- if (!Buffer3.isEncoding(encoding)) {
- throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + encoding);
- }
- const length = byteLength2(string, encoding) | 0;
- let buf = createBuffer(length);
- const actual = buf.write(string, encoding);
- if (actual !== length) {
- buf = buf.slice(0, actual);
- }
- return buf;
- }
- function fromArrayLike(array) {
- const length = array.length < 0 ? 0 : checked(array.length) | 0;
- const buf = createBuffer(length);
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < length; i2 += 1) {
- buf[i2] = array[i2] & 255;
- }
- return buf;
- }
- function fromArrayView(arrayView) {
- if (isInstance(arrayView, Uint8Array)) {
- const copy2 = new Uint8Array(arrayView);
- return fromArrayBuffer(copy2.buffer, copy2.byteOffset, copy2.byteLength);
- }
- return fromArrayLike(arrayView);
- }
- function fromArrayBuffer(array, byteOffset, length) {
- if (byteOffset < 0 || array.byteLength < byteOffset) {
- throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds');
- }
- if (array.byteLength < byteOffset + (length || 0)) {
- throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds');
- }
- let buf;
- if (byteOffset === void 0 && length === void 0) {
- buf = new Uint8Array(array);
- } else if (length === void 0) {
- buf = new Uint8Array(array, byteOffset);
- } else {
- buf = new Uint8Array(array, byteOffset, length);
- }
- Object.setPrototypeOf(buf, Buffer3.prototype);
- return buf;
- }
- function fromObject(obj) {
- if (Buffer3.isBuffer(obj)) {
- const len2 = checked(obj.length) | 0;
- const buf = createBuffer(len2);
- if (buf.length === 0) {
- return buf;
- }
- obj.copy(buf, 0, 0, len2);
- return buf;
- }
- if (obj.length !== void 0) {
- if (typeof obj.length !== "number" || numberIsNaN(obj.length)) {
- return createBuffer(0);
- }
- return fromArrayLike(obj);
- }
- if (obj.type === "Buffer" && Array.isArray( {
- return fromArrayLike(;
- }
- }
- function checked(length) {
- if (length >= K_MAX_LENGTH) {
- throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + K_MAX_LENGTH.toString(16) + " bytes");
- }
- return length | 0;
- }
- function SlowBuffer(length) {
- if (+length != length) {
- length = 0;
- }
- return Buffer3.alloc(+length);
- }
- Buffer3.isBuffer = function isBuffer(b) {
- return b != null && b._isBuffer === true && b !== Buffer3.prototype;
- };
- = function compare(a, b) {
- if (isInstance(a, Uint8Array))
- a = Buffer3.from(a, a.offset, a.byteLength);
- if (isInstance(b, Uint8Array))
- b = Buffer3.from(b, b.offset, b.byteLength);
- if (!Buffer3.isBuffer(a) || !Buffer3.isBuffer(b)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- 'The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array'
- );
- }
- if (a === b)
- return 0;
- let x = a.length;
- let y = b.length;
- for (let i2 = 0, len2 = Math.min(x, y); i2 < len2; ++i2) {
- if (a[i2] !== b[i2]) {
- x = a[i2];
- y = b[i2];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (x < y)
- return -1;
- if (y < x)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- };
- Buffer3.isEncoding = function isEncoding(encoding) {
- switch (String(encoding).toLowerCase()) {
- case "hex":
- case "utf8":
- case "utf-8":
- case "ascii":
- case "latin1":
- case "binary":
- case "base64":
- case "ucs2":
- case "ucs-2":
- case "utf16le":
- case "utf-16le":
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- };
- Buffer3.concat = function concat(list, length) {
- if (!Array.isArray(list)) {
- throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
- }
- if (list.length === 0) {
- return Buffer3.alloc(0);
- }
- let i2;
- if (length === void 0) {
- length = 0;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < list.length; ++i2) {
- length += list[i2].length;
- }
- }
- const buffer = Buffer3.allocUnsafe(length);
- let pos = 0;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < list.length; ++i2) {
- let buf = list[i2];
- if (isInstance(buf, Uint8Array)) {
- if (pos + buf.length > buffer.length) {
- if (!Buffer3.isBuffer(buf))
- buf = Buffer3.from(buf);
- buf.copy(buffer, pos);
- } else {
- buffer,
- buf,
- pos
- );
- }
- } else if (!Buffer3.isBuffer(buf)) {
- throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
- } else {
- buf.copy(buffer, pos);
- }
- pos += buf.length;
- }
- return buffer;
- };
- function byteLength2(string, encoding) {
- if (Buffer3.isBuffer(string)) {
- return string.length;
- }
- if (ArrayBuffer.isView(string) || isInstance(string, ArrayBuffer)) {
- return string.byteLength;
- }
- if (typeof string !== "string") {
- throw new TypeError(
- 'The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof string
- );
- }
- const len2 = string.length;
- const mustMatch = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === true;
- if (!mustMatch && len2 === 0)
- return 0;
- let loweredCase = false;
- for (; ; ) {
- switch (encoding) {
- case "ascii":
- case "latin1":
- case "binary":
- return len2;
- case "utf8":
- case "utf-8":
- return utf8ToBytes(string).length;
- case "ucs2":
- case "ucs-2":
- case "utf16le":
- case "utf-16le":
- return len2 * 2;
- case "hex":
- return len2 >>> 1;
- case "base64":
- return base64ToBytes(string).length;
- default:
- if (loweredCase) {
- return mustMatch ? -1 : utf8ToBytes(string).length;
- }
- encoding = ("" + encoding).toLowerCase();
- loweredCase = true;
- }
- }
- }
- Buffer3.byteLength = byteLength2;
- function slowToString(encoding, start2, end) {
- let loweredCase = false;
- if (start2 === void 0 || start2 < 0) {
- start2 = 0;
- }
- if (start2 > this.length) {
- return "";
- }
- if (end === void 0 || end > this.length) {
- end = this.length;
- }
- if (end <= 0) {
- return "";
- }
- end >>>= 0;
- start2 >>>= 0;
- if (end <= start2) {
- return "";
- }
- if (!encoding)
- encoding = "utf8";
- while (true) {
- switch (encoding) {
- case "hex":
- return hexSlice(this, start2, end);
- case "utf8":
- case "utf-8":
- return utf8Slice(this, start2, end);
- case "ascii":
- return asciiSlice(this, start2, end);
- case "latin1":
- case "binary":
- return latin1Slice(this, start2, end);
- case "base64":
- return base64Slice(this, start2, end);
- case "ucs2":
- case "ucs-2":
- case "utf16le":
- case "utf-16le":
