You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
495 lines
19 KiB
495 lines
19 KiB
3 years ago
* 本地网页插件链接 hiker://files/rules/js/categories-header.js
* 子页面链接 hiker://page/categories-header
* 道长仓库链接
* 码云 Gitee 链接
* Object.assign 用法参考链接
* 1.
* 2.
* 3.
// 利用 Symbol 实现私有变量和私有方法,外界不可访问(参考链接2)
const symbolMap = {
// checkParams: Symbol('checkParams'),
mLayout: Symbol('mLayout'),
true_url: Symbol('true_url'),
mPage: Symbol('mPage'),
src: Symbol('src'),
ruleObjList: Symbol('ruleObjList'),
mFold: Symbol('mFold'),
mFoldInnerEnable: Symbol('mFoldInnerEnable'),
mFoldIndex: Symbol('mFoldIndex'),
mFoldLayout: Symbol('mFoldLayout'),
mColor: Symbol('mColor'),
mTag: Symbol('mTag'),
function CategoriesHeader(color) {
// 'use strict';
// ...
// this[symbolMap.listRule] = []
// this[symbolMap.subListRule] = []
this[symbolMap.mColor] = color || "#FA7298";
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList] = []
this.VARMAP = {
CATEGORY: "header.category",
URL: "header.url",
FOLD: "header.fold",
this[symbolMap.mFoldLayout] = {
injectIndex: 1
this[symbolMap.mFoldIndex] = 1
Object.assign(CategoriesHeader.prototype, {
// Override 构造方法,相当于 function.prototype.constructor = (...) => {...},new function() 的时候会自动执行
constructor: CategoriesHeader,
// 定义私有方法
VERSION: 202112011900,
checkParams() {
if (!this[symbolMap.mLayout]) {
throw new Error("请调用 layout(d) 传入当前界面")
if (!(this[symbolMap.src] || this[symbolMap.true_url])) {
throw new Error("请调用 trueUrl(url) 传入当前分类的链接或调用 html(mHtml) 传入当前分类页面的源码")
if (!this[symbolMap.mPage]) {
throw new Error("请调用 page(mPage) 传入当前页数")
if (this[symbolMap.ruleObjList].length < 1) {
throw new Error("请调用相关方法传入定位规则")
if (!this[symbolMap.mFold]) {
this[symbolMap.mFold] = '0'
layout(mLayout) {
this[symbolMap.mLayout] = mLayout
return this
trueUrl(url) {
this[symbolMap.true_url] = url
return this
page(mPage) {
if (typeof (mPage) === 'string') {
mPage = parseInt(mPage)
this[symbolMap.mPage] = mPage
return this
html(mSrc) {
this[symbolMap.src] = mSrc
return this
list(rule) {
if (this[symbolMap.ruleObjList].length > 0) {
throw new Error("list(rule) add(ruleObj) 只能二选一!")
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList] = [{}]
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0].listRule = rule
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0]['一级分类'] = rule
return this
subList(rule) {
if (this[symbolMap.ruleObjList].length > 1) {
throw new Error("subList(rule) add(ruleObj) 只能二选一!")
if (!this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0] || (!this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0].listRule && !this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0]['一级分类'])) {
throw new Error("请先调用 list(rule) 或 一级分类(rule) 定位一级分类")
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0].subListRule = rule
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0]['子分类'] = rule
return this
title(rule) {
if (this[symbolMap.ruleObjList].length > 1) {
throw new Error("title(rule) add(ruleObj) 只能二选一!")
if (!this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0] || (!this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0].listRule && !this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0]['一级分类'])) {
throw new Error("请先调用 list(rule) 或 一级分类(rule) 定位一级分类")
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0].titleRule = rule
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0]['分类标题'] = this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0].titleRule
return this
url(rule) {
if (this[symbolMap.ruleObjList].length > 1) {
throw new Error("url(rule) add(ruleObj) 只能二选一!")
if (!this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0] || (!this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0].listRule && !this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0]['一级分类'])) {
throw new Error("请先调用 list(rule) 或 一级分类(rule) 定位一级分类")
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0].urlRule = rule
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0]['分类链接'] = this[symbolMap.ruleObjList][0].urlRule
return this
* 是否开启折叠功能
* @param enabled true 表示开启,false 表示禁用
* @returns {CategoriesHeader}
foldInner(enabled) {
if (!(typeof (enabled) === 'boolean')) {
throw new Error("请传入 true 或 false 表示开启或关闭折叠功能!")
this[symbolMap.mFoldInnerEnable] = enabled
return this
* 从第 index 行开始折叠
* @param index 开始折叠的行数
* @returns {CategoriesHeader}
foldIndex(index) {
if (!(typeof (index) === 'number')) {
throw new Error("开始折叠行请传入数字!")