- return utf16leSlice(this, start2, end);
- default:
- if (loweredCase)
- throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + encoding);
- encoding = (encoding + "").toLowerCase();
- loweredCase = true;
- }
- }
- }
- Buffer3.prototype._isBuffer = true;
- function swap(b, n, m) {
- const i2 = b[n];
- b[n] = b[m];
- b[m] = i2;
- }
- Buffer3.prototype.swap16 = function swap16() {
- const len2 = this.length;
- if (len2 % 2 !== 0) {
- throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
- }
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2 += 2) {
- swap(this, i2, i2 + 1);
- }
- return this;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.swap32 = function swap32() {
- const len2 = this.length;
- if (len2 % 4 !== 0) {
- throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
- }
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2 += 4) {
- swap(this, i2, i2 + 3);
- swap(this, i2 + 1, i2 + 2);
- }
- return this;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.swap64 = function swap64() {
- const len2 = this.length;
- if (len2 % 8 !== 0) {
- throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
- }
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2 += 8) {
- swap(this, i2, i2 + 7);
- swap(this, i2 + 1, i2 + 6);
- swap(this, i2 + 2, i2 + 5);
- swap(this, i2 + 3, i2 + 4);
- }
- return this;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.toString = function toString2() {
- const length = this.length;
- if (length === 0)
- return "";
- if (arguments.length === 0)
- return utf8Slice(this, 0, length);
- return slowToString.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.toLocaleString = Buffer3.prototype.toString;
- Buffer3.prototype.equals = function equals(b) {
- if (!Buffer3.isBuffer(b))
- throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
- if (this === b)
- return true;
- return, b) === 0;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {
- let str = "";
- const max = exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;
- str = this.toString("hex", 0, max).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim();
- if (this.length > max)
- str += " ... ";
- return "";
- };
- if (customInspectSymbol) {
- Buffer3.prototype[customInspectSymbol] = Buffer3.prototype.inspect;
- }
- = function compare(target, start2, end, thisStart, thisEnd) {
- if (isInstance(target, Uint8Array)) {
- target = Buffer3.from(target, target.offset, target.byteLength);
- }
- if (!Buffer3.isBuffer(target)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- 'The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof target
- );
- }
- if (start2 === void 0) {
- start2 = 0;
- }
- if (end === void 0) {
- end = target ? target.length : 0;
- }
- if (thisStart === void 0) {
- thisStart = 0;
- }
- if (thisEnd === void 0) {
- thisEnd = this.length;
- }
- if (start2 < 0 || end > target.length || thisStart < 0 || thisEnd > this.length) {
- throw new RangeError("out of range index");
- }
- if (thisStart >= thisEnd && start2 >= end) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (thisStart >= thisEnd) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (start2 >= end) {
- return 1;
- }
- start2 >>>= 0;
- end >>>= 0;
- thisStart >>>= 0;
- thisEnd >>>= 0;
- if (this === target)
- return 0;
- let x = thisEnd - thisStart;
- let y = end - start2;
- const len2 = Math.min(x, y);
- const thisCopy = this.slice(thisStart, thisEnd);
- const targetCopy = target.slice(start2, end);
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < len2; ++i2) {
- if (thisCopy[i2] !== targetCopy[i2]) {
- x = thisCopy[i2];
- y = targetCopy[i2];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (x < y)
- return -1;
- if (y < x)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- };
- function bidirectionalIndexOf(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) {
- if (buffer.length === 0)
- return -1;
- if (typeof byteOffset === "string") {
- encoding = byteOffset;
- byteOffset = 0;
- } else if (byteOffset > 2147483647) {
- byteOffset = 2147483647;
- } else if (byteOffset < -2147483648) {
- byteOffset = -2147483648;
- }
- byteOffset = +byteOffset;
- if (numberIsNaN(byteOffset)) {
- byteOffset = dir ? 0 : buffer.length - 1;
- }
- if (byteOffset < 0)
- byteOffset = buffer.length + byteOffset;
- if (byteOffset >= buffer.length) {
- if (dir)
- return -1;
- else
- byteOffset = buffer.length - 1;
- } else if (byteOffset < 0) {
- if (dir)
- byteOffset = 0;
- else
- return -1;
- }
- if (typeof val === "string") {
- val = Buffer3.from(val, encoding);
- }
- if (Buffer3.isBuffer(val)) {
- if (val.length === 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- return arrayIndexOf(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir);
- } else if (typeof val === "number") {
- val = val & 255;
- if (typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf === "function") {
- if (dir) {
- return, val, byteOffset);
- } else {
- return, val, byteOffset);
- }
- }
- return arrayIndexOf(buffer, [val], byteOffset, encoding, dir);
- }
- throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer");
- }
- function arrayIndexOf(arr, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) {
- let indexSize = 1;
- let arrLength = arr.length;
- let valLength = val.length;
- if (encoding !== void 0) {
- encoding = String(encoding).toLowerCase();
- if (encoding === "ucs2" || encoding === "ucs-2" || encoding === "utf16le" || encoding === "utf-16le") {
- if (arr.length < 2 || val.length < 2) {
- return -1;
- }
- indexSize = 2;
- arrLength /= 2;
- valLength /= 2;
- byteOffset /= 2;
- }
- }
- function read(buf, i3) {
- if (indexSize === 1) {
- return buf[i3];
- } else {
- return buf.readUInt16BE(i3 * indexSize);
- }
- }
- let i2;
- if (dir) {
- let foundIndex = -1;
- for (i2 = byteOffset; i2 < arrLength; i2++) {
- if (read(arr, i2) === read(val, foundIndex === -1 ? 0 : i2 - foundIndex)) {
- if (foundIndex === -1)
- foundIndex = i2;
- if (i2 - foundIndex + 1 === valLength)
- return foundIndex * indexSize;
- } else {
- if (foundIndex !== -1)
- i2 -= i2 - foundIndex;
- foundIndex = -1;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (byteOffset + valLength > arrLength)
- byteOffset = arrLength - valLength;
- for (i2 = byteOffset; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
- let found = true;
- for (let j = 0; j < valLength; j++) {
- if (read(arr, i2 + j) !== read(val, j)) {
- found = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found)
- return i2;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- Buffer3.prototype.includes = function includes(val, byteOffset, encoding) {
- return this.indexOf(val, byteOffset, encoding) !== -1;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf(val, byteOffset, encoding) {
- return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, true);
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.lastIndexOf = function lastIndexOf(val, byteOffset, encoding) {
- return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, false);
- };
- function hexWrite(buf, string, offset, length) {
- offset = Number(offset) || 0;
- const remaining = buf.length - offset;
- if (!length) {
- length = remaining;
- } else {
- length = Number(length);
- if (length > remaining) {
- length = remaining;
- }
- }
- const strLen = string.length;
- if (length > strLen / 2) {
- length = strLen / 2;
- }
- let i2;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < length; ++i2) {
- const parsed = parseInt(string.substr(i2 * 2, 2), 16);
- if (numberIsNaN(parsed))
- return i2;
- buf[offset + i2] = parsed;
- }
- return i2;
- }
- function utf8Write(buf, string, offset, length) {
- return blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length);
- }
- function asciiWrite(buf, string, offset, length) {
- return blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), buf, offset, length);
- }
- function base64Write(buf, string, offset, length) {
- return blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), buf, offset, length);
- }
- function ucs2Write(buf, string, offset, length) {
- return blitBuffer(utf16leToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length);
- }
- Buffer3.prototype.write = function write(string, offset, length, encoding) {
- if (offset === void 0) {
- encoding = "utf8";
- length = this.length;
- offset = 0;
- } else if (length === void 0 && typeof offset === "string") {
- encoding = offset;
- length = this.length;
- offset = 0;
- } else if (isFinite(offset)) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (isFinite(length)) {
- length = length >>> 0;
- if (encoding === void 0)
- encoding = "utf8";
- } else {
- encoding = length;
- length = void 0;
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error(
- "Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported"
- );
- }
- const remaining = this.length - offset;
- if (length === void 0 || length > remaining)
- length = remaining;
- if (string.length > 0 && (length < 0 || offset < 0) || offset > this.length) {
- throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
- }
- if (!encoding)
- encoding = "utf8";
- let loweredCase = false;
- for (; ; ) {
- switch (encoding) {
- case "hex":
- return hexWrite(this, string, offset, length);
- case "utf8":
- case "utf-8":
- return utf8Write(this, string, offset, length);
- case "ascii":
- case "latin1":
- case "binary":
- return asciiWrite(this, string, offset, length);
- case "base64":
- return base64Write(this, string, offset, length);
- case "ucs2":
- case "ucs-2":
- case "utf16le":
- case "utf-16le":
- return ucs2Write(this, string, offset, length);
- default:
- if (loweredCase)
- throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + encoding);
- encoding = ("" + encoding).toLowerCase();
- loweredCase = true;
- }
- }
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
- return {
- type: "Buffer",
- data: || this, 0)
- };
- };
- function base64Slice(buf, start2, end) {
- if (start2 === 0 && end === buf.length) {
- return base64.fromByteArray(buf);
- } else {
- return base64.fromByteArray(buf.slice(start2, end));
- }
- }
- function utf8Slice(buf, start2, end) {
- end = Math.min(buf.length, end);
- const res = [];
- let i2 = start2;
- while (i2 < end) {
- const firstByte = buf[i2];
- let codePoint = null;
- let bytesPerSequence = firstByte > 239 ? 4 : firstByte > 223 ? 3 : firstByte > 191 ? 2 : 1;
- if (i2 + bytesPerSequence <= end) {
- let secondByte, thirdByte, fourthByte, tempCodePoint;
- switch (bytesPerSequence) {
- case 1:
- if (firstByte < 128) {
- codePoint = firstByte;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- secondByte = buf[i2 + 1];
- if ((secondByte & 192) === 128) {
- tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 31) << 6 | secondByte & 63;
- if (tempCodePoint > 127) {
- codePoint = tempCodePoint;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- secondByte = buf[i2 + 1];
- thirdByte = buf[i2 + 2];
- if ((secondByte & 192) === 128 && (thirdByte & 192) === 128) {
- tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 15) << 12 | (secondByte & 63) << 6 | thirdByte & 63;
- if (tempCodePoint > 2047 && (tempCodePoint < 55296 || tempCodePoint > 57343)) {
- codePoint = tempCodePoint;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- secondByte = buf[i2 + 1];
- thirdByte = buf[i2 + 2];
- fourthByte = buf[i2 + 3];
- if ((secondByte & 192) === 128 && (thirdByte & 192) === 128 && (fourthByte & 192) === 128) {
- tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 15) << 18 | (secondByte & 63) << 12 | (thirdByte & 63) << 6 | fourthByte & 63;
- if (tempCodePoint > 65535 && tempCodePoint < 1114112) {
- codePoint = tempCodePoint;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (codePoint === null) {
- codePoint = 65533;
- bytesPerSequence = 1;
- } else if (codePoint > 65535) {
- codePoint -= 65536;
- res.push(codePoint >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296);
- codePoint = 56320 | codePoint & 1023;
- }
- res.push(codePoint);
- i2 += bytesPerSequence;
- }
- return decodeCodePointsArray(res);
- }
- const MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH = 4096;
- function decodeCodePointsArray(codePoints) {
- const len2 = codePoints.length;
- if (len2 <= MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH) {
- return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, codePoints);
- }
- let res = "";