if (index < 1) {
throw new Error("开始折叠行请传入大于 0 的整数!")
this[symbolMap.mFoldIndex] = index || 1;
return this
* 折叠按钮的界面
* @param layout 与 d.push 结构一致,
* 例:{ title:"标题1", url:"xxx", col_type:"scroll_button" };
* 参数采用可选覆盖模式,不写的参数则使用默认;
* 比如传入 { col_type:"text_1" },那最终结果就是 { title:"标题1", url:"xxx", col_type:"text_1" }
* @returns {CategoriesHeader}
foldLayout(layout) {
if (typeof layout === 'object') {
let keys = Object.keys(layout)
let injectIndex = layout.injectIndex || layout['折叠按钮插入行']
if (layout.title || layout.url || layout.col_type || injectIndex) {
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i]
this[symbolMap.mFoldLayout][key] = layout[key];
} else {
throw new Error("请传入正确的折叠界面元素!")
// injectIndex 折叠按钮插入第 injectIndex 行
if (injectIndex) {
if (!(typeof (injectIndex) === 'number')) {
throw new Error("折叠按钮插入行请传入数字!")
if (injectIndex < 1) {
throw new Error("折叠按钮插入行请传入大于 0 的整数!")
if (injectIndex > this[symbolMap.mFoldIndex]) {
throw new Error("折叠按钮插入行不得大于显示折叠行数!请调用 .foldIndex(index) 或 .第几行开始折叠(index) 传入正确的显示折叠行数")
this[symbolMap.mFoldLayout].injectIndex = injectIndex || 1;
} else {
throw new Error("请传入正确的折叠界面元素!")
return this;
// 当前是否折叠
fold(isFold) {
if (typeof (isFold) === 'string') {
isFold = isFold === '1'
if (isFold) {
this[symbolMap.mFold] = '1';
} else {
this[symbolMap.mFold] = '0';
return this
color(mColor) {
this[symbolMap.mColor] = mColor
return this
tag(mTag) {
this[symbolMap.mTag] = mTag
return this
add(ruleObj) {
// log($.stringify(ruleObj))
if (ruleObj.constructor === Array) {
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList] = this[symbolMap.ruleObjList].concat(ruleObj)
} else {
return this;
evalJSRule(item, jsRule) {
let rule = jsRule.replace("@js:", "")
rule = rule.trim()
// log($.stringify(rule))
let input = item
if (rule.startsWith("(")) {
eval('result = ' + rule)
} else {
* 还原成 $.toString(...) 的最终结果,达到最终处理方式跟上面的 if 一致的目的
eval('result = ' + '(() => {' + rule + '})()')
return (result || '')
getTitle(src, category) {
let title = ''
let titleRule = category.titleRule || 'a&&Text'
if (titleRule.startsWith("@js:")) {
title = this.evalJSRule(src, titleRule)
} else {
title = parseDomForHtml(src, titleRule)
return title.trim() || "";
getUrl(src, category) {
let url = ''
let urlRule = category.urlRule || 'a&&href'
if (typeof urlRule === 'object') {
let mUrlRule = urlRule.rule || urlRule['解析规则'] || 'a&&href';
if (mUrlRule.startsWith("@js:")) {
url = this.evalJSRule(src, mUrlRule);
} else {
let parse = parseDom;
if (urlRule.parseOption) {
switch (urlRule.parseOption) {
case "parseDom":
case "pd":
parse = parseDom;
case "parseDomForHtml":
case "pdfh":
parse = parseDomForHtml;
parse = parseDom;
} else if (urlRule["解析方法"]) {
switch (urlRule["解析方法"]) {
case "parseDom":
case "pd":
parse = parseDom;
case "parseDomForHtml":
case "pdfh":
parse = parseDomForHtml;
parse = parseDom;
url = parse(src, mUrlRule);
if (urlRule.dealUrl) {
url = urlRule.dealUrl(url)
} else if (urlRule['二次处理']) {
url = urlRule['二次处理'](url)
} else {
if (urlRule.startsWith("@js:")) {
url = this.evalJSRule(src, urlRule);
} else {
url = parseDom(src, urlRule);
return url || "";
build() {
// 检测是否传入需要的参数
// 每一个分类的唯一标识
let mTag = this[symbolMap.mTag] || ""
//翻页 需要根据实际替换
const html = this[symbolMap.src] || request(this[symbolMap.true_url])
const empty = "hiker://empty"
const categories = []
this[symbolMap.ruleObjList].map(ruleObj => {
let list = []
let listRule = ruleObj.listRule || ruleObj["一级分类"]
if (listRule.startsWith("@js:")) {
// log($.stringify(listRule))
list = this.evalJSRule(html, listRule)
} else {
list = parseDomForArray(html, listRule)
// log(list)