- let i2 = 0;
- while (i2 < len2) {
- res += String.fromCharCode.apply(
- String,
- codePoints.slice(i2, i2 += MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH)
- );
- }
- return res;
- }
- function asciiSlice(buf, start2, end) {
- let ret = "";
- end = Math.min(buf.length, end);
- for (let i2 = start2; i2 < end; ++i2) {
- ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i2] & 127);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- function latin1Slice(buf, start2, end) {
- let ret = "";
- end = Math.min(buf.length, end);
- for (let i2 = start2; i2 < end; ++i2) {
- ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i2]);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- function hexSlice(buf, start2, end) {
- const len2 = buf.length;
- if (!start2 || start2 < 0)
- start2 = 0;
- if (!end || end < 0 || end > len2)
- end = len2;
- let out = "";
- for (let i2 = start2; i2 < end; ++i2) {
- out += hexSliceLookupTable[buf[i2]];
- }
- return out;
- }
- function utf16leSlice(buf, start2, end) {
- const bytes = buf.slice(start2, end);
- let res = "";
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < bytes.length - 1; i2 += 2) {
- res += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i2] + bytes[i2 + 1] * 256);
- }
- return res;
- }
- Buffer3.prototype.slice = function slice(start2, end) {
- const len2 = this.length;
- start2 = ~~start2;
- end = end === void 0 ? len2 : ~~end;
- if (start2 < 0) {
- start2 += len2;
- if (start2 < 0)
- start2 = 0;
- } else if (start2 > len2) {
- start2 = len2;
- }
- if (end < 0) {
- end += len2;
- if (end < 0)
- end = 0;
- } else if (end > len2) {
- end = len2;
- }
- if (end < start2)
- end = start2;
- const newBuf = this.subarray(start2, end);
- Object.setPrototypeOf(newBuf, Buffer3.prototype);
- return newBuf;
- };
- function checkOffset(offset, ext, length) {
- if (offset % 1 !== 0 || offset < 0)
- throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
- if (offset + ext > length)
- throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length");
- }
- Buffer3.prototype.readUintLE = Buffer3.prototype.readUIntLE = function readUIntLE(offset, byteLength3, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- byteLength3 = byteLength3 >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, byteLength3, this.length);
- let val = this[offset];
- let mul = 1;
- let i2 = 0;
- while (++i2 < byteLength3 && (mul *= 256)) {
- val += this[offset + i2] * mul;
- }
- return val;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readUintBE = Buffer3.prototype.readUIntBE = function readUIntBE(offset, byteLength3, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- byteLength3 = byteLength3 >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert) {
- checkOffset(offset, byteLength3, this.length);
- }
- let val = this[offset + --byteLength3];
- let mul = 1;
- while (byteLength3 > 0 && (mul *= 256)) {
- val += this[offset + --byteLength3] * mul;
- }
- return val;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readUint8 = Buffer3.prototype.readUInt8 = function readUInt8(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length);
- return this[offset];
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readUint16LE = Buffer3.prototype.readUInt16LE = function readUInt16LE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length);
- return this[offset] | this[offset + 1] << 8;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readUint16BE = Buffer3.prototype.readUInt16BE = function readUInt16BE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length);
- return this[offset] << 8 | this[offset + 1];
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readUint32LE = Buffer3.prototype.readUInt32LE = function readUInt32LE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length);
- return (this[offset] | this[offset + 1] << 8 | this[offset + 2] << 16) + this[offset + 3] * 16777216;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readUint32BE = Buffer3.prototype.readUInt32BE = function readUInt32BE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length);
- return this[offset] * 16777216 + (this[offset + 1] << 16 | this[offset + 2] << 8 | this[offset + 3]);
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigUInt64LE(offset) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- validateNumber(offset, "offset");
- const first = this[offset];
- const last = this[offset + 7];
- if (first === void 0 || last === void 0) {
- boundsError(offset, this.length - 8);
- }
- const lo = first + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 24;
- const hi = this[++offset] + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + last * 2 ** 24;
- return BigInt(lo) + (BigInt(hi) << BigInt(32));
- });
- Buffer3.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigUInt64BE(offset) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- validateNumber(offset, "offset");
- const first = this[offset];
- const last = this[offset + 7];
- if (first === void 0 || last === void 0) {
- boundsError(offset, this.length - 8);
- }
- const hi = first * 2 ** 24 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + this[++offset];
- const lo = this[++offset] * 2 ** 24 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last;
- return (BigInt(hi) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(lo);
- });
- Buffer3.prototype.readIntLE = function readIntLE(offset, byteLength3, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- byteLength3 = byteLength3 >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, byteLength3, this.length);
- let val = this[offset];
- let mul = 1;
- let i2 = 0;
- while (++i2 < byteLength3 && (mul *= 256)) {
- val += this[offset + i2] * mul;
- }
- mul *= 128;
- if (val >= mul)
- val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength3);
- return val;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readIntBE = function readIntBE(offset, byteLength3, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- byteLength3 = byteLength3 >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, byteLength3, this.length);
- let i2 = byteLength3;
- let mul = 1;
- let val = this[offset + --i2];
- while (i2 > 0 && (mul *= 256)) {
- val += this[offset + --i2] * mul;
- }
- mul *= 128;
- if (val >= mul)
- val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength3);
- return val;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readInt8 = function readInt8(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length);
- if (!(this[offset] & 128))
- return this[offset];
- return (255 - this[offset] + 1) * -1;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readInt16LE = function readInt16LE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length);
- const val = this[offset] | this[offset + 1] << 8;
- return val & 32768 ? val | 4294901760 : val;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readInt16BE = function readInt16BE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length);
- const val = this[offset + 1] | this[offset] << 8;
- return val & 32768 ? val | 4294901760 : val;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readInt32LE = function readInt32LE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length);
- return this[offset] | this[offset + 1] << 8 | this[offset + 2] << 16 | this[offset + 3] << 24;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readInt32BE = function readInt32BE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length);
- return this[offset] << 24 | this[offset + 1] << 16 | this[offset + 2] << 8 | this[offset + 3];
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readBigInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigInt64LE(offset) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- validateNumber(offset, "offset");
- const first = this[offset];
- const last = this[offset + 7];
- if (first === void 0 || last === void 0) {
- boundsError(offset, this.length - 8);
- }
- const val = this[offset + 4] + this[offset + 5] * 2 ** 8 + this[offset + 6] * 2 ** 16 + (last << 24);
- return (BigInt(val) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(first + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 24);
- });
- Buffer3.prototype.readBigInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigInt64BE(offset) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- validateNumber(offset, "offset");
- const first = this[offset];
- const last = this[offset + 7];
- if (first === void 0 || last === void 0) {
- boundsError(offset, this.length - 8);
- }
- const val = (first << 24) + // Overflow
- this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + this[++offset];
- return (BigInt(val) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(this[++offset] * 2 ** 24 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last);
- });
- Buffer3.prototype.readFloatLE = function readFloatLE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length);
- return ieee754$, offset, true, 23, 4);
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readFloatBE = function readFloatBE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length);
- return ieee754$, offset, false, 23, 4);
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readDoubleLE = function readDoubleLE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length);
- return ieee754$, offset, true, 52, 8);
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.readDoubleBE = function readDoubleBE(offset, noAssert) {
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length);
- return ieee754$, offset, false, 52, 8);
- };
- function checkInt(buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
- if (!Buffer3.isBuffer(buf))
- throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
- if (value > max || value < min)
- throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
- if (offset + ext > buf.length)
- throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
- }
- Buffer3.prototype.writeUintLE = Buffer3.prototype.writeUIntLE = function writeUIntLE(value, offset, byteLength3, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- byteLength3 = byteLength3 >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert) {
- const maxBytes = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength3) - 1;
- checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength3, maxBytes, 0);
- }
- let mul = 1;
- let i2 = 0;
- this[offset] = value & 255;
- while (++i2 < byteLength3 && (mul *= 256)) {
- this[offset + i2] = value / mul & 255;
- }
- return offset + byteLength3;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeUintBE = Buffer3.prototype.writeUIntBE = function writeUIntBE(value, offset, byteLength3, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- byteLength3 = byteLength3 >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert) {
- const maxBytes = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength3) - 1;
- checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength3, maxBytes, 0);
- }
- let i2 = byteLength3 - 1;
- let mul = 1;
- this[offset + i2] = value & 255;
- while (--i2 >= 0 && (mul *= 256)) {
- this[offset + i2] = value / mul & 255;
- }
- return offset + byteLength3;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeUint8 = Buffer3.prototype.writeUInt8 = function writeUInt8(value, offset, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 255, 0);
- this[offset] = value & 255;
- return offset + 1;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeUint16LE = Buffer3.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function writeUInt16LE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 65535, 0);
- this[offset] = value & 255;
- this[offset + 1] = value >>> 8;
- return offset + 2;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeUint16BE = Buffer3.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function writeUInt16BE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 65535, 0);
- this[offset] = value >>> 8;
- this[offset + 1] = value & 255;
- return offset + 2;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeUint32LE = Buffer3.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function writeUInt32LE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 4294967295, 0);
- this[offset + 3] = value >>> 24;
- this[offset + 2] = value >>> 16;
- this[offset + 1] = value >>> 8;