| => {
list: category,
subListRule: ruleObj.subListRule || ruleObj["子分类"],
titleRule: ruleObj.titleRule || ruleObj["分类标题"],
urlRule: ruleObj.urlRule || ruleObj["分类链接"],
// log($.stringify(categories))
let init_cate = []
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
const cate_temp_json = getMyVar(mTag + this.VARMAP.CATEGORY, JSON.stringify(init_cate))
const cate_temp = JSON.parse(cate_temp_json)
if (this[symbolMap.mPage] === 1) {
categories.forEach((category, index) => {
// 折叠 UI
if (this[symbolMap.mFoldInnerEnable] && this[symbolMap.mFoldLayout].injectIndex === (index+1)) {
let foldLayout = {
title: this[symbolMap.mFoldLayout].title || (this[symbolMap.mFold] === '1' ? '““””<b><span style="color: #FF0000">∨</span></b>' : '““””<b><span style="color: #1aad19">∧</span></b>'),
url: this[symbolMap.mFoldLayout].url || $("hiker://empty#noHistory#").lazyRule((params) => {
putMyVar(params.mTag + params.VARMAP.FOLD, getMyVar(params.mTag + params.VARMAP.FOLD, params.isFold) === '1' ? '0' : '1')
return "hiker://empty"
}, {
mTag: mTag,
isFold: this[symbolMap.mFold],
col_type: this[symbolMap.mFoldLayout].col_type || "scroll_button",
let sub_categories = [];
if (category.subListRule.startsWith("@js:")) {
sub_categories = this.evalJSRule(category.list, category.subListRule)
} else {
sub_categories = parseDomForArray(category.list, category.subListRule);
if (index < (this[symbolMap.mFoldIndex] || 1)) {
sub_categories.forEach((item, key) => {
let title = this.getTitle(item, category)
let url = this.getUrl(item, category)
title: key.toString() === cate_temp[index] ? '““””<b><font color=' + this[symbolMap.mColor] + '>' + title + ' </font></b>' : title,
url: $(url).lazyRule((params) => {
let new_cate = []
if (params.index === 0) {
params.cate_temp.forEach((cate, index) => {
new_cate.push(index === 0 ? params.key.toString() : "0")
} else {
params.cate_temp[params.index] = params.key.toString()
putMyVar(params.tag + params.VARMAP.CATEGORY, JSON.stringify(params.index === 0 ? new_cate : params.cate_temp))
putMyVar(params.tag + params.VARMAP.URL, input)
return "hiker://empty"
}, {
cate_temp: cate_temp,
index: index,
tag: mTag,
key: key,
page: this[symbolMap.mPage],
col_type: 'scroll_button',
col_type: "blank_block"
} else if (this[symbolMap.mFold] === '0') {
sub_categories.forEach((item, key) => {
let title = this.getTitle(item, category)
let url = this.getUrl(item, category)
title: key.toString() === cate_temp[index] ? '““””<b><font color=' + this[symbolMap.mColor] + '>' + title + ' </font></b>' : title,
url: $(url).lazyRule((params) => {
params.cate_temp[params.index] = params.key.toString()
putMyVar(params.tag + params.VARMAP.CATEGORY, JSON.stringify(params.cate_temp))
putMyVar(params.tag + params.VARMAP.URL, input)
return "hiker://empty"
}, {
cate_temp: cate_temp,
index: index,
tag: mTag,
key: key,
page: this[symbolMap.mPage],
col_type: 'scroll_button',
col_type: "blank_block"
界面(layout) {
return this.layout(layout)
分类链接(trueUrl) {
return this.trueUrl(trueUrl);
页码(page) {
源码(html) {
return this.html(html);
定位一级分类(list) {
return this.list(list);
定位子分类(subList) {
return this.subList(subList);
定位分类标题(title) {
return this.title(title);
定位分类链接(url) {
return this.url(url);
开启内置折叠功能() {
return this.foldInner(true);
关闭内置折叠功能() {
return this.foldInner(false);
第几行开始折叠(index) {
return this.foldIndex(index);
折叠按钮样式(layout) {
return this.foldLayout(layout)
折叠(fold) {
return this.fold(fold);
选中的分类颜色(color) {
return this.color(color);
唯一标识(mTag) {
return this.tag(mTag)
添加分类定位(ruleObj) {
return this.add(ruleObj);
开始打造分类() {
$.exports = new CategoriesHeader();