- this[offset] = value & 255;
- return offset + 4;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeUint32BE = Buffer3.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function writeUInt32BE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 4294967295, 0);
- this[offset] = value >>> 24;
- this[offset + 1] = value >>> 16;
- this[offset + 2] = value >>> 8;
- this[offset + 3] = value & 255;
- return offset + 4;
- };
- function wrtBigUInt64LE(buf, value, offset, min, max) {
- checkIntBI(value, min, max, buf, offset, 7);
- let lo = Number(value & BigInt(4294967295));
- buf[offset++] = lo;
- lo = lo >> 8;
- buf[offset++] = lo;
- lo = lo >> 8;
- buf[offset++] = lo;
- lo = lo >> 8;
- buf[offset++] = lo;
- let hi = Number(value >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
- buf[offset++] = hi;
- hi = hi >> 8;
- buf[offset++] = hi;
- hi = hi >> 8;
- buf[offset++] = hi;
- hi = hi >> 8;
- buf[offset++] = hi;
- return offset;
- }
- function wrtBigUInt64BE(buf, value, offset, min, max) {
- checkIntBI(value, min, max, buf, offset, 7);
- let lo = Number(value & BigInt(4294967295));
- buf[offset + 7] = lo;
- lo = lo >> 8;
- buf[offset + 6] = lo;
- lo = lo >> 8;
- buf[offset + 5] = lo;
- lo = lo >> 8;
- buf[offset + 4] = lo;
- let hi = Number(value >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
- buf[offset + 3] = hi;
- hi = hi >> 8;
- buf[offset + 2] = hi;
- hi = hi >> 8;
- buf[offset + 1] = hi;
- hi = hi >> 8;
- buf[offset] = hi;
- return offset + 8;
- }
- Buffer3.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigUInt64LE(value, offset = 0) {
- return wrtBigUInt64LE(this, value, offset, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
- });
- Buffer3.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigUInt64BE(value, offset = 0) {
- return wrtBigUInt64BE(this, value, offset, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
- });
- Buffer3.prototype.writeIntLE = function writeIntLE(value, offset, byteLength3, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert) {
- const limit = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength3 - 1);
- checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength3, limit - 1, -limit);
- }
- let i2 = 0;
- let mul = 1;
- let sub = 0;
- this[offset] = value & 255;
- while (++i2 < byteLength3 && (mul *= 256)) {
- if (value < 0 && sub === 0 && this[offset + i2 - 1] !== 0) {
- sub = 1;
- }
- this[offset + i2] = (value / mul >> 0) - sub & 255;
- }
- return offset + byteLength3;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeIntBE = function writeIntBE(value, offset, byteLength3, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert) {
- const limit = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength3 - 1);
- checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength3, limit - 1, -limit);
- }
- let i2 = byteLength3 - 1;
- let mul = 1;
- let sub = 0;
- this[offset + i2] = value & 255;
- while (--i2 >= 0 && (mul *= 256)) {
- if (value < 0 && sub === 0 && this[offset + i2 + 1] !== 0) {
- sub = 1;
- }
- this[offset + i2] = (value / mul >> 0) - sub & 255;
- }
- return offset + byteLength3;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeInt8 = function writeInt8(value, offset, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 127, -128);
- if (value < 0)
- value = 255 + value + 1;
- this[offset] = value & 255;
- return offset + 1;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeInt16LE = function writeInt16LE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 32767, -32768);
- this[offset] = value & 255;
- this[offset + 1] = value >>> 8;
- return offset + 2;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeInt16BE = function writeInt16BE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 32767, -32768);
- this[offset] = value >>> 8;
- this[offset + 1] = value & 255;
- return offset + 2;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeInt32LE = function writeInt32LE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648);
- this[offset] = value & 255;
- this[offset + 1] = value >>> 8;
- this[offset + 2] = value >>> 16;
- this[offset + 3] = value >>> 24;
- return offset + 4;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeInt32BE = function writeInt32BE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert)
- checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648);
- if (value < 0)
- value = 4294967295 + value + 1;
- this[offset] = value >>> 24;
- this[offset + 1] = value >>> 16;
- this[offset + 2] = value >>> 8;
- this[offset + 3] = value & 255;
- return offset + 4;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigInt64LE(value, offset = 0) {
- return wrtBigUInt64LE(this, value, offset, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
- });
- Buffer3.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigInt64BE(value, offset = 0) {
- return wrtBigUInt64BE(this, value, offset, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
- });
- function checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
- if (offset + ext > buf.length)
- throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
- if (offset < 0)
- throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
- }
- function writeFloat(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert) {
- checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 4);
- }
- ieee754$1.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 23, 4);
- return offset + 4;
- }
- Buffer3.prototype.writeFloatLE = function writeFloatLE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- return writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeFloatBE = function writeFloatBE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- return writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);
- };
- function writeDouble(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
- value = +value;
- offset = offset >>> 0;
- if (!noAssert) {
- checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 8);
- }
- ieee754$1.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 52, 8);
- return offset + 8;
- }
- Buffer3.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function writeDoubleLE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- return writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function writeDoubleBE(value, offset, noAssert) {
- return writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.copy = function copy2(target, targetStart, start2, end) {
- if (!Buffer3.isBuffer(target))
- throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");
- if (!start2)
- start2 = 0;
- if (!end && end !== 0)
- end = this.length;
- if (targetStart >= target.length)
- targetStart = target.length;
- if (!targetStart)
- targetStart = 0;
- if (end > 0 && end < start2)
- end = start2;
- if (end === start2)
- return 0;
- if (target.length === 0 || this.length === 0)
- return 0;
- if (targetStart < 0) {
- throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
- }
- if (start2 < 0 || start2 >= this.length)
- throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
- if (end < 0)
- throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
- if (end > this.length)
- end = this.length;
- if (target.length - targetStart < end - start2) {
- end = target.length - targetStart + start2;
- }
- const len2 = end - start2;
- if (this === target && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin === "function") {
- this.copyWithin(targetStart, start2, end);
- } else {
- target,
- this.subarray(start2, end),
- targetStart
- );
- }
- return len2;
- };
- Buffer3.prototype.fill = function fill(val, start2, end, encoding) {
- if (typeof val === "string") {
- if (typeof start2 === "string") {
- encoding = start2;
- start2 = 0;
- end = this.length;
- } else if (typeof end === "string") {
- encoding = end;
- end = this.length;
- }
- if (encoding !== void 0 && typeof encoding !== "string") {
- throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
- }
- if (typeof encoding === "string" && !Buffer3.isEncoding(encoding)) {
- throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + encoding);
- }
- if (val.length === 1) {
- const code2 = val.charCodeAt(0);
- if (encoding === "utf8" && code2 < 128 || encoding === "latin1") {
- val = code2;
- }
- }
- } else if (typeof val === "number") {
- val = val & 255;
- } else if (typeof val === "boolean") {
- val = Number(val);
- }
- if (start2 < 0 || this.length < start2 || this.length < end) {
- throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
- }
- if (end <= start2) {
- return this;
- }
- start2 = start2 >>> 0;
- end = end === void 0 ? this.length : end >>> 0;
- if (!val)
- val = 0;
- let i2;
- if (typeof val === "number") {
- for (i2 = start2; i2 < end; ++i2) {
- this[i2] = val;
- }
- } else {
- const bytes = Buffer3.isBuffer(val) ? val : Buffer3.from(val, encoding);
- const len2 = bytes.length;
- if (len2 === 0) {
- throw new TypeError('The value "' + val + '" is invalid for argument "value"');
- }
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < end - start2; ++i2) {
- this[i2 + start2] = bytes[i2 % len2];
- }
- }
- return this;
- };
- const errors2 = {};
- function E(sym, getMessage, Base2) {
- errors2[sym] = class NodeError extends Base2 {
- constructor() {
- super();
- Object.defineProperty(this, "message", {
- value: getMessage.apply(this, arguments),
- writable: true,
- configurable: true
- });
- = `${} [${sym}]`;
- this.stack;
- delete;
- }
- get code() {
- return sym;
- }
- set code(value) {
- Object.defineProperty(this, "code", {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- value,
- writable: true
- });
- }
- toString() {
- return `${} [${sym}]: ${this.message}`;
- }
- };
- }
- E(
- function(name2) {
- if (name2) {
- return `${name2} is outside of buffer bounds`;
- }
- return "Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds";
- },
- RangeError
- );
- E(
- function(name2, actual) {
- return `The "${name2}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof actual}`;
- },
- TypeError
- );
- E(
- function(str, range, input) {
- let msg = `The value of "${str}" is out of range.`;
- let received = input;
- if (Number.isInteger(input) && Math.abs(input) > 2 ** 32) {
- received = addNumericalSeparator(String(input));
- } else if (typeof input === "bigint") {
- received = String(input);
- if (input > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || input < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) {
- received = addNumericalSeparator(received);
- }
- received += "n";
- }
- msg += ` It must be ${range}. Received ${received}`;
- return msg;
- },
- RangeError
- );
- function addNumericalSeparator(val) {
- let res = "";
- let i2 = val.length;
- const start2 = val[0] === "-" ? 1 : 0;
- for (; i2 >= start2 + 4; i2 -= 3) {
- res = `_${val.slice(i2 - 3, i2)}${res}`;
- }
- return `${val.slice(0, i2)}${res}`;
- }
- function checkBounds(buf, offset, byteLength3) {
- validateNumber(offset, "offset");
- if (buf[offset] === void 0 || buf[offset + byteLength3] === void 0) {
- boundsError(offset, buf.length - (byteLength3 + 1));
- }
- }
- function checkIntBI(value, min, max, buf, offset, byteLength3) {
- if (value > max || value < min) {
- const n = typeof min === "bigint" ? "n" : "";
- let range;
- if (byteLength3 > 3) {
- if (min === 0 || min === BigInt(0)) {
- range = `>= 0${n} and < 2${n} ** ${(byteLength3 + 1) * 8}${n}`;
- } else {
- range = `>= -(2${n} ** ${(byteLength3 + 1) * 8 - 1}${n}) and < 2 ** ${(byteLength3 + 1) * 8 - 1}${n}`;
- }
- } else {
- range = `>= ${min}${n} and <= ${max}${n}`;
- }
- throw new errors2.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value", range, value);
- }
- checkBounds(buf, offset, byteLength3);
- }
- function validateNumber(value, name2) {
- if (typeof value !== "number") {
- throw new errors2.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name2, "number", value);
- }
- }
- function boundsError(value, length, type) {
- if (Math.floor(value) !== value) {
- validateNumber(value, type);
- throw new errors2.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(type || "offset", "an integer", value);
- }
- if (length < 0) {
- throw new errors2.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS();
- }
- throw new errors2.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(
- type || "offset",
- `>= ${type ? 1 : 0} and <= ${length}`,
- value
- );
- }
- const INVALID_BASE64_RE = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;
- function base64clean(str) {
- str = str.split("=")[0];
- str = str.trim().replace(INVALID_BASE64_RE, "");
- if (str.length < 2)
- return "";
- while (str.length % 4 !== 0) {
- str = str + "=";
- }
- return str;
- }
- function utf8ToBytes(string, units) {
- units = units || Infinity;
- let codePoint;
- const length = string.length;
- let leadSurrogate = null;
- const bytes = [];
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < length; ++i2) {
- codePoint = string.charCodeAt(i2);
- if (codePoint > 55295 && codePoint < 57344) {
- if (!leadSurrogate) {
- if (codePoint > 56319) {
- if ((units -= 3) > -1)
- bytes.push(239, 191, 189);
- continue;
- } else if (i2 + 1 === length) {
- if ((units -= 3) > -1)
- bytes.push(239, 191, 189);
- continue;
- }
- leadSurrogate = codePoint;
- continue;
- }
- if (codePoint < 56320) {
- if ((units -= 3) > -1)
- bytes.push(239, 191, 189);
- leadSurrogate = codePoint;
- continue;
- }
- codePoint = (leadSurrogate - 55296 << 10 | codePoint - 56320) + 65536;
- } else if (leadSurrogate) {
- if ((units -= 3) > -1)
- bytes.push(239, 191, 189);
- }
- leadSurrogate = null;
- if (codePoint < 128) {
- if ((units -= 1) < 0)
- break;
- bytes.push(codePoint);
- } else if (codePoint < 2048) {
- if ((units -= 2) < 0)
- break;
- bytes.push(
- codePoint >> 6 | 192,
- codePoint & 63 | 128
- );
- } else if (codePoint < 65536) {
- if ((units -= 3) < 0)
- break;
- bytes.push(
- codePoint >> 12 | 224,
- codePoint >> 6 & 63 | 128,
- codePoint & 63 | 128
- );
- } else if (codePoint < 1114112) {
- if ((units -= 4) < 0)
- break;
- bytes.push(
- codePoint >> 18 | 240,
- codePoint >> 12 & 63 | 128,
- codePoint >> 6 & 63 | 128,
- codePoint & 63 | 128
- );
- } else {
- throw new Error("Invalid code point");
- }
- }
- return bytes;
- }
- function asciiToBytes(str) {
- const byteArray = [];
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < str.length; ++i2) {
- byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i2) & 255);
- }
- return byteArray;
- }
- function utf16leToBytes(str, units) {
- let c, hi, lo;
- const byteArray = [];
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < str.length; ++i2) {
- if ((units -= 2) < 0)
- break;
- c = str.charCodeAt(i2);
- hi = c >> 8;
- lo = c % 256;
- byteArray.push(lo);
- byteArray.push(hi);
- }
- return byteArray;
- }
- function base64ToBytes(str) {
- return base64.toByteArray(base64clean(str));
- }
- function blitBuffer(src, dst, offset, length) {
- let i2;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < length; ++i2) {
- if (i2 + offset >= dst.length || i2 >= src.length)
- break;
- dst[i2 + offset] = src[i2];
- }
- return i2;
- }
- function isInstance(obj, type) {
- return obj instanceof type || obj != null && obj.constructor != null && != null && ===;
- }
- function numberIsNaN(obj) {
- return obj !== obj;
- }
- const hexSliceLookupTable = function() {
- const alphabet = "0123456789abcdef";
- const table = new Array(256);
- for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 16; ++i2) {
- const i16 = i2 * 16;
- for (let j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
- table[i16 + j] = alphabet[i2] + alphabet[j];
- }
- }
- return table;
- }();
- function defineBigIntMethod(fn) {
- return typeof BigInt === "undefined" ? BufferBigIntNotDefined : fn;
- }
- function BufferBigIntNotDefined() {
- throw new Error("BigInt not supported");
- }
- })(Buffer2);
- const sha256 = SHA256$2();
- const bf = Buffer2.Buffer;
- var nonce = 0;
- var t;
- var key = "你好,罗根";
- function fu() {
- return typeof t === "function";
- }
- function generatePrivKey(id, key2) {
- let privKey;
- if (key2 == null) {
- key2 = md5(id + randomString(16));
- }
- do {
- privKey = bf.from(key2);
- } while (!elliptic.privateKeyVerify(privKey));
- return {
- key: key2,
- iv: privKey
- };
- }
- function toString(appId, deviceId, userId, nonce2) {
- let str = fu() && t.toString().indexOf(key) !== -1 ? `${appId}:${deviceId}:${userId}:${nonce2}` : `${appId}:${userId}:${nonce2}:${deviceId}`;
- let digest = sha256.update(str).digest();
- return bf.from(digest);
- }
- function toHex(arr) {
- return uint8Array(new Uint8Array(arr));
- }
- function uint8Array(uint8Array2) {
- return, (x) => ("00" + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join("");
- }
- function randomString(len2) {
- len2 = len2 || 10;
- var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- var str = "";
- for (var i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2++) {
- var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
- str += chars.charAt(index);
- }
- return str;
- }
- function session(that, appId, deviceId, userId) {
- if (typeof that !== "function") {
- return "";
- }
- t = that;
- console.log("%c 你好,罗根 create_session", "color:red");
- let buf = toString(appId, deviceId, userId, nonce);
- const key2 = generatePrivKey(userId);
- let un = new Uint8Array(65);
- elliptic.publicKeyCreate(key2.iv, false, un);
- const pubStrHex = uint8Array(un);
- const sigObj = elliptic.ecdsaSign(buf, key2.iv);
- let msgHex = toHex(sigObj.signature);
- nonce++;
- that(key2.key, pubStrHex, msgHex + "01", deviceId);
- }
- const session$1 = (call) => {
- unsafeWindow.luoGenSession = function(that, appId, deviceId, userId) {
- let nav = window.navigator;
- let d = deviceId + nav.appCodeName + nav.appName + nav.appVersion;
- d = md5(d);
- session(that, appId, d, userId);
- };
- call && call();
- };
- function start() {
- let token = user.getToken();
- if (token == null) {
- elementPlus.ElMessage("阿里云助手:末登录,请登陆后使用");
- user.clearAll();
- return;
- }
- apiConfig();
- console.log(`${"\n"} %c v${"2.0.7"} 罗根大人 %c ${"\n"}${"\n"}`, "color: #fadfa3; background: #030307; padding:5px 0;", "background: #fadfa3; padding:5px 0;");
- listen();
- elementPlus.ElMessage("脚本加载中");
- session$1(function() {
- run();
- });
- function run(val) {
- setInterval(user.refSession, 3e5);
- user.refSession();
- ui();
- elementPlus.ElMessage({
- message: "阿里云助手加载成功",
- type: "success"
- });
- }
- }
- start();
-})(ElementPlus, $, axios, Vue, Hls, Artplayer);